Why Is There Controversy Over Confederate Monuments?

Still the progressives ignore the fact that Indians all over the Americas, before during and after the Civil War had slaves...
centuries of slavery as proof.
Getting rid of the Confederate monuments is only the beginning.

Remember when it was the flag? Now that the Confederate flag is gone, the fight is over the American flag. Now it's monuments. Now it's Confederate monuments. You know where this is going.
Still the progressives ignore the fact that Indians all over the Americas, before during and after the Civil War had slaves...
centuries of slavery as proof.
Still conservatives won't admit that the civil war was all about slavery as declared by the CSA and that Southern chattel slavery was unlike anything seen by mankind on such a scale...
Nope. It was about nothing more than slavery. To say otherwise is to be completely and willfully ignorant of our nation's history.

The racist Democrats' (;)) reason for leaving the Union was over slavery. They said so themselves!

Any other complaints did not rise to the level of secession. Only slavery did.
So it had nothing to do with taxes and states rights... :lmao:
Exactly. "States rights" was the smokescreen for slavery. Just like "states rights" were the smokescreen for Jim Crow laws.

Did you read the declarations of secession? Of course you didn't.

Out of all those declarations, taxes are mentioned once. And guess what it is about:

The right of property in slaves was recognized by giving to free persons distinct political rights, by giving them the right to represent, and burthening them with direct taxes for three-fifths of their slaves; by authorizing the importation of slaves for twenty years; and by stipulating for the rendition of fugitives from labor.

Your laughter emoticon is the laughter of a willfully stupid creduloid.

So keep going, you ignorant fool. This is fun.
Not every southerner had slaves in fact most really did not, they could not afford them. But only a fool would think that a southerner could not separate slavery from states rights.
Like i said the most honorable best leader involved in the Civil War by a long shot was General Lee…
The portrayal of the Civil War being all about slavery and only about slavery makes for good movies but that's about it. Reality shows otherwise

Not every southerner had slaves...but they had a class of people that they were officially superior to
You may be a dirty, illiterate hog farmer without a pot to piss in....but you were still better than a slave

Propaganda of the era had Lincoln not only freeing the slaves but allowing them to vote and marry white women

Lincoln had to be stopped
Lincoln would have rounded up every last black person and shipped them all back to Africa.

No he wouldn't

The idea was floated around at the time as a possible solution. It was quickly realized to be infeasible
Growing up in the 1950's in the deep South, I heard the words, "state's rights" every day. By then, the meaning was no longer "slavery". It was a code word for "segregation".
Bullshit, you're a liar.

That's what it meant to YOU, because you are probably a racist and a bigot.

But what it means to true patriots is that per the constitution, the feds have no authority to mess with the states except specifically in matters of national security.
I wonder why the pseudocons are working so hard to defend the confederates. They start topics about the confederates being racist Democrats every month! :lol:

They will do it in the same thread......
Defend the Confederacy and then blame the Democrats for being Confederates
It's funny progressives think that Southerners invented slavery, really they were quite amateur At it. At the same time as the Civil War and before slavery was the norm with Indian tribes all over the Americas… The do-gooders nowadays don't bring that up… LOL
But those other cases of slavery don't fit their story book narrative on How all you white people are bad if you don't hate yourself.
It's selective on what they the progressives Believe in do not believe, my ancestors, the sioux Indian tribes treated their slaves beyond awful for centuries - they not only tortured them but they tortured their families that they did not kill off first. One of their favorite methods was to skin a captured person alive. There's a reason why the Sioux and Cheyenne along with many others Indian tribes cannot get along to this day… History has that way on people.
I don't see the bleeding hearts bringing that reality up. Lol

The south had 4 million slaves
Ten percent of the US population was in bondage

... and regardless, you still support democrats.

The Democrats did not form as a party until the 1830s.....The issue of slavery predated them by 200 years
Growing up in the 1950's in the deep South, I heard the words, "state's rights" every day. By then, the meaning was no longer "slavery". It was a code word for "segregation".
Bullshit, you're a liar.

That's what it meant to YOU, because you are probably a racist and a bigot.

But what it means to true patriots is that per the constitution, the feds have no authority to mess with the states except specifically in matters of national security.

States Rights means the right to own slaves, the right to segregation, the right to discriminate against gays

Provide a major national issue involving states rights that did not involve denying rights to its citizens
So it had nothing to do with taxes and states rights... :lmao:
Exactly. "States rights" was the smokescreen for slavery. Just like "states rights" were the smokescreen for Jim Crow laws.

Did you read the declarations of secession? Of course you didn't.

Out of all those declarations, taxes are mentioned once. And guess what it is about:

The right of property in slaves was recognized by giving to free persons distinct political rights, by giving them the right to represent, and burthening them with direct taxes for three-fifths of their slaves; by authorizing the importation of slaves for twenty years; and by stipulating for the rendition of fugitives from labor.

Your laughter emoticon is the laughter of a willfully stupid creduloid.

