Why is there such a HUGE abyss between conservative and liberal politics?

well, thedeep state is there

But some are fighting it. Congress does and always has had a low approval rating but there are some there who heroically (IMO) fight the evl, people like Comer, Jordan, Cruz, Byron Donalds... and many others...Blackburn.. Issa.. I just can't name them all.

thank Godfor them..
I suspect those Rs you mention are just as owned and controlled as any others in Congress. They aren’t doing anything to change things.

Well, I skimmed through the first part of the material at this site and it is not or probably not a site I would agree with totally on religious issues but I tend to think we'd agree on the political... which kind of defines my experiences at usmb

But anyhow, the site says that liberals do not believe the Bible came from God.

Wait... there may be a disagreement with my own faith right there. It is true they reject the bible as being from God. But they reject God PERIOD. Even if you disregard the Bible entirely, there is no god you could possibly believe in who would condone what liberals are always condoning. the murder of helpless children is the most egregious example I now think of, but there are other examples.

In any case, when you don't have Higher Power to answer to, someone who will hold you accountable for all that you did on Planet E while you were here... and multiply that by all the other liberals in the world...

We can hardly be surprised when... Societal chaos and mayhem ensue..
Simple explanation? Conservatives are lead by the reality that surrounds them and deal with such in a logical and reasonable manner..........while liberalism plays upon HUMAN EMOTION that has the effect of dividing the nation instead of having all people of all races, skin color, religion, culture....assimilate as American Citizens. Liberalism drives a stake in the heart of unity....yet pretends they are preaching equality.

Simply look at the archives of this sight........you will see the first one's to bring up in conversation the differences of people first and foremost while claiming to be progressive liberals, suggesting that every race should be loyal to their historical cultures from which their ancestors came instead of accepting their place as US Citizens in assimilation of unity. Liberals are the 1st to point out skin color, fake genders, homosexuality, religion, etc......and bigotry of geological location.....while introducing their private sexual lives into the public arena and then claiming that its others that are invading their privacy and denying their human rights.........Liberals do not want unity.....they hold onto power by causing division and race baiting.
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Simple explanation? Conservatives are lead by the reality that surrounds them and deal with such in a logical and reasonable manner..........while liberalism plays upon HUMAN EMOTION that has the effect of dividing the nation instead of having all people of all races, skin color, religion, culture....assimilate as American Citizens. Liberalism drives a stake in the heart of unity....yet pretends they are preaching equality.

Simply look at the archives of this sight........you will see the first one's to bring up in conversation the differences of people first and foremost while claiming to be progressive liberals, suggesting that every race should be loyal to their historical cultures from which their ancestors came instead of accepting their place as US Citizens in assimilation of unity. Liberals are the 1st to point out skin color, fake genders, homosexuality, religion, etc......and bigotry of geological location.....while introducing their private sexual lives into the public arena and then claiming that its others that are invading their privacy and denying their human rights.........Liberals do not want unity.....they hold onto power by causing division and race baiting.
preaching to the choir (maybe you haven't read my posts in Politics or..?)

Here is an interesting piece on liberalism written over 100 years ago by Pope Leo XIII (with comments from someone alive now)

This following was written by Dr. Aaron Henderson at the Alcuin Institute… who quotes Leo XIII

My own comments are in brackets

Pope Leo XIII: "Followers of liberalism deny the existence of any divine authority to which obedience is due, and proclaim that every man is the law to himself; from which arises that… [belief] system which they style [as] independent morality and which, under the guise of liberty, exonerates man from any obedience to the commands of God and substitutes a boundless license. The end of all this is not difficult to foresee… [W]hen once man is firmly persuaded that he is subject to no one, it follows that the… cause of… civil society is not to be sought in any principle external to man... superior to him, but simply in the free will of individuals; that the authority of the State comes from the people only [
In communism and modern liberalism, it is the state only] and that, just as every man’s individual reason is his only rule of life, so the collective reason of the community should be the supreme guide in the management of all public affairs."

The person quoting Leo XIII here says… “[L]iberalism.. is the air we breathe, the water in which we swim, the inescapable presupposition to every political action we take. Bound up with liberalism is an understanding of human rights based on… a negative precept never to violate the desires of another citizen [which is ironic, to say the least, since... one word: abortion].

Notice that [to liberals] the legitimacy or illegitimacy, the uprightness or perversity of these desires is irrelevant. In a world in which will reigns supreme, it matters not what I have chosen or why; it matters simply that I, a free subject, have chosen it. .. [it is] a world in which “might makes right.” [
abortion is the prime example]…

ndividual freedom should not be elevated above all other goods… and since law is not made to protect the rights of any one person [group] but.. every [person]... [this is] not [at all] a Catholic vision… [True freedom] is always founded and grounded in the truth, in an understanding of the wise and good order that God has made and willed for us to inhabit. Human freedom blooms in the soil of truth and responsibility toward our neighbor, to say nothing of our responsibility to.. God. It does not grow or bloom in the soil of indifference and selfishness. Sometimes these competing visions of freedom are called “freedom for excellence” or “freedom of indifference” .. the former gives rise, when adopted by [society] to more peace, more justice [and] solidarity. The latter gives rise, as we see daily in our nation…to more violence, more malice, more social discord.. If casting off the chains of liberalism seems impossible or even undesirable, it is, again, because liberalism so profoundly characterizes the modern project…[N]ominalism, subjectivism, relativism—these are… poisons weakening us and our society.

I suspect those Rs you mention are just as owned and controlled as any others in Congress. They aren’t doing anything to change things.
Sure they are. They are rearranging the chairs on the Titanic.
I suspect those Rs you mention are just as owned and controlled as any others in Congress. They aren’t doing anything to change things.

