Why is there such a HUGE abyss between conservative and liberal politics?

Well, I skimmed through the first part of the material at this site and it is not or probably not a site I would agree with totally on religious issues but I tend to think we'd agree on the political... which kind of defines my experiences at usmb

But anyhow, the site says that liberals do not believe the Bible came from God.

Wait... there may be a disagreement with my own faith right there. It is true they reject the bible as being from God. But they reject God PERIOD. Even if you disregard the Bible entirely, there is no god you could possibly believe in who would condone what liberals are always condoning. the murder of helpless children is the most egregious example I now think of, but there are other examples.

In any case, when you don't have Higher Power to answer to, someone who will hold you accountable for all that you did on Planet E while you were here... and multiply that by all the other liberals in the world...

We can hardly be surprised when... Societal chaos and mayhem ensue..
When you say liberal you are speaking of the stereotype created mostly by conservatives and the media. Much the same thing is true conservatives. Although each side has opposing views on the issues, the strength of views will varying from from a nod of agreement to fire-breathing tirade.
satan is a liberal.

And a Republican Conservative as well that doesn't give a hoot about the poor, votes against Medicaid expansion, and defunds government programs that assist single mothers. The Liberals inject children with puberty blockers, the conservatives are indifferent to the needs of the poor, only providing help when the homeless person joins the 8-month "discipleship program" in the Christian shelter. Convert to Christianity or we won't help you and we will make sure the government doesn't help you either. That's also demonic.
I partly agree with you, as a person who considers himself a social conservative and believer in a Higher Power and Authority and a leftist when it comes to economics. What I see on the right-wing religious side is plenty of concern for human life in other people's wombs, while voting for politicians who defund government programs that help single mothers raise their children. On the one hand, the right-wing conservatives, especially the religious types, will make a stink about threatening and actually killing prenatal human life, then show complete indifference to the fact that single, pregnant woman lost her job due to her pregnancy and needs help from the government to get back on her feet and raise her child.

I agree, abortions of convenience i.e. willy-nilly abortions are immoral, and should be banned (Stalinist Russia banned both abortions and open homosexuality - no "LGBTQ+" nonsense in the USSR), but, we should also be concerned for the mother and her baby once it is born. Are we just the champions of fetuses? We need to protect the infant that is born, providing his or her mother with the help she needs to house, feed, clothe, educate, provide medical care..etc. If you're not for that, do you really believe your repulsion for abortion is going to be taken seriously by liberals? They'll just consider you a hypocrite. You're "pro-life" for fetuses (a champion of fetuses), but not for infants and their mothers. We need to be pro-life for life inside and outside the womb.
Why are there SINGLE MOTHERS....where are the fathers? Its a false premise to equate the murder of a child such as happens with abortion........and the refusal of a parent of any political leaning to accept the responsibility of a LIVING CHILD that comes with parenthood. Just how do you compare the execution of a child in the womb with the LIVING and declare its an equal analogy?

The mother don't personally "OWN" that life in her womb that is dependent upon her (the science of DNA proves that child in the womb is a human being with its own unique DNA signature, different from either the mother or the father)..........the father is completely LEFT (pun intended) out of the equation....why? Should the father not have a say in relation to HIS child that is supposed to be protected by its mother instead of killed without any consent of any form the father himself? Can you spell FASCISM? Define Slavery: When a human being is treated like property instead of humanity.
Why are there SINGLE MOTHERS....where are the fathers? Its a false premise to equate the murder of a child such as happens with abortion........and the refusal of a parent of any political leaning to accept the responsibility of a LIVING CHILD that comes with parenthood. Just how do you compare the execution of a child in the womb with the LIVING and declare its an equal analogy?

The mother don't personally "OWN" that life in her womb that is dependent upon her (the science of DNA proves that child in the womb is a human being with its own unique DNA signature, different from either the mother or the father)..........the father is completely LEFT (pun intended) out of the equation....why? Should the father not have a say in relation to HIS child that is supposed to be protected by its mother instead of killed without any consent of any form the father himself? Can you spell FASCISM? Define Slavery: When a human being is treated like property instead of humanity.

