Why is the USDA paying for people to get high speed internet?

Being the USDA has an annual budget over 150 billion dollars, and they aren't paying out as much in food stamps and welfare (Thank you President Trump), they have to paperswipe something to keep this kind of public theft accountable. Waalaa! Internet!
Being the USDA has an annual budget over 150 billion dollars, and they aren't paying out as much in food stamps and welfare (Thank you President Trump), they have to paperswipe something to keep this kind of public theft accountable. Waalaa! Internet!

It was partly Trump who reduced food stamps. But give credit to all those Republican Governors who implemented standards in order to receive food stamps in their state before Trump came along.
One has nothing to do with the other. The federal government isn't supposed to be funding the states anyhow. What the federal government is charged to provide the people is written in a document called the US Constitution.
of course federal aid to States is absolutely huge, ding dong. You seem to want us to go back to the eighteen hundreds where people could die from food housing travel and the last time we had inequality this bad. Read "the good old days-they were terrible!"

What a moron. Now you're going to try and compare high-speed internet with people dying from bad food?
Before we had government to help us, life was very dangerous and for most people a real pain in the ass. The industrial revolution needed government intervention and regulations. And does again after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everybody else.

Right, and life will be so dangerous and and difficult for people with no high-speed internet.
High-speed internet is needed to keep us competitive with the rest of the worldwho are not dupes of the lying thieving cheating brainwashing scumbag greedy idiot Rich GOP, brainwashed functional idiot.

Farmers having high-speed internet is not going to do any of that.
of course federal aid to States is absolutely huge, ding dong. You seem to want us to go back to the eighteen hundreds where people could die from food housing travel and the last time we had inequality this bad. Read "the good old days-they were terrible!"

What a moron. Now you're going to try and compare high-speed internet with people dying from bad food?
Before we had government to help us, life was very dangerous and for most people a real pain in the ass. The industrial revolution needed government intervention and regulations. And does again after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everybody else.

Right, and life will be so dangerous and and difficult for people with no high-speed internet.
High-speed internet is needed to keep us competitive with the rest of the worldwho are not dupes of the lying thieving cheating brainwashing scumbag greedy idiot Rich GOP, brainwashed functional idiot.

Farmers having high-speed internet is not going to do any of that.
We have crap internet everywhere in comparison to many other rich countries. Crappy roads crappy Bridges crappy railroads crappy middle class crappy working class. The rich doing great though.
What a moron. Now you're going to try and compare high-speed internet with people dying from bad food?
Before we had government to help us, life was very dangerous and for most people a real pain in the ass. The industrial revolution needed government intervention and regulations. And does again after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everybody else.

Right, and life will be so dangerous and and difficult for people with no high-speed internet.
High-speed internet is needed to keep us competitive with the rest of the worldwho are not dupes of the lying thieving cheating brainwashing scumbag greedy idiot Rich GOP, brainwashed functional idiot.

Farmers having high-speed internet is not going to do any of that.
We have crap internet everywhere in comparison to many other rich countries. Crappy roads crappy Bridges crappy railroads crappy middle class crappy working class. The rich doing great though.

Why is that? The rich don't drive on those crappy roads, crappy bridges, use crappy railroads or have crappy internet?

If this is such a crappy country, why don't you GTF out of it and live in one of these other wonderful places you keep telling us about?
Before we had government to help us, life was very dangerous and for most people a real pain in the ass. The industrial revolution needed government intervention and regulations. And does again after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everybody else.

Right, and life will be so dangerous and and difficult for people with no high-speed internet.
High-speed internet is needed to keep us competitive with the rest of the worldwho are not dupes of the lying thieving cheating brainwashing scumbag greedy idiot Rich GOP, brainwashed functional idiot.

Farmers having high-speed internet is not going to do any of that.
We have crap internet everywhere in comparison to many other rich countries. Crappy roads crappy Bridges crappy railroads crappy middle class crappy working class. The rich doing great though.

Why is that? The rich don't drive on those crappy roads, crappy bridges, use crappy railroads or have crappy internet?