There are noble persons in the world... people who love our country...

millions of them never get elected to public office.. sad
Sure they are. They are rearranging the chairs on the Titanic.
that's extreme.

as just said, there ARE noble persons in the world... people who really do love the US... as it was before the demoniacs took over

There are noble persons in the world... people who love our country...

millions of them never get elected to public office.. sad
Agreed. They never get elected to public office, yet you think those Rs who got elected to public office are noble. WTF!
you're a big man (assuming you are male but even if female...LOL)

you didn't start hating on me when I said something you said was a lie. I probably shouldn't have used such vehemence.. it's just that Constantine was one of the best, not one of the worst things that happened to Christendom.

You believing something that is not true does not make YOU a liar, only the person who told you that... I didn't mean to imply you were a liar... Of course, I didn't call you one, but still... :)
You need to do some investigating into Constantine

He was not a Christian, but continued to worship the sun god, although it is rumored he converted to Christianity on his death bed

Constantine was a ruthless ruler, who had his own son and wife murdered.

Although Constantine gave Christians a reprieve when it came to oppression on Christians, he certainly helped unleash his own state sponsored oppression on others he viewed as an enemy of Christendom, like the Jews.
that's extreme.

as just said, there ARE noble persons in the world... people who really do love the US... as it was before the demoniacs took over
Why is it extreme? What has the GOP done of any substance to counter the DNC in recent memory?
There's no huge Abyss .
It's just our pal Mortuary in his black make-up .
I suspect those Rs you mention are just as owned and controlled as any others in Congress. They aren’t doing anything to change things.
I think you are not entirely payng attn to waht they do.. just saying
Why is it extreme? What has the GOP done of any substance to counter the DNC in recent memory?
I never said the entire GOP was doing much.. .just SOME. As per usual, it takes Evryone getting on board to accomplish htings
You need to do some investigating into Constantine

He was not a Christian, but continued to worship the sun god, although it is rumored he converted to Christianity on his death bed

Constantine was a ruthless ruler, who had his own son and wife murdered.

Although Constantine gave Christians a reprieve when it came to oppression on Christians, he certainly helped unleash his own state sponsored oppression on others he viewed as an enemy of Christendom, like the Jews.

I never said he was a saint

He made Christianity accptable to the secular powers.

enough said IMO
Agreed. They never get elected to public office, yet you think those Rs who got elected to public office are noble. WTF!
people around here sure put words in others' mouths


whatever happened to the I word


Call me on what I say, not what I do NOT say
Simple explanation? Conservatives are lead by the reality that surrounds them and deal with such in a logical and reasonable manner..........while liberalism plays upon HUMAN EMOTION that has the effect of dividing the nation instead of having all people of all races, skin color, religion, culture....assimilate as American Citizens. Liberalism drives a stake in the heart of unity....yet pretends they are preaching equality.

Simply look at the archives of this sight........you will see the first one's to bring up in conversation the differences of people first and foremost while claiming to be progressive liberals, suggesting that every race should be loyal to their historical cultures from which their ancestors came instead of accepting their place as US Citizens in assimilation of unity. Liberals are the 1st to point out skin color, fake genders, homosexuality, religion, etc......and bigotry of geological location.....while introducing their private sexual lives into the public arena and then claiming that its others that are invading their privacy and denying their human rights.........Liberals do not want unity.....they hold onto power by causing division and race baiting.

yours may be the only response here I can agree with... kind of telling but whatever

But yeh, libs, the elites sit in their ivory (but likely green :rolleyes: and made of mud and kale...) towers and spew venom, then likely laugh their asses off when We the People start attacking one another instead of their corupt, sorry, lying asses... I think of the baby killers at cnn... for some reason

Well, I skimmed through the first part of the material at this site and it is not or probably not a site I would agree with totally on religious issues but I tend to think we'd agree on the political... which kind of defines my experiences at usmb

But anyhow, the site says that liberals do not believe the Bible came from God.

Wait... there may be a disagreement with my own faith right there. It is true they reject the bible as being from God. But they reject God PERIOD. Even if you disregard the Bible entirely, there is no god you could possibly believe in who would condone what liberals are always condoning. the murder of helpless children is the most egregious example I now think of, but there are other examples.

In any case, when you don't have Higher Power to answer to, someone who will hold you accountable for all that you did on Planet E while you were here... and multiply that by all the other liberals in the world...

We can hardly be surprised when... Societal chaos and mayhem ensue..
You need a higher power and the belief in an afterlife to have any sense of morality? I would say you have some serious problems.

Well, I skimmed through the first part of the material at this site and it is not or probably not a site I would agree with totally on religious issues but I tend to think we'd agree on the political... which kind of defines my experiences at usmb

But anyhow, the site says that liberals do not believe the Bible came from God.

Wait... there may be a disagreement with my own faith right there. It is true they reject the bible as being from God. But they reject God PERIOD. Even if you disregard the Bible entirely, there is no god you could possibly believe in who would condone what liberals are always condoning. the murder of helpless children is the most egregious example I now think of, but there are other examples.

In any case, when you don't have Higher Power to answer to, someone who will hold you accountable for all that you did on Planet E while you were here... and multiply that by all the other liberals in the world...

We can hardly be surprised when... Societal chaos and mayhem ensue..

And how many crimes in the last 2000 years were committed in the name of 'God' 'Allah' etc? Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition?

Please spare us of your pontificating.

No one is murdering helpless children.
It's OK when that person hates the same people you do.

It's OK when that person hates the same people you do.

It's OK when that person hates the same people you do.

You didn't answer the questions.

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