I'm against abortions of convenience, however, the same people who are supposedly "pro-life" are often the same people defunding government programs that help single mothers raise their children. We should care about life in the womb and outside of it as well.
I'm against abortions of convenience, however, the same people who are supposedly "pro-life" are often the same people defunding government programs that help single mothers raise their children. We should care about life in the womb and outside of it as well.
Present your evidence of any Child starving to death because of Republican policies. Show me the objective evidence, a news article of a child that died because of starvation or lack of medical care in this Republic (that was not the fault of the parent). Was the tax payer there when these "unwed" mothers spread their legs? And the FATHER should not be held accountable for the life of his own child? That duty is transferred to BIG BROTHER UNCLE SAM? Next.....attempt to justify your arugment with the false premise...........RAPE or a life threatening condition of the Mother.........both are drastically less responsible for Abortions.....less than 1% for rape, .05% for incest, that leaves 99% as free will personal demands by a supposed Mother to kill her child, by claiming the gestating human child is personal property (like a slave) even if science does prove that human life begins at conception....there is no comparison or excuse.

If you do without in this land of plenty..........its because you are a do-nothing dead beat that depends upon "income redistribution" for a livelihood, from the cradle to the grave.

I shall be awaiting your evidence of all these starving children in one hand and defecate in the other and see which one is filled first. You can't legislate poverty away. Just as the Christ declared, "The poor will be among you ALWAYS"........John 12:8 Why will there always be poor people? Free will........some people are poor because they have made piss poor life decisions, some are poor because of natural circumstances.........accidents, weather events, illness...etc., and some are poor because they simply refuse to support themselves. Are you suggesting that the US should remove FREE WILL and liberty in the attempt to stop poverty from existing? Again.........that's mighty FASCIST of you comrade. As long as people are free to decide their own fate.........poverty will exist. Example: Poverty has been eliminated in our prison population......that might work good for you communists, like the Russian Gulag for everyone that does not agree with your politics?

The facts are as recorded from Government records.......the US has spent/wasted more tax payer monies since the 60s on the supposed declaration of the War on Poverty (22 TRILLION...with a "T").......than all the wars of US History combined (from 7 -10 Trillion).

The effect? The poverty index has remained static with the do not's of this nation still standing with their hat in their hands and demanding "MORE SOUP PLEASE". Before you attack the messenger, The Heritage Foundation, note.......all their evidence is documented and objective with the majority coming from the Government's own records.

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Present your evidence of any Child starving to death because of Republican policies. Show me the objective evidence, a news article of a child that died because of starvation or lack of medical care in this Republic (that was not the fault of the parent). Was the tax payer there when these "unwed" mothers spread their legs? And the FATHER should not be held accountable for the life of his own child? That duty is transferred to BIG BROTHER UNCLE SAM? Next.....attempt to justify your arugment with the false premise...........RAPE or a life threatening condition of the Mother.........both are drastically less responsible for Abortions.....less than 1% for rape, .05% for incest, that leaves 99% as free will personal demands by a supposed Mother to kill her child, by claiming the gestating human child is personal property (like a slave) even if science does prove that human life begins at conception....there is no comparison or excuse.

If you do without in this land of plenty..........its because you are a do-nothing dead beat that depends upon "income redistribution" for a livelihood, from the cradle to the grave.

I shall be awaiting your evidence of all these starving children in one hand and defecate in the other and see which one is filled first. You can't legislate poverty away. Just as the Christ declared, "The poor will be among you ALWAYS"........John 12:8 Why will there always be poor people? Free will........some people are poor because they have made piss poor life decisions, some are poor because of natural circumstances.........accidents, weather events, illness...etc., and some are poor because they simply refuse to support themselves. Are you suggesting that the US should remove FREE WILL and liberty in the attempt to stop poverty from existing? Again.........that's mighty FASCIST of you comrade. As long as people are free to decide their own fate.........poverty will exist. Example: Poverty has been eliminated in our prison population......that might work good for you communists, like the Russian Gulag for everyone that does not agree with your politics?

The facts are as recorded from Government records.......the US has spent/wasted more tax payer monies since the 60s on the supposed declaration of the War on Poverty (22 TRILLION...with a "T").......than all the wars of US History combined (from 7 -10 Trillion).

The effect? The poverty index has remained static with the do not's of this nation still standing with their hat in their hands and demanding "MORE SOUP PLEASE". Before you attack the messenger, The Heritage Foundation, note.......all their evidence is documented and objective with the majority coming from the Government's own records.

