Why is USMB a hub for bad views?

The kook left is also over represented, as well as the kook center. I haven't seen you complaining about them.

But you _are_ the kook center, and I've called you out before. Especially kooky the way you strive to turn every thread away from intelligent discussion into meaningless wordplay that nobody gives a shit about, while "funny" would be the way you think it makes you look intelligent instead like a weasel.

Clearly this is the problem.. This is what QW gets for his honest efforts. And I get called spiteful and negged for DIRECTLY ADDRESSING Gnarlys OP. We DO desparately need better quality discourse from the left....

IF i was a Conservative BDBoop -- there would be a list of Conservatives that I despise.
IF I was a Democrat --- the same. I'm neither.. I'm a solid 3rd party advocate. Have worked for that for
20 years now. So Westwall is correct. There are wings of BOTH parties that care ONLY about winning and power. And they are not very honest about their methods or how they try to sell their views.

That is why the term LEFTIST was coined. To differentiate and gain back the priviliege of calling one's self Liberal -- which I most certainly am.. It's the LEFTISTS who follow Chomsky and Alinsky.. And I'm not wrong to say that Gnarly has expressed a passion for those views..

I will modify your post in one way, LEFTIST should be banished as a term. They are progressives and progressives are on record as supporting all the great fascists and murderers of history, Mao, Hitler, Stalin etc.
You forgot Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, who also have the blood of literally tens of millions on their collective hands.

Not all warmongering, murdering fascists come from outside American borders.
The kook left is also over represented, as well as the kook center. I haven't seen you complaining about them.

But you _are_ the kook center, and I've called you out before. Especially kooky the way you strive to turn every thread away from intelligent discussion into meaningless wordplay that nobody gives a shit about, while "funny" would be the way you think it makes you look intelligent instead like a weasel.

I actually answered the OP precisely earlier,
With a stupid evasion you thought was clever. Saying "90% of everything is crap" was just more of your trademark handwaving. Impresses the stupid people, but others just roll their eyes at it.

In critical thinking you examine every iota of information for bias, even if it comes from yourself.
Something you need to work on, clearly.

When did I go from right wing to center?

The OP asked why this site is full of idiots, how is pointing out that idiots dominate the world an example of trademark hand waving? Is the problem here that you surround yourself with idiots in order to feel smart, and I don't let you get away with it? If you weren't one of the reasons why the College Board is dumbing down the SAT wordplay wouldn't be so meaningless to you.
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The kook left is also over represented, as well as the kook center. I haven't seen you complaining about them.

But you _are_ the kook center, and I've called you out before. Especially kooky the way you strive to turn every thread away from intelligent discussion into meaningless wordplay that nobody gives a shit about, while "funny" would be the way you think it makes you look intelligent instead like a weasel.

Clearly this is the problem.. This is what QW gets for his honest efforts. And I get called spiteful and negged for DIRECTLY ADDRESSING Gnarlys OP. We DO desparately need better quality discourse from the left....


Give him a break, mamooth is almost as smart as he thinks I am.
Anyone with a minimal intellectual background will see this site consists mostly of terribly reasoned posts. I'm referring to mainly the popular topics like "Environment" section, "Politics" etc. but then again, each section is typically inundated with poorly reasoned arguments on either side of the issue, but mostly from conservatives.

I am generalizing which tends to exaggerate the matter a little bit. I want to be clear I'm not saying people are dumb or bad people, I'm just saying their premises and conclusions are often founded on water instead of solid ground.

I was wondering why this general trend is so? Is this the real spectrum of thought in America? A genuine representation? Or is there something about this site that attracts an overwhelming majority of inadequate rigor and woefully unfounded assertions?

Any thoughts?

I thought perhaps the answer might be the fact the URL contains "US" (message boards) and therefore anyone who wants critical discussion automatically knows US=uncritical thought. Yes? No?

Again, this is a only trend I'm denoting in America. If usmessageboads is a genuine representation of American thought then whoa! America is not what I thought it was! But my opinion is this site is not a genuine representation.

Some areas are for no nonsense tomfoolery and other parts of the site has the stern look of a victorian era grandmother..
I'm a liberal Boop.

No. You haven't got the brains or the honesty for that. In the environment folder, you're just a sort of bitter sulking machine now, sputtering out "libtards!" in tourettes-like fashion at anyone who points out what a joke your pseudoscience is. But don't fret about that too much. Your limitations won't hold you back from getting accolades from your fellow cultists. Just keep raving about the GreatGlobalSocialistConspiracy.

