Why is there such a HUGE abyss between conservative and liberal politics?

The problem in 1950 was that the nation’s two major political parties weren’t honoring the intentions of their voters. A Minnesota Democrat pulling the lever for Hubert Humphrey, her party’s liberal Senate candidate in 1954, was also voting for a Senate majority that would include Strom Thurmond, who was among the chamber’s most conservative members. Rather than offering a choice, the parties were offering a mush.
What part of the bible says you will never be forgiven if you do those things?

Trump was asked if he had ever asked God for forgiveness, he basically stated that he had never done anything wrong to warrant asking God for forgiveness.

In July 2015, during the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump was asked if he had ever asked God for forgiveness. Trump responded, "I am not sure I have. I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don't think so. I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture. I don't."

So, if Trump had asked God for forgiveness for his sins, you'd have a valid point. but, since he didn't, you don't.
You need a higher power and the belief in an afterlife to have any sense of morality? I would say you have some serious problems.
Please explain to us the "origins" of any Moral Compass if it did not arise from the transcendent content of religious historicity :dunno:

Morality does not exist in nature.....thus, morality is not an evolved trait of nature. Why do all the modern societies of the world have the same basic concepts of what constitutes morality......right and wrong? Its a most difficult thing to find any civilized society that does not define the majority of the 10 commandment's of God in their legal system that reflects the morality of its citizenship.

Every moral trait included in US law have some historical relationship to the Judeo-Christian philosophy, as the majority of the US system of jurisprudence, to include the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were primarily based upon Blackstone's theories of Law......who in turn used the Holy Scriptures as a basis for morality.

Laws do not establish morality........they reflect the morality or lack thereof of any society. Moral societies make moral laws.....immoral societies make immoral law. The lack of morality or immorality is not tied to any one political ideology.......immorality and fascism are bisexual bitches......they swing both ways, from the left to the right, just like a clock pendulum.

Who informed the first evolved man that it was wrong to muder/kill, steal, cheat on spouse, rape....molest.....etc, since morality does not exist as a natural trait of humanity? No one is born moral or immoral.........morality is an instructed trait of humanity.
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Please explain to us the "origins" of any Moral Compass if it did not arise from the transcendent content of religious historicity :dunno:

Morality does not exist in nature.....thus, morality is not an evolved trait of nature. Why do all the modern societies of the world have the same basic concepts of what constitutes morality......right and wrong? Its a most difficult thing to find any civilized society that does not define the majority of the 10 commandment's of God in their legal system that reflects the morality of its citizenship.

Every moral trait included in US law have some historical relationship to the Judeo-Christian philosophy, as the majority of the US system of jurisprudence, to include the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were primarily based upon Blackstone's theories of Law......who in turn used the Holy Scriptures as a basis for morality.

Laws do not establish morality........they reflect the morality or lack thereof of any society. Moral societies make moral laws.....immoral societies make immoral law. The lack of morality or immorality is not tied to any one political ideology.......immorality and fascism are bisexual bitches......they swing both ways, from the left to the right, just like a clock pendulum.

Who informed the first evolved man that it was wrong to muder/kill, steal, cheat on spouse, rape....molest.....etc, since morality does not exist as a natural trait of humanity? No one is born moral or immoral.........morality is an instructed trait of humanity.
Because killing people is impractical and counterproductive in the long run. You're suggesting without religion, people would think killing is ok? If that is the case why aren't people brought up atheists constantly murdering?
Funny you mention religion because religion has been responsible for more death and de structuon on this planet then any other force.
Because killing people is impractical and counterproductive in the long run. You're suggesting without religion, people would think killing is ok? If that is the case why aren't people brought up atheists constantly murdering?
Funny you mention religion because religion has been responsible for more death and de structuon on this planet then any other force.
I am suggesting nothing........why do the atheists in the US constantly murder? Its because of the Moral Laws that are reflected by the majority of this societies citizens who are responsible for legislating law in this Representative Republic.

You deflect away from the question. Where and when did the first laws of morality come into existence? Document your evidence. I have suggested that you can't read very far into the system of US jurisprudence without encountering the laws found in the history of the Judeo-Christian philosophy, in specific the eternally righteous laws found to exist in both the N.T. Laws and Old Testament Laws called the basic 10 commandments.