So keep going, you ignorant fool. This is fun.
Not every southerner had slaves in fact most really did not, they could not afford them. But only a fool would think that a southerner could not separate slavery from states rights.
Like i said the most honorable best leader involved in the Civil War by a long shot was General Lee…
The portrayal of the Civil War being all about slavery and only about slavery makes for good movies but that's about it. Reality shows otherwise

Not every southerner had slaves...but they had a class of people that they were officially superior to
You may be a dirty, illiterate hog farmer without a pot to piss in....but you were still better than a slave

Propaganda of the era had Lincoln not only freeing the slaves but allowing them to vote and marry white women

Lincoln had to be stopped
Lincoln would have rounded up every last black person and shipped them all back to Africa.

No he wouldn't

The idea was floated around at the time as a possible solution. It was quickly realized to be infeasible
Thousands of blacks were planning repatriated under Lincoln's plan.
Exactly. "States rights" was the smokescreen for slavery. Just like "states rights" were the smokescreen for Jim Crow laws.

Did you read the declarations of secession? Of course you didn't.

Out of all those declarations, taxes are mentioned once. And guess what it is about:

Your laughter emoticon is the laughter of a willfully stupid creduloid.

So keep going, you ignorant fool. This is fun.
Not every southerner had slaves in fact most really did not, they could not afford them. But only a fool would think that a southerner could not separate slavery from states rights.
Like i said the most honorable best leader involved in the Civil War by a long shot was General Lee…
The portrayal of the Civil War being all about slavery and only about slavery makes for good movies but that's about it. Reality shows otherwise

Not every southerner had slaves...but they had a class of people that they were officially superior to
You may be a dirty, illiterate hog farmer without a pot to piss in....but you were still better than a slave

Propaganda of the era had Lincoln not only freeing the slaves but allowing them to vote and marry white women

Lincoln had to be stopped
Lincoln would have rounded up every last black person and shipped them all back to Africa.

No he wouldn't

The idea was floated around at the time as a possible solution. It was quickly realized to be infeasible
Thousands of blacks were planning repatriated under Lincoln's plan.

Out of 4 million?
I wonder why the pseudocons are working so hard to defend the confederates. They start topics about the confederates being racist Democrats every month! :lol:
It was a liberal anti-Southerner who started this thread.
What is extremely bizarre is still having a controversy over the Civil War. If the North had done the right thing and taken all the land from the treasonous bastards and left them homeless and without. To the victor goes the spoils.
Every traitor needed to have all of their domains taken from them.

Great American General.
Yes, you Yankees fucked up when you didn't march every Confederate to the showers and gassed them.
What is extremely bizarre is still having a controversy over the Civil War. If the North had done the right thing and taken all the land from the treasonous bastards and left them homeless and without. To the victor goes the spoils.
Every traitor needed to have all of their domains taken from them.

Great American General.
Yes, you Yankees fucked up when you didn't march every Confederate to the showers and gassed them.

It was the southerners who allowed 600,000 men to be killed so that they could preserve their right to keep 4 million people in bondage
Immediately after the civil war Northerners were hell bent on reconciling with the south. A few wanted a harsh peace and economic reforms, but the majority were willing do agree to anything to gain any good will from the south. The result was that the confederates got a whole lot more consideration than they should have. The Confederacy was treason.

It's good to see that while were going thru a period of neo-Confederate sympathies, that there are many out there that see the civil war for what it was - a act of extreme treason for the purpose of retaining slavery.
The Confederates built a nation where 40% of their population was in bondage

Why would anyone want a monument to that?
Damn right. The treasonous bastards. They need to get what they deserved and treated as they treated others.
You know, tearing families apart, whippings and hangings. Making those white trash bastards toil in the fields with no pay.

What is extremely bizarre is still having a controversy over the Civil War. If the North had done the right thing and taken all the land from the treasonous bastards and left them homeless and without. To the victor goes the spoils.
Every traitor needed to have all of their domains taken from them.

Great American General.
Yes, you Yankees fucked up when you didn't march every Confederate to the showers and gassed them.
South Carolina had 57% of its population in bondage
Mississippi had 55% of its population in bondage

1860 Census Results

The Confederacy was built on maintaining slavery
As those aristocratic lazy bastards sat on their fat asses contemplating how to make their plantations more profitable from the labor of others in bondage.
The philosophy of the right wing teabaggers today. Exploiting others at their gain.
Then they wrap themselves in the cloak of "christianity".

The Confederates built a nation where 40% of their population was in bondage

Why would anyone want a monument to that?
Damn right. The treasonous bastards. They need to get what they deserved and treated as they treated others.
You know, tearing families apart, whippings and hangings. Making those white trash bastards toil in the fields with no pay.

What is extremely bizarre is still having a controversy over the Civil War. If the North had done the right thing and taken all the land from the treasonous bastards and left them homeless and without. To the victor goes the spoils.
Every traitor needed to have all of their domains taken from them.

Great American General.
Yes, you Yankees fucked up when you didn't march every Confederate to the showers and gassed them.

You realize that most likely they're all dead by now, right?

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