Why is the modern liberal in-love with decay and weakness?

That's not an opinion it's a statement based on plenty of evidence. There's no need to look any further than their reaction to the election.

Democrat's leadership - They represent weakness, dishonesty and the contrary. Al Sharpton, the Clintons, Elizabeth Warren, Pelosi and the Obamas.

Policy - Such as men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom. It's so pathetic even their own leaders wouldn't buy it until t became "politically correct".

Rhetoric & Desperation - It's no more than emotional rant. Trump is the Gastapo, the Russians cheated, Hillary "won" the popular vote.

Projection - It's the police force's fault black culture in DEMOCRAT cities are struggling. It's the white man's fault blacks kill so many blacks. It's the rich man's fault you don't earn $15 dropping french fries and pressing a timer.

Tolerance - If you're hip then you might be accepted. If you're not then prepare for some abuse by an abused feral cat. Be sure they'll study every word and action too.

Hypocrisy - Too many instances to cite. How about Democrats are charitable, yet Republicans give more to charity. Liberals don't walk the walk because it's ALL talk.

Liberal base - Turn-genders, anarchists, reactionaries, millennials, feminists, teachers (not doers), media, Hollywood, blacks who continue to embrace a lie, and those who have trouble speaking English (irony).

Ok I'll bite anyway. Where to start ...... CHARITY!

Republicans don't give to charity . They give to their church and count that as charity .

It must have worked. God gave us the election.

Decay of great nations have always had more to do with the decay of the infrastructure, the science institutions and the economy at home. The economy is doing pretty good.

It most often begins with the decay of the moral principles of the people who make up these great nations.
Decay of great nations have always had more to do with the decay of the infrastructure, the science institutions and the economy at home. The economy is doing pretty good.
Wrong. The decay of great nations always occurs because there are too many people riding in the wagon and too few people pulling the wagon.
That's not an opinion it's a statement based on plenty of evidence. There's no need to look any further than their reaction to the election.

Democrat's leadership - They represent weakness, dishonesty and the contrary. Al Sharpton, the Clintons, Elizabeth Warren, Pelosi and the Obamas.

Policy - Such as men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom. It's so pathetic even their own leaders wouldn't buy it until t became "politically correct".

Rhetoric & Desperation - It's no more than emotional rant. Trump is the Gastapo, the Russians cheated, Hillary "won" the popular vote.

Projection - It's the police force's fault black culture in DEMOCRAT cities are struggling. It's the white man's fault blacks kill so many blacks. It's the rich man's fault you don't earn $15 dropping french fries and pressing a timer. The Republican party is corrupt even though the Democrats proved corrupt.

Tolerance - If you're hip then you might be accepted. If you're not then prepare for some abuse by an abused feral cat. Be sure they'll study every word and action too.

Hypocrisy - Too many instances to cite. How about Democrats are charitable, yet Republicans give more to charity. Liberals don't walk the walk because it's ALL talk.

Liberal base - Turn-genders, anarchists, reactionaries, millennials, feminists, teachers (not doers), media, Hollywood, blacks who continue to embrace a lie, and those who have trouble speaking English (irony).

Your premise is false. I have no love for either your obvious decay,

or weakness.
I'll bite again: TOLERANCE

Lol! The idea that conservatives are more tolerant is indeed laughable .

I challenge you to provide ONE example of right wing tolerance . Just one !!!

LOL..........Was this supposed to be hard? What were you planning to do if someone was successful?

Lol! Great example . He only became tolerant of gays WHEN HIS OWN SON came out .

Is it really tolerant when you have a personal stake ?

Ah poor poor baby.........You asked for one example and one example won't be tolerated. How about this one? See :35

So you admit that being for gay marraige is a form of tolerance . Meaning that liberals are the tolerant ones because they ACTUALLY accept gay marriage unlike most conservatives.
I'll bite again: TOLERANCE

Lol! The idea that conservatives are more tolerant is indeed laughable .

I challenge you to provide ONE example of right wing tolerance . Just one !!!

LOL..........Was this supposed to be hard? What were you planning to do if someone was successful?

