Why Is This Race Close?...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Decades of Media propaganda and Public School indoctrination, as well as growing dependency on Government, are taking their toll.

Sums it up perfectly. Very good article by Ira Brodsky.

President Obama’s re-election hopes should be growing dimmer by the hour.

His domestic policy has caused unprecedented suffering: high unemployment, gas prices that have doubled, and record numbers on food stamps and disability.

His foreign policy has emboldened our enemies. Our embassies are under attack and Iran’s genocidal leaders are closer to acquiring nuclear weapons.

And yet it is a tight race. How can that be?

Perhaps the polls are wrong. But it’s more likely that decades of media propaganda and public school indoctrination, as well as growing dependency on government, are taking their toll.

Conservative pundits complain that poll samples are skewed in favor of Democrats. When polls conducted just prior to elections are compared with the actual election results, they are frequently found to have overestimated Democrats’ strength. And there are many other potential sources of error in polls. Most polls are conducted via landline telephones despite the fact that more and more people use cellphones exclusively. Some people also believe that conservatives are less likely to participate in polls.

But even polls conducted by Fox News and the Wall Street Journal show President Obama ahead. If we give Romney a 3-point handicap, then the race is dead even.

The media influences how people perceive the issues and candidates, which is why responsible news organizations should strive to be accurate and fair. The fact that most reporters and editors are left-of-center is not necessarily a problem. But it is a problem that many reporters and editors have bought into the idea that since perfect objectivity is unattainable there is no point in trying to be objective. Some of these journalists end up becoming full-fledged propagandists.

The media’s role as propagandist is evidenced in several ways. News stories freely mix opinion with fact. Interviews are conducted not to gather information but to prove points. Investigations are conducted not to uncover news but to create it. Instead of acknowledging the need for independent media watchdogs, members of the media appoint themselves to “fact check” the candidates. For example, the fact-checking website PolitiFact.com is owned and operated by the anti-Republican Tampa Bay Times and its staff includes a number of reporters.

Many voters see through the propaganda. They use the Internet to compare what different news sources are saying. They dig deeper into stories. They seek out independent commentary. But many others trust the major news outlets...

Read more: Why is the race close? | The Daily Caller
The race is close because you have a growing level of stupidity and ignorance as well as an entitlement mentality among the American people combined with a piss poor Republican nominee who changes his positions on the issues every other day while being incapable of relating to the common every day Joe.

Regardless of who wins this election the country I grew up in is gone. We're in decline and will continue to do so no matter who is in charge of the country. Demographic factors point to that being the only logical conclusion.
President Obama’s re-election hopes should be growing dimmer by the hour.

His domestic policy has caused unprecedented suffering: high unemployment, gas prices that have doubled, and record numbers on food stamps and disability.

His foreign policy has emboldened our enemies. Our embassies are under attack and Iran’s genocidal leaders are closer to acquiring nuclear weapons.

And yet it is a tight race. How can that be?

It shows many American voters are STUPID!
The race is close because you have a growing level of stupidity and ignorance as well as an entitlement mentality among the American people combined with a piss poor Republican nominee who changes his positions on the issues every other day while being incapable of relating to the common every day Joe.

Regardless of who wins this election the country I grew up in is gone. We're in decline and will continue to do so no matter who is in charge of the country. Demographic factors point to that being the only logical conclusion.

Sadly, you're probably right.
We don't know what the polls show. The raw data on which the polls are based are guarded more closely than the nation's secrets.

It is true that the country is gone no matter who wins the election. We are not educating children into national loyalty. They are being taught to reject the very underpinnings of the nation instead.
Everybody wants to kill Romney, but the truth is, Obama has the unions, hollywood, and the news media. The Obama machine would have been tough for any candidate to overcome.
The Repubs are running a Progressive Republican who is running AGAINST his own record perhaps?
The Repubs are running a Progressive Republican who is running AGAINST his own record perhaps?

I supported him as a progressive Republican. Since he has changed course and tried to change who he is, well the far right wing loons can keep him.
The Repubs are running a Progressive Republican who is running AGAINST his own record perhaps?

I supported him as a progressive Republican. Since he has changed course and tried to change who he is, well the far right wing loons can keep him.

He got my vote for Governor, but he's not getting it this time.
And yet it is a tight race. How can that be?

A highly polarized electorate, only a tiny sliver of those ‘undecided.’

