Why isn’t obstruction of the Mueller investigation included in the articles of impeachment?

So here's the reason why Trump's obstruction is not part of the impeachment.

To charge Trump with the four cases of obstruction, it would require the testimonies of people who Trump would forbid from testifying. He would do this because he knows it would take up to a year for the subpoena battles to go through the courts, which would be long enough to carry him through the election.
I thought Mueller laid out an open and shut case of obstruction, Stupid.

Now you are claiming you need testimony from people involved in the Ukraine deal to prove obstruction? You are so dumb you can't keep your bullshit straight.:5_1_12024:

the current obstruction charge is obstruction of congress - the house never filed an obstruction article with mueller -

what makes you think the house doesnt have an open/shut case now ? STUPID.

what makes you think the house doesnt have an open/shut case now ?

Of course they do.

because Majority rules.
The Dimms said they had enough to impeach him for Obstruction of Justice for interfering with the Muller investigation.....so if that is TRUE, why wasn’t it added to the articles of impeachment?

That obstruction stuff wasn’t just BULLSHIT, WAS IT??

Shouldn’t all crimes be included in any impeachment proceedings?
Simple. They know the senate republicans are owned by tRump, and they will not remove him. I'd actually say we probably won't even see a trial, just a summary dismissal of the case.

If that likely event is followed by the unlikely event of a reelection there is a good or even better chance we Democrats will have a majority in both houses, and we still have impeachment bullets left.

there is a good or even better chance we Democrats will have a majority in both houses,
Unlikely you will even maintain the House
Want to bet ?? Anything you say I'll trust you even if you speak republican
Nixon was going to be impeached for a conversation caught on tape where he asked Haldeman to tell the FBI to lay off. Once that tape became public, it was all over for Nixon, and he knew it. So he resigned.

Trump is many IQ points lower than Nixon. Mueller uncovered at least four, and possibly as many as eight, instances of Trump committing the exact same crime.

Read the exchange below, and then read the second part of the Mueller report. The first part of the Mueller report is about the Russian interference.

Haldeman: Now, on the investigation, you know, the Democratic break-in thing, we’re back to the-in the, the problem area because the FBI is not under control, because Gray doesn’t exactly know how to control them, and they have, their investigation is now leading into some productive areas, because they’ve been able to trace the money, not through the money itself, but through the bank, you know, sources – the banker himself. And, and it goes in some directions we don’t want it to go. Ah, also there have been some things, like an informant came in off the street to the FBI in Miami, who was a photographer or has a friend who is a photographer who developed some films through this guy, Barker, and the films had pictures of Democratic National Committee letter head documents and things. So I guess, so it’s things like that that are gonna, that are filtering in. Mitchell came up with yesterday, and John Dean analyzed very carefully last night and concludes, concurs now with Mitchell’s recommendation that the only way to solve this, and we’re set up beautifully to do it, ah, in that and that…the only network that paid any attention to it last night was NBC…they did a massive story on the Cuban…

Nixon: That’s right.

Haldeman: thing.

Nixon: Right.

Haldeman: That the way to handle this now is for us to have Walters call Pat Gray and just say, “Stay the hell out of this …this is ah, business here we don’t want you to go any further on it.” That'’s not an unusual development,…

Nixon: Um huh.

Haldeman: …and, uh, that would take care of it.

Nixon: What about Pat Gray, ah, you mean he doesn’'t want to?

Haldeman: Pat does want to. He doesn'’t know how to, and he doesn'’t have, he doesn’'t have any basis for doing it. Given this, he will then have the basis. He’ll call Mark Felt in, and the two of them …and Mark Felt wants to cooperate because…

Nixon: Yeah.

Haldeman: he’s ambitious…

Nixon: Yeah.

Haldeman: Ah, he’ll call him in and say, “We’'ve got the signal from across the river to, to put the hold on this.” And that will fit rather well because the FBI agents who are working the case, at this point, feel that’s what it is. This is CIA.

Nixon: But they’'ve traced the money to ‘em.

Haldeman: Well they have, they'’ve traced to a name, but they haven'’t gotten to the guy yet.

Nixon: Would it be somebody here?