Lol! Great example . He only became tolerant of gays WHEN HIS OWN SON came out .

Is it really tolerant when you have a personal stake ?

Ah poor poor baby.........You asked for one example and one example won't be tolerated. How about this one? See :35

So you admit that being for gay marraige is a form of tolerance . Meaning that liberals are the tolerant ones because they ACTUALLY accept gay marriage unlike most conservatives.

"Being "tolerant" just sounds better than being an enabler and Liberals are definitely the largest group of enablers in the world. Being "tolerant" like being an enabler is something only nut-jobs see as a positive and something to brag about. That's how an unreasonable, illogical mind works.
A Liberal will help their heroin addict son obtain his heroin and truly believe they're doing a good deed.
See, the objective for a Liberal is never to solve and end a problem...it's all about 'treating' and 'managing' problems.
A Conservative will use the tough love method effectively solving the problem at the root.
Elementary shit here folks...just apply a little old fashioned simple logic."
I'll bite again: TOLERANCE

Lol! The idea that conservatives are more tolerant is indeed laughable .

I challenge you to provide ONE example of right wing tolerance . Just one !!!

LOL..........Was this supposed to be hard? What were you planning to do if someone was successful?

Lol! Great example . He only became tolerant of gays WHEN HIS OWN SON came out .

Is it really tolerant when you have a personal stake ?

Ah poor poor baby.........You asked for one example and one example won't be tolerated. How about this one? See :35

So you admit that being for gay marraige is a form of tolerance . Meaning that liberals are the tolerant ones because they ACTUALLY accept gay marriage unlike most conservatives.

"Being "tolerant" just sounds better than being an enabler and Liberals are definitely the largest group of enablers in the world. Being "tolerant" like being an enabler is something only nut-jobs see as a positive and something to brag about. That's how an unreasonable, illogical mind works.
A Liberal will help their heroin addict son obtain his heroin and truly believe they're doing a good deed.
See, the objective for a Liberal is never to solve and end a problem...it's all about 'treating' and 'managing' problems.
A Conservative will use the tough love method effectively solving the problem at the root.
Elementary shit here folks...just apply a little old fashioned simple logic."

Helping heroin addicts obtain heroin?! What are you talking about ?

You live in right wing bizzaro world where you constantly make shit up.
I'll bite again: TOLERANCE

Lol! The idea that conservatives are more tolerant is indeed laughable .

I challenge you to provide ONE example of right wing tolerance . Just one !!!

LOL..........Was this supposed to be hard? What were you planning to do if someone was successful?

Lol! Great example . He only became tolerant of gays WHEN HIS OWN SON came out .

Is it really tolerant when you have a personal stake ?

Ah poor poor baby.........You asked for one example and one example won't be tolerated. How about this one? See :35

So you admit that being for gay marraige is a form of tolerance . Meaning that liberals are the tolerant ones because they ACTUALLY accept gay marriage unlike most conservatives.

It's funny yet when put to a vote in the land of fruits and nuts... They voted against gay marriage...

The local vote says you are lying.

LOL..........Was this supposed to be hard? What were you planning to do if someone was successful?

Lol! Great example . He only became tolerant of gays WHEN HIS OWN SON came out .

Is it really tolerant when you have a personal stake ?

Ah poor poor baby.........You asked for one example and one example won't be tolerated. How about this one? See :35

So you admit that being for gay marraige is a form of tolerance . Meaning that liberals are the tolerant ones because they ACTUALLY accept gay marriage unlike most conservatives.

"Being "tolerant" just sounds better than being an enabler and Liberals are definitely the largest group of enablers in the world. Being "tolerant" like being an enabler is something only nut-jobs see as a positive and something to brag about. That's how an unreasonable, illogical mind works.
A Liberal will help their heroin addict son obtain his heroin and truly believe they're doing a good deed.
See, the objective for a Liberal is never to solve and end a problem...it's all about 'treating' and 'managing' problems.
A Conservative will use the tough love method effectively solving the problem at the root.
Elementary shit here folks...just apply a little old fashioned simple logic."

Helping heroin addicts obtain heroin?! What are you talking about ?

