Why Is There Controversy Over Confederate Monuments?

But their ideology lives on.
F*ck those bastards.
Multi-national companies have the same ideology.
It is the same situation today, those fools that scream so loud. That they made their company.
The plantations and factories would never work without workers.

Damn right. The treasonous bastards. They need to get what they deserved and treated as they treated others.
You know, tearing families apart, whippings and hangings. Making those white trash bastards toil in the fields with no pay.

What is extremely bizarre is still having a controversy over the Civil War. If the North had done the right thing and taken all the land from the treasonous bastards and left them homeless and without. To the victor goes the spoils.
Every traitor needed to have all of their domains taken from them.

Great American General.
Yes, you Yankees fucked up when you didn't march every Confederate to the showers and gassed them.

You realize that most likely they're all dead by now, right?
The civil war was not about slavery
Oh, man. This is priceless. You must have been homeschooled by David Duke.

Lookee here, dipshit: The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States

In their declarations of secession, the rebel states mention slavery no less than 83 times.

Including this, in the second sentence of Mississippi's declaration:

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."
Are you saying President Lincoln lied when he wrote Horace Greeley about the cause of the war?
Of course it was about slavery. The rest of the hayseeds who don't know history can just melt, the snow flakes.
It was not the only cause of the Civil War, we had a control freak for a president at the time…
Wrong. It was ONLY about slavery. Nothing else.
Disagreed as previous posts have shown. Again, are you saying President Lincoln lied in his letter to Horace Greeley?
Progressives always make history how they want it to be not how it really was…

Conservatives always outright lie about history. Such as renaming the civil war, the war of northern aggression, or pretending it wasn't about slavery, but was about anything else.
The hate is strong in you. Do you seek to go to war over it or just round up the rebel scum and make them kneel before the empire?


Your author takes out of context Lincolns inaugural, where he tries to keep the union together, by saying he wasn't going to start a conflict over slavery. But once ignoring slavery was no longer going to keep the union together, it became the reason.
Your author? Lincoln stated the reason to Horace Greeley. In addition, we have the Emancipation Proclamation only granting freedom to slaves in states still under control of the CSA, not elsewhere under Union control. Why?
Nice glossy PC coating over history. So why didn't Lincoln emancipate all of the slaves on January 1st, 1863? If the war was about slavery, then why weren't all the slaves freed until well after the war was over?
The war, caused by secession in order to ensure Southern slavery, became a struggle to keep states in the Union. And, eventually, slavery became the weapon Lincoln used against the South. He killed the reason for them to secede. He took step by step. He succeeded, and it would have been better for the southern states to not have seceded (heh).

The south overplayed their hand and lost bigly

Lincoln was not going to abolish slavery. He was probably going to be an obscure, one term President. He may have passed some legislation limiting the expansion of slavery, but couldn't have abolished it

By seceding and provoking a war, the South ended up losing their slaves within five years....it would have taken 20-30 years otherwise

The election of Lincoln set off a panic throughout the south.....Lincoln is going to take our slaves away, we had better secede to ensure we can keep them forever

Slavery was going to eventually end even in a Confederate America. What they did was accelerate the process and kill 600,000 Americans. The men who caused that should not be honored

You're ignorance of history is staggering. Neither Lee or Beauregard caused the civil war. Geeze Louise. The liberty monument I have no problem removing, Shit, it was nestled back behind the parking lot of an office tower. Nobody even knew where it was. Anyway, it commemorated something absurd. The Lee and Beauregard statues are iconic NOLA. This is fucking retarded.
Beauregard started the war at Ft Sumter...Traitor
Serving an eviction notice where no Union soldier was killed by a Confederate isn't starting a war. The war began when President Lincoln opted to invade the South.
The south overplayed their hand and lost bigly

Lincoln was not going to abolish slavery. He was probably going to be an obscure, one term President. He may have passed some legislation limiting the expansion of slavery, but couldn't have abolished it

By seceding and provoking a war, the South ended up losing their slaves within five years....it would have taken 20-30 years otherwise

The election of Lincoln set off a panic throughout the south.....Lincoln is going to take our slaves away, we had better secede to ensure we can keep them forever

Slavery was going to eventually end even in a Confederate America. What they did was accelerate the process and kill 600,000 Americans. The men who caused that should not be honored
The best and the most honorable leader in the Civil War was General Lee... fact
Saying the Civil War was "ALL'' And/or "just" about slavery is just basically progressive politically correct elementary history…

Any way you define it....the war was about slavery
The Confederacy was formed to preserve the institution of slavery forever

Lee had a choice to make....Stand for human dignity or stand for his state
He chose wrong
He did not believe in slavery, he did not have slaves. Like I said there was more to it than just slavery…

Lee did own slaves
He fought to defend the institution of slavery ...that is why Virginia seceded

Lee was not as noble as his image
Do you hold Washington, Jefferson, Madison and 9 other US Presidents who owned slaves to the same standard?