It's the Republicans that are always cutting funding for programs and don't care much for the poor. You can deny it, but it only shows that you're one of those conservatives that pretend to be "pro-life" when you're really not. You're pro-mammon, not pro-life. You're pro-me, myself and I. You wrote a wall of text that amounts to nothing because everyone knows Republicans are the ones defunding all of the programs.
When you say liberal you are speaking of the stereotype created mostly by conservatives and the media. Much the same thing is true conservatives. Although each side has opposing views on the issues, the strength of views will varying from from a nod of agreement to fire-breathing tirade.
no, not so

Liberals are insane

There is Republicanism and insanity. There is no validity to insanity
The vast gulf between liberals and conservatives comes about for many reasons.

Maybe the most significant reason is the underlying precepts of the two political philosophies.

At root, conservatism favors personal liberties.

At root, liberalism disdains personal liberties when they conflict with the powers of government.

Things flow from those premises, too. For example, it seems to naturally follow that conservatism mistrusts too much governmental authority and power. By contrast, liberals tend to see government as the right entity to solve problems of all kinds.

Liberals chafe at the limitations imposed on governmental authority by virtue of our Constitution. By contrast, conservatives chafe at the over rescuing of government beyond those limited grants of authority.

The gulf will remain as long as there is no recognition by “liberals” of the urgent need to prevent the abuse of power by governmental agencies and people.
It's the Republicans that are always cutting funding for programs and don't care much for the poor. You can deny it, but it only shows that you're one of those conservatives that pretend to be "pro-life" when you're really not. You're pro-mammon, not pro-life. You're pro-me, myself and I. You wrote a wall of text that amounts to nothing because everyone knows Republicans are the ones defunding all of the programs.
Where is your EVIDENCE that republicans are cutting funds? Especially for (LMAO :abgg2q.jpg:) programs that DON'T CARE MUCH FOR THE POOR.:huh1: Do you not think that useless programs that DON'T CARE FOR THE POOR should be cut from the budget and replaced by self help programs that do care about the poor? Democrats don't care about the poor......if that was the truth there would be no inner city slums directed at separating the poor from their snob hill mansions on the hill in gated communities, there would be no generational poverty index that holds the poor down generation after generation by declaring that the poor simply can't make it on their own merits, suggesting that Blacks and other minorities are not as smart as the elite democrats......they require Affirmative Action status to enter the same programs with whites, and they would starve without the elite WHITE democrat help. Talk about condescension.

As LBJ was qouted: "I'll have these ******* voting democrat from now on with this war on poverty". Even "SNOPES" can't deny the racism of these DIXIE democrats. Slavery existed because of democrats, women were refused the vote by democrats.....hell, there were more republicans that voted for the Civil Rights bill of the 50s and 60s than democrats.

Democrats don't care about the poor..............they care about purchasing their votes by promising FREE SHIT at the tax payer expense. Phones, Housing, Food, Healthcare....etc, all without moving the poverty index one iota. After all its not the politicians' money.........or its not the money of those who vote democrat for the free shit.........it belongs to those that actually PAY THE TAXES.

Just like all communist leftwingnuts..........you do nothing but talk out your ass. Your mother must have slapped the wrong end at birth. I am anti-murder. I am a firm believer in all human life being provided DUE PROCESS for crimes against humanity before any death sentence is carried out. What crime is an innocent, gestating child being charged with before it's murdered by a supposed physician who has taken an oath "First do no harm"?

The facts are: Abortion on demand is a for profit Murder Inc., administered by EVIL PEOPLE. It began as a method of eugenics, first introduced by Margaret Sanger.....to help reduce the black population in the Untied States. And, even today, there are way more black children being murdered at these abortion mills than any other race of peoples in the US.

There is no justification for killing an innocent child, inside or outside the womb. No child should be held responsible for the crimes committed by its parents, even if the child is a product of rape or incest......the child is innocent. There is no crime for causing Social Inconvenience. Life is always paramount over any social shame. There are many.....left and right wing childless couples that would readily agree to adopt any such child, no questions asked.

Do you know how many innocent children have been offered up as a SACRIFICE on the human secular altar of paganism each and every year on earth? 73 million children are murdered each and every year. Add up all the wars in world history.........some 5000 years.......it ranges between 150 million to a billion deaths...total. Add just the past 50 years of abortion......and you have exceeded the total number of people killed in warfare in world history over a 5000 year period.