You live in right wing bizzaro world where you constantly make shit up.

Sometimes you have to speak metaphorically and create analogies for the iQ challenged to understand and see things with clarity. You really can't see the correlation can you?
"I tolerate big Bubba with a penis who thinks he has a right to pee next to my 13 year old daughter."
"I tolerate my son doing heroin as that's what he wants to do."
Wooohooo.....I'M TOLERANT!
Neither are situations a sane, moral human would brag about as being something positive.
Pure troll thread... It takes an 80 year old christian man to call out the author as a liar.
That's not an opinion it's a statement based on plenty of evidence. There's no need to look any further than their reaction to the election.

Democrat's leadership - They represent weakness, dishonesty and the contrary. Al Sharpton, the Clintons, Elizabeth Warren, Pelosi and the Obamas.

Policy - Such as men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom. It's so pathetic even their own leaders wouldn't buy it until t became "politically correct".

Rhetoric & Desperation - It's no more than emotional rant. Trump is the Gastapo, the Russians cheated, Hillary "won" the popular vote.

Projection - It's the police force's fault black culture in DEMOCRAT cities are struggling. It's the white man's fault blacks kill so many blacks. It's the rich man's fault you don't earn $15 dropping french fries and pressing a timer.

Tolerance - If you're hip then you might be accepted. If you're not then prepare for some abuse by an abused feral cat. Be sure they'll study every word and action too.

Hypocrisy - Too many instances to cite. How about Democrats are charitable, yet Republicans give more to charity. Liberals don't walk the walk because it's ALL talk.

Liberal base - Turn-genders, anarchists, reactionaries, millennials, feminists, teachers (not doers), media, Hollywood, blacks who continue to embrace a lie, and those who have trouble speaking English (irony).

Ok I'll bite anyway. Where to start ...... CHARITY!

Republicans don't give to charity . They give to their church and count that as charity .

Because it is charity and churches do the most charitable work.

They might . But they ain't charities . They can do whatever they want with the money and they don't have to report shit .
Dear Timmy
Yes and no.
Corporations like the insurance companies that got paid up front federal money under ACA havent had to answer to taxpayers either!
Nonprofits can spend 5% on the services they collect money for.

So its up to donors and taxpayers to demand free choice which organizations deserve funding. We the taxpayers DIDNT have a choice with ACA, that's the problem! But if we did, then TAXPAYERS would control where our income goes: you could STILL CHOOSE to give to govt but YOU would have direct say on WHICH corporate programs meet single payer standards and NOT pay either for profit pharmaceutical or insurance lobbies or pay nonprofits you don't trust either! You and other taxpayers would have FREE Choice of WHICH programs Compete to provide the most effective services for the most people:

Look up
* AmeriCares that spends 86% or higher on services and has a great track record
* Doctors Without Borders that won a Nobel for their work
* St. Jude's Children s Hospital that has such a reliable reputation, even one of my atheist friends who rejects and distrusts all faith based churches or charities as pushing agenda respects St. Jude's and told me he wants any of his remaining possessions or resources to be sold and donated there rather than his own daughter

So Timmy the whole FU point of free choice ***IS*** to give taxpayers and donors full control in decisions where those dollars go.

If you don't trust nonprofit charities then you have FREE choice NOT to pay them! Bingo! Exactly!

And people who dont trust govt ties with corporate insurance interests dont have to pay them either! Wow! What a concept!

Imagine the party of "free choice" actually respecting free choice of taxpayers -- either to CHOOSE to pay and participate under the public option or to CHOOSE if we d rather fund charity hospitals that serve the poor for FREE. Which means YOU ARENT required to fund them either!

What a concept, right?
For liberal "pro choice" Democrats and progressives to respect FREE Choice and keeping govt regulations and penalties out of PRIVATE decisions that belong to people to choose freely.

Wait my head must be spinning...
The thought of pro choice Democrats actually respecting free choice instead of govt dictating and penalizing it...hold on, what am I saying? Sorry that makes too much sense. The idea of Democrats being the party of free choice? What planet am I on? Whoa!!!
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