List of Presidents of the United States who owned slaves - Wikipedia
Damn right. The treasonous bastards. They need to get what they deserved and treated as they treated others.
You know, tearing families apart, whippings and hangings. Making those white trash bastards toil in the fields with no pay.

What is extremely bizarre is still having a controversy over the Civil War. If the North had done the right thing and taken all the land from the treasonous bastards and left them homeless and without. To the victor goes the spoils.
Every traitor needed to have all of their domains taken from them.

Great American General.
Yes, you Yankees fucked up when you didn't march every Confederate to the showers and gassed them.

You realize that most likely they're all dead by now, right?
Their Ilk and kinsmen live on in all their narrow-minded, bigoted glory! The Old South is just as conservative and resistant to change as it was 150 years ago, your notions notwithstanding!
I wonder why the pseudocons are working so hard to defend the confederates. They start topics about the confederates being racist Democrats every month! :lol:

They will do it in the same thread......
Defend the Confederacy and then blame the Democrats for being Confederates
It's funny progressives think that Southerners invented slavery, really they were quite amateur At it. At the same time as the Civil War and before slavery was the norm with Indian tribes all over the Americas… The do-gooders nowadays don't bring that up… LOL
But those other cases of slavery don't fit their story book narrative on How all you white people are bad if you don't hate yourself.
It's selective on what they the progressives Believe in do not believe, my ancestors, the sioux Indian tribes treated their slaves beyond awful for centuries - they not only tortured them but they tortured their families that they did not kill off first. One of their favorite methods was to skin a captured person alive. There's a reason why the Sioux and Cheyenne along with many others Indian tribes cannot get along to this day… History has that way on people.
I don't see the bleeding hearts bringing that reality up. Lol

The south had 4 million slaves
Ten percent of the US population was in bondage

... and regardless, you still support democrats.

The Democrats did not form as a party until the 1830s.....The issue of slavery predated them by 200 years

How that refute the fact that since its inception, Democrat party was racist and pro slavery?
From Colonial times up to the Civil War, Americans though of themselves as being citizens of a state first, and a citizen of the USA second. The civil war reversed that way of thinking.
Correct. A fact those accusing every Southerner of "treason" won't accept as truth.

FWIW, the United States wouldn't have existed without the Three-Fifths Compromise.
What is extremely bizarre is still having a controversy over the Civil War. If the North had done the right thing and taken all the land from the treasonous bastards and left them homeless and without. To the victor goes the spoils.
Every traitor needed to have all of their domains taken from them.

Great American General.
Yes, you Yankees fucked up when you didn't march every Confederate to the showers and gassed them.

It was the southerners who allowed 600,000 men to be killed so that they could preserve their right to keep 4 million people in bondage

Yep, still Democrats.
Damn right. The treasonous bastards. They need to get what they deserved and treated as they treated others.
You know, tearing families apart, whippings and hangings. Making those white trash bastards toil in the fields with no pay.

What is extremely bizarre is still having a controversy over the Civil War. If the North had done the right thing and taken all the land from the treasonous bastards and left them homeless and without. To the victor goes the spoils.
Every traitor needed to have all of their domains taken from them.

Great American General.
Yes, you Yankees fucked up when you didn't march every Confederate to the showers and gassed them.
Sad that you think genocide should have been the solution after the Civil War, but typical of political extremists such as yourself.
Your ignorance abounds. All their properties and their monies should have been taken from them. That was my statement.
They were treasonous bastards.
The southern scum where the ones that bordered on genocide> The truth is a bit to much for those like you.

Damn right. The treasonous bastards. They need to get what they deserved and treated as they treated others.
You know, tearing families apart, whippings and hangings. Making those white trash bastards toil in the fields with no pay.

What is extremely bizarre is still having a controversy over the Civil War. If the North had done the right thing and taken all the land from the treasonous bastards and left them homeless and without. To the victor goes the spoils.
Every traitor needed to have all of their domains taken from them.

