Why is USMB a hub for bad views?

Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.
There are lots of reasons for these type of posts. Some are trolling threads where the author is just trying to upset people, not engage in any meaningful debate or discussion. However, most of the threads are abstracts from highly biased sensational articles which the author has no intention of offering any logical defense, just trite comments that have been repeated a million times. As you've probable notice, originality is not a hallmark of this board.

Well, you are eloquent in saying little. Maybe you could address whether you think this board represents the thought of the genuine population...or if you fancy to continue your rhetoric, go ahead, no one is stopping you.
My guess is it's because you and your ilk are extremely poorly educated

You focus so much energy into disavowing anyone who disagrees with you, its hysterical the lengths you go. Thanks for your invaluable critique but I don't need you evaluating my education as if you knew the first thing about me or that your "guess" makes any sense to begin with. You only reveal how little sense you make when your vitriol bubbles up and says "extremely poorly educated." I guess that sums it up in that it sums up your poor language skills and hints at your massive superiority complex to overcome your lack of education despite obtaining 2 PhDs.

Weak rebuttal. Why don't you go ahead and tell us of your educational attainments and why you feel qualified to evaluate critical thinking here?
If this is your not-so-subtle way of telling me I should leave, I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.
Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.
There are lots of reasons for these type of posts. Some are trolling threads where the author is just trying to upset people, not engage in any meaningful debate or discussion. However, most of the threads are abstracts from highly biased sensational articles which the author has no intention of offering any logical defense, just trite comments that have been repeated a million times. As you've probable notice, originality is not a hallmark of this board.

Well, you are eloquent in saying little. Maybe you could address whether you think this board represents the thought of the genuine population...or if you fancy to continue your rhetoric, go ahead, no one is stopping you.
What do you mean by genuine population?
Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.

Sturgeon's Law.
I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation?

The kook right is vastly overrepresented here. Just look at any poll taken here. It will be about 80% conservative, with a big chunk of those conservatives just reciting their endless litanies of tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories. You should have been here for the elections, when the whole lot of 'em was screaming that the polls were fraudulent, Romney was headed for a landslide win, and those libtards had to be delusional to think otherwise.

Such kooks have always been with us. There was always the guy at the bar or diner grumbling about something crazy. But before the internet, those people were isolated and kept moored to reality by the normal people around them. Now, they self-segregate themselves into groups on the internet, reinforce each other's dementia, and amp each other up to ever higher levels of stupid. There's just no one around to tell them they're acting like crazy people. Well, except me and some others. The interventions we stage here for unhinged conservatives are a sort of public service.

USMB isn't even especially bad in that regard. Other places are a lot worse, in the sense of being overrun by right-wing-fringe conspiracy theorists who sputter out "libtards!" in a tourettes-like fashion. At least you won't get autobanned for PWL offenses here (Posting While Liberal), as will happen at any openly conservative board.

Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

It's a difficult line to walk, giving people freedom to talk without letting the loonies take complete control. I look at it as giving the conservatives a sporting chance. If they can rely gang tactics, spamming, deliberately using data they know has been debunked and other bad behavior, then they're not completely helpless against the facts, reason and honesty of the liberals. Consider it a challenge, practice for real world politics where just being correct doesn't guarantee a win.
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Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.

The first thing you need to realize is the demographics of the Internet is not an accurate representation of mainstream thought. Just by it's very nature, the Internet leans decidedly left. Most people who have the Internet are politically left-leaning. Conservatives always tend to be the last ones to adapt to new technology. Therefore, the 'general' Internet population is more left than the 'general population'. Believe it or not, there are hoards of conservatives who wouldn't even know how to turn a computer on, and aren't interested in learning.

From there, you have to realize message boards, blogs and forums are vehicles for people to express their views on issues. The most passionate expressers are generally liberals. This is because of the nature of liberalism. It's what liberals do. It's their reason for being liberal. Granted, everybody is different, and this is not to say that libertarians and conservatives, even anarchists, are not represented on a typical board. Generally speaking, the most vocal and active participants are left-leaning individuals because this is their gig.

So you are never going to find a general public forum on the Internet that isn't skewed noticeably to the left. Each year, that demographic changes slightly because more and more conservatives are becoming 'tuned in' to the modern communications era. There are also numerous activist groups who have libertarian views, helping to 'even the field' for the right. But traditional 'tea party type' conservatives are still pulling up the rear.

You made a rather interesting observation. You say that you find the poorly reasoned arguments are mostly from conservatives. I am a conservative and I find most of the poorly reasoned arguments are from liberals. Isn't that peculiar? Of course, I have read thousands of arguments from conservatives and liberals and I can't say that I've ever heard one state: "Let me give you my unfounded and uninformed opinion on this..." I've never heard anyone left or right admit: "This is my poorly reasoned argument for... whatever." I mean, generally speaking, I think most people post what they believe is a reasonable well-founded argument. So I believe your observations may be a result of your particular political leaning. Just saying.

