why it does not bother trump to lie like a rug

You might be right, but they couldn't pay me enough to come here and say all of the cringe worthy crap he does. I have too much respect for myself.
That's why I asked him if what he says all of the time is snark because surely no one can be that blind or brainwashed......or, can they?
Pres. Trump is our nation's elected leader.

Thus, all patriotic and loyal American's should support him in dealing with other countries and foreign leaders.

It's just common sense. .... :cool:
You might be right, but they couldn't pay me enough to come here and say all of the cringe worthy crap he does. I have too much respect for myself.
That's why I asked him if what he says all of the time is snark because surely no one can be that blind or brainwashed......or, can they?
Pres. Trump is our nation's elected leader.

Thus, all patriotic and loyal American's should support him in dealing with other countries and foreign leaders.

It's just common sense. .... :cool:

And since when have liberals had common sense?
But, but, but Hillary! But, but, but, Obama! It's all they've got
No, it isn't all we have. They merely point out how you really don't give a damn about any of the "outrage" you clowns express unless it is a Republican, and even then, they don't rise nearly to the level of those on your side.

We'd take you seriously when we see a little honesty in you.
But, but, but Hillary! But, but, but, Obama! It's all they've got
No, it isn't all we have. They merely point out how you really don't give a damn about any of the "outrage" you clowns express unless it is a Republican, and even then, they don't rise nearly to the level of those on your side.

We'd take you seriously when we see a little honesty in you.
No one in the WH has ever come close to being as vile as the creature that is there now. How's that for honesty?

And, why isn't he allowing any American press to be at the meeting on Monday? Doesn't he think we'll ever hear about what went on in it? The Russians will be reporting it, and we will get it from them.Doesn't that even bother any of you at all? Why the secrecy? What's he trying to hide?
will trump go down and the most notorious liar in us history?
View attachment 204696

The simple FACT is that the leftists take any misstatement, alternate view of issues, honest mistake or senile brain fart out of Trump and spin it into a brazen lie.

That is itself a series of lies, but if libtards didnt have double standards they wouldnt have any standards.
You poor thing, thousands of misstatements are not honest mistakes — they’re a total disregard for the truth.
Yes, I KNOW he has a racist constituency because they've come out and openly said they support him.

And Hillary NEVER disavowed the endorsement of the KKK either, hmmm?
LOOK: Video Shows KKK Grand Dragon Endorsing Hillary

Guess that makes Hillary a racist as well as an anti-semite.


The rule of law should be the issue.
You claim it was a narrow ruling. How many Supreme Court justices ruled in favor of the baker and how many against?

It was narrow in the sense that it applied to a narrow range of cases, in fact to that one specific case as there was explicit misbehavior by the government that showed a strong bias against the baker and his religion, as I recall.

Had to put the weasel words in there so that no one accuses me of lying if I am wrong, lolol.
Yes, but the vote was 7-2 in favor, so the decision wasn't narrow
danielpalos didn’t say the decision was narrow, you did.
, many times over! He makes Nixon look like a saint
See, THIS nonsense is why no one takes these whiney threads seriously.

You are dogs nipping at the heels of the greatest president in this, or the last century.

I think you're in for a surprise in the fall.
No one in the WH has ever come close to being as vile as the creature that is there now. How's that for honesty?
And, why isn't he allowing any American press to be at the meeting on Monday? Doesn't he think we'll ever hear about what went on in it? The Russians will be reporting it, and we will get it from them.Doesn't that even bother any of you at all? Why the secrecy? What's he trying to hide?
Pres. Trump is an honest and honorable man.

He puts America's interests first, Which is what we should expect from our elected ruler. Trump is the right man at the right time. ... :thup:
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief

You are aware that "all" politicians lie-like-a-rug," aren't you?!
The rule of law should be the issue.
You claim it was a narrow ruling. How many Supreme Court justices ruled in favor of the baker and how many against?

It was narrow in the sense that it applied to a narrow range of cases, in fact to that one specific case as there was explicit misbehavior by the government that showed a strong bias against the baker and his religion, as I recall.

Had to put the weasel words in there so that no one accuses me of lying if I am wrong, lolol.
Yes, but the vote was 7-2 in favor, so the decision wasn't narrow
danielpalos didn’t say the decision was narrow, you did.
Go back and read post #96.
The rule of law should be the issue.
You claim it was a narrow ruling. How many Supreme Court justices ruled in favor of the baker and how many against?

It was narrow in the sense that it applied to a narrow range of cases, in fact to that one specific case as there was explicit misbehavior by the government that showed a strong bias against the baker and his religion, as I recall.

Had to put the weasel words in there so that no one accuses me of lying if I am wrong, lolol.
Yes, but the vote was 7-2 in favor, so the decision wasn't narrow
danielpalos didn’t say the decision was narrow, you did.
Go back and read post #96.

It still doesn't say it was a narrow "decision." Only you said that.
You claim it was a narrow ruling. How many Supreme Court justices ruled in favor of the baker and how many against?

It was narrow in the sense that it applied to a narrow range of cases, in fact to that one specific case as there was explicit misbehavior by the government that showed a strong bias against the baker and his religion, as I recall.

Had to put the weasel words in there so that no one accuses me of lying if I am wrong, lolol.
Yes, but the vote was 7-2 in favor, so the decision wasn't narrow
danielpalos didn’t say the decision was narrow, you did.
Go back and read post #96.

It still doesn't say it was a narrow "decision." Only you said that.
Semantic lying idiot.

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