The reality....this is your conclusion, if atheism and evolution are true as propagated by all secular humanists, there is no higher standard for human behavior than subjective human opinion, genetic tendencies, and subjective inclination ....its all based upon animalistic impulses?

Such thinking is absurd and nonsensical. Why? Just look at the recent history of the United States, beginning from the time the communist party infiltrated the Democrat party in the 60s....by introducing the list of communist goals into the congressional record.

Since that time, social communists (i.e, calling themselves democrats or progressive conservatives) and evolutionary atheists have continued their propaganda campaign to all but eradicate/remove the Judeo-Christian philosophy from our school systems, entertainment industries, news sources..etc,..and society at large.

The facts point out from this time forward, both religion and the family values have steadily been in decline...........the Crime statistics have soared, unwed motherhood is at an all time high.......fathers have been removed from the family unit and replaced by Big Brother (welfare...etc.) with the suggestion that a long as you vote democrat/liberal/progressive.......the government will take care of your entire livelihood from cradle to grave.

When you remove transcending absolute morality from the picture there is only 1 conclusion that will result in a society that engages in such......total absolute failure. There has never any historical example of a successful godless nation ever thriving on earth. Look to the USSR.........even China was failing until it decided to venture in a system of global capitalism with the theft of intellectual properties from all over the world. ........another example? The history of France........over the same historical period that the US has existed (about 250 years)........France has went through at least 6 major revolutions (and more if you count the revolutions of the middle 1800s) in the quest for Social Justice as defined by atheism. French Revolution Timeline: 6 Phases of Revolution

Our founders knew and comprehended this, this is why Republican Government.........instead of a democratic government is guaranteed at all levels of government in the US. Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1
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I am suggesting nothing........why do the atheists in the US constantly murder? Its because of the Moral Laws that are reflected by the majority of this societies citizens who are responsible for legislating law in this Representative Republic.

You deflect away from the question. Where and when did the first laws of morality come into existence? Document your evidence. I have suggested that you can't read very far into the system of US jurisprudence without encountering the laws found in the history of the Judeo-Christian philosophy, in specific the eternally righteous laws found to exist in both the N.T. Laws and Old Testament Laws called the basic 10 commandments.

The reality....this is your conclusion, if atheism and evolution are true as propagated by all secular humanists, there is no higher standard for human behavior than subjective human opinion, genetic tendencies, and subjective inclination ....its all based upon animalistic impulses?

Such thinking is absurd and nonsensical. Why? Just look at the recent history of the United States, beginning from the time the communist party infiltrated the Democrat party in the 60s....by introducing the list of communist goals into the congressional record.

Since that time, social communists (i.e, calling themselves democrats or progressive conservatives) and evolutionary atheists have continued their propaganda campaign to all but eradicate/remove the Judeo-Christian philosophy from our school systems, entertainment industries, news sources..etc,..and society at large.

The facts point out from this time forward, both religion and the family values have steadily been in decline...........the Crime statistics have soared, unwed motherhood is at an all time high.......fathers have been removed from the family unit and replaced by Big Brother (welfare...etc.) with the suggestion that a long as you vote democrat/liberal/progressive.......the government will take care of your entire livelihood from cradle to grave.

When you remove transcending absolute morality from the picture there is only 1 conclusion that will result in a society that engages in such......total absolute failure. There has never any historical example of a successful godless nation ever thriving on earth. Look to the USSR.........even China was failing until it decided to venture in a system of global capitalism with the theft of intellectual properties from all over the world. ........another example? The history of France........over the same historical period that the US has existed (about 250 years)........France has went through at least 6 major revolutions (and more if you count the revolutions of the middle 1800s) in the quest for Social Justice as defined by atheism. French Revolution Timeline: 6 Phases of Revolution

