CDZ Why is the Traditional/Nuclear family so Vilified these days?


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
Through the 1950's and even into the 1960's the Traditional/Nuclear family lifestyle was very common here in the United States. This would be defined as a Single-Income family with or without children where the woman was the homemaker and the man was the breadwinner. These families based their lifestyle on the morals and values that they were taught by their parents and passed on to their children.

This type of lifestyle has slowly eroded over the last half century. Not only has this type of lifestyle become less common, but those people who still engage in it are often Villified. The men are seen as tyranical mysoginists who hate women while the women are presented as brainless twits, automatons, Stepford Wives, and traitors to the great Feminist sisterhood.

Why do you think it is that this lifestyle, which was once the core of American society has now become so hated and villified by such large segments of our society?
I would say it was not as Leave It To Beaver as you are making it sound. Lots of women were basically under the control of misogynistic men that refused to view them as equals. Some where abused and held captive then left with no skills with which to utilize in the job market. Society looked at these women as if they had an eye in the middle of their forehead if they wanted to get a job.

The next factor is that the tax revenue goes up when you double the tax base by having 2 parent households. I have some other theories but they probably would sound very conspiratorial.
I would say it was not as Leave It To Beaver as you are making it sound. Lots of women were basically under the control of misogynistic men that refused to view them as equals. Some where abused and held captive then left with no skills with which to utilize in the job market. Society looked at these women as if they had an eye in the middle of their forehead if they wanted to get a job.

Why the families were the way they were, and whether it was a perfect system is pretty much immaterial. This was the Traditional/Nuclear family for better or worse, and in most of Western Society it had been for the better over the past millenium and definitely over the prior 400 years; including the Golden Age of the 1950's.

The next factor is that the tax revenue goes up when you double the tax base by having 2 parent households. I have some other theories but they probably would sound very conspiratorial.

Are you suggesting that the Government pushed for less single-income households with the express purpose of increasing tax revenue? That sounds fairly conspiritorial on its own.
I would say it was not as Leave It To Beaver as you are making it sound. Lots of women were basically under the control of misogynistic men that refused to view them as equals. Some where abused and held captive then left with no skills with which to utilize in the job market. Society looked at these women as if they had an eye in the middle of their forehead if they wanted to get a job.

Why the families were the way they were, and whether it was a perfect system is pretty much immaterial. This was the Traditional/Nuclear family for better or worse, and in most of Western Society it had been for the better over the past millenium and definitely over the prior 400 years; including the Golden Age of the 1950's.

The next factor is that the tax revenue goes up when you double the tax base by having 2 parent households. I have some other theories but they probably would sound very conspiratorial.

Are you suggesting that the Government pushed for less single-income households with the express purpose of increasing tax revenue? That sounds fairly conspiritorial on its own.
Your first reply is a matter of opinion and not fact. Of course it was great for some people but it was terrible for others.

Yes I am suggesting the government made sure there were more people paying more taxes. I guess it does sound conspiratorial but like your first response its just an opinion.
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The "nuclear family" represents another vestige of "white privilege."
The nuclear family came under attack from the depraved and immoral progressive left in the 60s. They adhere to an ideology that requires a large population of underfed, undereducated, brainwashed workers, and they can only achieve that if they eliminate religion and nuclear families...and substitute the state and depravity in their place.
Through the 1950's and even into the 1960's the Traditional/Nuclear family lifestyle was very common here in the United States. This would be defined as a Single-Income family with or without children where the woman was the homemaker and the man was the breadwinner. These families based their lifestyle on the morals and values that they were taught by their parents and passed on to their children.

This type of lifestyle has slowly eroded over the last half century. Not only has this type of lifestyle become less common, but those people who still engage in it are often Villified. The men are seen as tyranical mysoginists who hate women while the women are presented as brainless twits, automatons, Stepford Wives, and traitors to the great Feminist sisterhood.

Why do you think it is that this lifestyle, which was once the core of American society has now become so hated and villified by such large segments of our society?

You're talking about an extremely limited group of people and in an extremely limited amount of time. That isn't how it played out and I think you know this. It applied only to those in the upper white classes. The vast majority of households had both the man and woman working. It was never the core. It was an ideal for those that wanted women to step down from their jobs so that the returning men could have those jobs back. The higher paying jobs that could be accessed with a shortage of workers.

