Why is Younger Generation a Bunch of Pussies?

From the Marlboro Man to Pajama Boy: The "Evolution" of Manhood? • The Tim Wright Blog
This younger generation needs to "man-up" and stop being a bunch of liberal crybaby pussies.
Do I need my big, burly, truck driver millennial era son come and kick your ass??
If he can get away from his gay dominatrix boyfriend long enough he can give it a try.
He didn't marry the bride of Frankenstein..That is correct...
So he is just gonna marry Frank instead?
From the Marlboro Man to Pajama Boy: The "Evolution" of Manhood? • The Tim Wright Blog
This younger generation needs to "man-up" and stop being a bunch of liberal crybaby pussies.

That's a rather unpleasant cheap shot at our troops.
Less than 3% of population serves in military. As a whole generation...they are pussified.

See? He says a whole generation of our men and women in uniform are pussified.

Jesus, the true face of USMB conservatism gets uglier and uglier.
That and he seems not to know any twenty-somethings. These kids are just not that fearful and have no respect for the boomers and their retarded 20th century culture wars. They are comfortable with change and not easily dissuaded from pursuing the things they care about. The boomers were the most pussified generation we have ever produced, they stood by and let the most powerful plutocracy ever get built without a fight.
and who were they polling when they took the latest Obama approval ratings that gave him 55%? Pussies?,,,,maybe they only polled New York? Obama is closer to 35% and that was proven in the election
From the Marlboro Man to Pajama Boy: The "Evolution" of Manhood? • The Tim Wright Blog
This younger generation needs to "man-up" and stop being a bunch of liberal crybaby pussies.

That's a rather unpleasant cheap shot at our troops.
Less than 3% of population serves in military. As a whole generation...they are pussified.

See? He says a whole generation of our men and women in uniform are pussified.

Jesus, the true face of USMB conservatism gets uglier and uglier.
That and he seems not to know any twenty-somethings. These kids are just not that fearful and have no respect for the boomers and their retarded 20th century culture wars. They are comfortable with change and not easily dissuaded from pursuing the things they care about. The boomers were the most pussified generation we have ever produced, they stood by and let the most powerful plutocracy ever get built without a fight.
They are sheeple.
From the Marlboro Man to Pajama Boy: The "Evolution" of Manhood? • The Tim Wright Blog
This younger generation needs to "man-up" and stop being a bunch of liberal crybaby pussies.
While I totally agree...what can ya expect?
These supposedly... "adults" are pathetic and no better

Wtf... unaccountably all the way around the table,
then, double back with nothing but hypocrisy.

If Hillary were my mother, I'd be appalled and embarrassed.
And, her supporters, wow...I mean, really, what can I say
This shit isn't even funny anymore, it's sad and pathetic

So, it really shouldn't come as no surprise,
the way kids are today!
Turns out it's Obama's fault.
Hope and change = weakness.
Millinnials have more far courage than past generations, the boomers turned out to be easily frightened chicken-shits. Look at you, constantly afraid and quite willing to let opportunists use that fear against you. The generation you seem to think is unmanly is not at all afraid of the future. They know they have some horrible boomer messes to clean up and can hardly wait until you entitled, selfish boomers finally die out.
Jesus Christ, total baby libtard meltdown. Each generation has had it easier but this is the first one where words are seen as political weapons and the nanny state was expected to take up any slack in your l

Boomers stormed Normandy beach, this crop of guys storm their safe space when they discover someone disagrees with them.
Turns out it's Obama's fault.
Hope and change = weakness.
Millinnials have more far courage than past generations, the boomers turned out to be easily frightened chicken-shits. Look at you, constantly afraid and quite willing to let opportunists use that fear against you. The generation you seem to think is unmanly is not at all afraid of the future. They know they have some horrible boomer messes to clean up and can hardly wait until you entitled, selfish boomers finally die out.
Jesus Christ, total baby libtard meltdown. Each generation has had it easier but this is the first one where words are seen as political weapons and the nanny state was expected to take up any slack in your l

Boomers stormed Normandy beach, this crop of guys storm their safe space when they discover someone disagrees with them.
Greatest generation stormed Normady Beach. Boomers stormed the citadel at Hue City.
That and he seems not to know any twenty-somethings. These kids are just not that fearful and have no respect for the boomers and their retarded 20th century culture wars. They are comfortable with change and not easily dissuaded from pursuing the things they care about. The boomers were the most pussified generation we have ever produced, they stood by and let the most powerful plutocracy ever get built without a fight.
Well most boomers didn't want to explore what it was like living as a different gender. I'll give ya the change thing, these guys can be made to believe literally anything.

Once gender is viewed as old fashioned and outdated your mind no longer belongs to you.
From the Marlboro Man to Pajama Boy: The "Evolution" of Manhood? • The Tim Wright Blog
This younger generation needs to "man-up" and stop being a bunch of liberal crybaby pussies.

What political correct progressives want men to be like today…
Crying Hillary supporters may as well move to the island of misfits and eat mac/cheese and hot pockets for the rest of thier lives.
Rachel "blinky" mad cow(emasculated some time ago) is what progressives envision men looking and acting like in future generations... Genderqueer - Wikipedia
Wow! Older generations think that younger generations are soft!? That complaint is as old as the hills.
Your avatar is a cartoon. Thanks for making my point.

You don't have a point other then to whine about younger generations. It makes old farts such as yourself feel superior despite the fact your parents felt the same about your generation.
My generation isn't confused about which bathroom to use.

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