Laws do not define morality. They reflect it or the lack thereof.
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At root, liberalism disdains personal liberties when they conflict with the powers of government.

By contrast, liberals tend to see government as the right entity to solve problems of all kinds.

These (above) are the 2 most salient points you make IMO

Also noteworthy: liberals disdain liberty for anyone who gets in the way of their agenda

even if they are innocent children in the womb
Where is your EVIDENCE that republicans are cutting funds? Especially for (LMAO :abgg2q.jpg:) programs that DON'T CARE MUCH FOR THE POOR.:huh1: Do you not think that useless programs that DON'T CARE FOR THE POOR should be cut from the budget and replaced by self help programs that do care about the poor? Democrats don't care about the poor......if that was the truth there would be no inner city slums directed at separating the poor from their snob hill mansions on the hill in gated communities, there would be no generational poverty index that holds the poor down generation after generation by declaring that the poor simply can't make it on their own merits, suggesting that Blacks and other minorities are not as smart as the elite democrats......they require Affirmative Action status to enter the same programs with whites, and they would starve without the elite WHITE democrat help. Talk about condescension.

As LBJ was qouted: "I'll have these ******* voting democrat from now on with this war on poverty". Even "SNOPES" can't deny the racism of these DIXIE democrats. Slavery existed because of democrats, women were refused the vote by democrats.....hell, there were more republicans that voted for the Civil Rights bill of the 50s and 60s than democrats.

Democrats don't care about the poor..............they care about purchasing their votes by promising FREE SHIT at the tax payer expense. Phones, Housing, Food, Healthcare....etc, all without moving the poverty index one iota. After all its not the politicians' money.........or its not the money of those who vote democrat for the free shit.........it belongs to those that actually PAY THE TAXES.

Just like all communist leftwingnuts..........you do nothing but talk out your ass. Your mother must have slapped the wrong end at birth. I am anti-murder. I am a firm believer in all human life being provided DUE PROCESS for crimes against humanity before any death sentence is carried out. What crime is an innocent, gestating child being charged with before it's murdered by a supposed physician who has taken an oath "First do no harm"?

The facts are: Abortion on demand is a for profit Murder Inc., administered by EVIL PEOPLE. It began as a method of eugenics, first introduced by Margaret Sanger.....to help reduce the black population in the Untied States. And, even today, there are way more black children being murdered at these abortion mills than any other race of peoples in the US.

There is no justification for killing an innocent child, inside or outside the womb. No child should be held responsible for the crimes committed by its parents, even if the child is a product of rape or incest......the child is innocent. There is no crime for causing Social Inconvenience. Life is always paramount over any social shame. There are many.....left and right wing childless couples that would readily agree to adopt any such child, no questions asked.

Do you know how many innocent children have been offered up as a SACRIFICE on the human secular altar of paganism each and every year on earth? 73 million children are murdered each and every year. Add up all the wars in world history.........some 5000 years.......it ranges between 150 million to a billion deaths...total. Add just the past 50 years of abortion......and you have exceeded the total number of people killed in warfare in world history over a 5000 year period.

Laws do not define morality. They reflect it or the lack thereof.

I'm not going to read all of your disingenuous gobbledygook. You're obviously getting triggered by what I'm saying or you wouldn't be going into your spastic writing tantrum fits. You can deny it all you want, but whenever your beloved Republican politicians cut support or defund government-funded programs that help the poor, you're proving to everyone with at least half a brain, that you right-wingers aren't really "pro-life". You're pro-mammon, pro-me-myself, and I. You're pro-death.

If you were actually pro-life, you wouldn't just be concerned about life in the womb, but outside of the womb as well. You right-wing conservative "pro-lifers" are champions of fetuses, until that fetus becomes an infant and is born to that impoverished single mother, then you flip it a birdie and say with a southern twang: "bye bye, no more pro-life love for you", "I'll pray to Jesus to help ya".
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I'm not going to read all of your disingenuous gobbledygook. You're obviously getting triggered by what I'm saying or you wouldn't be going into your spastic writing tantrum fits.
my, you communists are full of compassion, empathy and understanding of others...


hey, just like Stalin, Mao and other commies

But we're not surprised. Commies are like all other libs: big liars

`100% true and you should become a communist now, because it's the future, due to advanced automation and AI. Hey Jesus and his apostles were commies, so I'm in good company, you're not.
Not true.

