WHY is the Media pushing this transgender agenda so hard?

There are quite a good number of democrat activists in the media disguised as "journalists". They get their orders from the party and use TV to push the agenda. That's why the majority of conservative pushback is on the radio.
dblack said:
I think it's driven largely by a desire to flatten what they see as power disparities between the genders, by denying the concept of gender outright. Kind of stupid and counter-productive in my view. But politics is like that.

it's part of the communist goals.
flan said:

i've already posted links to professional papers. It is not hatred. NO ONE hates these children and youth. They are TOLD that they are hated by heteros but that is to keep them down on the transgender farm...by trans activists. THey don't want them getting therapy, they want them mutilated till they cannot revert back to their god given sex. These people kill themselves or they ARE killed by their own or others usually related to trans. They kill themselves because they are STILL confused and trans activists do not help that. They kill themselves because after the surgery they realize what an atrocity has been done to them. They were promised a perfect life in a newly vamped body and that doesn't happen. DO YOU KNOW what the after effects of trans surgery is??. Pissing becomes near impossible, it takes 10 minutes and often they leak piss for an hour or more afterwards. They smell like urine. Often they are put on puberty blockers that retard penile growth so that often part of the colon has to be used to make a vagina. THAT is unpleasantly odorous. They often cannot engage in sex for many reasons related to the surgery or the neovagina. Some report no feeling at all in their crotch area. Now they cannot have Sex with ANYONE. They are miserable. They know they are missing something. They are angry that their doctor, therapist, parents encouraged them to do this to their bodies. and the best part. The ring of the stump of the penis cannot be surgically removed. It is with them forever. Get the picture? flan327
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This is why that swimmer leah whatever his name is will not get the surgery. He's not trans...he's an opportunist. In a way...i blame Jenner for this. These guys think they can have their victory in sports and then change sex later on.
You hate homophobes. Well okay sugarbritches. Do ya see just how propagandized you are? EVVVery Body but YOU hates homo/transsexuals. YOU are so..morally superior. how super for you.

People don't hate people with mental problems. Why does your side try so hard to keep them trans when often they want to reverse their decisions. But leftists have outlawed therapy for these young people to get that help. Your side rushes them into horrendous surgeries that will alter their lives and their health FOR EVER. And YOU are the morally SUPERIOR ones??? We really are living in hell right now. THIS must be what hell is like. Being the only sane people in a world gone nuts. People targetting children and youth and talking them into unhealthy lifestyles and surgeries. EVIL is called Good and Good is called evil. Up is down, right is wrong, dark is light, everything is backwards and opposite. I'm sorry for these kids. I got to watch them close up and they are on the verge of hysteria sometimes. They are convinced they are hated.

Schools teach these kids that it is not sports or education that gets them recognition and success...but rather, change who you are, call yourself any one of 57 different varieties of homosexuality and you become one of the most popular kids in school.. education be damned. This is not a good thing to do to kids.....they're so impressionable, no life experience and easily manipulated and what trans activists, trans activist teachers, transactivist doctors are doing to them is criminal.
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one of the oddest things is ...trans activists/drag queens...say 'we are so happy to see these kids celebrate WHO THEY ARE. Okay...you got boys celebrating that they're girls....and vice versa. They are not celebrating who they are. They are celebrating who they are pretending to be. And you want everyone else to go along with it.
I frighten you? That is so reminiscent of something i remember. Run away then. protect yourself. Do you feel unsafe....you on one side of the country, me on the other, on a computer....with keyboards between us...and you feel unsafe? drama princess?

you don't respond to any of the posts because you can't..... but rather state your alarm. how foolish you are..

“Starting in 2010, when puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones became widely available, elevated suicide rates in states where minors can more easily access those medical interventions became observable,” said Jay P. Greene, senior research fellow at Heritage’s Center for Education Policy, the study’s author.

Evidence supporting the use of puberty blockers in children struggling with gender identity is of ‘very low’ quality, critics say.
The study, published on June 13, found that from 2010-20 the suicide rate spiked by 1.6 per 100,000 residents ages 12-23 in states where minors don’t need their parents’ permission to undergo routine medical care. That represents a 14% increase in the suicide rate in states with more lenient policies. Before 2010, the two groups of states “did not differ in their youth suicide rates,” the study said.


Soh continued: “Young people are particularly incentivized to claim they are transgender or a gender other than male or female, especially if they are white or heterosexual, because it lends them credibility on the intersectionality scale. Latching on to some form of minority status, no matter how frivolously, allows a person to switch sides from being considered a genocidal oppressor to an oppressed ally.

“The best part about ‘nonbinary’ or ‘genderfluid’ identities is they are easily adopted, and no one is allowed to question their validity. For those who are looking to score sympathy points or gain social capital, third-gender identities are a relatively easy way to opt in. The fact that a larger percentage of 18- to 29-year-olds say they are ‘nonbinary’ than transgender speaks to this. I can’t say I’m surprised that more time spent within the halls of academia is associated with a deeper familiarity with this ideology. It’s also one thing if adults choose to endorse beliefs untethered to reality.”


And there ya go right there...the last two paragraphs above. These kids are not trans....they are attention seekers.

waiting for some leftist on here to tell me i didn't read the article in 3.....2.........
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