For many voters the economy is not an issue, most realizing the magnitude of the disaster and the idiocy of expecting it to be ‘fixed’ in less than 4 years.

The GOP counting on the economy being the 12th man in the game, and assuming their ‘ham sandwich’ candidate could easily defeat Obama.

The GOP’s miscalculation that Obama was as universality despised by the general voting public as within republican ranks.

The GOP’s success in alienating a significant number of voting blocks.

The GOP candidate himself alienating a significant number of voters.

A poorly run Romney campaign, its candidate clearly not up to the task.

And it has nothing to do with ‘media propaganda,’ that’s a pathetic excuse ignoring the fact of an incompetent Romney candidacy.

In general, voters vote for candidates and presidents they like and believe will win – this year that’s Obama.
President Obama’s re-election hopes should be growing dimmer by the hour.

This conviction is exactly why Obama is winning. Structural factors alone did not make this race a lock for Republicans; at best they were ambiguous as to which side went in with an advantage and in some cases they, along with the advantages of incumbency, put Obama at a slight favorite.

I suspect that's part of the reason the GOP put forth a very weak field in the primaries that produced a very flawed candidate. The referendum idea failed; if it's just an up-or-down vote on Obama, he'll get another 4 years. So now the question has become what choice are the Republicans offering, which has posed a problem for Romney since his policies were just cardboard cutouts. You weren't supposed to find out that they had no depth until after the election and the premature exposure of that reality hasn't helped him. But the glimpses we have seen have not impressed the electorate.

The real question to ask isn't why Obama is leading but rather why wouldn't he be?
Why Is This Race Close?...

Why should it not be Close -

because the present Administration curtailed the 07-09 Great Recession in June 0f 09 with a positive GDP, first since Dec. 07 that has remained positive for each successive quarter to the present time and concluded the unprovoked and unfunded Iraqi war ... and deserves to be reelected.
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One of three reasons:
  1. Lousy candidate
  2. Many voters are not convinced the GOP has the answers
  3. Some combination therein
No matter how much Republican voters pretend they like Romney, it's just not believable.

From the very beginning, Mittens' strategy was to just show up and let the bad economy do all the work. Since it became apparent that that wasn't going to be enough to turn enough of the country away from this President, he's been caught flat-footed without a Plan B.
After a few rough weeks for Mitt Romney and with polls beginning to swing in President Obama’s favor, conservatives on the Sunday talk shows offered their ideas on how the candidate can turn his campaign around. The consensus: Romney needs to make the election more about his own agenda and less about President Obama.

“Certainly in part, it is a referendum on this president, there is no doubt about it,” said Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) in an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.” “But I think for most Americans … they want to know more than what’s wrong with this president. They want to know what’s right, and what’s going to move this country forward, and I think Mitt Romney has got that plan. I want to see fire in the belly. I want to see him move forward.”

Conservatives Advise Romney: Make The Election About The Future | TPM2012
President Obama’s re-election hopes should be growing dimmer by the hour.

This conviction is exactly why Obama is winning. Structural factors alone did not make this race a lock for Republicans; at best they were ambiguous as to which side went in with an advantage and in some cases they, along with the advantages of incumbency, put Obama at a slight favorite.

I suspect that's part of the reason the GOP put forth a very weak field in the primaries that produced a very flawed candidate. The referendum idea failed; if it's just an up-or-down vote on Obama, he'll get another 4 years. So now the question has become what choice are the Republicans offering, which has posed a problem for Romney since his policies were just cardboard cutouts. You weren't supposed to find out that they had no depth until after the election and the premature exposure of that reality hasn't helped him. But the glimpses we have seen have not impressed the electorate.

The real question to ask isn't why Obama is leading but rather why wouldn't he be?

Ya they all got together last year and decided they didn't want to win BWWHAAAAA

The only thing your right about is the advantage the incumbent has.

Looking at the numbers one might extrapolate that the electorate isn't impressed much with ether.
Decades of Media propaganda and Public School indoctrination, as well as growing dependency on Government, are taking their toll.

Sums it up perfectly. Very good article by Ira Brodsky.

President Obama’s re-election hopes should be growing dimmer by the hour.

His domestic policy has caused unprecedented suffering: high unemployment, gas prices that have doubled, and record numbers on food stamps and disability.

His foreign policy has emboldened our enemies. Our embassies are under attack and Iran’s genocidal leaders are closer to acquiring nuclear weapons.

