Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

only folks like littledebfascist give aid to your enemies, or Reagan during the 1980s.

the militia wanks are just silly, period.

The 1994 to 2006 Congress had compliant presidents from both parties. The far right GOP congresses will not be allowed to escape the consquences of their failed choices.

Your defense of obama is revealing about you. Being a RINO is the closest you will be to being a Republican.

You are drinking early, even for you.

George Will thinks you guys are wack, as does Rich Lowry. They are the ultimate mainstream conservatives, and they believe you are wack. Nuff said.
only folks like littledebfascist give aid to your enemies, or Reagan during the 1980s.

the militia wanks are just silly, period.

The 1994 to 2006 Congress had compliant presidents from both parties. The far right GOP congresses will not be allowed to escape the consquences of their failed choices.

Your defense of obama is revealing about you. Being a RINO is the closest you will be to being a Republican.

You are drinking early, even for you.

George Will thinks you guys are wack, as does Rich Lowry. They are the ultimate mainstream conservatives, and they believe you are wack. Nuff said.
Side stepping the post I see. Look if you don't have anything to offer other than your bullshit please step away from the thread it's smoking your last brain cell you have left.
You have offered nothing that would indicate anything that Congress should consider impeaching Obama about.

Until you do, I will continue to have fun with you.
You have offered nothing that would indicate anything that Congress should consider impeaching Obama about.

Until you do, I will continue to have fun with you.

Giving aid to America's enemy in Libya is a hangable offense. Or didn't you know that?
America has not given aid in Libya to our enemies. Quite the contrary.

If that is what you are hanging on to, then it broke a long time ago.

If anyone should have been impeached for aiding America's enemies, Reagan should have gone down for Iran Contra.
America has not given aid in Libya to our enemies. Quite the contrary.

If that is what you are hanging on to, then it broke a long time ago.

If anyone should have been impeached for aiding America's enemies, Reagan should have gone down for Iran Contra.

Exactly what is that being used in libya dumb shit? It's the fucking military obama is using Americas air power to help our enemy you stuipd fuckiung cock sucker.
only folks like littledebfascist give aid to your enemies, or Reagan during the 1980s.

the militia wanks are just silly, period.

Is that why the washington post printed national secrets resulting in the bombing of the barracks?

In which they apologized.

non sequitur

In other words you dont want to discuss the dem roll in giving away secrets. Which has everything to do with your accusations.
No one here has done anything to demonstrate any impeachable offenses by Obama, but have done a good job showing that his detractors here are outright fabricators. But nothing new on that front.
No one here has done anything to demonstrate any impeachable offenses by Obama, but have done a good job showing that his detractors here are outright fabricators. But nothing new on that front.

He approved funding for Gun smuggling.

No one here has done anything to demonstrate any impeachable offenses by Obama, but have done a good job showing that his detractors here are outright fabricators. But nothing new on that front.

He approved funding for Gun smuggling.


Yes he did,

That makes him an accessory to murder.

The little guy giving his bud a ride to 7-11 for him to rob it unknowingly gets a conviction. This should too.
When Congress didn't pass it and that is the will of the people.
obama is using the executive order as a dictator rubber stamp.

Except, that he didn't.

There has been no executive order issued regarding immigration. Janet Napolitano has refused to enforce immigration statutes, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton has specifically refused to deport illegals, but Obama has not issued an EO on the subject. What we have are the usual federal agencies openly violating the law.
That is true, but if the presidential powers include executive orders isn't he within his legal power that the people have entrusted him with?

Do they, though?

There is no enumerated power to issue executive orders in the U.S. Constitution.
No one here has done anything to demonstrate any impeachable offenses by Obama, but have done a good job showing that his detractors here are outright fabricators. But nothing new on that front.
True. An inane and embarrassing display of partisan, conservative ignorance and idiocy.
To be perfectly honest..I am not really in favor of doing something like this.

But I find it interesting that the very people that talk about "republics" when people mention democracy, all of a sudden talk about the "will of the people" when legislative powers are invoked to pass laws they don't like.

You can't have it both ways.

You do realize that Obama isn't part of the legislature, and it was your side unhappy that the legislative process didn't provide the amnesty result they wanted?

There is no executive order. What we have is simply the administration refusing to enforce the law. Do you, as a socialist and an authoritarian, view that as legitimate?
No one here has done anything to demonstrate any impeachable offenses by Obama, but have done a good job showing that his detractors here are outright fabricators. But nothing new on that front.

There IS the whole "Fast and Furious" thing.

The administration providing weapons to Mexican drug cartels is impeachable.

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