Why is the left against securing our elections and why is it always the left whining about how hard it is to vote?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.
YES! The left can say the same thing but it comes out a little different(see below)!

1) $$$$$

2) Power & Control(PC)

3) God complex.
Pffft it was the most honest election in all of human history

How bad is it when even third world shitholes know what to do ?

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The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.
The Dems are the party of fraud, deceit, and corruption. The party of neo-bolsheviks and Jonathan Pollard, the American-born traitor who was "welcomed home" to israel last week and greeted at the airport by Hebee Bibi. The Dems are anti-American
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.
The Dems are the party of fraud, deceit, and corruption. The party of neo-bolsheviks and Jonathan Pollard, the American-born traitor who was "welcomed home" to israel last week and greeted at the airport by Hebee Bibi. The Dems are anti-American
WRONG. The statist left are pro THEMSELVES!!!
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.
The left are the true fascist of our time
They’re the 3rd Reich but with a “ happy face “
The elections have been certified. They have been audited. Everything has been done to show the election was legit. Why can't the right just face the fact that trump lost?
The election was stolen on so many levels. Never mind about the outright voter fraud. Just consider the fact that Google, Twitter, and Facebook all actively suppressed stories harmful to the Dems. Most people never even heard about Hunter Biden involving President* Biden in Chinese corruption. All it would have taken is 7200 votes in three key states for a Trump victory--even with the massive vote fraud. The Jew Coup was a fraud.

The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.

Maybe because you guys have a long history of using stunts like this to suppress minority votes.

Let's not forget, the same kinds of arguments were made about literacy tests and poll taxes 50 years ago. We're just making sure that the election has integrity.
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.
Bull, you are the ones complaining. Since I quit working the polls I simply apply for an absentee ballot, get it, fill it out and can now follow it online to the count. Simple as ordering online.

Try coming into the real world, go volunteer to work the polls. Your side tried to deny the election, not Democrats. Your fantasy failed in the mob that stormed Congress! Quit lying to yourself. The whiskey ain’t workin’ any more!
The elections have been certified. They have been audited. Everything has been done to show the election was legit. Why can't the right just face the fact that trump lost?
The election was stolen on so many levels. Never mind about the outright voter fraud. Just consider the fact that Google, Twitter, and Facebook all actively suppressed stories harmful to the Dems. Most people never even heard about Hunter Biden involving President* Biden in Chinese corruption. All it would have taken is 7200 votes in three key states for a Trump victory--even with the massive vote fraud. The Jew Coup was a fraud.

View attachment 452358

Oh, for God’s sake get off the fantasy train!

Biden won by 8 million votes, 306 electoral votes!
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.
The left are the true fascist of our time
They’re the 3rd Reich but with a “ happy face “
Poor, pitiful loser! Childish insults is all you have left.
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.
Made up crap from losers.
...The election was stolen on so many levels. Never mind about the outright voter fraud. Just consider the fact that Google, Twitter, and Facebook all actively suppressed stories harmful to the Dems. Most people never even heard about Hunter Biden involving President* Biden in Chinese corruption. All it would have taken is 7200 votes in three key states for a Trump victory--even with the massive vote fraud. The Jew Coup was a fraud.

View attachment 452358
It's all a Worldwide Jooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!! :auiqs.jpg:



Is there a psychiatrist in the house?
Don't like the present arrangement?

Then perhaps it's time to establish very detailed Federal standards that each State must follow.

The States have had 230 years to get this right and apparently they're still screwing-up, so...

You can have your Voter ID, which includes a proof-of-citizenship, and a digital cert(ificate) along the lines of the Real ID initiative...

But the other side gets paperless voting... you insert your Real ID... the voting machine checks the database.. then rejects your presence or allows you to vote.

Hell... screw vote-by-mail... anybody with a computer and a cheap smart-card reader can vote online, using two-factor identity verification...

Each county can have one (or a handful of) paper voting stations for folks who resist the newer, better way of doing things, or who need to file a 'provisional'.

And, in place of all those polling-place judges, a small army of electronic system administrators and bipartisan system auditors to keep things honest.

All in a closed-loop system that the Rooskies or Chinese would be hard-pressed to hack, and even immeasurably more difficult to tamper with.

A uniform system with uniform requirements administered uniformly and leaving little room for dispute, generating its results in real time.

Screw the local-yokels and corrupt local and State and regional election authorities... they've had their chance... for 230 years... time for a change.

And... there's always a way around a Constitutional sticking-point or statutory limitation or existing case law... all it takes is a little imagination and money.
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The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.
Made up crap from losers.
You will still be a loser under the new Khmer Rouge administration
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.

Maybe because you guys have a long history of using stunts like this to suppress minority votes.

Let's not forget, the same kinds of arguments were made about literacy tests and poll taxes 50 years ago. We're just making sure that the election has integrity.

Literacy tests and poll taxes have nothing to do with voter fraud. It sure does seem odd that Republicans are willing to vote by ID and the Democrats aren't.
Don't like the present arrangement?

Then perhaps it's time to establish very detailed Federal standards that each State must follow.

The States have had 230 years to get this right and apparently they're still screwing-up, so...

You can have your Voter ID, which includes a proof-of-citizenship, and a digital cert(ificate) along the lines of the Real ID initiative...

But the other side gets paperless voting... you insert your Real ID... the voting machine checks the database.. then rejects your presence or allows you to vote.

Hell... screw vote-by-mail... anybody with a computer and a cheap smart-card reader can vote online, using two-factor identity verification...

Each county can have one (or a handful of) paper voting stations for folks who resist the newer, better way of doing things, or who need to file a 'provisional'.

And, in place of all those polling-place judges, a small army of electronic system administrators and bipartisan system auditors to keep things honest.

All in a closed-loop system that the Rooskies or Chinese would be hard-pressed to hack, and even immeasurably more difficult to tamper with.

A uniform system with uniform requirements administered uniformly and leaving little room for dispute, generating its results in real time.

Screw the local-yokels and corrupt local and State and regional election authorities... they've had their chance... for 230 years... time for a change.

And... there's always a way around a Constitutional sticking-point or statutory limitation or existing case law... all it takes is a little imagination and money.

You have to show up in person. What is the problem leftists have with voting in person? Why do Republicans not have the same problem?
Don't like the present arrangement?

Then perhaps it's time to establish very detailed Federal standards that each State must follow.

The States have had 230 years to get this right and apparently they're still screwing-up, so...

You can have your Voter ID, which includes a proof-of-citizenship, and a digital cert(ificate) along the lines of the Real ID initiative...

But the other side gets paperless voting... you insert your Real ID... the voting machine checks the database.. then rejects your presence or allows you to vote.

Hell... screw vote-by-mail... anybody with a computer and a cheap smart-card reader can vote online, using two-factor identity verification...

Each county can have one (or a handful of) paper voting stations for folks who resist the newer, better way of doing things, or who need to file a 'provisional'.

And, in place of all those polling-place judges, a small army of electronic system administrators and bipartisan system auditors to keep things honest.

All in a closed-loop system that the Rooskies or Chinese would be hard-pressed to hack, and even immeasurably more difficult to tamper with.

A uniform system with uniform requirements administered uniformly and leaving little room for dispute, generating its results in real time.

Screw the local-yokels and corrupt local and State and regional election authorities... they've had their chance... for 230 years... time for a change.

And... there's always a way around a Constitutional sticking-point or statutory limitation or existing case law... all it takes is a little imagination and money.

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