If this is such a crappy country, why don't you GTF out of it and live in one of these other wonderful places you keep telling us about?
Because I am an American and I can't. It's a ridiculous thing to say anyway I'm more of an American than you are with your deep state FBI phony scandals conspiracy nut jobs. The GOP is a lying disgrace and so are its doups.
Michiganders: Rick Snyder is Open to Raising Taxes

Remember Republicans were signing pledges refusing to raise taxes? Well they still refuse to raise taxes on rich people and corporations. But that means YOUR taxes will go up.

How will my taxes go up? You keep making that claim with no evidence that any taxes went up due to the rich. As for corporations, I say let the state tax the hell out of them. Then we have a chance at landing that company in my state and that means more jobs and tax revenue for the state.
Your taxes have been going up for 30 years, and especially state and local taxes and fees to make up for federal aid going down. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you...
He don’t get it. Every republican policy makes the rich richer and the gap between us wider
How will my taxes go up? You keep making that claim with no evidence that any taxes went up due to the rich. As for corporations, I say let the state tax the hell out of them. Then we have a chance at landing that company in my state and that means more jobs and tax revenue for the state.
Your taxes have been going up for 30 years, and especially state and local taxes and fees to make up for federal aid going down. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you...

One has nothing to do with the other. The federal government isn't supposed to be funding the states anyhow. What the federal government is charged to provide the people is written in a document called the US Constitution.
of course federal aid to States is absolutely huge, ding dong. You seem to want us to go back to the eighteen hundreds where people could die from food housing travel and the last time we had inequality this bad. Read "the good old days-they were terrible!"

What a moron. Now you're going to try and compare high-speed internet with people dying from bad food?
Federal aid to the states and localities is still huge. And going down. Looks like college loans are the big problem actually, all the debt people are carrying families parents etc etc. And thanks to the GOP no free basically public universities anymore. Great job! Ronald Raygun to the rescue...
And rather than honestly address the problem they attack universities.

Notice the pattern? We have problems in the big cities, republicans attack democrats. Republicans attacked unions because those workers made too much money.

Global warming isn’t real, attack scientists.

Trumps not corrupt it’s the lyin media.

Guns don’t need regulating, attack the victims of sandy hook
They pay 87% of all collected income taxes. The rest of us 80% population pay 13%. And mind you, more than half of us don't pay any income taxes at all.
They also make 87% or so of the income. Great job GOP... Will you please forget about your propaganda for one second. LOL
He’s just being honest. He believes the rich pay too much and we/he doesn’t pay enough.

You will see. When republicans say our taxes need to be raised to pay for things, they will cry class warfare if we suggest undoing the unfair tax breaks the gop gave to the rich. So the gop will raise our taxes. It’s called shifting the tax burden.

And he clearly thinks the rich pay too much.

Now I’m sure he will come back and say the poor should pay more.

So if 87% is not enough, what percentage should they be paying?

We should be making more. They shouldn't be making so much that the are paying so much. But they want it both ways. They want to make all the money and not pay any taxes.

What percent do you think is right?

Not just Amazon: 60 big companies paid $0 in taxes under Trump law

How These Fortune 500 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year

Do you think zero is too little? Of course you don't. You'll say they pay plenty of other taxes and you'll say they employ people. That alone should make corporations pay no taxes.

What you don't understand is this shifts the tax burden more onto you.

Here is a great example. We just gave the corporations and rich big tax breaks right? So now we have to fix the roads. Who's going to pay? You and me are

SUNDAY EDITION | Kentucky lawmakers eye gas tax hike for road work

Even though it's their corporate trucks tearing up our roads the most.
But, that all ignores the individuals working for that company. They all have huge tax margins, and have no ability to reduce their tax burden as low as a corporation can. It all comes out in the wash when individuals are taxed.

We’ve been moving more and more towards doing it the gop way since Reagan. How has the middle class done in those decades? How have the rich done? So it’s not working itself out. It’s increased the wealth gap and made us poorer. Wealth distribution. Class warfare. And we’re losing.
They also make 87% or so of the income. Great job GOP... Will you please forget about your propaganda for one second. LOL
He’s just being honest. He believes the rich pay too much and we/he doesn’t pay enough.