Haldeman: Ken Dahlberg.

Nixon: Who the hell is Ken Dahlberg?

Haldeman: He’s ah, he gave $25,000 in Minnesota and ah, the check went directly in to this, to this guy Barker.

Nixon: Maybe he’'s a …bum.

Nixon: He didn’'t get this from the committee though, from Stans.

Haldeman: Yeah. It is. It is. It’s directly traceable and there’s some more through some Texas people in–that went to the Mexican bank which they can also trace to the Mexican bank…they’ll get their names today. And (pause)

Nixon: Well, I mean, ah, there'’s no way… I’m just thinking if they don’'t cooperate, what do they say? They they, they were approached by the Cubans. That’s what Dahlberg has to say, the Texans too. Is that the idea?

Haldeman: Well, if they will. But then we’re relying on more and more people all the time. That’'s the problem. And ah, they’'ll stop if we could, if we take this other step.

Nixon: All right. Fine.

Haldeman: And, and they seem to feel the thing to do is get them to stop?

Nixon: Right, fine.

Haldeman: They say the only way to do that is from White House instructions. And it’s got to be to Helms and, ah, what’'s his name…? Walters.

Nixon: Walters.

Haldeman: And the proposal would be that Ehrlichman (coughs) and I call them in

Nixon: All right, fine.

Haldeman: and say, ah…

Nixon: How do you call him in, I mean you just, well, we protected Helms from one hell of a lot of things.

Haldeman: That'’s what Ehrlichman says.

Nixon: Of course, this is a, this is a Hunt, you will-that will uncover a lot of things. You open that scab there’'s a hell of a lot of things and that we just feel that it would be very detrimental to have this thing go any further.This involves these Cubans, Hunt, and a lot of hanky-panky that we have nothing to do with ourselves. Well what the hell, did Mitchell know about this thing to any much of a degree.

Haldeman: I think so. I don ‘t think he knew the details, but I think he knew.

Nixon: He didn’'t know how it was going to be handled though, with Dahlberg and the Texans and so forth? Well who was the asshole that did? (Unintelligible) Is it Liddy? Is that the fellow? He must be a little nuts.

Haldeman: He is.

Nixon: I mean he just isn’'t well screwed on is he? Isn'’t that the problem?

Haldeman: No, but he was under pressure, apparently, to get more information, and as he got more pressure, he pushed the people harder to move harder on…

Nixon: Pressure from Mitchell?

Haldeman: Apparently.

Nixon: Oh, Mitchell, Mitchell was at the point that you made on this, that exactly what I need from you is on the–

Haldeman: Gemstone, yeah.

Nixon: All right, fine, I understand it all. We won'’t second-guess Mitchell and the rest. Thank God it wasn'’t Colson.

Haldeman: The FBI interviewed Colson yesterday. They determined that would be a good thing to do.

Nixon: Um hum.

Haldeman: Ah, to have him take a…

Nixon: Um hum.

Haldeman: An interrogation, which he did, and that, the FBI guys working the case had concluded that there were one or two possibilities, one, that this was a White House, they don’'t think that there is anything at the Election Committee, they think it was either a White House operation and they had some obscure reasons for it, non political,…

Nixon: Uh huh.

Haldeman: or it was a…

Nixon: Cuban thing-

Haldeman: Cubans and the CIA. And after their interrogation of, of…

Nixon: Colson.

Haldeman: Colson, yesterday, they concluded it was not the White House, but are now convinced it is a CIA thing, so the CIA turn off would…

Nixon: Well, not sure of their analysis, I’m not going to get that involved. I'’m (unintelligible).

Haldeman: No, sir. We don’t want you to.

Nixon: You call them in.

Nixon: Good. Good deal! Play it tough. That'’s the way they play it and that'’s the way we are going to play it.

Haldeman: O.K. We’ll do it.

Nixon: Yeah, when I saw that news summary item, I of course knew it was a bunch of crap, but I thought ah, well it’s good to have them off on this wild hair thing because when they start bugging us, which they have, we’ll know our little boys will not know how to handle it. I hope they will though. You never know. Maybe, you think about it. Good!
The Dimms said they had enough to impeach him for Obstruction of Justice for interfering with the Muller investigation.....so if that is TRUE, why wasn’t it added to the articles of impeachment?

