why it does not bother trump to lie like a rug

will trump go down and the most notorious liar in us history?
I did not have sex with that woman, miss lewinski.
.NOBODY cares about your new found "morals."

The agenda is, roll back Obama's "fundamental transformation of America."

Always funny to see you Dotards point to one or two Obama and Clinton lies -
When y'alls gots like THOUSANDS!!
he is a proven liar....i will release my tax returns after the election.......etc and so forth....
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

the best one...i will drain the swamp lol is hillary in jail....no but trumps associates sure are.....

The only people concerned about his tax returns are left wing maggots. The rest of us could care less, it’s between him and the IRS. He’s under no obligation to share it with us.

But of course - If Trump Dumpster were to share his taxes, they would reveal not only money laundering and fraud -
They'd reveal MASSIVE ties to Russian Oligarchs!

The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


Trump is a narcissist

Well yes he is that DTMB, but beyond that he is just plain ol' boop-shoot crazy as fuk.

His mind is going - And it is a problem.

He really has put on some weight since he began this campaign in 2015 and since he took office, a lot more!

They must be feeding him good in the Whitehouse! Though I had read that they make Presidents and family, to pay for their own food while there, unless it is an official dinner for gvt business.....

Anyway....in my female opinion

The Emperor Needs New Clothes

and a new Tailor!

Whomever he is using now, is making his suit jackets too short..... I noticed it on this trip.

Yes the suits are much larger to fit his new girth, but in my opinion on RTW...(ready to wear 'clothing'), his new suit jackets are way too short and make him look heavier, whereas, his old Tailor made a really nice fitting suit for him that were longer and covered a multitude of sins, visually!

I don't think his tailor likes him! :lol: to put him out there looking like a tub!

He really has put on some weight since he began this campaign in 2015 and since he took office, a lot more!

They must be feeding him good in the Whitehouse! Though I had read that they make Presidents and family, to pay for their own food while there, unless it is an official dinner for gvt business.....

Anyway....in my female opinion

The Emperor Needs New Clothes

and a new Tailor!

Whomever he is using now, is making his suit jackets too short..... I noticed it on this trip.

Yes the suits are much larger to fit his new girth, but in my opinion on RTW...(ready to wear 'clothing'), his new suit jackets are way too short and make him look heavier, whereas, his old Tailor made a really nice fitting suit for him that were longer and covered a multitude of sins, visually!

I don't think his tailor likes him! :lol: to put him out there looking like a tub!

But Ronny Jackson said he could live another 100 years, and ...
Ronny Jackson is being investigated by Defense Department inspector general
How did Putin get you to vote for Trump?
What would lead you to believe I'm stupid enough to do that?

That's your merry band of retards, not me.
How else did Putin decide the election?
By influencing the weaker minded folks, like racists, single issue types, you.......

I've been where I am at on TRade and Immigration for well nearly twenty years.

And so have large percentages of the American people.

Trump didn't influence US, we influenced HIM.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
You will forgive me if I don't believe you based on the evidence I've seen from your comrades.

I will not forgive you. You are calling me a liar, and you are the same asshole that was race baiting just one post ago. Fuck forgiveness.

What evidence do you speak of?
Go back and read post #96.

It still doesn't say it was a narrow "decision." Only you said that.
Semantic lying idiot.

You poor thing, bless your heart. That still doesn't make anyone here but you saying it was a narrow decision. :mm:
You're a troll. Bye.
Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:

Forrest was a smart guy.
What would lead you to believe I'm stupid enough to do that?

That's your merry band of retards, not me.
How else did Putin decide the election?
By influencing the weaker minded folks, like racists, single issue types, you.......

I've been where I am at on TRade and Immigration for well nearly twenty years.

And so have large percentages of the American people.

Trump didn't influence US, we influenced HIM.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
You will forgive me if I don't believe you based on the evidence I've seen from your comrades.

I will not forgive you. You are calling me a liar, and you are the same asshole that was race baiting just one post ago. Fuck forgiveness.

What evidence do you speak of?
Conservatives change their mind based on what tRump says daily, hell sometimes hourly. It is ludicrous for you to say you influnced him. You fools follow him slavishly.

So yes, I am calling you a liar. I tried to be polite about it but if you insist on blunt definitions that is exactly what I think you are. I don't blame you, I even doubt you were until recently but tRump has made you all think it's ok to tell untruths. Yet another way he has influenced you rather than the other way around.
How else did Putin decide the election?
By influencing the weaker minded folks, like racists, single issue types, you.......

I've been where I am at on TRade and Immigration for well nearly twenty years.

And so have large percentages of the American people.

Trump didn't influence US, we influenced HIM.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
You will forgive me if I don't believe you based on the evidence I've seen from your comrades.

