Why is Trump hating so hard on Comey??? I don't get it?????

Once again, a report telling of no source. Lol
Bull. You really are naive if you believe that. By firing him he handed it to a known Dem/Clinton operative
When comey refused to go after clinton he showed the world what an incompetent pussbag he is. Trump doesn't care for incompetent pussbags.
Except that's not what he said to the Russians. He never mentioned Hillary. What he said was, "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” Now, he was wrong about that. But, he was very clear that he fired Comey to derail the Russian investigation.
You can call "bullshit" all you like. Those were his own words.
Am I and the rest of the American Stupid to believe the reason Trump is hating hard on Comey is because he did a bad thing with Hillary by holding a press conference? I don't get the name calling, the attacks, for what? Okay, you didn't like the guy, you fired him, why not let it go. Why every day, your disrespecting this man, calling him out and name calling?

Can somebody please explain to the Tiger, why all the hatred from Trump??????

Inquiring minds want to know, seriously?

Trump: I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Trump said, according to notes of the meeting read to the Times.
Which notes? Who released notes? What interview?
When comey refused to go after clinton he showed the world what an incompetent pussbag he is. Trump doesn't care for incompetent pussbags.
Except that's not what he said to the Russians. He never mentioned Hillary. What he said was, "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” Now, he was wrong about that. But, he was very clear that he fired Comey to derail the Russian investigation.
Of course that's why he fired the guy...but why continue the attacks??? I can not dismiss the fact, Trump thinks that everybody save for himself, is stupid. He really believes in his gut, because he got elected, that somehow everybody in this country, including those that voted for Hillary, are just fodder for stupidity on his part, and he and only he is the smartest guy in the room.

I think he's trying to smear Comey so that no one will believe him when he testifies before the Senate Committee.

That's a pattern with Trump.
Once again, a report telling of no source. Lol
Bull. You really are naive if you believe that. By firing him he handed it to a known Dem/Clinton operative
When comey refused to go after clinton he showed the world what an incompetent pussbag he is. Trump doesn't care for incompetent pussbags.
Except that's not what he said to the Russians. He never mentioned Hillary. What he said was, "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” Now, he was wrong about that. But, he was very clear that he fired Comey to derail the Russian investigation.
You can call "bullshit" all you like. Those were his own words.
Which, the Whiter House did not deny he said.
Honey, you hear what you want to hear. That's all.
Once again, a report telling of no source. Lol
Bull. You really are naive if you believe that. By firing him he handed it to a known Dem/Clinton operative
When comey refused to go after clinton he showed the world what an incompetent pussbag he is. Trump doesn't care for incompetent pussbags.
Except that's not what he said to the Russians. He never mentioned Hillary. What he said was, "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” Now, he was wrong about that. But, he was very clear that he fired Comey to derail the Russian investigation.
You can call "bullshit" all you like. Those were his own words.
Which, the Whiter House did not deny he said.
Honey, you hear what you want to hear. That's all.
Once again, a report telling of no source. Lol
Bull. You really are naive if you believe that. By firing him he handed it to a known Dem/Clinton operative
Except that's not what he said to the Russians. He never mentioned Hillary. What he said was, "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” Now, he was wrong about that. But, he was very clear that he fired Comey to derail the Russian investigation.
You can call "bullshit" all you like. Those were his own words.
Which, the Whiter House did not deny he said.
LOL! I rather suspect you don't even realise the irony of your response. Post for us the denial from the White House that Trump said what the article purported he said. Otherwise, I'm not the one who is only hearing what they want to hear.
Am I and the rest of the American Stupid to believe the reason Trump is hating hard on Comey is because he did a bad thing with Hillary by holding a press conference? I don't get the name calling, the attacks, for what? Okay, you didn't like the guy, you fired him, why not let it go. Why every day, your disrespecting this man, calling him out and name calling?

Can somebody please explain to the Tiger, why all the hatred from Trump??????

Inquiring minds want to know, seriously?

Trump: I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Trump said, according to notes of the meeting read to the Times.

It's called deflection. If he manages to get the press talking about something else other than his fuck ups, he sees this as success.
Sadly, its not working......and thank GOD.

Well, it's worked so far. His position isn't any worse than it was 100 days ago. Maybe he'll get caught out at some point, maybe not.
When comey refused to go after clinton he showed the world what an incompetent pussbag he is. Trump doesn't care for incompetent pussbags.