That's what passes for deep thinking among the conservatives these days. And it's the point of this thread, that so many conservatives are parroting tinfoil-hat conspiracy nonsense. Despite QM's equivocation tapdance, you don't see that behavior from the left at anywhere close to the same levels. Most of the right is literally raging about the whole planet being engaged in a conspiracy against them, while such crazy rants from the left are rare.
The OP asked

Did I not mention that no one cares about your attempts to deflect with wordplay? Let me know what part of that you're having trouble with.

After that, try explaining why you're so emotionally invested in your "but both sides do it!" fantasy. I have some theories, but I figure I should give you a chance to explain first.
I'm a liberal Boop.

No. You haven't got the brains or the honesty for that. In the environment folder, you're just a sort of bitter sulking machine now, sputtering out "libtards!" in tourettes-like fashion at anyone who points out what a joke your pseudoscience is. But don't fret about that too much. Your limitations won't hold you back from getting accolades from your fellow cultists. Just keep raving about the GreatGlobalSocialistConspiracy.

That's what passes for deep thinking among the conservatives these days. And it's the point of this thread, that so many conservatives are parroting tinfoil-hat conspiracy nonsense. Despite QM's equivocation tapdance, you don't see that behavior from the left at anywhere close to the same levels. Most of the right is literally raging about the whole planet being engaged in a conspiracy against them, while such crazy rants from the left are rare.

No, you're simply wrong. Ask any of the hard righties and they'll tell you I'm a lefty. I'm not, I am a liberal, gays should be allowed to marry, drugs should be decriminalized, abortion till the third trimester should be legal etc. etc. etc. I have never once hidden my beliefs.

However, I am not a progressive like you and your ilk. Progressivism is evil, pure and simple. More people have been murdered in the name of progressivism than any other cause.

You have never stated anything other than your lies about being a "nuclear watch officer", a position which doesn't exist in the US Navy. So you are both a liar and a moron.
The OP asked why this site is full of idiots,

It's evident you forfeit intelligent debate for hyperbole and aggressive language.

The OP specifically said I was not talking about people or their principles (SO I DID NOT ASK YOUR IDIOTIC RE-FORMULATION) but rather why most posts, like the one's you exemplify, are devoid of intelligence, critical thinking and logic (logic is not some word to be thrown around, it has meaning and it doesn't support you or me. It is independent of us and we must use it to find common ground from which we can discourse intelligently and intelligibly. Instead your posts center on virulent and tactical phrases meant to do anything but be authentic, using reason in such a hackneyed fashion. But why would I expect you to be able to read my question and understand it? Your whole mission is to misconstrue and misinterpret opponents so they seem pea brained to you. Incidently, that's how you know your talking with a pea-brain, they must make everything and others to look like pea brains except themselves.

Critical thinking is how to approach every discussion. Without it, the ground rules of thought, we have no possibility of compromise or rational dialogue. Instead, your own biases eat you alive so much so that you turn off the mechanisms that tell you to question your own beliefs. You can quote critical thinking websites, but you haven't studied either informally or formally. So you don't know two shits about it otherwise you and I would be able to have a respectable, sensible dialogue. Instead, human dialogue with is more impossible than a camel passing through the eye of a needle. I would be better off communicating with a chimp or talking parrot. At least they can respect one another.
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No, you're simply wrong. So you are both a liar and a moron.

Does a westwall post say anything but this tripe?

Get a grip and stop being so anti-thetical and hostile towards every single opponent. We get it! You are right and everyone else is wrong! You are in fantasia where you somehow managed to take a human brain and devolve it into a chron-magnum brain, with human deception capacities but chronmagnum stupidity. You deceive yourself into thinking your brain has all the answers, at least when it comes to responding to a post on USMB.
The OP asked why this site is full of idiots,

It's evident you forfeit intelligent debate for hyperbole and aggressive language.

The OP specifically said I was not talking about people or their principles (SO I DID NOT ASK YOUR IDIOTIC RE-FORMULATION) but rather why most posts, like the one's you exemplify, are devoid of intelligence, critical thinking and logic (logic is not some word to be thrown around, it has meaning and it doesn't support you or me. It is independent of us and we must use it to find common ground from which we can discourse intelligently and intelligibly. Instead your posts center on virulent and tactical phrases meant to do anything but be authentic, using reason in such a hackneyed fashion. But why would I expect you to be able to read my question and understand it? Your whole mission is to misconstrue and misinterpret opponents so they seem pea brained to you. Incidently, that's how you know your talking with a pea-brain, they must make everything and others to look like pea brains except themselves.