I will not forgive you. You are calling me a liar, and you are the same asshole that was race baiting just one post ago. Fuck forgiveness.

What evidence do you speak of?
Conservatives change their mind based on what tRump says daily, hell sometimes hourly. It is ludicrous for you to say you influnced him. You fools follow him slavishly.

So yes, I am calling you a liar. I tried to be polite about it but if you insist on blunt definitions that is exactly what I think you are. I don't blame you, I even doubt you were until recently but tRump has made you all think it's ok to tell untruths. Yet another way he has influenced you rather than the other way around.

Mmm, even though you are speaking like a dim witted child, I am motivated to respond...

Anywho, you are a moron.

Pat Buchanan - Wikipedia

"In 1992, Buchanan explained his reasons for challenging the incumbent, President George H.W. Bush:

If the country wants to go in a liberal direction, if the country wants to go in the direction of [Democrats] George Mitchell and Tom Foley, it doesn't bother me as long as I've made the best case I can. What I can't stand are the back-room deals. They're all in on it, the insider game, the establishment game—this is what we're running against.[9]

He ran on a platform of immigration reduction and social conservatism, including opposition to multiculturalism, abortion, and gay rights. Buchanan seriously challenged Bush (whose popularity was waning) when he won 38 percent of the seminal New Hampshire primary. In the primary elections, Buchanan garnered three million total votes or 23% of the vote".

"1996 saw Buchanan's most successful attempt to win the Republican nomination....

Buchanan sought the Republican nomination from Dole's right, voicing his opposition to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)....

The line "The peasants are coming with pitchforks" became somewhat of a slogan for the campaign, with Buchanan occasionally appearing with a prop pitchfork at rallies."

He had my vote, for the same reasons Trump did, and you are a moron.
How else did Putin decide the election?
By influencing the weaker minded folks, like racists, single issue types, you.......

I've been where I am at on TRade and Immigration for well nearly twenty years.

And so have large percentages of the American people.

Trump didn't influence US, we influenced HIM.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
You will forgive me if I don't believe you based on the evidence I've seen from your comrades.

I will not forgive you. You are calling me a liar, and you are the same asshole that was race baiting just one post ago. Fuck forgiveness.

What evidence do you speak of?
Conservatives change their mind based on what tRump says daily, hell sometimes hourly. It is ludicrous for you to say you influnced him. You fools follow him slavishly.

So yes, I am calling you a liar. I tried to be polite about it but if you insist on blunt definitions that is exactly what I think you are. I don't blame you, I even doubt you were until recently but tRump has made you all think it's ok to tell untruths. Yet another way he has influenced you rather than the other way around.
I remember when California voted against gay marriage, but the Obama administration overturned that. Remember?
How else did Putin decide the election?
By influencing the weaker minded folks, like racists, single issue types, you.......

I've been where I am at on TRade and Immigration for well nearly twenty years.

And so have large percentages of the American people.

Trump didn't influence US, we influenced HIM.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
You will forgive me if I don't believe you based on the evidence I've seen from your comrades.

I will not forgive you. You are calling me a liar, and you are the same asshole that was race baiting just one post ago. Fuck forgiveness.

What evidence do you speak of?
Conservatives change their mind based on what tRump says daily, hell sometimes hourly. It is ludicrous for you to say you influnced him. You fools follow him slavishly.

So yes, I am calling you a liar. I tried to be polite about it but if you insist on blunt definitions that is exactly what I think you are. I don't blame you, I even doubt you were until recently but tRump has made you all think it's ok to tell untruths. Yet another way he has influenced you rather than the other way around.
It had been documented that Obama relied on your ignorance, to get Obama care passed. Then you loons stuck up for him. Now tell me who is the idiot? Trump is doing what he said, he would do.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief

You voted for Hillary, right?

A couple of decades older, and she would have stormed the beaches of Normandy.

Since you started with a whataboutism (Hillary) that Bones specifically asked you not to ...
That makes YOU the thread loser :)
Let me guess, you voted for Hillary too.
By influencing the weaker minded folks, like racists, single issue types, you.......

I've been where I am at on TRade and Immigration for well nearly twenty years.

And so have large percentages of the American people.

Trump didn't influence US, we influenced HIM.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
You will forgive me if I don't believe you based on the evidence I've seen from your comrades.

I will not forgive you. You are calling me a liar, and you are the same asshole that was race baiting just one post ago. Fuck forgiveness.

What evidence do you speak of?
Conservatives change their mind based on what tRump says daily, hell sometimes hourly. It is ludicrous for you to say you influnced him. You fools follow him slavishly.

