Why is the left SO opposed to Trump?

Trump would destroy Hillary

Just saying...

He can out bullshit her...

All it will take is one 'listen sweetheart' or 'honey' reply uttered from those lemon sucking lips of his & it will be all over for him.

Leftist/commie/prog/democrats fear Trump and the power of his celebrity and personality.

They oughta know, they won twice with Obama. An inexperienced empty suit with nothing but personality, promises, and platitudes.....


:desk:Like we feared Sarah Palin? :lol:
When media focuses negatively on a non-dem candidate it means the left is scared.
Trump finances his own campaign and is therefore not beholden to any donors so he says what he wants. That is the appeal.
For Trump, I think it is all about enhancing the brand, even if it lands him in the White House.
He is his own Koch bros/George Soros. Except he is his own middle man politician. No need to buy any politicians because he is his own conduit to government.

UNTRUE. Trump has apparently changed his bad comb-over mind & is seeking donations. Take a looksey at his website, & right there under his pic is a great big ruby red DONATE button.


lol, oopsie, I guess he doesn't really want to part with his riches as much as he said he would.
When media focuses negatively on a non-dem candidate it means the left is scared.
Trump finances his own campaign and is therefore not beholden to any donors so he says what he wants. That is the appeal.
For Trump, I think it is all about enhancing the brand, even if it lands him in the White House.
He is his own Koch bros/George Soros. Except he is his own middle man politician. No need to buy any politicians because he is his own conduit to government.

UNTRUE. Trump has apparently changed his bad comb-over mind & is seeking donations. Take a looksey at his website, & right there under his pic is a great big ruby red DONATE button.


lol, oopsie, I guess he doesn't really want to part with his riches as much as he said he would.

Oh yes... PLEASE run with this! Play this up really big on every outlet you can find! Get e'rbody all worked up in a froth over it.... Have some pinhead shove a camera in Trump's face to explain it and watch him nail your ass again. :rofl:
When media focuses negatively on a non-dem candidate it means the left is scared.
Trump finances his own campaign and is therefore not beholden to any donors so he says what he wants. That is the appeal.
For Trump, I think it is all about enhancing the brand, even if it lands him in the White House.
He is his own Koch bros/George Soros. Except he is his own middle man politician. No need to buy any politicians because he is his own conduit to government.

UNTRUE. Trump has apparently changed his bad comb-over mind & is seeking donations. Take a looksey at his website, & right there under his pic is a great big ruby red DONATE button.


lol, oopsie, I guess he doesn't really want to part with his riches as much as he said he would.

Oh yes... PLEASE run with this! Play this up really big on every outlet you can find! Get e'rbody all worked up in a froth over it.... Have some pinhead shove a camera in Trump's face to explain it and watch him nail your ass again. :rofl:

WTF are you blathering about? Somebody said he's not taking donations. I pointed out he is. That poster was obviously wrong, & mistaken. LOL, so---how much have you donated? LOL.
Has anyone noticed how the left has gone from snickering ridicule of Trump to outright caustic animosity in just a few short weeks? Some of our favorite "insane clowns" here are posting some vicious and hostile threads about Trump. Taking every opportunity to run him in the ground any way they can. Looking for any little thing they can jump on and distort or take out of context to try and destroy Trump... even though they maintain he would be the "dream candidate" for the Dems in 2016.

I'm sort of puzzled by this. His positions on the issues are far from "extreme" ...in fact, he is probably one of the most moderate conservatives the base has supported in a long time. How many threads have been posted trying to expose Trump's "liberalism" with former positions he has taken and whatnot? He was a big Clinton supporter, supports universal health care, defends the good things Planned Parenthood does... you'd think the left would be pleased with someone so much in line with what they believe... but they don't seem too happy at all.

In fact, the more he rises in the polls, the more surly and mean they get. I think that it proves nothing is about principle with the left, it's all about political party power. The GOP could literally be nominating the most liberal person in America and the left would be LIVID... doing everything in their power to destroy them because they are running as a Republican and not a Democrat. This is ALL about political power... Above and beyond everything else. It is not about issues or solutions... it's about electing a goddamn Democrat... plain and simple.

