Why Is There Controversy Over Confederate Monuments?

Still the progressives ignore the fact that Indians all over the Americas, before during and after the Civil War had slaves...
centuries of slavery as proof.
Still conservatives won't admit that the civil war was all about slavery as declared by the CSA and that Southern chattel slavery was unlike anything seen by mankind on such a scale...
Southerners at the time were progressive Democrats, and it was not all about slavery - slavery had the headlines but there were other reasons mixed in there such as taxes and states rights…

They never would have seceded if slavery had not been an issue.
They seceded before slavery was an issue. Slavery didn't become an issue until two years into the civil war. The north did not give slavery up until two years after the civil war.
Divine Wind, your arguments mean nothing in the end.

The south seceded because they were afraid they would lose the right to control the sale of humans and their labor.

They were right.

Lincoln murdered the Old South with the great majority of the country yelling "yay!"
The Democrats did not form as a party until the 1830s.....The issue of slavery predated them by 200 years

How that refute the fact that since its inception, Democrat party was racist and pro slavery?

The conservatives in the south were racist and pro slavery...they still are

The only racists on the south were Democrats. The only pro slave owners on south and north were, you're guessing it... Democrats.

Baloney, Racism was systemic. Folks in the North were just as racist as those in the South. Not all were in either place but most were simply taught that whites were superior.

Democrats on the North were just as Democrats on the South.

They were both racist and supported slavery on the South.

Not a big fan of history I see.
Divine Wind, your arguments mean nothing in the end.

The south seceded because they were afraid they would lose the right to control the sale of humans and their labor.

They were right.

Lincoln murdered the Old South with the great majority of the country yelling "yay!"

Democrats were not in that majority.
How that refute the fact that since its inception, Democrat party was racist and pro slavery?

The conservatives in the south were racist and pro slavery...they still are

The only racists on the south were Democrats. The only pro slave owners on south and north were, you're guessing it... Democrats.

Baloney, Racism was systemic. Folks in the North were just as racist as those in the South. Not all were in either place but most were simply taught that whites were superior.

Democrats on the North were just as Democrats on the South.

They were both racist and supported slavery on the South.

Not a big fan of history I see.

Can you prove otherwise?
States Rights seems to be a common term used to justify denying rights to your citizens


While reparations and equality for only select minority groups appears to be the common term progressives utilize to justify denying rights to others. Otherwise Asians, Native Americans, and other minority groups would have just as much, if not more, voice as the blacks and those supporting illegal Hispanics.


Just a healthy dose of your own ridiculous hatred and bigotry.

Seems you cannot take the fact that what you are trying to defend is a lost cause. But hanging onto the emotion of killing and hatred on one side is acceptable but from the other dimension it is an atrocity.
Good luck.
Give up the notion that the states rights to abuse and kill for their profit was acceptable.

That was your contention I was agreeing with you because you are a twisted fool....You are the deranged one.
Awesome. The Empire must be proud of you.


seems like the emotion and hate is all coming from you leftists. Part of your Marx manifesto, right? demonize anyone who dares disagree with your far left socialist bullshit.
Hating haters like yourself seems to give you the butthurt!
Nice try.

This discussion is about those bigoted assholes in the south and their desire to hold onto their hatred.
Start another post

Damn right. The treasonous bastards. They need to get what they deserved and treated as they treated others.
You know, tearing families apart, whippings and hangings. Making those white trash bastards toil in the fields with no pay.

You realize that most likely they're all dead by now, right?
Their Ilk and kinsmen live on in all their narrow-minded, bigoted glory! The Old South is just as conservative and resistant to change as it was 150 years ago, your notions notwithstanding!

Bigotry I alive and well everywhere. You wouldn't know this, but I'm a NYC boy now living in NOLA, some of the most bigoted people I have met I met in NYC. My problem with this monument stuff is, why now? Nobody said a word about it up until a year or so ago. The liberty monument, yeah that one serves no purpose and anyway, it is in a location where nobody can really even see it.
You're the one projecting hate, genocide and bigotry against those who the OP starter claims aren't "Americans".

Still the progressives ignore the fact that Indians all over the Americas, before during and after the Civil War had slaves...
centuries of slavery as proof.
Still conservatives won't admit that the civil war was all about slavery as declared by the CSA and that Southern chattel slavery was unlike anything seen by mankind on such a scale...
Southerners at the time were progressive Democrats, and it was not all about slavery - slavery had the headlines but there were other reasons mixed in there such as taxes and states rights…

They never would have seceded if slavery had not been an issue.
They seceded before slavery was an issue. Slavery didn't become an issue until two years into the civil war. The north did not give slavery up until two years after the civil war.

Slavery had been an issue since the beginning of the country. Slavery was the reason they seceded from the Union.
Hating haters! Nothing wrong with that.
Once again, a progressive that gives it back to you teabaggers puts you in a tailspin.

Just giving back to all the hypocrites like you that your notion of fallacy needed to be squelched century ago.
The turbulent times of the 1960's bears witness to how hatred from those southern traitors held on.
And it still exists today.

Southerns have tried to live by their lie for way to long. They deserve the hatred they profess.
Isn't it too bad that a progressive isn't meek an mild.
Anyone that thinks they were innocent and didn't and do not deserve the same they give out. To bad.