Our founders knew and comprehended this, this is why Republican Government.........instead of a democratic government is guaranteed at all levels of government in the US. Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1
First off I'm not reading what you have to say, jig. It almost appears like you almost went to college, but not quite. History is on my side, jig. You will lose.
First off I'm not reading what you have to say, jig. It almost appears like you almost went to college, but not quite. History is on my side, jig. You will lose.
There it is.....Bingo! Game over.......when someone can't defend their argument, out comes the ad hominem BS and personal attack. :abgg2q.jpg: You claim YOU DID NOT READ IT.............but then you suggest it appears someone almost went to college. Of course you did not read it, that's why you never retorted....post 87 is just a figment of the multiverse in another reality.
There it is.....Bingo! Game over.......when someone can't defend their argument, out comes the ad hominem BS and personal attack. :abgg2q.jpg: You claim YOU DID NOT READ IT.............but then you suggest it appears someone almost went to college. Of course you did not read it, that's why you never retorted....post 87 is just a figment of the multiverse in another reality.
Secularism is on the rise religion is on the decline. Have a great day!
Secularism is on the rise religion is on the decline. Have a great day!
And? This simply confirms the information that I presented as being valid in proving that atheistic human secularism is causing societal chaos. Hear that swooshing noise? Pay no attention, its simply the air blowing between your ears. :huh1:
Because killing people is impractical and counterproductive in the long run. You're suggesting without religion, people would think killing is ok? If that is the case why aren't people brought up atheists constantly murdering?
Funny you mention religion because religion has been responsible for more death and de structuon on this planet then any other force.
No........I am suggesting that without any type of universal standard of Law, there would be no fear of punishment with the result being total chaos according to the ignorance of theoretical BS such as evolution where "might makes right".

FYI: you are still to present any evidence that morality is an innate trait of being HUMAN as you are suggesting. Not even the hardest core liberal believes and accepts that position, as a child cannot be held responsible to be tried as an adult until they reach the age of reason, in other words they are not mature enough to comprehend the difference between right and wrong. For morality to exist, it first must be instructed and then reflected in the common laws of any and all societies. Laws do not create morality, they define what the majority of any society self defines as moral.

An example of an immoral law would be Abortion on Command directly contradicts the very first legal document ever entered via a US Political body, the congressional congress...i.e, the "Declaration of Independence". "All men are CREATED EQUAL and endowed by the creator with certain inalienable (not transferable....not even to the mother) rights, among these, the right to life and liberty (not born, but created: human's are CREATED at conception, not birth, as per the application of Science and the fact that from day one of creation....when the male and female DNA bonds, that creates an individual and unique DNA SIGNATURE....like no other human on earth) Its human DNA that defines the uniqueness of humanity....there is nothing magical about a child breaching the female birth canal, as the Child is the product of both parents, not just the mother.

Why should the mother alone be declared the OWNER (like a slave owner) of a gestating (still growing and dependent human child) human life, but once it breaches the magic vagina.......it suddenly becomes the property of both parents? Don't believe that DNA is used to define human life? Have you ever witnessed a mother demanding that a father accept the responsibility of a child because DNA proves parenthood? Its established in every court in the United States of America as scientific evidence.........yet some claim that DNA science does not exist when it comes to ABORTION.

This is an example of how immoral people make immoral laws. Laws do not generate morality......they define it. That's why there are still murders all over the world. If Law could establish morality......after the first law stated that Murder is illegal, all murders would have ceased to exist. I would compare Abortion on Command as being just as inhumane as SLAVERY, because the mother claims the life of an unborn child to be nothing but personal property even though SCIENCE proves that child to be a unique human being, separate from both the mother and or father.

The first argument made by the ignorance of human secular atheism? The Declaration of Independence is not a legally binding law. The reality? If the Declaration of Independence is not a legal document, then by the laws of reason and logic we are still under the authority of England and its common law, the result being the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Treaty of Paris (1783) are all worthless documents to be used as nothing but recycled paper.
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And? This simply confirms the information that I presented as being valid in proving that atheistic human secularism is causing societal chaos. Hear that swooshing noise? Pay no attention, its simply the air blowing between your ears. :huh1:
Lol yeah you really "proved" that.
Lol yeah you really "proved" that.
Yeah.......here we go again..........not reading, but magically retorting to something not read. Again.......swoosh! Are you a child? How old are you? You reason and articulate much like a middle school kid. :) Of course....TODAY you could hold a degree in the Art of Lesbian Dance theory. The majority of all high school children can't read the daily paper or tell time, they must use a digital time piece, thanks to the magic of human secular atheism and our dumb downed system of education. This explains why the US is now 27th in the world as far as educational intelligence is concerned.
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Trump was asked if he had ever asked God for forgiveness, he basically stated that he had never done anything wrong to warrant asking God for forgiveness.