That obstruction stuff wasn’t just BULLSHIT, WAS IT??

Shouldn’t all crimes be included in any impeachment proceedings?
Simple. They know the senate republicans are owned by tRump, and they will not remove him. I'd actually say we probably won't even see a trial, just a summary dismissal of the case.

If that likely event is followed by the unlikely event of a reelection there is a good or even better chance we Democrats will have a majority in both houses, and we still have impeachment bullets left.

You'd have a much weaker platform from which to impeach a second time. Do you think anyone would take seriously charges that should have been included the first time, but weren't?
So here's the reason why Trump's obstruction is not part of the impeachment.

To charge Trump with the four cases of obstruction, it would require the testimonies of people who Trump would forbid from testifying. He would do this because he knows it would take up to a year for the subpoena battles to go through the courts, which would be long enough to carry him through the election.
I thought Mueller laid out an open and shut case of obstruction, Stupid.

Now you are claiming you need testimony from people involved in the Ukraine deal to prove obstruction? You are so dumb you can't keep your bullshit straight.:5_1_12024:

the current obstruction charge is obstruction of congress - the house never filed an obstruction article with mueller -

what makes you think the house doesnt have an open/shut case now ? STUPID.

what makes you think the house doesnt have an open/shut case now ?

Of course they do.

because Majority rules.

as goes impeachment hearings

it aint no criminal trial .....
What about bribery. Libs were frothing all over that and then suddenly went silent. Oh, yeah....because biden and O were actually involved in bribery, corruption, covert actions, and they don't want this out.

Most likely the focus groups indicated that and other charges weren't catching the attention of the poorly educated. It's all political, so they live and die by politics.
The Dimms said they had enough to impeach him for Obstruction of Justice for interfering with the Muller investigation.....so if that is TRUE, why wasn’t it added to the articles of impeachment?

That obstruction stuff wasn’t just BULLSHIT, WAS IT??

Shouldn’t all crimes be included in any impeachment proceedings?
The obstruction which Trump committed during the Mueller investigation is way too complicated for the tards to grasp. I mean, look at the impossible time they are having just seeing Trump abusing his power for personal political gain!

So what's the point of trying to get them to see the even worse, but more complex, crimes Trump committed?

The point is obvious if impeachment is supposed to be the right thing to do. Your admission makes it clear this isn't about that to you.
The tard herd has never read the Mueller report, so they only know what they are told to bleev by their puppet masters.
The Tard Herd is your leaders. They are the ones pushing impeachment. If they didn't read the Mueller report it's their own fault.
If you have read it, as I have, then you have seen the case Mueller made for obstruction. He went into great detail.

Trump's ego can't handle the fact he was aided by Putin to win the election. That's why he obstructed and obstructed and obstructed. When Trump first heard about the Mueller investigation into Russian interference and his firing of Comey, he said, "That's the end of my presidency!" He then began doing everything he could to throw a monkey wrench into the works. He solicited several people to lie to help him. He even dictated IN WRITING exactly what lies he wanted them to say.

Fortunately, they all refused and said they would resign rather than do that bullshit.

That's how Trump's cons work. Behind the scenes, he twists arms to get people to say what he wants them to say. Then he publicly points to their statements and says, "See? HE said it!"

He used that exact same bullshit with Zelensky. He tried to pressure Zelensky to investigate the Bidens so he could then say in public, "Zelensky said he is going to investigate the BIDENS! He's a reformer trying to clean up CORRUPTION!"

And then all of you in the tard herd would take it from there. Despite Trump's scheme blowing up in his face, you still have obediently done so.

Like all the other honest people, Zelensky refused to do Trump's bullshit bidding.

You may now post your usual, "Nuh-uh!"
I would ask you for links to back up your lies, but we both know they are lies, and you are too dumb to bring links.
So here's the reason why Trump's obstruction is not part of the impeachment.

To charge Trump with the four cases of obstruction, it would require the testimonies of people who Trump would forbid from testifying. He would do this because he knows it would take up to a year for the subpoena battles to go through the courts, which would be long enough to carry him through the election.
I thought Mueller laid out an open and shut case of obstruction, Stupid.