Every time there is an economic crisis then the battle cry for women to stay at home comes out.

This little imaginary tale has done a great deal of damage and not just to women but to men. Many men now think, and thus our boys also think, that their entire lives are to be spent working for someone else. That is an incredible amount of pressure. Here is your life, kid: work 16 hours a day to be the provider.

We still have women that think that they are to be economically dependent on men. So, if the relationship ends then they have nothing to fall back on.
Now, you are looking at the potential for abuse. There are men out there that believe that as long as women are financially dependent then they have nowhere to go and won't leave and they can do whatever they want. Then they whine. If hubby dumps them for the secretary then they encounter poverty-and have the kids. Then they whine.

Further, this nuclear family ideal has come to kick people in the ass because now they spend a whole lot of time pushing down the aging parents should live at home instead of the 24 hour care that many require. The nuclear family lie didn't come around until the 1920s

If your thing is the 1950s household then that is fine but let's not lie and say that is what it was.

And while I am at it, there are men that are against this as well. Yet, the mixed message that comes is for women to marry up- especially at the poverty level. There is an awful lot of issues created by maintaining this lie.
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Your first reply is a matter of opinion and not fact. Of course it was great for some people but it was terrible for others.

I would suggest that Great for some/Terrible for others is the standard state of the world in every age.

Yes I am suggesting the government made sure there were more people paying more taxes. I guess it does sound conspiratorial but like your first response its just an opinion.

I wasn't necessarily disagreeing, just making sure that I was correct in my understanding.
The "nuclear family" represents another vestige of "white privilege."

Based on what, if I may ask? Is there some cosmic law I'm unaware of that precludes asian, hispanic, african and other racial groups from engaging in that sort of lifestyle?
Through the 1950's and even into the 1960's the Traditional/Nuclear family lifestyle was very common here in the United States. This would be defined as a Single-Income family with or without children where the woman was the homemaker and the man was the breadwinner. These families based their lifestyle on the morals and values that they were taught by their parents and passed on to their children.

This type of lifestyle has slowly eroded over the last half century. Not only has this type of lifestyle become less common, but those people who still engage in it are often Villified. The men are seen as tyranical mysoginists who hate women while the women are presented as brainless twits, automatons, Stepford Wives, and traitors to the great Feminist sisterhood.

Why do you think it is that this lifestyle, which was once the core of American society has now become so hated and villified by such large segments of our society?

I have nothing against the nuclear family. If that is what a family wants.

I have no idea what you are basing your opinion on.
I would say it was not as Leave It To Beaver as you are making it sound. Lots of women were basically under the control of misogynistic men that refused to view them as equals. Some where abused and held captive then left with no skills with which to utilize in the job market. Society looked at these women as if they had an eye in the middle of their forehead if they wanted to get a job.

Why the families were the way they were, and whether it was a perfect system is pretty much immaterial. This was the Traditional/Nuclear family for better or worse, and in most of Western Society it had been for the better over the past millenium and definitely over the prior 400 years; including the Golden Age of the 1950's.


Seriously- the 'Golden Age' of the 1950's? What made that the 'Golden Age'?

There were good things about the 1950's- and bad things about the 1950's.
The nuclear family came under attack from the depraved and immoral progressive left in the 60s. They adhere to an ideology that requires a large population of underfed, undereducated, brainwashed workers, and they can only achieve that if they eliminate religion and nuclear families...and substitute the state and depravity in their place.

Mod Edit - this is CDZ. No put downs, insults flaming other members.
Through the 1950's and even into the 1960's the Traditional/Nuclear family lifestyle was very common here in the United States. This would be defined as a Single-Income family with or without children where the woman was the homemaker and the man was the breadwinner. These families based their lifestyle on the morals and values that they were taught by their parents and passed on to their children.

This type of lifestyle has slowly eroded over the last half century. Not only has this type of lifestyle become less common, but those people who still engage in it are often Villified. The men are seen as tyranical mysoginists who hate women while the women are presented as brainless twits, automatons, Stepford Wives, and traitors to the great Feminist sisterhood.

Why do you think it is that this lifestyle, which was once the core of American society has now become so hated and villified by such large segments of our society?
Why do you think the nuclear family is the traditional family? The nuclear family, along with all previously 'normal' family structures are reflections on economic conditions and circumstances.