...The southern scum were horrible people.

Yes, clearly you hate Southerners. I'm just curious to see how far you want to carry that hatred.

Between the two of us, you're the only one expressing hatred and wishing death upon others.
Feel free to quote a single post of mine that you feel is hypocritical. Just one.

Are you denying you hate your fellow Americans who live south of the Mason-Dixon line?

Having spent my entire childhood, and most of my 20's in the deep South, I can affirm that I have not seen as much hate down there since the end of the Civil Rights struggle as I have seen here on this message board. In fact, those that demonize everyone in the South seem to have a bigger problem with Southerners than they do with the Japanese who launched a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, and routinely killed prisoners of war. Yes, there are still a few rednecks in Mississippi who fly the Stars and Bars from their pickup trucks, but this is a small minority of Southerners today. They no longer have any real political influence.
Having spent my entire childhood, and most of my 20's in the deep South, I can affirm that I have not seen as much hate down there since the end of the Civil Rights struggle as I have seen here on this message board. In fact, those that demonize everyone in the South seem to have a bigger problem with Southerners than they do with the Japanese who launched a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, and routinely killed prisoners of war. Yes, there are still a few rednecks in Mississippi who fly the Stars and Bars from their pickup trucks, but this is a small minority of Southerners today. They no longer have any real political influence.
Progressives are only against slavery that suits their political correctness, everything situational with progressives.
The Confederacy was formed to ensure slavery would be protected forever. They already had states rights, what they wanted was the right to keep 40% of their population in bondage forever
This was not a noble cause, it was not something worthy of admiration....it was one of the most horrific nations ever formed
It deserved to be destroyed


Yes. It's much better now that we've moved all that stuff overseas where the US owned companies can get away with paying their slave labor a dollar a day so they can ship their products back here to the Union through the free trade acts started by Mister Bill Clinton.

Wasn't that guy at the end there a Democrat?


Divine Wind, your arguments mean nothing in the end.

The south seceded because they were afraid they would lose the right to control the sale of humans and their labor.

They were right.

Lincoln murdered the Old South with the great majority of the country yelling "yay!"

Democrats were not in that majority.
Can you prove that? The northern and western almost en masse and upper border democrats (a solid minority) went over to Lincoln's side when the South fired on Old Glory at Ft Sumter.
Maybe, but conservatives don't riot and protest and destroy public and private property. Only leftists do that. The truth is that the company is scared of losing business if too many people know who they are. But its too late, everyone knows and they will probably be out of business when this is over.
The Klan, the ultimate Southern conservatives, did all that, fishyred.

glad you brought up the KKK. It was comprised mostly of democrats and existed in almost every state.

And these were the same democrats who started the civil war.
You mean the ultimate Southern conservatives that started the Civil War.
Good thing Democrats today don't want to use skin color to deny people jobs or college. Oh wait........ THEY DO!
What does that have to do with the price of fuck in Nevada?
Divine Wind, your arguments mean nothing in the end.

The south seceded because they were afraid they would lose the right to control the sale of humans and their labor.

They were right.

Lincoln murdered the Old South with the great majority of the country yelling "yay!"

Democrats were not in that majority.
Can you prove that? The northern and western almost en masse and upper border democrats (a solid minority) went over to Lincoln's side when the South fired on Old Glory at Ft Sumter.

Lincoln opponent, Northern Democrat Stephen A. Douglas was pro slavery racist. He supported Dred Scott, and he declared that the DOI was not meant to apply to non-whites. Lincoln did not get majority of the votes (therefore majority did not yell "yey"), since he got 40% of the votes in the North and wasn't on the ticket in the South, while Douglas got almost 30% of votes.
Divine Wind, your arguments mean nothing in the end.

The south seceded because they were afraid they would lose the right to control the sale of humans and their labor.

They were right.

Lincoln murdered the Old South with the great majority of the country yelling "yay!"

Democrats were not in that majority.
Can you prove that? The northern and western almost en masse and upper border democrats (a solid minority) went over to Lincoln's side when the South fired on Old Glory at Ft Sumter.

Lincoln opponent, Northern Democrat Stephen A. Douglas was pro slavery racist. He supported Dred Scott, and he declared that the DOI was not meant to apply to non-whites. Lincoln did not get majority of the votes (therefore majority did not yell "yey"), since he got 40% of the votes in the North and wasn't on the ticket in the South, while Douglas got almost 30% of votes.
They sure
did, buncum, when the south fired on Ft Sumter and northern and western dems rallied to the Union and Lincoln's call for militia.

They yelled 'yay' when the South died in April 1865.

buncum, Lincoln could never have waged war without the dems support.
Still the progressives ignore the fact that Indians all over the Americas, before during and after the Civil War had slaves...
centuries of slavery as proof.
Still conservatives won't admit that the civil war was all about slavery as declared by the CSA and that Southern chattel slavery was unlike anything seen by mankind on such a scale...
Southerners at the time were progressive Democrats, and it was not all about slavery - slavery had the headlines but there were other reasons mixed in there such as taxes and states rights…

They never would have seceded if slavery had not been an issue.
They seceded before slavery was an issue. Slavery didn't become an issue until two years into the civil war.
Wow. I can't believe after I trounced you for this lie that you went ahead and repeated it!


You are a willful idiot.

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