Okay, if that is true....stick with me here, than why did he after the leaks, go on record and praise Comey for what he had done, its on tape. Why was he then okay with it and now, all of a sudden, he's got issues??? Please answer me

Trump in a nutshell: Fish are friends, not food. j/k, CHOMP!
Am I and the rest of the American Stupid to believe the reason Trump is hating hard on Comey is because he did a bad thing with Hillary by holding a press conference? I don't get the name calling, the attacks, for what? Okay, you didn't like the guy, you fired him, why not let it go. Why every day, your disrespecting this man, calling him out and name calling?

Can somebody please explain to the Tiger, why all the hatred from Trump??????

Inquiring minds want to know, seriously?

Trump: I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Trump said, according to notes of the meeting read to the Times.

It's called deflection. If he manages to get the press talking about something else other than his fuck ups, he sees this as success.
Sadly, its not working......and thank GOD.

Well, it's worked so far. His position isn't any worse than it was 100 days ago. Maybe he'll get caught out at some point, maybe not.
Uh...the opinion polls would seem to suggest otherwise.
Is there a rule that the WH has to confirm or deny anything just because someone says it is so? I wouldn't think that there would be. This all sounds more like a shit slinging feast against the president to see if they can get something to stick along the way to me.
Am I and the rest of the American Stupid to believe the reason Trump is hating hard on Comey is because he did a bad thing with Hillary by holding a press conference? I don't get the name calling, the attacks, for what? Okay, you didn't like the guy, you fired him, why not let it go. Why every day, your disrespecting this man, calling him out and name calling?

Can somebody please explain to the Tiger, why all the hatred from Trump??????

Inquiring minds want to know, seriously?

Trump: I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Trump said, according to notes of the meeting read to the Times.

It's called deflection. If he manages to get the press talking about something else other than his fuck ups, he sees this as success.
Sadly, its not working......and thank GOD.

Well, it's worked so far. His position isn't any worse than it was 100 days ago. Maybe he'll get caught out at some point, maybe not.
Uh...the opinion polls would seem to suggest otherwise.

What opinion polls suggest that his position is worse now than 100 days ago? It was bad before, it's bad now, so....
Can somebody please explain to the Tiger, why all the hatred from Trump??????
If he is not feeling pussy, or getting his ass kissed, then ... your fired !

He is used to getting his way, ever since he was in first grade.
Okay, I get all that, but why the attacks? I know in my gut why, but this all just doesn't make any sense to me. One day, Comey is being praised, the next, he's your worst enemy?????? Everybody in the Kennedy white house, hated Hoover, but nobody went this far....I just don't get this immature response from this nut, I don't get it all. He's either playing up to the nut base that continues to support his dumb ass, or this guy is just too far gone for words and need to be removed from office, he's losing it, literally.
Trump is a POTUS not seen in modern times. He is not a typical politician that is careful about what people (voters) think of him/her. He is temperamentally spontaneous & unpredictable. Somehow, that resonated with a lot of disgruntled voters who simply wanted a CHANGE from normal politicians.
They got their CHANGE and boy, what a butthurt change of pace!
Unfortunately, we're stuck with this circus for another 3 years & 8 months.
Am I and the rest of the American Stupid to believe the reason Trump is hating hard on Comey is because he did a bad thing with Hillary by holding a press conference? I don't get the name calling, the attacks, for what? Okay, you didn't like the guy, you fired him, why not let it go. Why every day, your disrespecting this man, calling him out and name calling?

Can somebody please explain to the Tiger, why all the hatred from Trump??????

Inquiring minds want to know, seriously?

Trump: I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Trump said, according to notes of the meeting read to the Times.

It's called deflection. If he manages to get the press talking about something else other than his fuck ups, he sees this as success.
Sadly, its not working......and thank GOD.

Well, it's worked so far. His position isn't any worse than it was 100 days ago. Maybe he'll get caught out at some point, maybe not.
Uh...the opinion polls would seem to suggest otherwise.

What opinion polls suggest that his position is worse now than 100 days ago? It was bad before, it's bad now, so....
Oh. So, by "it's worked so far" you mean that he continues to be the most hated President in History. Okay. You're right. In that respect it is working brilliantly. Also I might point out that the House is now actively researching the impeachment process, which they weren't doing before. So, it's not like he's just "treading water". He is demonstrably losing ground. I think you have an unusual standard for a "working plan".
It's called deflection. If he manages to get the press talking about something else other than his fuck ups, he sees this as success.
Sadly, its not working......and thank GOD.