Now you are claiming you need testimony from people involved in the Ukraine deal to prove obstruction? You are so dumb you can't keep your bullshit straight.:5_1_12024:

the current obstruction charge is obstruction of congress - the house never filed an obstruction article with mueller -

what makes you think the house doesnt have an open/shut case now ? STUPID.
How did Trump "obstruct congress"?
The tard herd has never read the Mueller report, so they only know what they are told to bleev by their puppet masters.
The Tard Herd is your leaders. They are the ones pushing impeachment. If they didn't read the Mueller report it's their own fault.
If you have read it, as I have, then you have seen the case Mueller made for obstruction. He went into great detail.

Trump's ego can't handle the fact he was aided by Putin to win the election. That's why he obstructed and obstructed and obstructed. When Trump first heard about the Mueller investigation into Russian interference and his firing of Comey, he said, "That's the end of my presidency!" He then began doing everything he could to throw a monkey wrench into the works. He solicited several people to lie to help him. He even dictated IN WRITING exactly what lies he wanted them to say.

Fortunately, they all refused and said they would resign rather than do that bullshit.

That's how Trump's cons work. Behind the scenes, he twists arms to get people to say what he wants them to say. Then he publicly points to their statements and says, "See? HE said it!"

He used that exact same bullshit with Zelensky. He tried to pressure Zelensky to investigate the Bidens so he could then say in public, "Zelensky said he is going to investigate the BIDENS! He's a reformer trying to clean up CORRUPTION!"

And then all of you in the tard herd would take it from there. Despite Trump's scheme blowing up in his face, you still have obediently done so.

Like all the other honest people, Zelensky refused to do Trump's bullshit bidding.

You may now post your usual, "Nuh-uh!"
I would ask you for links to back up your lies, but we both know they are lies, and you are too dumb to bring links.
"Nuh-uh!" :lol:

You want a link? Here you go: The Mueller Report
The Dimms said they had enough to impeach him for Obstruction of Justice for interfering with the Muller investigation.....so if that is TRUE, why wasn’t it added to the articles of impeachment?

That obstruction stuff wasn’t just BULLSHIT, WAS IT??

Shouldn’t all crimes be included in any impeachment proceedings?
Maybe because the investigation was never obstructed.
So here's the reason why Trump's obstruction is not part of the impeachment.

To charge Trump with the four cases of obstruction, it would require the testimonies of people who Trump would forbid from testifying. He would do this because he knows it would take up to a year for the subpoena battles to go through the courts, which would be long enough to carry him through the election.
I thought Mueller laid out an open and shut case of obstruction, Stupid.

Now you are claiming you need testimony from people involved in the Ukraine deal to prove obstruction? You are so dumb you can't keep your bullshit straight.:5_1_12024:

the current obstruction charge is obstruction of congress - the house never filed an obstruction article with mueller -

what makes you think the house doesnt have an open/shut case now ? STUPID.

what makes you think the house doesnt have an open/shut case now ?

Of course they do.

because Majority rules.

as goes impeachment hearings

it aint no criminal trial .....

Yeah we see. It's a donkey show.
Trump ordered Don McGahn to fire Mueller. McGahn refused. Then when that information became public, Trump ordered McGahn, through Porter, to write a letter saying he, Trump, did not order McGahn to fire Mueller.

There are so many people walking around with knowledge of Trump's attempts at obstructing and solicitations of perjury it's ridiculous.

And it's all right there in Mueller's report.

This is how I know not one of the tard herd has read it.
Wow! You think you found so many crimes in the Meuller report.................and yet none are included in the impeachment farce.

Why is that, Dummy?
The Dimms said they had enough to impeach him for Obstruction of Justice for interfering with the Muller investigation.....so if that is TRUE, why wasn’t it added to the articles of impeachment?

That obstruction stuff wasn’t just BULLSHIT, WAS IT??

Shouldn’t all crimes be included in any impeachment proceedings?
Simple. They know the senate republicans are owned by tRump, and they will not remove him. I'd actually say we probably won't even see a trial, just a summary dismissal of the case.

