WHY is the Media pushing this transgender agenda so hard?

“Starting in 2010, when puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones became widely available, elevated suicide rates in states where minors can more easily access those medical interventions became observable,” said Jay P. Greene, senior research fellow at Heritage’s Center for Education Policy, the study’s author.

Evidence supporting the use of puberty blockers in children struggling with gender identity is of ‘very low’ quality, critics say.
The study, published on June 13, found that from 2010-20 the suicide rate spiked by 1.6 per 100,000 residents ages 12-23 in states where minors don’t need their parents’ permission to undergo routine medical care. That represents a 14% increase in the suicide rate in states with more lenient policies. Before 2010, the two groups of states “did not differ in their youth suicide rates,” the study said.


Soh continued: “Young people are particularly incentivized to claim they are transgender or a gender other than male or female, especially if they are white or heterosexual, because it lends them credibility on the intersectionality scale. Latching on to some form of minority status, no matter how frivolously, allows a person to switch sides from being considered a genocidal oppressor to an oppressed ally.

“The best part about ‘nonbinary’ or ‘genderfluid’ identities is they are easily adopted, and no one is allowed to question their validity. For those who are looking to score sympathy points or gain social capital, third-gender identities are a relatively easy way to opt in. The fact that a larger percentage of 18- to 29-year-olds say they are ‘nonbinary’ than transgender speaks to this. I can’t say I’m surprised that more time spent within the halls of academia is associated with a deeper familiarity with this ideology. It’s also one thing if adults choose to endorse beliefs untethered to reality.”


And there ya go right there...the last two paragraphs above. These kids are not trans....they are attention seekers.

waiting for some leftist on here to tell me i didn't read the article in 3.....2.........

“…young people are being seduced by many lies to get them to join into this social experiment. Here are some examples: Transitioning will make you no longer depressed; puberty blockers are completely reversible; gender affirmation will keep you from being suicidal; and gender affirmation surgery will solve all your maladies.
The end goal of “transitioning” is to help the gender dysphoric person be “happy,” but it doesn’t actually address the underlying issues.

Generally when a young person is suffering from depression or harmful thoughts, the last thing they need is to be lied to. They need people to tell them the truth, people who care enough to walk with them through their struggles and get to the underlying issues, be they mental, emotional, or otherwise.

“Transgenderism” is a community, and that seems to be what a lot of these teens are looking for, especially if they are white. Our current culture tells us that if you are white and straight then you are a hated privileged class and fair game for discrimination. Identifying as another gender or as a sexual identity gives them that status in society of being oppressed and therefore protected. It provides a community of peer pressure, though that ultimately leads these children down paths they did not intend to tread in their search for happiness.”

Sex-Reassignment Regret

People who were led astray by this social contagion are now retracting their claims.
This is one of the Great deceptions. These vulnerable kids are deceived into this lifestyle and many are even deceived into this HORRENDOUS surgery. WE are blamed for that. We are blamed for their anger, their misery and then We are blamed for their deaths. It is the trans activists and unaware/unknowing leftist supporters who want to believe everything they're told rather than believe their eyes OR the actual data on this phenomenon. They targetted these kids at a time when their sense of acceptance or rejection is greatest. They aim to hold them in this lifestyle and mindset because it is politically advantageous.
This is one of the Great deceptions. These vulnerable kids are deceived into this lifestyle and many are even deceived into this HORRENDOUS surgery. WE are blamed for that. We are blamed for their anger, their misery and then We are blamed for their deaths. It is the trans activists and unaware/unknowing leftist supporters who want to believe everything they're told rather than believe their eyes OR the actual data on this phenomenon. They targetted these kids at a time when their sense of acceptance or rejection is greatest. They aim to hold them in this lifestyle and mindset because it is politically advantageous.

Evidence seems to indicate that homosexuality is also a 'phase.'
Luckily this self-indoctrination doesn’t require permanent mutilation.

. “Homosexual activity to be more a matter of lifestyle than genetics. Consider the following analysis of the data, from columnist Michael Medved:

Moreover, even among those who describe themselves as homosexual or bisexual (a grand total of 3.7% of the 18-44 age group), overwhelming majorities (81%) say they’ve experienced sex with partners of the opposite gender. Among those who call themselves heterosexual, on the other hand, only a tiny minority (6%) ever engaged in physical intimacy of any kind with a member of the same sex. These figure indicate that 94% of those living heterosexual lives felt no physical attraction to members of the same sex, but the great bulk of self-identified homosexuals and bisexuals feel enough intimate interest in the opposite gender to engage in erotic contact at some stage in their development.