He scares them, not just because of his politics. They hate Trump because he is an Alpha male who will fight back against their bullying. That, is what really scares them.
When media focuses negatively on a non-dem candidate it means the left is scared.
Trump finances his own campaign and is therefore not beholden to any donors so he says what he wants. That is the appeal.
For Trump, I think it is all about enhancing the brand, even if it lands him in the White House.
He is his own Koch bros/George Soros. Except he is his own middle man politician. No need to buy any politicians because he is his own conduit to government.

UNTRUE. Trump has apparently changed his bad comb-over mind & is seeking donations. Take a looksey at his website, & right there under his pic is a great big ruby red DONATE button.


lol, oopsie, I guess he doesn't really want to part with his riches as much as he said he would.

Oh yes... PLEASE run with this! Play this up really big on every outlet you can find! Get e'rbody all worked up in a froth over it.... Have some pinhead shove a camera in Trump's face to explain it and watch him nail your ass again. :rofl:

WTF are you blathering about? Somebody said he's not taking donations. I pointed out he is. That poster was obviously wrong, & mistaken. LOL, so---how much have you donated? LOL.

I've not donated anything since I am not supporting Trump at this time. My man is Ted Cruz.

But... Like I said... I want you to run with this! Tell all your friends, post it on every message board and forum or blog you can find. You know how to create a buzz... trend this mutherfucker up! I want this to be the top story on MSNBC, and I want every one of you asswipes to really play this up.... Then we'll watch Trump make fools out of you... AGAIN!

The man doesn't need the money. He continued to be inundated with supporters who wanted to be a part of the campaign by contributing. When all is said and done, he will report the total amount received in accordance with campaign finance laws, and then he will donate the money to charity.

So if you really want to look like a big fat idiot zero loser... play this up!

I dare you!
He scares them, not just because of his politics. They hate Trump because he is an Alpha male who will fight back against their bullying. That, is what really scares them.

Sure, sure....


... you go with that if it makes you feel better....
When media focuses negatively on a non-dem candidate it means the left is scared.
Trump finances his own campaign and is therefore not beholden to any donors so he says what he wants. That is the appeal.
For Trump, I think it is all about enhancing the brand, even if it lands him in the White House.
He is his own Koch bros/George Soros. Except he is his own middle man politician. No need to buy any politicians because he is his own conduit to government.

UNTRUE. Trump has apparently changed his bad comb-over mind & is seeking donations. Take a looksey at his website, & right there under his pic is a great big ruby red DONATE button.


lol, oopsie, I guess he doesn't really want to part with his riches as much as he said he would.

Oh yes... PLEASE run with this! Play this up really big on every outlet you can find! Get e'rbody all worked up in a froth over it.... Have some pinhead shove a camera in Trump's face to explain it and watch him nail your ass again. :rofl:

WTF are you blathering about? Somebody said he's not taking donations. I pointed out he is. That poster was obviously wrong, & mistaken. LOL, so---how much have you donated? LOL.

I've not donated anything since I am not supporting Trump at this time. My man is Ted Cruz.

But... Like I said... I want you to run with this! Tell all your friends, post it on every message board and forum or blog you can find. You know how to create a buzz... trend this mutherfucker up! I want this to be the top story on MSNBC, and I want every one of you asswipes to really play this up.... Then we'll watch Trump make fools out of you... AGAIN!

The man doesn't need the money. He continued to be inundated with supporters who wanted to be a part of the campaign by contributing. When all is said and done, he will report the total amount received in accordance with campaign finance laws, and then he will donate the money to charity.

So if you really want to look like a big fat idiot zero loser... play this up!

I dare you!

Calm down little one. Why so desperate? Over-react much? Who are you trying to CONvince... me or you?

Has anyone noticed how the left has gone from snickering ridicule of Trump to outright caustic animosity in just a few short weeks? Some of our favorite "insane clowns" here are posting some vicious and hostile threads about Trump. Taking every opportunity to run him in the ground any way they can. Looking for any little thing they can jump on and distort or take out of context to try and destroy Trump... even though they maintain he would be the "dream candidate" for the Dems in 2016.