Great American General.
Yes, you Yankees fucked up when you didn't march every Confederate to the showers and gassed them.
Sad that you think genocide should have been the solution after the Civil War, but typical of political extremists such as yourself.
But the Constitution is a work in progress. The nation became "United" and trying to hide under that cloak of states rights in order to exploit and kill a race of people is an abomination.
Stretch it how you want but it doesn't hold water.
The southern scum were horrible people.

From Colonial times up to the Civil War, Americans though of themselves as being citizens of a state first, and a citizen of the USA second. The civil war reversed that way of thinking.
Correct. A fact those accusing every Southerner of "treason" won't accept as truth.

FWIW, the United States wouldn't have existed without the Three-Fifths Compromise.
Your ignorance abounds. All their properties and their monies should have been taken from them. That was my statement.
They were treasonous bastards.
The southern scum where the ones that bordered on genocide> The truth is a bit to much for those like you.

Damn right. The treasonous bastards. They need to get what they deserved and treated as they treated others.
You know, tearing families apart, whippings and hangings. Making those white trash bastards toil in the fields with no pay.

What is extremely bizarre is still having a controversy over the Civil War. If the North had done the right thing and taken all the land from the treasonous bastards and left them homeless and without. To the victor goes the spoils.
Every traitor needed to have all of their domains taken from them.

Great American General.
Yes, you Yankees fucked up when you didn't march every Confederate to the showers and gassed them.
Sad that you think genocide should have been the solution after the Civil War, but typical of political extremists such as yourself.
Dude, you said "Damn right" to the idea of gassing Confederates. Are you saying you didn't know what you were saying?

That was your contention I was agreeing with you because you are a twisted fool.
Those that killed for the pleasure of killing a race to subdue them. YES!
You are the deranged one.

Your ignorance abounds. All their properties and their monies should have been taken from them. That was my statement.
They were treasonous bastards.
The southern scum where the ones that bordered on genocide> The truth is a bit to much for those like you.

Damn right. The treasonous bastards. They need to get what they deserved and treated as they treated others.
You know, tearing families apart, whippings and hangings. Making those white trash bastards toil in the fields with no pay.

What is extremely bizarre is still having a controversy over the Civil War. If the North had done the right thing and taken all the land from the treasonous bastards and left them homeless and without. To the victor goes the spoils.
Every traitor needed to have all of their domains taken from them.

Great American General.
Yes, you Yankees fucked up when you didn't march every Confederate to the showers and gassed them.
Sad that you think genocide should have been the solution after the Civil War, but typical of political extremists such as yourself.
Dude, you said "Damn right" to the idea of gassing Confederates. Are you saying you didn't know what you were saying?

Southerns have tried to live by their lie for way to long. They deserve the hatred they profess.
Isn't it too bad that a progressive isn't meek an mild.
Anyone that thinks they were innocent and didn't and do not deserve the same they give out. To bad.

...The southern scum were horrible people.

Yes, clearly you hate Southerners. I'm just curious to see how far you want to carry that hatred.

The war, caused by secession in order to ensure Southern slavery, became a struggle to keep states in the Union. And, eventually, slavery became the weapon Lincoln used against the South. He killed the reason for them to secede. He took step by step. He succeeded, and it would have been better for the southern states to not have seceded (heh).

The south overplayed their hand and lost bigly

Lincoln was not going to abolish slavery. He was probably going to be an obscure, one term President. He may have passed some legislation limiting the expansion of slavery, but couldn't have abolished it

By seceding and provoking a war, the South ended up losing their slaves within five years....it would have taken 20-30 years otherwise

The election of Lincoln set off a panic throughout the south.....Lincoln is going to take our slaves away, we had better secede to ensure we can keep them forever

Slavery was going to eventually end even in a Confederate America. What they did was accelerate the process and kill 600,000 Americans. The men who caused that should not be honored

You're ignorance of history is staggering. Neither Lee or Beauregard caused the civil war. Geeze Louise. The liberty monument I have no problem removing, Shit, it was nestled back behind the parking lot of an office tower. Nobody even knew where it was. Anyway, it commemorated something absurd. The Lee and Beauregard statues are iconic NOLA. This is fucking retarded.
Beauregard started the war at Ft Sumter...Traitor
Serving an eviction notice where no Union soldier was killed by a Confederate isn't starting a war. The war began when President Lincoln opted to invade the South.
He fired on the American flag= Traitor

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