In July 2015, during the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump was asked if he had ever asked God for forgiveness. Trump responded, "I am not sure I have. I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don't think so. I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture. I don't."

So, if Trump had asked God for forgiveness for his sins, you'd have a valid point. but, since he didn't, you don't.
that is from a long time ago. TRUMP showed by his actions that he was repentant on abortion by getting good Justices on the scotus who helped overturn legalized baby murder.

Then you have people who are supposed to be .. say Catholic.. and promote abortion (Pelosi, biden)

and yet you never attack them, that I know of. I guess politics trumps all w/ some folks
I never said he was a saint

He made Christianity accptable to the secular powers.

enough said IMO
How did Constantine make Christianity acceptable to the secular powers?
Christianity is acceptable to the secular powers in the form of Reverend Warnock getting up and proudly proclaiming Jesus loves abortion and the gender thingy. In fact, so long as Jesus bows his knee to the secualar powers to do their bidding they are just fine with him. But the minute he stops bowing to them, all of a sudden they are persecuted again

Funny that.
How did Constantine make Christianity acceptable to the secular powers?
Christianity is acceptable to the secular powers in the form of Reverend Warnock getting up and proudly proclaiming Jesus loves abortion and the gender thingy. In fact, so long as Jesus bows his knee to the secualar powers to do their bidding they are just fine with him. But the minute he stops bowing to them, all of a sudden they are persecuted again

Funny that.
i only have a cursory knowledge of Constantine but until he came along (this I know), Christians could not practice the faith in public without getting thrown to the lions or whatever
i only have a cursory knowledge of Constantine but until he came along (this I know), Christians could not practice the faith in public without getting thrown to the lions or whatever
True, they had to do it in secret.

They were willing to give up their lives to do it in secret.

Compare that with your average church goer today.

Which is the better Christian?
True, they had to do it in secret.

They were willing to give up their lives to do it in secret.

Compare that with your average church goer today.

Which is the better Christian?
I don't know... I'm not God, so I can't say.

But it is true that when Christians get soft and worldly..after awhile they really aren't Christian anymore.
And how many crimes in the last 2000 years were committed in the name of 'God' 'Allah' etc? Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition?

Please spare us of your pontificating.

No one is murdering helpless children.


how are things living with the old head in the sand? Doesn't sand get in your eyes? But the old eyes don't appear to be working anyway...

Well, I skimmed through the first part of the material at this site and it is not or probably not a site I would agree with totally on religious issues but I tend to think we'd agree on the political... which kind of defines my experiences at usmb

But anyhow, the site says that liberals do not believe the Bible came from God.

Wait... there may be a disagreement with my own faith right there. It is true they reject the bible as being from God. But they reject God PERIOD. Even if you disregard the Bible entirely, there is no god you could possibly believe in who would condone what liberals are always condoning. the murder of helpless children is the most egregious example I now think of, but there are other examples.

In any case, when you don't have Higher Power to answer to, someone who will hold you accountable for all that you did on Planet E while you were here... and multiply that by all the other liberals in the world...

We can hardly be surprised when... Societal chaos and mayhem ensue..

I partly agree with you, as a person who considers himself a social conservative and believer in a Higher Power and Authority and a leftist when it comes to economics. What I see on the right-wing religious side is plenty of concern for human life in other people's wombs, while voting for politicians who defund government programs that help single mothers raise their children. On the one hand, the right-wing conservatives, especially the religious types, will make a stink about threatening and actually killing prenatal human life, then show complete indifference to the fact that single, pregnant woman lost her job due to her pregnancy and needs help from the government to get back on her feet and raise her child.

I agree, abortions of convenience i.e. willy-nilly abortions are immoral, and should be banned (Stalinist Russia banned both abortions and open homosexuality - no "LGBTQ+" nonsense in the USSR), but, we should also be concerned for the mother and her baby once it is born. Are we just the champions of fetuses? We need to protect the infant that is born, providing his or her mother with the help she needs to house, feed, clothe, educate, provide medical care..etc. If you're not for that, do you really believe your repulsion for abortion is going to be taken seriously by liberals? They'll just consider you a hypocrite. You're "pro-life" for fetuses (a champion of fetuses), but not for infants and their mothers. We need to be pro-life for life inside and outside the womb.
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