You will see. When republicans say our taxes need to be raised to pay for things, they will cry class warfare if we suggest undoing the unfair tax breaks the gop gave to the rich. So the gop will raise our taxes. It’s called shifting the tax burden.

And he clearly thinks the rich pay too much.

Now I’m sure he will come back and say the poor should pay more.

So if 87% is not enough, what percentage should they be paying?

We should be making more. They shouldn't be making so much that the are paying so much. But they want it both ways. They want to make all the money and not pay any taxes.

What percent do you think is right?

Not just Amazon: 60 big companies paid $0 in taxes under Trump law

How These Fortune 500 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year

Do you think zero is too little? Of course you don't. You'll say they pay plenty of other taxes and you'll say they employ people. That alone should make corporations pay no taxes.

What you don't understand is this shifts the tax burden more onto you.

Here is a great example. We just gave the corporations and rich big tax breaks right? So now we have to fix the roads. Who's going to pay? You and me are

SUNDAY EDITION | Kentucky lawmakers eye gas tax hike for road work

Even though it's their corporate trucks tearing up our roads the most.
But, that all ignores the individuals working for that company. They all have huge tax margins, and have no ability to reduce their tax burden as low as a corporation can. It all comes out in the wash when individuals are taxed.

We’ve been moving more and more towards doing it the gop way since Reagan. How has the middle class done in those decades? How have the rich done? So it’s not working itself out. It’s increased the wealth gap and made us poorer. Wealth distribution. Class warfare. And we’re losing.

Reagan had nothing to do with it. That's an old leftist wives tale.
Right, and life will be so dangerous and and difficult for people with no high-speed internet.
High-speed internet is needed to keep us competitive with the rest of the worldwho are not dupes of the lying thieving cheating brainwashing scumbag greedy idiot Rich GOP, brainwashed functional idiot.

Farmers having high-speed internet is not going to do any of that.
We have crap internet everywhere in comparison to many other rich countries. Crappy roads crappy Bridges crappy railroads crappy middle class crappy working class. The rich doing great though.

Why is that? The rich don't drive on those crappy roads, crappy bridges, use crappy railroads or have crappy internet?

If this is such a crappy country, why don't you GTF out of it and live in one of these other wonderful places you keep telling us about?
Because I am an American and I can't. It's a ridiculous thing to say anyway I'm more of an American than you are with your deep state FBI phony scandals conspiracy nut jobs. The GOP is a lying disgrace and so are its doups.

What the channel HGTV. You see Americans moving overseas all the time. Why can't you do it? Can't figure out how?
He’s just being honest. He believes the rich pay too much and we/he doesn’t pay enough.

You will see. When republicans say our taxes need to be raised to pay for things, they will cry class warfare if we suggest undoing the unfair tax breaks the gop gave to the rich. So the gop will raise our taxes. It’s called shifting the tax burden.

And he clearly thinks the rich pay too much.

Now I’m sure he will come back and say the poor should pay more.

So if 87% is not enough, what percentage should they be paying?

We should be making more. They shouldn't be making so much that the are paying so much. But they want it both ways. They want to make all the money and not pay any taxes.

What percent do you think is right?

Not just Amazon: 60 big companies paid $0 in taxes under Trump law

How These Fortune 500 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year

Do you think zero is too little? Of course you don't. You'll say they pay plenty of other taxes and you'll say they employ people. That alone should make corporations pay no taxes.

What you don't understand is this shifts the tax burden more onto you.

Here is a great example. We just gave the corporations and rich big tax breaks right? So now we have to fix the roads. Who's going to pay? You and me are

SUNDAY EDITION | Kentucky lawmakers eye gas tax hike for road work

Even though it's their corporate trucks tearing up our roads the most.
But, that all ignores the individuals working for that company. They all have huge tax margins, and have no ability to reduce their tax burden as low as a corporation can. It all comes out in the wash when individuals are taxed.