Take Rev. Warnock for example. So long as Jesus loves abortion and gender changes for First Graders and everything else the Left is peddling then they are just fine with Jesus.
Jim Jones was another Leftist freak who was the same way, part pastor, part Marxist.
Jim Jones was an extremist and a demagogue.
I'm against abortions of convenience, however, the same people who are supposedly "pro-life" are often the same people defunding government programs that help single mothers raise their children. We should care about life in the womb and outside of it as well.

Prove it or continue to be the liar we know you are.
Prove it or continue to be the liar we know you are.

You fake disciples of Jesus and "pro-lifers" are always voting for politicians who defund social programs:

  • Federal Level:
    • Paul Ryan, former Speaker of the House, proposed budget cuts to entitlement programs such as Medicaid, food stamps, and other social safety net programs in his "A Better Way" agenda.
    • Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, has advocated for reducing spending on social programs in order to address the national debt.
  • State and Local Levels:
    • Scott Walker, former Governor of Wisconsin, pursued policies that reduced funding for public education and social programs in an effort to balance the state budget.
    • Sam Brownback, former Governor of Kansas, implemented tax cuts that led to reductions in education and social welfare spending.
    • Doug Ducey, Governor of Arizona, has proposed budget cuts to welfare and Medicaid programs in an attempt to address the state's fiscal challenges.

Republican politicians in the US government, at both the federal and state levels, have been known to advocate for reduced funding or defunding of social programs that are vital for supporting single mothers and their children. These politicians often claim to be pro-life and express concern for unborn fetuses, but their actions demonstrate a lack of compassion for the well-being of children and their mothers outside the womb.

At the federal level, figures such as Paul Ryan, former Speaker of the House, have proposed budget cuts that directly impact essential social safety net programs. Ryan's "A Better Way" agenda aimed to reduce funding for programs like Medicaid, food stamps, and other critical assistance programs that support low-income families. Similarly, Mitch McConnell, as Senate Majority Leader, has consistently advocated for reduced spending on social programs at the expense of vulnerable populations.

State-level Republican politicians have also implemented policies that prioritize budget cuts over the welfare of single mothers and their children. For instance, former Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin pursued austerity measures that resulted in reduced funding for public education and social programs, undermining the resources available to support struggling families. In Kansas, former Governor Sam Brownback's tax cuts disproportionately affected social welfare spending and education, leaving vulnerable populations with limited support. Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona has similarly proposed budget cuts to welfare and Medicaid programs, disregarding the challenges faced by single mothers and their children.

These examples highlight a consistent trend among conservative Republicans who prioritize reducing government spending over ensuring a robust social safety net for the working class. It is crucial to recognize that their positions and actions contradict their claims of being pro-life, as they consistently fail to support programs that aid single mothers and their children in crucial areas such as healthcare, education, housing, school lunch programs, and child daycare.

While it is important to acknowledge that individual politicians may hold different views within a party, these tendencies within the Republican party cannot be ignored. It is essential to challenge and criticize arguments that champion pro-life positions while neglecting the well-being and support of families in need. The focus should be on advocating for a society that values and prioritizes the holistic well-being of all individuals, both inside and outside the womb, through a robust social safety net and support systems.

Evangelicals and other "Christians" pretend to be pro-life, when they're really not. They're pro-death.
And a Republican Conservative as well that doesn't give a hoot about the poor, votes against Medicaid expansion, and defunds government programs that assist single mothers. The Liberals inject children with puberty blockers, the conservatives are indifferent to the needs of the poor, only providing help when the homeless person joins the 8-month "discipleship program" in the Christian shelter. Convert to Christianity or we won't help you and we will make sure the government doesn't help you either. That's also demonic.
this is NOT true.

When I have been in need of something, it ws members of the (true) Catholic Churches who helped me the most and they are all or mostly conservative. i can't see a liberal wanting to EVER attend a Traditional Mass.. or even a celebrated-by-conservative (novus ordo) priest Mass

Liberals do not help the poor because they figure the gummit does that.. It's a known fact that liberals do not give to charity like conservatives do

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