Critical thinking is how to approach every discussion. Without it, the ground rules of thought, we have no possibility of compromise or rational dialogue. Instead, your own biases eat you alive so much so that you turn off the mechanisms that tell you to question your own beliefs. You can quote critical thinking websites, but you haven't studied either informally or formally. So you don't know two shits about it otherwise you and I would be able to have a respectable, sensible dialogue. Instead, human dialogue with is more impossible than a camel passing through the eye of a needle. I would be better off communicating with a chimp or talking parrot. At least they can respect one another.

The answer is still the same, Stugeon's Law. The self evident proof of this is that you are an example of the 90% in that you can't even define critical thinking correctly. As such, I apply the Golden Rule, and treat you as I would like to be treated. Since I don't want to be treated like a fucking pussy who is controlled other people, I treat you with the exact same level of respect I demand form you. The fact that your panties get in a wad because you actually happen to be a fucking pussy who is controlled by other people in no way obligates me to disrespect you as an adult.

Critical thinking is how I process information, not how I deal with problems. If you had half the education you claim you have you would know that. Even when I point to the official definition to show you you are wrong, you still pretend that you are right to insist that it is a way of dealing with assholes. The way to deal with assholes is to treat them like assholes.

In other words, if you have a problem with the real world, grow up.
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Interesting. Watch CPAC this weekend - I would guess cspan is covering it. A few links below. Then consider the quote below.

"In the bowels of the National Harbor convention center in suburban Maryland on Thursday, a nonprofit called Empact America schooled attendees about the threat of a terrorist attack by way of an electromagnetic pulse. Former Reagan Defense Department official Frank Gaffney articulated his view that anti-tax activist and American Conservative Union board member Grover Norquist is an undercover agent for the Muslim Brotherhood. Ginni Thomas, a Daily Caller contributor and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, alleged that President Barack Obama may be guilty of providing material support for terrorism. At least one panelist suggested that Speaker of the House John Boehner was a part of the Benghazi cover-up. (Who can say?)" Has the Conservative Political Action Conference Purged the Kooks? | Mother Jones

Then listen to Limbaugh or any of the other conservative talking heads. Watch Fox sometime. Now ask yourself where is the reality, the factual information, even just an attempt at honest reporting? These are the sources of information for the right wingers on usmb, do you really expect reasoned debate? Did anyone see the theater which is a Darrell Issa investigation? (Full disclosure, I too sometimes engage in hyperbole.)


Conservative Political Action Conference | Video | C-SPAN.org
CPAC 2014 Day 2 | Video | C-SPAN.org

You are like one of those who have faithfully observed the sun and the moon and the stars and have definitively concluded the Heavens revolve around the Earth.

And for you everything is always going to be interpreted bass acwards.

Well, try this.

The third great crisis, which continues today, is the challenge of Progressivism, a movement founded by Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and others. The Progressives rejected the Founders’ principles, including their notions of a fixed human nature and inalienable natural rights.

Instead, they believed in a human nature that evolved and changed, which in turn justified their efforts to break down separation of powers in order to expand the size and scope of government far beyond the Founders’ intent.

Constitution 101 - Part 1 - Lecture - Hillsdale College Online Courses
Hillsdale is the most conservative college in the midwest. I got accepted and thank god I didn't go. Of course they will produce such language. It helps them grow and collect more students and funds. Think about it.

Ted Cruz talks about wanting to uplift this struggling nation and then his next immediate phrase was to gab about the excessive debt and we need to cut entitlements, as if we can't pay for programs but we can pay for trillions in corporate subsidies and tax reliefs for the very rich. See the pattern?. I don't know how you can be so duplicitous and so popular but that's what happens when
Hillsdale is the most conservative college in the midwest. I got accepted and thank god I didn't go. Of course they will produce such language. It helps them grow and collect more students and funds. Think about it.

Ted Cruz talks about wanting to uplift this struggling nation and then his next immediate phrase was to gab about the excessive debt and we need to cut entitlements, as if we can't pay for programs but we can pay for trillions in corporate subsidies and tax reliefs for the very rich. See the pattern?. I don't know how you can be so duplicitous and so popular but that's what happens when
Yes, I see the pattern. False dichotomy and straw man argument.

Progressives excel at that pattern.
Hillsdale is the most conservative college in the midwest. I got accepted and thank god I didn't go. Of course they will produce such language. It helps them grow and collect more students and funds. Think about it.

Ted Cruz talks about wanting to uplift this struggling nation and then his next immediate phrase was to gab about the excessive debt and we need to cut entitlements, as if we can't pay for programs but we can pay for trillions in corporate subsidies and tax reliefs for the very rich. See the pattern?. I don't know how you can be so duplicitous and so popular but that's what happens when

You would have benefited from Hillsdale IMHO.