We’ve been moving more and more towards doing it the gop way since Reagan. How has the middle class done in those decades? How have the rich done? So it’s not working itself out. It’s increased the wealth gap and made us poorer. Wealth distribution. Class warfare. And we’re losing.

Reagan had nothing to do with it. That's an old leftist wives tale.
Pure ignorance. Reagan raised public University tuition as much as he could as governor started the whole thing. Continued under his administration and since except under Clinton and Obama, but they were pretty weak, blocked by Republican Congress...
So if 87% is not enough, what percentage should they be paying?

We should be making more. They shouldn't be making so much that the are paying so much. But they want it both ways. They want to make all the money and not pay any taxes.

What percent do you think is right?

Not just Amazon: 60 big companies paid $0 in taxes under Trump law

How These Fortune 500 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year

Do you think zero is too little? Of course you don't. You'll say they pay plenty of other taxes and you'll say they employ people. That alone should make corporations pay no taxes.

What you don't understand is this shifts the tax burden more onto you.

Here is a great example. We just gave the corporations and rich big tax breaks right? So now we have to fix the roads. Who's going to pay? You and me are

SUNDAY EDITION | Kentucky lawmakers eye gas tax hike for road work

Even though it's their corporate trucks tearing up our roads the most.
But, that all ignores the individuals working for that company. They all have huge tax margins, and have no ability to reduce their tax burden as low as a corporation can. It all comes out in the wash when individuals are taxed.

We’ve been moving more and more towards doing it the gop way since Reagan. How has the middle class done in those decades? How have the rich done? So it’s not working itself out. It’s increased the wealth gap and made us poorer. Wealth distribution. Class warfare. And we’re losing.

Reagan had nothing to do with it. That's an old leftist wives tale.
Pure ignorance. Reagan raised public University tuition as much as he could as governor started the whole thing. Continued under his administration and since except under Clinton and Obama, but they were pretty weak, blocked by Republican Congress...

Oh, so he raised it as Governor, you mean as a State issue and not a federal?

Thanks for at least admitting that. Yes, the US Constitution gives states the right to do that. But don't blame the national crisis of college expense on anybody but liberal run colleges.
We should be making more. They shouldn't be making so much that the are paying so much. But they want it both ways. They want to make all the money and not pay any taxes.

What percent do you think is right?

Not just Amazon: 60 big companies paid $0 in taxes under Trump law

How These Fortune 500 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year

Do you think zero is too little? Of course you don't. You'll say they pay plenty of other taxes and you'll say they employ people. That alone should make corporations pay no taxes.

What you don't understand is this shifts the tax burden more onto you.

Here is a great example. We just gave the corporations and rich big tax breaks right? So now we have to fix the roads. Who's going to pay? You and me are

SUNDAY EDITION | Kentucky lawmakers eye gas tax hike for road work

Even though it's their corporate trucks tearing up our roads the most.
But, that all ignores the individuals working for that company. They all have huge tax margins, and have no ability to reduce their tax burden as low as a corporation can. It all comes out in the wash when individuals are taxed.

We’ve been moving more and more towards doing it the gop way since Reagan. How has the middle class done in those decades? How have the rich done? So it’s not working itself out. It’s increased the wealth gap and made us poorer. Wealth distribution. Class warfare. And we’re losing.

Reagan had nothing to do with it. That's an old leftist wives tale.
Pure ignorance. Reagan raised public University tuition as much as he could as governor started the whole thing. Continued under his administration and since except under Clinton and Obama, but they were pretty weak, blocked by Republican Congress...

Oh, so he raised it as Governor, you mean as a State issue and not a federal?

Thanks for at least admitting that. Yes, the US Constitution gives states the right to do that. But don't blame the national crisis of college expense on anybody but liberal run colleges.
no his presidential Administration also did it and so have his disciples George Bush and George W bush and Trump no doubt. Every time they cut taxes on the rich they turn around and screw the rest to pay for it... Or states and localities do, and their taxes kill the rest also.
But, that all ignores the individuals working for that company. They all have huge tax margins, and have no ability to reduce their tax burden as low as a corporation can. It all comes out in the wash when individuals are taxed.