Well, it's worked so far. His position isn't any worse than it was 100 days ago. Maybe he'll get caught out at some point, maybe not.
Uh...the opinion polls would seem to suggest otherwise.

What opinion polls suggest that his position is worse now than 100 days ago? It was bad before, it's bad now, so....
Oh. So, by "it's worked so far" you mean that he continues to be the most hated President in History. Okay. You're right. In that respect it is working brilliantly. Also I might point out that the House is now actively researching the impeachment process, which they weren't doing before. So, it's not like he's just "treading water". He is demonstrably losing ground. I think you have an unusual standard for a "working plan".

No, by "it's worked so far" means he's president, and his position doesn't look like it's under threat. When other presidents would have seen a crisis, Trump just makes some other shit up and the media go off and pounce on that.

The House is researching the impeachment process, but until the Republicans want it to happen, it won't happen. Maybe next year if the Democrats can win control of both houses he might see life a little more difficult, until then, what problems does he have?
Comey admitted to not investigating the leaks. I think that was the final straw for him. And was what needed to be done.
Comey wouldn't swear allegiance to Trump.

Trump is an authoritarian, and he despises anyone who won't kiss his ass.

Trump's followers are authoritarian-follower wimps, and they despise anyone who isn't down on their knees licking authoritarian boots along with them. If you're a free man, the Trump-snowflakes hate you.
Yes, that sounds feasible...however, truth be told, leaks are the least of Trumps problems, his biggest problem is that whole on his face, called a mouth!!
Because Comey wouldn't take the orange Kool-Aid pledge. Also, Trump is scared Comey might expose him.
Comey wouldn't swear allegiance to Trump.

Trump is an authoritarian, and he despises anyone who won't kiss his ass.

Trump's followers are authoritarian-follower wimps, and they despise anyone who isn't down on their knees licking authoritarian boots along with them. If you're a free man, the Trump-snowflakes hate you.

Oh really?

Can somebody please explain to the Tiger, why all the hatred from Trump??????
If he is not feeling pussy, or getting his ass kissed, then ... your fired !

He is used to getting his way, ever since he was in first grade.
Okay, I get all that, but why the attacks? I know in my gut why, but this all just doesn't make any sense to me. One day, Comey is being praised, the next, he's your worst enemy?????? Everybody in the Kennedy white house, hated Hoover, but nobody went this far....I just don't get this immature response from this nut, I don't get it all. He's either playing up to the nut base that continues to support his dumb ass, or this guy is just too far gone for words and need to be removed from office, he's losing it, literally.
Trump is a POTUS not seen in modern times. He is not a typical politician that is careful about what people (voters) think of him/her. He is temperamentally spontaneous & unpredictable. Somehow, that resonated with a lot of disgruntled voters who simply wanted a CHANGE from normal politicians.
They got their CHANGE and boy, what a butthurt change of pace!
Unfortunately, we're stuck with this circus for another 3 years & 8 months.

What is truly pathetic in all this, is that Trump, had his ego not gotten the best of him, let alone his greed and this need to bully people, could have really made a impact on this nation and its people. Obama, despite what people believe, left this crazy white mf's with a sound economy and great potential for nation building around the world, instead, this dumb shit for brains clown, has put this country on edge, the world on edge and white people finally with the hopes of realizing that the GOP are worthless!!
When comey refused to go after clinton he showed the world what an incompetent pussbag he is. Trump doesn't care for incompetent pussbags.
Except that's not what he said to the Russians. He never mentioned Hillary. What he said was, "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” Now, he was wrong about that. But, he was very clear that he fired Comey to derail the Russian investigation.
Of course that's why he fired the guy...but why continue the attacks??? I can not dismiss the fact, Trump thinks that everybody save for himself, is stupid. He really believes in his gut, because he got elected, that somehow everybody in this country, including those that voted for Hillary, are just fodder for stupidity on his part, and he and only he is the smartest guy in the room.

I think he's trying to smear Comey so that no one will believe him when he testifies before the Senate Committee.

That's a pattern with Trump.
Exactly, this is his MO....he's set the tone during the campaign, taint the waters and then stay on message....crooked media, fake news, the campaign is rigged, Obama wire tapped me, Comeys a nut case, and on and on and on...and that shit works with his Lost in fuckin space supporters, but for everybody else, we know exactly what the fuck he's trying to do, smear mf's then go in for the kill.....only this time, that stupid mf, fucked with Teflon!!!

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