So yes, I am calling you a liar. I tried to be polite about it but if you insist on blunt definitions that is exactly what I think you are. I don't blame you, I even doubt you were until recently but tRump has made you all think it's ok to tell untruths. Yet another way he has influenced you rather than the other way around.
I remember when California voted against gay marriage, but the Obama administration overturned that. Remember?
Lmao! "But...but...but... Obama!"
By influencing the weaker minded folks, like racists, single issue types, you.......

I've been where I am at on TRade and Immigration for well nearly twenty years.

And so have large percentages of the American people.

Trump didn't influence US, we influenced HIM.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
You will forgive me if I don't believe you based on the evidence I've seen from your comrades.

I will not forgive you. You are calling me a liar, and you are the same asshole that was race baiting just one post ago. Fuck forgiveness.

What evidence do you speak of?
Conservatives change their mind based on what tRump says daily, hell sometimes hourly. It is ludicrous for you to say you influnced him. You fools follow him slavishly.

So yes, I am calling you a liar. I tried to be polite about it but if you insist on blunt definitions that is exactly what I think you are. I don't blame you, I even doubt you were until recently but tRump has made you all think it's ok to tell untruths. Yet another way he has influenced you rather than the other way around.
It had been documented that Obama relied on your ignorance, to get Obama care passed. Then you loons stuck up for him. Now tell me who is the idiot? Trump is doing what he said, he would do.
That's more of your fake news.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief

You voted for Hillary, right?

A couple of decades older, and she would have stormed the beaches of Normandy.

Since you started with a whataboutism (Hillary) that Bones specifically asked you not to ...
That makes YOU the thread loser :)
Let me guess, you voted for Hillary too.

Nope I didn't vote for Hillary - Not that it would have mattered in Idaho.

I've been where I am at on TRade and Immigration for well nearly twenty years.

And so have large percentages of the American people.

Trump didn't influence US, we influenced HIM.

Oh, and you can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
You will forgive me if I don't believe you based on the evidence I've seen from your comrades.

I will not forgive you. You are calling me a liar, and you are the same asshole that was race baiting just one post ago. Fuck forgiveness.

What evidence do you speak of?
Conservatives change their mind based on what tRump says daily, hell sometimes hourly. It is ludicrous for you to say you influnced him. You fools follow him slavishly.

So yes, I am calling you a liar. I tried to be polite about it but if you insist on blunt definitions that is exactly what I think you are. I don't blame you, I even doubt you were until recently but tRump has made you all think it's ok to tell untruths. Yet another way he has influenced you rather than the other way around.
It had been documented that Obama relied on your ignorance, to get Obama care passed. Then you loons stuck up for him. Now tell me who is the idiot? Trump is doing what he said, he would do.
That's more of your fake news.
Gruber tells us differently, thanks for proving my point.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief

You voted for Hillary, right?

A couple of decades older, and she would have stormed the beaches of Normandy.

Since you started with a whataboutism (Hillary) that Bones specifically asked you not to ...
That makes YOU the thread loser :)
Let me guess, you voted for Hillary too.

Nope I didn't vote for Hillary - Not that it would have mattered in Idaho.

You know, it's almost impossible to find anyone who voted for Hillary these days.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief

You voted for Hillary, right?

A couple of decades older, and she would have stormed the beaches of Normandy.

Since you started with a whataboutism (Hillary) that Bones specifically asked you not to ...
That makes YOU the thread loser :)
Let me guess, you voted for Hillary too.

Nope I didn't vote for Hillary - Not that it would have mattered in Idaho.

You know, it's almost impossible to find anyone who voted for Hillary these days.
I voted for her even though I cant stand her. I went with the lesser of two evils. That fucking ass clown in office has more than confirmed what I knew. He is a fucking idiot and danger to the globe.
trump is 71 and bone spurs lol try again

I hate those pictures of those kids. The photographer had to abuse them to get them to cry for her photos. Her name is Jill Greenberg and I think she is an awful person. That's why I never use those photos.

Of course Republicans would have no problem with that. They only like the fetus. The GOP's position. is fuk 'em. Let them cry, no, MAKE them cry. It's funny.

And if they are little brown children? make them cry forever.
Trump is the "never told a lie" George Washington of modern America. ... :cool:
How much does Putin pay for your unwavering support?
How did Putin get you to vote for Trump?

These stupid fks don't even know why they hate Trump, other than what their friend said about him, or their friends over at CNN told the. I have never witnessed a society that was so pathetically fkn stupid it makes the rest of us want to puke. As they go around thinking they just know everything on both sides, and as if Trump told them himself ., Uuuugh Trump haters are socities biggest losers. lol

i'll start with treason. i think that pretty much sums it up.

Treason in what way?

Strzok committed treason, Obama committed treason. Give me the definition of treason.

'Treason in what way?'


Give me the definition of treason.'


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