If that likely event is followed by the unlikely event of a reelection there is a good or even better chance we Democrats will have a majority in both houses, and we still have impeachment bullets left.

So if they know it won’t get through the Senate, why are they doing the abuse of power and jaywalking BULLSHIT?

Biden firing prosecutor not investigating his family=corruption

Trump firing prosecutor investigating Trump=not corruption

Trump logic
McGahn, Porter, Sessions, and Lewandowski all saved Trump from his own stupidity.

If they had all done Trump's bidding, Trump's impeachment in the House, and conviction in the Senate, would have been unanimous.

Trump is a disgrace.
The tard herd has never read the Mueller report, so they only know what they are told to bleev by their puppet masters.
The Tard Herd is your leaders. They are the ones pushing impeachment. If they didn't read the Mueller report it's their own fault.
If you have read it, as I have, then you have seen the case Mueller made for obstruction. He went into great detail.

Trump's ego can't handle the fact he was aided by Putin to win the election. That's why he obstructed and obstructed and obstructed. When Trump first heard about the Mueller investigation into Russian interference and his firing of Comey, he said, "That's the end of my presidency!" He then began doing everything he could to throw a monkey wrench into the works. He solicited several people to lie to help him. He even dictated IN WRITING exactly what lies he wanted them to say.

Fortunately, they all refused and said they would resign rather than do that bullshit.

That's how Trump's cons work. Behind the scenes, he twists arms to get people to say what he wants them to say. Then he publicly points to their statements and says, "See? HE said it!"

He used that exact same bullshit with Zelensky. He tried to pressure Zelensky to investigate the Bidens so he could then say in public, "Zelensky said he is going to investigate the BIDENS! He's a reformer trying to clean up CORRUPTION!"

And then all of you in the tard herd would take it from there. Despite Trump's scheme blowing up in his face, you still have obediently done so.

Like all the other honest people, Zelensky refused to do Trump's bullshit bidding.

You may now post your usual, "Nuh-uh!"
I would ask you for links to back up your lies, but we both know they are lies, and you are too dumb to bring links.
"Nuh-uh!" :lol:

You want a link? Here you go: The Mueller Report
None of his alleged crimes are in that.

Try again, Stupid.
The Dimms said they had enough to impeach him for Obstruction of Justice for interfering with the Muller investigation.....so if that is TRUE, why wasn’t it added to the articles of impeachment?

That obstruction stuff wasn’t just BULLSHIT, WAS IT??

Shouldn’t all crimes be included in any impeachment proceedings?
Maybe because the investigation was never obstructed.
Firing the prosecutor would be obstruction, wouldn’t you agree?
Trump ordered Don McGahn to fire Mueller. McGahn refused. Then when that information became public, Trump ordered McGahn, through Porter, to write a letter saying he, Trump, did not order McGahn to fire Mueller.

There are so many people walking around with knowledge of Trump's attempts at obstructing and solicitations of perjury it's ridiculous.

And it's all right there in Mueller's report.

This is how I know not one of the tard herd has read it.
Wow! You think you found so many crimes in the Meuller report.................and yet none are included in the impeachment farce.

Why is that, Dummy?
I explained in several posts at the beginning of this topic exactly why, dipshit. Try to catch up!
The Dimms said they had enough to impeach him for Obstruction of Justice for interfering with the Muller investigation.....so if that is TRUE, why wasn’t it added to the articles of impeachment?

That obstruction stuff wasn’t just BULLSHIT, WAS IT??

Shouldn’t all crimes be included in any impeachment proceedings?
Simple. They know the senate republicans are owned by tRump, and they will not remove him. I'd actually say we probably won't even see a trial, just a summary dismissal of the case.

If that likely event is followed by the unlikely event of a reelection there is a good or even better chance we Democrats will have a majority in both houses, and we still have impeachment bullets left.

So if they know it won’t get through the Senate, why are they doing the abuse of power and jaywalking BULLSHIT?

Biden firing prosecutor not investigating his family=corruption

Trump firing prosecutor investigating Trump=not corruption

Trump logic
What prosecutor did Trump fire?

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