We’ve been moving more and more towards doing it the gop way since Reagan. How has the middle class done in those decades? How have the rich done? So it’s not working itself out. It’s increased the wealth gap and made us poorer. Wealth distribution. Class warfare. And we’re losing.

Reagan had nothing to do with it. That's an old leftist wives tale.
Pure ignorance. Reagan raised public University tuition as much as he could as governor started the whole thing. Continued under his administration and since except under Clinton and Obama, but they were pretty weak, blocked by Republican Congress...

Oh, so he raised it as Governor, you mean as a State issue and not a federal?

Thanks for at least admitting that. Yes, the US Constitution gives states the right to do that. But don't blame the national crisis of college expense on anybody but liberal run colleges.
no his presidential Administration also did it and so have his disciples George Bush and George W bush and Trump no doubt. Every time they cut taxes on the rich they turn around and screw the rest to pay for it... Or states and localities do, and their taxes kill the rest also.
In other words they cut federal aid to public universities and there you go. We need the competition.
We’ve been moving more and more towards doing it the gop way since Reagan. How has the middle class done in those decades? How have the rich done? So it’s not working itself out. It’s increased the wealth gap and made us poorer. Wealth distribution. Class warfare. And we’re losing.

Reagan had nothing to do with it. That's an old leftist wives tale.
Pure ignorance. Reagan raised public University tuition as much as he could as governor started the whole thing. Continued under his administration and since except under Clinton and Obama, but they were pretty weak, blocked by Republican Congress...

Oh, so he raised it as Governor, you mean as a State issue and not a federal?

Thanks for at least admitting that. Yes, the US Constitution gives states the right to do that. But don't blame the national crisis of college expense on anybody but liberal run colleges.
no his presidential Administration also did it and so have his disciples George Bush and George W bush and Trump no doubt. Every time they cut taxes on the rich they turn around and screw the rest to pay for it... Or states and localities do, and their taxes kill the rest also.
In other words they cut federal aid to public universities and there you go. We need the competition.
Also all the Reaganist governors and senators... All Reaganist Republicans want to do is cut taxes. It is not brilliant.
High-speed internet is needed to keep us competitive with the rest of the worldwho are not dupes of the lying thieving cheating brainwashing scumbag greedy idiot Rich GOP, brainwashed functional idiot.

Farmers having high-speed internet is not going to do any of that.
We have crap internet everywhere in comparison to many other rich countries. Crappy roads crappy Bridges crappy railroads crappy middle class crappy working class. The rich doing great though.

Why is that? The rich don't drive on those crappy roads, crappy bridges, use crappy railroads or have crappy internet?

If this is such a crappy country, why don't you GTF out of it and live in one of these other wonderful places you keep telling us about?
Because I am an American and I can't. It's a ridiculous thing to say anyway I'm more of an American than you are with your deep state FBI phony scandals conspiracy nut jobs. The GOP is a lying disgrace and so are its doups.

What the channel HGTV. You see Americans moving overseas all the time. Why can't you do it? Can't figure out how?
They usually are married to a citizen or they are rich or grandfathered in as Italians or they are online making money-that last one is a new one. I owned a bar in Spain inherited and still couldn't do anything 25 years ago. The EU is gigantic pain -you can only stay three months in the whole area. Before the EU you could stay three months in each country....
Farmers having high-speed internet is not going to do any of that.
We have crap internet everywhere in comparison to many other rich countries. Crappy roads crappy Bridges crappy railroads crappy middle class crappy working class. The rich doing great though.

Why is that? The rich don't drive on those crappy roads, crappy bridges, use crappy railroads or have crappy internet?

If this is such a crappy country, why don't you GTF out of it and live in one of these other wonderful places you keep telling us about?
Because I am an American and I can't. It's a ridiculous thing to say anyway I'm more of an American than you are with your deep state FBI phony scandals conspiracy nut jobs. The GOP is a lying disgrace and so are its doups.

