Why is Younger Generation a Bunch of Pussies?

You don't have a point other then to whine about younger generations. It makes old farts such as yourself feel superior despite the fact your parents felt the same about your generation.
But there is a certain amount of Truth to that and it is by design.

Each generation strives to make the world 'better' for its children, and that usually means making life easier for them.

But that in turn depletes the opportunities by which the younger generation can toughen their bodies and steel their minds to lifes adversities, and so there is a weakening of the following generation. The only thing that would reverse this is a catastrophic change in the economy, or the environment, etc that would make life much more difficult for the young and they then emerge as stronger and tougher than their parents are.

I was stringing barbed wire with my step father back in the 1970s, and the barb I was holding with a claw hammer slipped and my step father, who had loaned me his work gloves, had a barb tear through the palm of his hand. It left a nasty, bleeding gash in his palm and I thought I could see the white of bone (though unlikely).

I asked him if he thought we should take him to the clinic and get that stitched up. He just looked at me like I was insane, wrapped his handkerchief around his palm and said "No, son, get back to work." I was astonished at how tough that dude was. Many times he did things that I thought no person would reasonably be capable of doing. He set me an example that I will never forget of how to handle adversity.

Were it not for him, I could have never gone through the black boot infantry training of 1978.
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You don't have a point other then to whine about younger generations. It makes old farts such as yourself feel superior despite the fact your parents felt the same about your generation.
But there is a certain amount of Truth to that and it is by design.

Each generation strives to make the world 'better' for its children, and that usually means making life easier for them.

But that in turn depletes the opportunities by which the younger generation can toughen their bodies and steel their minds to lifes adversities, and so there is a weakening of the following generation. The only thing that would reverse this is a catastrophic change in the economy, or the environment, etc that would make life much more difficult for the young and they then emerge as stronger and tougher than their parents are.

I was stringing barbed wire with my step father back in the 1970s, and the barb I was holding with a claw hammer slipped and my step father, who had loaned me his work gloves, had a barb tear through the palm of his hand. It left a nasty, bleeding gash in his palm and I thought I could see the white of bone (though unlikely).

I asked him if he thought we should take him to the clinic and get that stitched up. He just looked at me like I was insane, wrapped his handkerchief around his palm and said "No, son, get back to work." I was astonished at how tough that dude was.

Were it not for him, I could have never gone through the black boot infantry training of 1978.

I come from a family of farmers, miners, and, mill hunkies. Hell, my grandmother just retired three years ago in her early 70's at a glass factory. We're made of sterner stuff in this region, adults and kids alike.
I come from a family of farmers, miners, and, mill hunkies. Hell, my grandmother just retired three years ago in her early 70's at a glass factory. We're made of sterner stuff in this region, adults and kids alike.
IT seems that folks who grow up in rural areas or small towns are physically tougher, those who grow up in cities are more cynical and look for 'angles' in behavior, while suburbanites are more social and seek consensus.

Not saying it is without exception but it seems truer more often than not.
Biggest culprit is men knocking up women and then running away from their responsibilities when she tells him. she is pregnant. How are boys going to become real men if their example and teacher on how to be a man is a coward to abandoned him? How is a woman supposed to men how men should act if her daddy treats women like crap and destroys her respect and expectations for men?
Wow! Older generations think that younger generations are soft!? That complaint is as old as the hills.
Your avatar is a cartoon. Thanks for making my point.

You don't have a point other then to whine about younger generations. It makes old farts such as yourself feel superior despite the fact your parents felt the same about your generation.
You seem younger....

Not as young as I used to be, mate. lol. I am a well-seasoned thirty-six.

ROFL! My youngest kid is older than!

I taught my sons as my father taught me.

1). You support yourself and your family. It is not anyone else's responsibility to do so, including government.

2). If you get in trouble, it's your fault.

3). When you're wrong, admit it.

4). Say what you mean, mean what you say.

5). Don't play psychological game with people.

6). Stand up for yourself.

7) Don't go looking for a fight. But if you are forced into one, don't back down.

These are just a few of the lesson I taught them. Both of my boys served in the military, are fathers themselves, have decent jobs, are law-abiding contributing members of society, and have never been on the government dole.

In my eyes, this is what I view "man-up" to mean.
Turns out it's Obama's fault.
Hope and change = weakness.
Millinnials have more far courage than past generations, the boomers turned out to be easily frightened chicken-shits. Look at you, constantly afraid and quite willing to let opportunists use that fear against you. The generation you seem to think is unmanly is not at all afraid of the future. They know they have some horrible boomer messes to clean up and can hardly wait until you entitled, selfish boomers finally die out.
Jesus Christ, total baby libtard meltdown. Each generation has had it easier but this is the first one where words are seen as political weapons and the nanny state was expected to take up any slack in your l

Boomers stormed Normandy beach, this crop of guys storm their safe space when they discover someone disagrees with them.

Boomers didn't storm Normandy. Their parents did
You don't have a point other then to whine about younger generations. It makes old farts such as yourself feel superior despite the fact your parents felt the same about your generation.
But there is a certain amount of Truth to that and it is by design.

Each generation strives to make the world 'better' for its children, and that usually means making life easier for them.

But that in turn depletes the opportunities by which the younger generation can toughen their bodies and steel their minds to lifes adversities, and so there is a weakening of the following generation. The only thing that would reverse this is a catastrophic change in the economy, or the environment, etc that would make life much more difficult for the young and they then emerge as stronger and tougher than their parents are.

I was stringing barbed wire with my step father back in the 1970s, and the barb I was holding with a claw hammer slipped and my step father, who had loaned me his work gloves, had a barb tear through the palm of his hand. It left a nasty, bleeding gash in his palm and I thought I could see the white of bone (though unlikely).

