Why is there such a HUGE abyss between conservative and liberal politics?

What part of the Bible condones marrying three times and cheating on all three wives?

What part of the bible says you will never be forgiven if you do those things?

Vis a vis the title of my OP

I rest my flippin case!
Christian values are being rejected by many people in society.
again, this is preaching to the choir. But the choir needs to collectively get off their asses and get to work fighting the evil. It would be nice to know the most effective way of doing that, but maybe we won't alays know... so we muddle along but muddle along we must...
It is about power not money. As long as we the people are fighting each other over beer cans those in power have free rein to do anything they wish.
well, I finally agree w/ you on something

The TRUTH (established by God Himself who never lies... even though virtually everyone else does)

should never, EVER be compromised.

There is no compromise to be made with Satan and Co. (without dire consequences)
You are claiming that your religion is the TRUTH with no compromise.

In a thread you started wondering why we are so divided.

I love this place.
Constantine... ended up doing more harm to the Christian image than any man in history, with the subsequent Inquisitions and Jewish persecution and Crusades, etc.

This is a HUGE

unmitigated LIE

You have been brainwashed

and as far as Christ's kingdom not being of this world.. that is not, in and of itself, an excuse to let this world go to Hell, which it has....

We have to fight Satan at all times. We will often lose. Maybe we will always "lose" somehow or aonther... but that is rather beside the point. Jesus, when we die will likely ask us

What did you do to make the world a better place... to further justice and truth and love?

that is why we have to fight, even when/if we do not "succeed"
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This is a HUGE

unmitigated LIE

You have been brainwashed

and asfar as Christ's kingdom not being of this world.. that is not, in and of itself, an excuse to let this world go to Hell, which it has....

We have to fight Satan at all times. We will often lose. Maybe we will always "lose" somehow or aonther... but that is rather beside the point. Jesus, when we die will likely ask us

What did you do to make the world a better place... to further justice and truth and love?

that is why we have to fight, even when/if we do not "succeed"
Only God can fix things.

This is why he has to come back to do it.

I never said that Christians cannot or do not make the world a better place, but to place your faith in the political process of man is sheer folly.

And just because you may not win a battle does not mean you should not fight it.
Only God can fix things.

This is why he has to come back to do it.

I never said that Christians cannot or do not make the world a better place, but to place your faith in the political process of man is sheer folly.

OK, I can agree to this...

I know what you are saying is true because I have been guilty of thinking otherwise.. guilty of thinking that if only people would do thus and so, things would change, but I learned the hard way that is just... not necessarily so. But what Ihave found in fighting "hopeless" battles is... I myself have benefitted from fighting them. Yes, I have also been persecuted.. very... but oh well, that is the cross Jesus spoke of when He said to pick it up and carry it...
What part of the Bible condones marrying three times and cheating on all three wives?

What part of the Bible condones making your living from gambling houses?

What part of the Bible condones stealing the life savings of the elderly at your fake university?

What part of the Bible condones bearing false witness against others on a daily basis?

What part of the Bible condones grabbing pussies?

What part of the Bible condones busting into the dressing rooms of underaged girls to catch them naked?

What part of the Bible condones contests of the flesh?

What part of the Bible condones greed and the love of money?

You really need to let this Trump obsession go son.
OK, I can agree to this...

I know what you are saying is true because I have been guilty of thinking otherwise.. guilty of thinking that if only people would do thus and so, things would change, but I learned the hard way that is just... not necessarily so. But what Ihave found in fighting "hopeless" battles is... I myself have benefitted from fighting them. Yes, I have also been persecuted.. very... but oh well, that is the cross Jesus spoke of when He said to pick it up and carry it...
We must continue to fight but also prepare to be thrown to the lions again without backing down.
What part of the bible says you will never be forgiven if you do those things?

Vis a vis the title of my OP

I rest my flippin case!
One has to be penitent to receive forgiveness.

And every time, without fail, whenever a Trumptard talks about forgiveness for Trump's many, many ONGOING sins, and then I ask them what they think about Hillary, they begin foaming at the mouth.

I've seen YOU attacking Pelosi and saying she can't be Catholic.

So you can shove your hypocrisy right back up your ass where it came from, dipshit.

Jesus had a LOT to say about hypocrites like you.
We must continue to fight but also prepare to be thrown to the lions again without backing down.
looks like we've already been thrown to the "lions" (demons) aka liberals :banghead:

But I know one hting aboutGod (even without reading about Daniel and the den of lions, though I have). He helps people who have no help, who do not even have a church to go to.. I read a book about miracles andthe author wrote about how people in Africa and other non-Christian countries (a lot of them Muslims) were having dreams about Jesus, and those dreams led them to investigate Christianity (as best they could)... it was a very uplifting book, writen by a non-Catholic
We must continue to fight but also prepare to be thrown to the lions again without backing down.
you're a big man (assuming you are male but even if female...LOL)

you didn't start hating on me when I said something you said was a lie. I probably shouldn't have used such vehemence.. it's just that Constantine was one of the best, not one of the worst things that happened to Christendom.

You believing something that is not true does not make YOU a liar, only the person who told you that... I didn't mean to imply you were a liar... Of course, I didn't call you one, but still... :)
Because each side has decided that government is now a weapon in the culture. Both have accepted the premise that government is there to dictate to society.

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