Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

I am a Republican to the bone.

You're a fucking liar. You are about THE most partisan democrat in the forum. What the fuck, Jake? Do you think that if you lie and claim to be a Republican, that others will say "Damn, Jake's a Republican, worships Obama, supports cap & trade, fascist care, raising taxes, higher government spending and sharp increases in entitlements, so I should too!" Look Jake, you're a stupid little guy, but is that REALLY what you think? Jake, do you live in Winnebago and drive an imaginary Volt?

You Johnny Come Along Recently, Uncensored, do not decide who is in the party, kid. I have been a Republican longer than you have been alive, son. I do not support cap and trade, I point out you support fascist principles, I believe in lower governing spending and entitlement reform, and a strong defense.

You, little coyote breath, need to read what I write, you moronic little bleep. :lol: That felt good. As if you morons could lead the GOP to victory in a one-party race. As if.
You Johnny Come Along Recently, Uncensored, do not decide who is in the party, kid. I have been a Republican longer than you have been alive, son.

Jake, you're a drooling Obamabot, one of the worst I've ever seen.

I point out you support fascist principles,

You don't know what the word means. It is you who supports the merger of Kaiser, Blue Cross and the federal government via Obama's fascist care.

I believe in lower governing spending and entitlement reform

You're such a fucking liar.

You went apeshit demanding the Obama plan of higher taxes when your Messiah played at brinksmanship during the debt ceiling showdown.

No one believes a word you post - we just laugh at you.
UncensoredFascist whines and whines and whines, like the little far right facist that he is. Fascism is the desire to force a "one model fits all for culture and society", which is exactly what fascist boy wants. I have firmly believed in reduction in spending, entitlement reform, and shared revenue requirements for all Americans.

Everyone here knows what I believe, Uncensored. You far rightist fascists and extremists have been lying from the get go. You are really not Republican, and America does not need your nonsense.
UncensoredFascist whines and whines and whines, like the little far right facist that he is. Fascism is the desire to force a "one model fits all for culture and society", which is exactly what fascist boy wants. I have firmly believed in reduction in spending, entitlement reform, and shared revenue requirements for all Americans.

Everyone here knows what I believe, Uncensored. You far rightist fascists and extremists have been lying from the get go. You are really not Republican, and America does not need your nonsense.

As I said jake being a RINO is as close to being a Republican as your going to get.
Jake has no original thought so he can't start a thread of his own. He can only make comments to someones original thought, he must be guided, programed like any good obambot.
Fascism is the desire to force a "one model fits all for culture and society",

No, it isn't stupid.

Fascism is the merger of corporate and state power structures.

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” - Benito Mussolini

You are an uneducated baboon.

No, it is not, and you are describing an inaccurate process not goal. But you are correct in describing a situation our far right business corporatists want, government and business seeing eye to eye (think of the subsidies business desire) to suppress the American freedoms of working men and women. Remember that Big Business loved Hitler.

Uncensored, you truly do not understand. I want you to look up "communism", "socialism", "fascism", "capitalism", "free market", "social democracy", and do some solid reading.

You are sounding very uneducated.
Fascism is the desire to force a "one model fits all for culture and society",

No, it isn't stupid.

Fascism is the merger of corporate and state power structures.

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” - Benito Mussolini

You are an uneducated baboon.

No, it is not, and you are describing an inaccurate process not goal. But you are correct in describing a situation our far right business corporatists want, government and business seeing eye to eye (think of the subsidies business desire) to suppress the American freedoms of working men and women. Remember that Big Business loved Hitler.

Uncensored, you truly do not understand. I want you to look up "communism", "socialism", "fascism", "capitalism", "free market", "social democracy", and do some solid reading.

You are sounding very uneducated.

Definition of FASCISM


often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Fascism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
No, it isn't stupid.

Fascism is the merger of corporate and state power structures.

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” - Benito Mussolini

You are an uneducated baboon.

No, it is not, and you are describing an inaccurate process not goal. But you are correct in describing a situation our far right business corporatists want, government and business seeing eye to eye (think of the subsidies business desire) to suppress the American freedoms of working men and women. Remember that Big Business loved Hitler.

Uncensored, you truly do not understand. I want you to look up "communism", "socialism", "fascism", "capitalism", "free market", "social democracy", and do some solid reading.

You are sounding very uneducated.

Definition of FASCISM often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Fascism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

You are a fascist. You exalt Exceptional Americanism, although you can't define that. You exalt the white race about the others. You believe that the corporatists should work with government to suppress the workers in the name of "free markets", and you certainly would suppress your opponents. Yes, you are a fascist. See, fascists come from the far right, just like you.
No, it is not, and you are describing an inaccurate process not goal. But you are correct in describing a situation our far right business corporatists want, government and business seeing eye to eye (think of the subsidies business desire) to suppress the American freedoms of working men and women. Remember that Big Business loved Hitler.

Uncensored, you truly do not understand. I want you to look up "communism", "socialism", "fascism", "capitalism", "free market", "social democracy", and do some solid reading.

You are sounding very uneducated.

Definition of FASCISM often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Fascism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

You are a fascist. You exalt Exceptional Americanism, although you can't define that. You exalt the white race about the others. You believe that the corporatists should work with government to suppress the workers in the name of "free markets", and you certainly would suppress your opponents. Yes, you are a fascist. See, fascists come from the far right, just like you.
You are a fascist.

Really? let's go down your list

You exalt Exceptional Americanism

Yes I do

You exalt the white race about the others

Show your proof here's a hint no I don't but anyway show where I have done that ever?

You believe that the corporatists should work with government to suppress the workers in the name of "free markets",

I believe government should stay out of the porivatre sector leave the ec onomy to the experts

and you certainly would suppress your opponents.

I believe in indviduual rights and liberty's everybody should be able to voice their opinions, even you shit head.

Yes, you are a fascist. See, fascists come from the far right, just like you

No, it is not, and you are describing an inaccurate process not goal.


Okay, little feral baboon..

But you are correct in describing a situation our far right business corporatists want, government and business seeing eye to eye

Hey stupid, it's your Messiah® that is merging corporations and the federal government. Under his fascist care plan, the IRS becomes the bill collector for Kaiser, Blue Cross, et al.

Remember that Big Business loved Hitler.

Well connected looters loved Hitler, just as Kaiser and Blue Cross (GE, GM, Goldman Sachs, et al) love Obama, dummy.

Uncensored, you truly do not understand. I want you to look up "communism", "socialism", "fascism", "capitalism", "free market", "social democracy", and do some solid reading.

Stupid, you can't worm out of the fact that Obama is establishing fascism.

Jake, get thee to a baboonary.
UncensoredFascist cannot worm out of that he again failed in a discussion and results to nonsense.

We are not going back to the 1950s and 1960s, Uncensored, do you understand that?
Come on people why is congress sitting on their ass and dong nothing? obama tried to get cap and trade passed in 2009 that was a fail, so he get's his EPA thugs to create rules that will work as good as passing cap and trade.

Next he by-passes congress and uses the military in Libya with out congressional approval.

Next last year the dream act was not passed by congress but obama issues a presidential order by-passes congress again and passes the dream act.

Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?
Because Reid is still the lead senator and will not even look at it just like when they were in debt talks:eusa_whistle:
Move along, RINO littledebfascist. We are not going back to your failed world of white supremacy and corporatism. Get used to it.
Your thread is as much as huge a failure as was the Hitler thread.

You simply cannot defend your positions.
Yep, Fool Auto and littledebfacist, once again unable to make clear and convincing arguments, descend into mumbling attacks. Sad.

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