I asked him if he thought we should take him to the clinic and get that stitched up. He just looked at me like I was insane, wrapped his handkerchief around his palm and said "No, son, get back to work." I was astonished at how tough that dude was.

Were it not for him, I could have never gone through the black boot infantry training of 1978.

I come from a family of farmers, miners, and, mill hunkies. Hell, my grandmother just retired three years ago in her early 70's at a glass factory. We're made of sterner stuff in this region, adults and kids alike.
Your a Bohemian Butt Baby. Socialist.
That's a rather unpleasant cheap shot at our troops.

There are always exceptions to the rule, so that isn't a very fair statement. Nobody is minimizing our current military personnel.

Millinnials have more far courage than past generations

How many millennial's are there? How many have volunteered for military service?

In my day there was the draft. But even then, how many of the draftees went Canada (any other country) to avoid it? There were millions, when drafted, that went when called. A few hundred that didn't. And don't forget WWII.

You're comment is embarrassingly inaccurate, and minimizes the sacrifices of those that came before.
You don't have a point other then to whine about younger generations. It makes old farts such as yourself feel superior despite the fact your parents felt the same about your generation.
But there is a certain amount of Truth to that and it is by design.

Each generation strives to make the world 'better' for its children, and that usually means making life easier for them.

But that in turn depletes the opportunities by which the younger generation can toughen their bodies and steel their minds to lifes adversities, and so there is a weakening of the following generation. The only thing that would reverse this is a catastrophic change in the economy, or the environment, etc that would make life much more difficult for the young and they then emerge as stronger and tougher than their parents are.

I was stringing barbed wire with my step father back in the 1970s, and the barb I was holding with a claw hammer slipped and my step father, who had loaned me his work gloves, had a barb tear through the palm of his hand. It left a nasty, bleeding gash in his palm and I thought I could see the white of bone (though unlikely).

I asked him if he thought we should take him to the clinic and get that stitched up. He just looked at me like I was insane, wrapped his handkerchief around his palm and said "No, son, get back to work." I was astonished at how tough that dude was.

Were it not for him, I could have never gone through the black boot infantry training of 1978.

I come from a family of farmers, miners, and, mill hunkies. Hell, my grandmother just retired three years ago in her early 70's at a glass factory. We're made of sterner stuff in this region, adults and kids alike.
Your a Bohemian Butt Baby. Socialist.

Ouch! Another stinging broadside.

You sure do piss and moan a lot for being a manly man.
From the Marlboro Man to Pajama Boy: The "Evolution" of Manhood? • The Tim Wright Blog
This younger generation needs to "man-up" and stop being a bunch of liberal crybaby pussies.

That's a rather unpleasant cheap shot at our troops.
Less than 3% of population serves in military. As a whole generation...they are pussified.

See? He says a whole generation of our men and women in uniform are pussified.

Jesus, the true face of USMB conservatism gets uglier and uglier.
They are the only positive part of the whole. BTW your avatar is weak prey in nature. How fitting.

I love deer too..... Especially on the BBQ grill!
These kids are just not that fearful and have no respect for the boomers and their retarded 20th century culture wars. They are comfortable with change and not easily dissuaded from pursuing the things they care about. The boomers were the most pussified generation we have ever produced, they stood by and let the most powerful plutocracy ever get built without a fight.

What? Did your Communist college professor Bill Ayers teach you that?

OMG! You're a geriatricist!
Turns out it's Obama's fault.
Hope and change = weakness.
Millinnials have more far courage than past generations, the boomers turned out to be easily frightened chicken-shits. Look at you, constantly afraid and quite willing to let opportunists use that fear against you. The generation you seem to think is unmanly is not at all afraid of the future. They know they have some horrible boomer messes to clean up and can hardly wait until you entitled, selfish boomers finally die out.
Jesus Christ, total baby libtard meltdown. Each generation has had it easier but this is the first one where words are seen as political weapons and the nanny state was expected to take up any slack in your l

Boomers stormed Normandy beach, this crop of guys storm their safe space when they discover someone disagrees with them.
Greatest generation stormed Normady Beach. Boomers stormed the citadel at Hue City.

Don't forget Pork Chop Hill, Korea.
This younger generation needs to "man-up" and stop being a bunch of liberal crybaby pussies.


As to why, because they were raised in an era of more progressivism/statism than any prior generation.

Pajama boy is their ideal young man. Quite different just 50 years ago.

I've told Correll and others about this. But they are stuck somewhere.
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From the Marlboro Man to Pajama Boy: The "Evolution" of Manhood? • The Tim Wright Blog
This younger generation needs to "man-up" and stop being a bunch of liberal crybaby pussies.

Good post but you got confused mentioning Liberals. And I'm not talking about Marlboro or drinking.
Younger generations are NOT only liberals. It's a mixture of ALL human beings.
Younger generations are now different compared from 20 years ago. They are spoiled and don't work hard like their predecessors.
I've witnessed that all the time.
From the Marlboro Man to Pajama Boy: The "Evolution" of Manhood? • The Tim Wright Blog
This younger generation needs to "man-up" and stop being a bunch of liberal crybaby pussies.

What political correct progressives want men to be like today…
Crying Hillary supporters may as well move to the island of misfits and eat mac/cheese and hot pockets for the rest of thier lives.

Hillary didn't raised these younger generations.
Younger generations are raised by left and right wingers.
The younger generation drunk the political correct breast milk from their mothers and that fucked them for life.

Made living pussies out of them.

What a horrible generation!

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