I never went there but I can see you are still searching for answers and after finding Hillsdale's Constitution 101 course myself, i am soaking up the wisdom and find it fulfilling.

Maybe somewhere in their curriculum you'd have found a lesson best synopsized by comedian, Louis C.K. on his TV show, Louie.

"The only time you look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure they have enough."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3-LE8DPMm8]Louie teaches Jane that life isn't always fair. - YouTube[/ame]

I mention this in response to your complaint about some people paying too little or too much in taxes or whatever.

By the way, see Prager University's 5 min. course on the Laffer Curve, called, "Lower Taxes, Higher Revenue."

In fact, I'll present it here for you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqLjyA0hL1s]Lower Taxes, Higher Revenue - YouTube[/ame]
Hillsdale is the most conservative college in the midwest. I got accepted and thank god I didn't go. Of course they will produce such language. It helps them grow and collect more students and funds. Think about it.

Ted Cruz talks about wanting to uplift this struggling nation and then his next immediate phrase was to gab about the excessive debt and we need to cut entitlements, as if we can't pay for programs but we can pay for trillions in corporate subsidies and tax reliefs for the very rich. See the pattern?. I don't know how you can be so duplicitous and so popular but that's what happens when
Yes, I see the pattern. False dichotomy and straw man argument.

Progressives excel at that pattern.

Can you explain?
Hillsdale is the most conservative college in the midwest. I got accepted and thank god I didn't go. Of course they will produce such language. It helps them grow and collect more students and funds. Think about it.

Ted Cruz talks about wanting to uplift this struggling nation and then his next immediate phrase was to gab about the excessive debt and we need to cut entitlements, as if we can't pay for programs but we can pay for trillions in corporate subsidies and tax reliefs for the very rich. See the pattern?. I don't know how you can be so duplicitous and so popular but that's what happens when
Yes, I see the pattern. False dichotomy and straw man argument.

Progressives excel at that pattern.

Can you explain?
For the kicker, you have a bad case of confirmation bias, sport.

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hillsdale is the most conservative college in the midwest. I got accepted and thank god I didn't go. Of course they will produce such language. It helps them grow and collect more students and funds. Think about it.

Ted Cruz talks about wanting to uplift this struggling nation and then his next immediate phrase was to gab about the excessive debt and we need to cut entitlements, as if we can't pay for programs but we can pay for trillions in corporate subsidies and tax reliefs for the very rich. See the pattern?. I don't know how you can be so duplicitous and so popular but that's what happens when

You would have benefited from Hillsdale IMHO.

I never went there but I can see you are still searching for answers and after finding Hillsdale's Constitution 101 course myself, i am soaking up the wisdom and find it fulfilling.

Maybe somewhere in their curriculum you'd have found a lesson best synopsized by comedian, Louis C.K. on his TV show, Louie.

"The only time you look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure they have enough."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3-LE8DPMm8]Louie teaches Jane that life isn't always fair. - YouTube[/ame]

I mention this in response to your complaint about some people paying too little or too much in taxes or whatever.

By the way, see Prager University's 5 min. course on the Laffer Curve, called, "Lower Taxes, Higher Revenue."

In fact, I'll present it here for you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqLjyA0hL1s]Lower Taxes, Higher Revenue - YouTube[/ame]

I don't doubt I would have benefited. That's human nature, turn a situation into good one (sometimes worse). You're trying to sell me ideas, not argue them. There's a big difference. My only plea is to challenge your own thought. You seem sincere and a genuine person, don't turn a blind eye to challenges to your beliefs. This website is not a good place for that. Check out Noam Chomsky along with your Hillsdale pals.
I don't doubt I would have benefited. That's human nature, turn a situation into good one (sometimes worse). You're trying to sell me ideas, not argue them. There's a big difference. My only plea is to challenge your own thought. You seem sincere and a genuine person, don't turn a blind eye to challenges to your beliefs. This website is not a good place for that. Check out Noam Chomsky along with your Hillsdale pals.
Who said irony? :lol:
Yes, I see the pattern. False dichotomy and straw man argument.

Progressives excel at that pattern.

Can you explain?
For the kicker, you have a bad case of confirmation bias, sport.

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The only way we can hope to have productive debate is for us to assess each claim as they come. Pilling more assertions on top of yet unclear assertions make our dialogue futile. But that's your aim, isn't it? You make no attempt to justify what your saying or explain it.

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