What the channel HGTV. You see Americans moving overseas all the time. Why can't you do it? Can't figure out how?
They usually are married to a citizen or they are rich or grandfathered in as Italians or they are online making money-that last one is a new one. I owned a bar in Spain inherited and still couldn't do anything 25 years ago. The EU is gigantic pain -you can only stay three months in the whole area. Before the EU you could stay three months in each country....

Right, and that's why they are flooded with immigrants today; so to the point the French police are afraid to go into certain sections of their own country.
But, that all ignores the individuals working for that company. They all have huge tax margins, and have no ability to reduce their tax burden as low as a corporation can. It all comes out in the wash when individuals are taxed.

We’ve been moving more and more towards doing it the gop way since Reagan. How has the middle class done in those decades? How have the rich done? So it’s not working itself out. It’s increased the wealth gap and made us poorer. Wealth distribution. Class warfare. And we’re losing.

Reagan had nothing to do with it. That's an old leftist wives tale.
Pure ignorance. Reagan raised public University tuition as much as he could as governor started the whole thing. Continued under his administration and since except under Clinton and Obama, but they were pretty weak, blocked by Republican Congress...

Oh, so he raised it as Governor, you mean as a State issue and not a federal?

Thanks for at least admitting that. Yes, the US Constitution gives states the right to do that. But don't blame the national crisis of college expense on anybody but liberal run colleges.
no his presidential Administration also did it and so have his disciples George Bush and George W bush and Trump no doubt. Every time they cut taxes on the rich they turn around and screw the rest to pay for it... Or states and localities do, and their taxes kill the rest also.

But look at the bright side: those rich liberals used that money to payoff college administrators into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Or is Reagan responsible for that as well?
We’ve been moving more and more towards doing it the gop way since Reagan. How has the middle class done in those decades? How have the rich done? So it’s not working itself out. It’s increased the wealth gap and made us poorer. Wealth distribution. Class warfare. And we’re losing.

Reagan had nothing to do with it. That's an old leftist wives tale.
Pure ignorance. Reagan raised public University tuition as much as he could as governor started the whole thing. Continued under his administration and since except under Clinton and Obama, but they were pretty weak, blocked by Republican Congress...

Oh, so he raised it as Governor, you mean as a State issue and not a federal?

Thanks for at least admitting that. Yes, the US Constitution gives states the right to do that. But don't blame the national crisis of college expense on anybody but liberal run colleges.
no his presidential Administration also did it and so have his disciples George Bush and George W bush and Trump no doubt. Every time they cut taxes on the rich they turn around and screw the rest to pay for it... Or states and localities do, and their taxes kill the rest also.

But look at the bright side: those rich liberals used that money to payoff college administrators into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Or is Reagan responsible for that as well?
Always good
We’ve been moving more and more towards doing it the gop way since Reagan. How has the middle class done in those decades? How have the rich done? So it’s not working itself out. It’s increased the wealth gap and made us poorer. Wealth distribution. Class warfare. And we’re losing.

Reagan had nothing to do with it. That's an old leftist wives tale.
Pure ignorance. Reagan raised public University tuition as much as he could as governor started the whole thing. Continued under his administration and since except under Clinton and Obama, but they were pretty weak, blocked by Republican Congress...

Oh, so he raised it as Governor, you mean as a State issue and not a federal?

Thanks for at least admitting that. Yes, the US Constitution gives states the right to do that. But don't blame the national crisis of college expense on anybody but liberal run colleges.
no his presidential Administration also did it and so have his disciples George Bush and George W bush and Trump no doubt. Every time they cut taxes on the rich they turn around and screw the rest to pay for it... Or states and localities do, and their taxes kill the rest also.

But look at the bright side: those rich liberals used that money to payoff college administrators into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Or is Reagan responsible for that as well?
Always good to get the brainwashed idiot view.... Republicans gave us expensive public universities and no competition. So we get dumber and dumber....

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