I'm sort of puzzled by this. His positions on the issues are far from "extreme" ...in fact, he is probably one of the most moderate conservatives the base has supported in a long time. How many threads have been posted trying to expose Trump's "liberalism" with former positions he has taken and whatnot? He was a big Clinton supporter, supports universal health care, defends the good things Planned Parenthood does... you'd think the left would be pleased with someone so much in line with what they believe... but they don't seem too happy at all.

In fact, the more he rises in the polls, the more surly and mean they get. I think that it proves nothing is about principle with the left, it's all about political party power. The GOP could literally be nominating the most liberal person in America and the left would be LIVID... doing everything in their power to destroy them because they are running as a Republican and not a Democrat. This is ALL about political power... Above and beyond everything else. It is not about issues or solutions... it's about electing a goddamn Democrat... plain and simple.

He scares them, not just because of his politics. They hate Trump because he is an Alpha male who will fight back against their bullying. That, is what really scares them.

He wants to nail the hedge fund managers.
He scares them, not just because of his politics. They hate Trump because he is an Alpha male who will fight back against their bullying. That, is what really scares them.

Sure, sure....


... you go with that if it makes you feel better....

Keep telling yourself that isn't the reason. If that makes you feel better...

Good comeback. You seem to ooze originality. Did you think Sarah was feared too? I bet you did, didn't you. Oh if there is a God in heaven, tribblehead will make it as the nominee & take on Gidget for his VP... JUST like McCain did.
Calm down little one. Why so desperate? Over-react much? Who are you trying to CONvince... me or you?

Convince? I don't want to convince you of anything. Like I said, I think you may have the winner here... this might actually take Trump down-- when his base discovers he is taking donations! I can't imagine him ever coming back from something so devastating. What a full-blown total hypocrite, he's profiteering off the stupid gullible fools who he has duped into supporting him!

So run along now and tell everyone all about it!
When media focuses negatively on a non-dem candidate it means the left is scared.
Trump finances his own campaign and is therefore not beholden to any donors so he says what he wants. That is the appeal.
For Trump, I think it is all about enhancing the brand, even if it lands him in the White House.
He is his own Koch bros/George Soros. Except he is his own middle man politician. No need to buy any politicians because he is his own conduit to government.

UNTRUE. Trump has apparently changed his bad comb-over mind & is seeking donations. Take a looksey at his website, & right there under his pic is a great big ruby red DONATE button.


lol, oopsie, I guess he doesn't really want to part with his riches as much as he said he would.

Oh yes... PLEASE run with this! Play this up really big on every outlet you can find! Get e'rbody all worked up in a froth over it.... Have some pinhead shove a camera in Trump's face to explain it and watch him nail your ass again. :rofl:

WTF are you blathering about? Somebody said he's not taking donations. I pointed out he is. That poster was obviously wrong, & mistaken. LOL, so---how much have you donated? LOL.

Content=credibility in Conservistan. Basically that is it.

No amount of contrary evidence will ever change their mind:
Calm down little one. Why so desperate? Over-react much? Who are you trying to CONvince... me or you?

Convince? I don't want to convince you of anything. Like I said, I think you may have the winner here... this might actually take Trump down-- when his base discovers he is taking donations! I can't imagine him ever coming back from something so devastating. What a full-blown total hypocrite, he's profiteering off the stupid gullible fools who he has duped into supporting him!

So run along now and tell everyone all about it!

LOL, Trump will be taking himself down through the non answers he's giving & the bloviating he has been doing, & will continue to do. Correcting someone who was wrong about a fact is not something to have a thrombo over, so just relax & enjoy the circus show.
When media focuses negatively on a non-dem candidate it means the left is scared.
Trump finances his own campaign and is therefore not beholden to any donors so he says what he wants. That is the appeal.
For Trump, I think it is all about enhancing the brand, even if it lands him in the White House.
He is his own Koch bros/George Soros. Except he is his own middle man politician. No need to buy any politicians because he is his own conduit to government.