When the majority of folks lived on a farm, the extended family was the norm. Grandparents, uncles and aunts and even siblings of the parents lived communally in order to have enough manpower to run the farm.

The nuclear family, Father Mother and offspring, was the norm when industrialization happened and folks had to move to where the jobs were.

The family structure is in a constant state of flux as agriculture and industry fade as means of making a living.

Tradition? Not always.
I don't think it has very much to do with the nuclear family becoming vilified and more so that it became economically infeasible to sustain a single income household for most Americans.
I would say it was not as Leave It To Beaver as you are making it sound. Lots of women were basically under the control of misogynistic men that refused to view them as equals. Some where abused and held captive then left with no skills with which to utilize in the job market. Society looked at these women as if they had an eye in the middle of their forehead if they wanted to get a job.

Why the families were the way they were, and whether it was a perfect system is pretty much immaterial. This was the Traditional/Nuclear family for better or worse, and in most of Western Society it had been for the better over the past millenium and definitely over the prior 400 years; including the Golden Age of the 1950's.

The next factor is that the tax revenue goes up when you double the tax base by having 2 parent households. I have some other theories but they probably would sound very conspiratorial.

Are you suggesting that the Government pushed for less single-income households with the express purpose of increasing tax revenue? That sounds fairly conspiritorial on its own.
I don't see the old-style nuclear family vilified...what I see is other families no longer vilified.
The nuclear family came under attack from the depraved and immoral progressive left in the 60s. They adhere to an ideology that requires a large population of underfed, undereducated, brainwashed workers, and they can only achieve that if they eliminate religion and nuclear families...and substitute the state and depravity in their place.
That's funny because before all the liberal regulations that you hate were put into place a population of underfed, uneducated, brainwashed workers is exactly what we had.
Through the 1950's and even into the 1960's the Traditional/Nuclear family lifestyle was very common here in the United States. This would be defined as a Single-Income family with or without children where the woman was the homemaker and the man was the breadwinner. These families based their lifestyle on the morals and values that they were taught by their parents and passed on to their children.

This type of lifestyle has slowly eroded over the last half century. Not only has this type of lifestyle become less common, but those people who still engage in it are often Villified. The men are seen as tyranical mysoginists who hate women while the women are presented as brainless twits, automatons, Stepford Wives, and traitors to the great Feminist sisterhood.

Why do you think it is that this lifestyle, which was once the core of American society has now become so hated and villified by such large segments of our society?
Why do you think the nuclear family is the traditional family? The nuclear family, along with all previously 'normal' family structures are reflections on economic conditions and circumstances.

When the majority of folks lived on a farm, the extended family was the norm. Grandparents, uncles and aunts and even siblings of the parents lived communally in order to have enough manpower to run the farm.

The nuclear family, Father Mother and offspring, was the norm when industrialization happened and folks had to move to where the jobs were.

The family structure is in a constant state of flux as agriculture and industry fade as means of making a living.

Tradition? Not always.
I find that different people have some really wild ideas about what constitutes a norm. I remember when I was in Korea and my grandmother died I was told I couldnt come back for her funeral since she was not immediate family. I was confused because my grandma was a part of my immediate family to me.
Through the 1950's and even into the 1960's the Traditional/Nuclear family lifestyle was very common here in the United States. This would be defined as a Single-Income family with or without children where the woman was the homemaker and the man was the breadwinner. These families based their lifestyle on the morals and values that they were taught by their parents and passed on to their children.

This type of lifestyle has slowly eroded over the last half century. Not only has this type of lifestyle become less common, but those people who still engage in it are often Villified. The men are seen as tyranical mysoginists who hate women while the women are presented as brainless twits, automatons, Stepford Wives, and traitors to the great Feminist sisterhood.

Why do you think it is that this lifestyle, which was once the core of American society has now become so hated and villified by such large segments of our society?

Morals and values aren't dependent on a certain type of life style.

In addition, the so-called "Nuclear Family" lifestyle was fraught with problems for women including often a lack of respect for the stay-at home woman and the works she had to do if she had children was often valued as "less then". Add to that, if things go south in the relationship a man could divorce her, she would have few resources, no job skills because "homemaker" doesn't work well in the outside job market. The so-called "traditional family" hid a lot of abuses - alcohalism, domestic violence, dependancy. It has it's good points, but the bad points shouldn't be ignored in the yearning for some non-existant golden age.

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