Now, the way you go about dealing with a poorly-reasoned argument is to do as I do and dismantle the sucker. Point out the poor reasoning by showing where it is poorly reasoned. This will require more than your opinion, you'll have to actually find sources to support your counter-arguments and stuff, and this isn't always as easy to do as you would think. Mostly because the Internet is full of every kind of opinion imaginable, and some are very poorly-reasoned arguments or outright fruit cake nuttiness. And whoever you are debating with is likely going to criticize your sources as being biased, whether there is merit or not.

In short, my recommendation to you is to basically... get over yourself. Stop thinking that your opinion or viewpoint is some divine piece of wisdom the world cannot live without. That your reasoning skills are the greatest thing to ever come down the pike, and those who don't share your opinion are somehow lacking in reason. It could be that your perspective is just different, and you haven't tried to see things from another point of view. It could be the other person's reasoning is based on a different set of circumstances or life experience.
You took my comments incorrectly. Just because most arguments on this board come from conservatives who have a hard time constructing an argument doesn't mean I think the actual ideas of conservatism are poorly reasoned. Only that the people expressing them are bad at using reason. Put differently, this site consists of a base of untrained uncritical thinkers making the principles of conservatism look bad. A difference between the user and the ideal.

Anything could be true and you are right to be skeptical. But your general statement about the internet having a left leaning bias is inappropriate blanket statement/ It goes to show that you take your perspective as absolute and correct, impregnable doctrine. Thus anything deviating from that (towards the "wrong" end of the spectrum) you cry "liberal! Liberal!" and think your pronouncements are valid. You have a ways to go in maturing your critical thinking faculties. You are certainly intelligent and I give you a lot of credit for replying to my post with a genuine answer, I really appreciate that and this is the variety of discussion which is often lacking here.
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Good thing this thread is primary philosophy material.. Because Gnarly can wax poetic about consensus truth. The kind of consensus truth you get in a 5 to 4 Sup.Ct. verdict. TECHNICALLY, that doesn't even qualify as a "truth". It is a vote on consensus that is temporally decided by the makeup of a changing court which may or may not statistically represent knowledgeable consensus opinion. But philosophically, we accept judgement of an inferior sample of knowledge for the general good.

OUTSIDE of his protected little world of opinions - he can play no role in the real world of science and reason. Which is why we're here in this thread. To be scolded about OUR silly reasoned opinions by a dork who can't defend his views on SPECIFIC topics -- because he's too appalled at our ineptitude in debate..

There is nothing wrong or strange about the makeup of the USMB community.. MOST here can't be pigeon-holed and I'm certain the USMB community is a representative sample of the TOP QUINTILE of informed Americans. Yes -- even RDean and Gnarly and my leftist buds. Imagine how much disdain Gnarly must carry for the bottom 80% of Americans who are watching Honey Boo Boo or playing video games instead of joining a wonderful place like USMB...

Really a lot of resentment on the left for the vox populi.. And it shows..
My guess is it's because you and your ilk are extremely poorly educated

You focus so much energy into disavowing anyone who disagrees with you, its hysterical the lengths you go. Thanks for your invaluable critique but I don't need you evaluating my education as if you knew the first thing about me or that your "guess" makes any sense to begin with. You only reveal how little sense you make when your vitriol bubbles up and says "extremely poorly educated." I guess that sums it up in that it sums up your poor language skills and hints at your massive superiority complex to overcome your lack of education despite obtaining 2 PhDs.

I could care less if people disagree with me so long as they are intellectually honest. You and yours are not. You twist, obfuscate, obliterate, and outright falsify data to suit your needs.

Were you willing to engage in a reasonable discussion I would be happy to engage you. However, as you're as Chomskeyite, your opinions and values are so twisted that you are incapable of an intellectually honest conversation.
Good thing this thread is primary philosophy material.. Because Gnarly can wax poetic about consensus truth. The kind of consensus truth you get in a 5 to 4 Sup.Ct. verdict. TECHNICALLY, that doesn't even qualify as a "truth". It is a vote on consensus that is temporally decided by the makeup of a changing court which may or may not statistically represent knowledgeable consensus opinion. But philosophically, we accept judgement of an inferior sample of knowledge for the general good.

OUTSIDE of his protected little world of opinions - he can play no role in the real world of science and reason. Which is why we're here in this thread. To be scolded about OUR silly reasoned opinions by a dork who can't defend his views on SPECIFIC topics -- because he's too appalled at our ineptitude in debate..