UNTRUE. Trump has apparently changed his bad comb-over mind & is seeking donations. Take a looksey at his website, & right there under his pic is a great big ruby red DONATE button.


lol, oopsie, I guess he doesn't really want to part with his riches as much as he said he would.

Oh yes... PLEASE run with this! Play this up really big on every outlet you can find! Get e'rbody all worked up in a froth over it.... Have some pinhead shove a camera in Trump's face to explain it and watch him nail your ass again. :rofl:

WTF are you blathering about? Somebody said he's not taking donations. I pointed out he is. That poster was obviously wrong, & mistaken. LOL, so---how much have you donated? LOL.

I've not donated anything since I am not supporting Trump at this time. My man is Ted Cruz.

But... Like I said... I want you to run with this! Tell all your friends, post it on every message board and forum or blog you can find. You know how to create a buzz... trend this mutherfucker up! I want this to be the top story on MSNBC, and I want every one of you asswipes to really play this up.... Then we'll watch Trump make fools out of you... AGAIN!

The man doesn't need the money. He continued to be inundated with supporters who wanted to be a part of the campaign by contributing. When all is said and done, he will report the total amount received in accordance with campaign finance laws, and then he will donate the money to charity.

So if you really want to look like a big fat idiot zero loser... play this up!

I dare you!

Calm down little one. Why so desperate? Over-react much? Who are you trying to CONvince... me or you?

Why so many posts on Trump threads?
When media focuses negatively on a non-dem candidate it means the left is scared.
Trump finances his own campaign and is therefore not beholden to any donors so he says what he wants. That is the appeal.
For Trump, I think it is all about enhancing the brand, even if it lands him in the White House.
He is his own Koch bros/George Soros. Except he is his own middle man politician. No need to buy any politicians because he is his own conduit to government.

UNTRUE. Trump has apparently changed his bad comb-over mind & is seeking donations. Take a looksey at his website, & right there under his pic is a great big ruby red DONATE button.


lol, oopsie, I guess he doesn't really want to part with his riches as much as he said he would.

Oh yes... PLEASE run with this! Play this up really big on every outlet you can find! Get e'rbody all worked up in a froth over it.... Have some pinhead shove a camera in Trump's face to explain it and watch him nail your ass again. :rofl:

WTF are you blathering about? Somebody said he's not taking donations. I pointed out he is. That poster was obviously wrong, & mistaken. LOL, so---how much have you donated? LOL.

Content=credibility in Conservistan. Basically that is it.

No amount of contrary evidence will ever change their mind:
Facts confound lefties. There is a big difference in being beholden to special interest funding and accepting donations.
Why is the left SO opposed to Trump?

They don't like cool and successful people.
When media focuses negatively on a non-dem candidate it means the left is scared.
Trump finances his own campaign and is therefore not beholden to any donors so he says what he wants. That is the appeal.
For Trump, I think it is all about enhancing the brand, even if it lands him in the White House.
He is his own Koch bros/George Soros. Except he is his own middle man politician. No need to buy any politicians because he is his own conduit to government.

UNTRUE. Trump has apparently changed his bad comb-over mind & is seeking donations. Take a looksey at his website, & right there under his pic is a great big ruby red DONATE button.


lol, oopsie, I guess he doesn't really want to part with his riches as much as he said he would.

Oh yes... PLEASE run with this! Play this up really big on every outlet you can find! Get e'rbody all worked up in a froth over it.... Have some pinhead shove a camera in Trump's face to explain it and watch him nail your ass again. :rofl:

WTF are you blathering about? Somebody said he's not taking donations. I pointed out he is. That poster was obviously wrong, & mistaken. LOL, so---how much have you donated? LOL.

Content=credibility in Conservistan. Basically that is it.

No amount of contrary evidence will ever change their mind:
Facts confound lefties. There is a big difference in being beholden to special interest funding and accepting donations.
Go Fund Me versus the NRA. Not that tough...

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