And yet it is a tight race. How can that be?

Perhaps the polls are wrong. But it’s more likely that decades of media propaganda and public school indoctrination, as well as growing dependency on government, are taking their toll.

Conservative pundits complain that poll samples are skewed in favor of Democrats. When polls conducted just prior to elections are compared with the actual election results, they are frequently found to have overestimated Democrats’ strength. And there are many other potential sources of error in polls. Most polls are conducted via landline telephones despite the fact that more and more people use cellphones exclusively. Some people also believe that conservatives are less likely to participate in polls.

But even polls conducted by Fox News and the Wall Street Journal show President Obama ahead. If we give Romney a 3-point handicap, then the race is dead even.

The media influences how people perceive the issues and candidates, which is why responsible news organizations should strive to be accurate and fair. The fact that most reporters and editors are left-of-center is not necessarily a problem. But it is a problem that many reporters and editors have bought into the idea that since perfect objectivity is unattainable there is no point in trying to be objective. Some of these journalists end up becoming full-fledged propagandists.

The media’s role as propagandist is evidenced in several ways. News stories freely mix opinion with fact. Interviews are conducted not to gather information but to prove points. Investigations are conducted not to uncover news but to create it. Instead of acknowledging the need for independent media watchdogs, members of the media appoint themselves to “fact check” the candidates. For example, the fact-checking website PolitiFact.com is owned and operated by the anti-Republican Tampa Bay Times and its staff includes a number of reporters.

Many voters see through the propaganda. They use the Internet to compare what different news sources are saying. They dig deeper into stories. They seek out independent commentary. But many others trust the major news outlets...

Read more: Why is the race close? | The Daily Caller

It's not close. Just like Obama vs McCain wasn't close. But keep reading the daily caller, when Obama crushes Romney they will have an expose' on the failure of the Romney campaign and how they knew he would lose. Just like the right wing media did in 2008.
Decades of Media propaganda and Public School indoctrination, as well as growing dependency on Government, are taking their toll.

Sums it up perfectly. Very good article by Ira Brodsky.

President Obama’s re-election hopes should be growing dimmer by the hour.

His domestic policy has caused unprecedented suffering: high unemployment, gas prices that have doubled, and record numbers on food stamps and disability.

His foreign policy has emboldened our enemies. Our embassies are under attack and Iran’s genocidal leaders are closer to acquiring nuclear weapons.

And yet it is a tight race. How can that be?

Perhaps the polls are wrong. But it’s more likely that decades of media propaganda and public school indoctrination, as well as growing dependency on government, are taking their toll.

Conservative pundits complain that poll samples are skewed in favor of Democrats. When polls conducted just prior to elections are compared with the actual election results, they are frequently found to have overestimated Democrats’ strength. And there are many other potential sources of error in polls. Most polls are conducted via landline telephones despite the fact that more and more people use cellphones exclusively. Some people also believe that conservatives are less likely to participate in polls.

But even polls conducted by Fox News and the Wall Street Journal show President Obama ahead. If we give Romney a 3-point handicap, then the race is dead even.

The media influences how people perceive the issues and candidates, which is why responsible news organizations should strive to be accurate and fair. The fact that most reporters and editors are left-of-center is not necessarily a problem. But it is a problem that many reporters and editors have bought into the idea that since perfect objectivity is unattainable there is no point in trying to be objective. Some of these journalists end up becoming full-fledged propagandists.

The media’s role as propagandist is evidenced in several ways. News stories freely mix opinion with fact. Interviews are conducted not to gather information but to prove points. Investigations are conducted not to uncover news but to create it. Instead of acknowledging the need for independent media watchdogs, members of the media appoint themselves to “fact check” the candidates. For example, the fact-checking website PolitiFact.com is owned and operated by the anti-Republican Tampa Bay Times and its staff includes a number of reporters.

Many voters see through the propaganda. They use the Internet to compare what different news sources are saying. They dig deeper into stories. They seek out independent commentary. But many others trust the major news outlets...

Read more: Why is the race close? | The Daily Caller

It's not close. Just like Obama vs McCain wasn't close. But keep reading the daily caller, when Obama crushes Romney they will have an expose' on the failure of the Romney campaign and how they knew he would lose. Just like the right wing media did in 2008.

It is close, but it shouldn't be. Obama hasn't done anything to warrant reelection.

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