There is nothing wrong or strange about the makeup of the USMB community.. MOST here can't be pigeon-holed and I'm certain the USMB community is a representative sample of the TOP QUINTILE of informed Americans. Yes -- even RDean and Gnarly and my leftist buds. Imagine how much disdain Gnarly must carry for the bottom 80% of Americans who are watching Honey Boo Boo or playing video games instead of joining a wonderful place like USMB...

Really a lot of resentment on the left for the vox populi.. And it shows..

Libtards despise the general populace. It veritably oozes from their very pores how much they despise the poor and the weak. gnarly is just another in a long line of pompous, arrogant, ignoramuses who think they are far brighter than everyone because they are better at Pictionary than their buddies.
Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.

My guess is it's because you and your ilk are extremely poorly educated, lack the intellectual capacity to carry on a conversation in your own words (though I must give you kudos, you are one of the few libtards who is not merely a cut and paste drone) or are so politically motivated that you abandoned intellectual honesty in the pursuit of your progressive goals.

But that's just a guess.

Libtards - and thanked by another mod, no less.

Way to make his case for him.
Good thing this thread is primary philosophy material.. Because Gnarly can wax poetic about consensus truth. The kind of consensus truth you get in a 5 to 4 Sup.Ct. verdict. TECHNICALLY, that doesn't even qualify as a "truth". It is a vote on consensus that is temporally decided by the makeup of a changing court which may or may not statistically represent knowledgeable consensus opinion. But philosophically, we accept judgement of an inferior sample of knowledge for the general good.

OUTSIDE of his protected little world of opinions - he can play no role in the real world of science and reason. Which is why we're here in this thread. To be scolded about OUR silly reasoned opinions by a dork who can't defend his views on SPECIFIC topics -- because he's too appalled at our ineptitude in debate..

There is nothing wrong or strange about the makeup of the USMB community.. MOST here can't be pigeon-holed and I'm certain the USMB community is a representative sample of the TOP QUINTILE of informed Americans. Yes -- even RDean and Gnarly and my leftist buds. Imagine how much disdain Gnarly must carry for the bottom 80% of Americans who are watching Honey Boo Boo or playing video games instead of joining a wonderful place like USMB...

Really a lot of resentment on the left for the vox populi.. And it shows..

Libtards despise the general populace. It veritably oozes from their very pores how much they despise the poor and the weak. gnarly is just another in a long line of pompous, arrogant, ignoramuses who think they are far brighter than everyone because they are better at Pictionary than their buddies.

As always, thank you for your honesty.
Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.

My guess is it's because you and your ilk are extremely poorly educated, lack the intellectual capacity to carry on a conversation in your own words (though I must give you kudos, you are one of the few libtards who is not merely a cut and paste drone) or are so politically motivated that you abandoned intellectual honesty in the pursuit of your progressive goals.

But that's just a guess.

Libtards - and thanked by another mod, no less.

Way to make his case for him.

I'm a liberal Boop. I think for myself and I truly care about what happens to people. Go back and look at my posts and you will see that I consistently stick up for the little guy...as do you and jillian and the others I respect. Libtards are political animals first and foremost. They only care about the politics and wrap themselves in the mantle of caring for the little guy but in the long run they don't give a rats ass about the little guy save as a tool for their advancement.

gnarly is an example of that. We point out to him how policies he favors will help rich people and hurt small fry and he doesn't care because the political advancement is more important to him.
IF i was a Conservative BDBoop -- there would be a list of Conservatives that I despise.
IF I was a Democrat --- the same. I'm neither.. I'm a solid 3rd party advocate. Have worked for that for
20 years now. So Westwall is correct. There are wings of BOTH parties that care ONLY about winning and power. And they are not very honest about their methods or how they try to sell their views.

That is why the term LEFTIST was coined. Partly to differentiate and gain back the priviliege of calling one's self Liberal -- which I most certainly am.. It's the LEFTISTS who follow Chomsky and Alinsky.. And I'm not wrong to say that Gnarly has expressed a passion for those views..

I mean c'mon Betty --- Look at the title of the thread !!!!!!!
IF i was a Conservative BDBoop -- there would be a list of Conservatives that I despise.
IF I was a Democrat --- the same. I'm neither.. I'm a solid 3rd party advocate. Have worked for that for
20 years now. So Westwall is correct. There are wings of BOTH parties that care ONLY about winning and power. And they are not very honest about their methods or how they try to sell their views.

That is why the term LEFTIST was coined. To differentiate and gain back the priviliege of calling one's self Liberal -- which I most certainly am.. It's the LEFTISTS who follow Chomsky and Alinsky.. And I'm not wrong to say that Gnarly has expressed a passion for those views..

I will modify your post in one way, LEFTIST should be banished as a term. They are progressives and progressives are on record as supporting all the great fascists and murderers of history, Mao, Hitler, Stalin etc.

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