WHY is the Media pushing this transgender agenda so hard?

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020
It's not just media, but politicians mostly leftists, Large organizations like Disney, hollywood, large businesses, foreign politicians too of course....They're all on the same page on this, so answering the question for one no doubt answers the question for all of them for they are of one mind on this. I have links but first i just wanted to put the question out there. What's behind this agenda? Why? For what purpose?
It's not just media, but politicians mostly leftists, Large organizations like Disney, hollywood, large businesses, foreign politicians too of course....They're all on the same page on this, so answering the question for one no doubt answers the question for all of them for they are of one mind on this. I have links but first i just wanted to put the question out there. What's behind this agenda? Why? For what purpose?

Deviant sex has always been a magnet for perverts.
It's not just media, but politicians mostly leftists, Large organizations like Disney, hollywood, large businesses, foreign politicians too of course....They're all on the same page on this, so answering the question for one no doubt answers the question for all of them for they are of one mind on this. I have links but first i just wanted to put the question out there. What's behind this agenda? Why? For what purpose?
Destruction of the family. Drive a wedge between the parent and their kids.
There's always been a god of sex since near the beginning of time. Satan has declared war on God and his creation...man especially. And that is one of the goals miketx Man is a fleshly creature. Satan always gets us with sexual sins to one degree or another. He takes advantage of that.
It's called the Hot Button Fad.

There's always some idiotic fad going on that riles people up a bit.
The politicians jump on the fad band wagon and turn it into a hot button item.

Then the media jumps on it, construing, twisting, and deforming all of the truth and reality that is going on involving the Hot Button topic......making it worse, because this is how they make their money.

And the stupid thing is........it's always something nobody gives a rats ass about.
Do you remember the opening ceremony for the 35 mile long tunnel under the swiss alps a number of years ago?? Something like June 2016. Many european elites were present for that opening ceremony. They didn't bat an eyelash at the demonic/satanic aspects.
The Marxist way is to attack and destroy all traditions that create cohesiveness in the culture they want to overthrow. They take down statues, they put lawless politicians in law enforcement roles, they replace perverted filth in the place of wholesome teachings. THEY SPREAD EVIL. That is the way they accomplish the destruction and rebuilding of a society and if no one is willing to fight them with WHATEVER it takes, they WILL succeed.
Don't doubt that many of our elite politicians even in this country though they may reference God, they are anything but Christian. Pelousy, Biden, Obama, they know where their power lies. It's worse than marxism...it is satanism.
It's not just media, but politicians mostly leftists, Large organizations like Disney, hollywood, large businesses, foreign politicians too of course....They're all on the same page on this, so answering the question for one no doubt answers the question for all of them for they are of one mind on this. I have links but first i just wanted to put the question out there. What's behind this agenda? Why? For what purpose?
I think it's driven largely by a desire to flatten what they see as power disparities between the genders, by denying the concept of gender outright. Kind of stupid and counter-productive in my view. But politics is like that.
just something to think about or read if you're so inclined.

1. Shocking Report Shows Who Is Pushing Transgender Agenda

Bilek doesn't go nearly far enough. She tries to give an idea of who is pushing it ...but WHY?? It is so destructive. That right there is one reason...it is destructive and these folk want to destroy the US.
2. Why Is Mainstream Media Obsessed With Pushing 'LGBTIQ' Shows?

Division. yes. But still...why destroy your own country with this filth and perversion?

3. The Real Reason Behind the Transgender Agenda

yes Satanic. Has satan, the prince of the power of the Air, not just conquered the power of the 'air' but those that are working for it? likely.

The agenda is Satanic – to pervert nature and twist it away from the Christian foundations of the western world.

Troubled, broken adults are far easier to control, and that’s why they are coming after the children. If they can corrupt the youth, they will be easy pickings for the slaughter when the time comes.

Now is more important than ever to reject this “woke” rhetoric, your children and grandchildren are relying on their families to shield them and keep them safe.

4 Why Transgenderism Is Being Forced Upon America and Our Children | New American Prophet (N.A.P.)
The battle for our souls is being fought in the battle for our sexual bodies. God/his word is right. This is a spiritual battle...and if satan wins this...there will be darkness for a long long time. They go after the children because confused, sex focused kids are easier to control ...and dispose of.
yidnar said:
they are trying to turn more people into modern democrats ... the more feminine a male is and the more butch a females is the more likely they'll vote democrat .

that's true. the enemy knows exactly how to word it to make it sound so reasonable and tolerant and loving.

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. Proverbs 14:12

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