So, homosexual activists have continued to lie to us, stating that homosexuals have no choice regarding their orientation, and that 10% of the population is gay. They told these lies in order to further their agenda, and convince people that homosexuality should be accepted as an alternate lifestyle, and a natural and impelled aspect of their existence. It is to the point that most of the world’s population believe the lies.

But now, though the basis of the claims is clearly seen to be illegitimate, most continue to accept the discredited premise, and continue to advocate the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle. The title of Medved’s article , quoted above, is Does it matter if only 1.4% of people are gay? To begin the article, he states, “The results of this scientific research shouldn’t undermine the hard-won respect recently achieved by gay Americans, but they do suggest that choice and change play larger roles in sexual identity than commonly assumed.”
In the News: One Point Four Percent « Sound Teaching

"In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35.
For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation."
Column: Does it matter if only 1.4% of people are gay? - USATODAY.com
It's not just media, but politicians mostly leftists, Large organizations like Disney, hollywood, large businesses, foreign politicians too of course....They're all on the same page on this, so answering the question for one no doubt answers the question for all of them for they are of one mind on this. I have links but first i just wanted to put the question out there. What's behind this agenda? Why? For what purpose?
It's called virtue signaling. It is the left's religion.
They think it replaces morals. They think it makes them a good person.
It does neither.
It's called virtue signaling. It is the left's religion.
They think it replaces morals. They think it makes them a good person.
It does neither.

While it is a religion, the Left doesn't want you to call it such.

As one of their forebears noted:

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes."
Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY
Homosexuals cannot procreate with each other so, they need to use heterosexuals for the purpose of replicating and, since there is no 'gay gene' they need to capture the minds of innocent children early on when their sexual identity is somewhat developing and is aligning with their born gender. Also, homosexuals tend to like younger people for their sexual enjoyment because once they reach middle age, no one wants them. What should happen is, if a kid says they identify with the opposite gender, a doctor should refer the family to a psychologist to study the family unit because that is most likely where this dysphoria is coming from.
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No it isn't, it's due to a mental illness called gender dysphoria. Instead of treating the illness, those so afflicted are encouraged to pursue an aberrant lifestyle that eventually takes it's toll on them. Like most leftists, you blame everyone and everything else and fail to identify the real problem.
one of the oddest things is ...trans activists/drag queens...say 'we are so happy to see these kids celebrate WHO THEY ARE. Okay...you got boys celebrating that they're girls....and vice versa. They are not celebrating who they are. They are celebrating who they are pretending to be. And you want everyone else to go along with it.
Grow up

What if an obese person looses weight?
Or has bypass surgery?
Or gets a birthmark removed?
They celebrate who they are?

Please tell us WHY you are SO HATEFUL
Homosexuals cannot procreate with each other so, they need to use heterosexuals for the purpose of replicating and, since there is no 'gay gene' they need to capture the minds of innocent children early on when their sexual identity is somewhat developing and is aligning with their born gender. Also, homosexuals tend to like younger people for their sexual enjoyment because once they reach middle age, no one wants them. What should happen is, if a kid says they identify with the opposite gender, a doctor should refer the family to a psychologist to study the family unit because that is most likely where this dysphoria is coming from.
You are INSANE
Grow up

What if an obese person looses weight?
Or has bypass surgery?
Or gets a birthmark removed?
They celebrate who they are?

Please tell us WHY you are SO HATEFUL
What if a person with gender dysphoria seeks a cure to align them with their born sex? Would you celebrate that?
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It's not just media, but politicians mostly leftists, Large organizations like Disney, hollywood, large businesses, foreign politicians too of course....They're all on the same page on this, so answering the question for one no doubt answers the question for all of them for they are of one mind on this. I have links but first i just wanted to put the question out there. What's behind this agenda? Why? For what purpose?
Man Up and Take the Upper Class Down

Our self-appointed rulers are sissies terrified of all masculine images.
They want to weaken and literally destroy society.

That's why the Left and their lapdogs, the media, are pushing this atrocity.
The Best-Laid Plans of Micey Men

They want to obliterate America so they can "build back better." Creative Destruction. But all they will have to work with will be shreds.

However, they may not think that is a problem. After all, their Modern Art looks like a junkpile, so shredded people might be aesthetically pleasing to these degenerates.

sure took them a long time to arrest him. He had sex with and then sent porno to another teacher on the mainland..pennsylvania. Oh no. just gay..and we all know that gays aren't pedophiles at all on top of being a lying, hypocrite, child sex activist, pedo teacher.


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