why it does not bother trump to lie like a rug

And he was called on that, wasn't he? He was held responsible for that, wasn't he?

Now the GOP accepts and embraces lies......lots more lies...obviously proven lies.....instead of holding someone responsible, you celebrate them.
He was held responsible for lying under oath. The blow job part, you liberals celebrated that part. Even though he used a young woman as a cum catcher.

Trump is not held accountable for his frequent fibs
Neither was Obama, even when you found out he thinks you're stupid. You still defended him.
The Great Obama had no scandals in eight years

Crooked Donnie has been under investigation since before he was elected
Loomed it up, 46 scandals. To bad the media you listened to, didn't tell you that.
how many convictions?
Trump is the "never told a lie" George Washington of modern America. ... :cool:
How much does Putin pay for your unwavering support?
How did Putin get you to vote for Trump?

These stupid fks don't even know why they hate Trump, other than what their friend said about him, or their friends over at CNN told the. I have never witnessed a society that was so pathetically fkn stupid it makes the rest of us want to puke. As they go around thinking they just know everything on both sides, and as if Trump told them himself ., Uuuugh Trump haters are socities biggest losers. lol
It isn't about hate; the right wing merely understands that concept better than most.

Oh no they hate Trump and those who support him. If it was no hate we wouldn't see groups who do hate him attacking old ladies, beating up those who wear his hat or t shirt . NO the LEFT HATES and they prove it daily.

The rule of law should be the issue.
You claim it was a narrow ruling. How many Supreme Court justices ruled in favor of the baker and how many against?

It was narrow in the sense that it applied to a narrow range of cases, in fact to that one specific case as there was explicit misbehavior by the government that showed a strong bias against the baker and his religion, as I recall.

Had to put the weasel words in there so that no one accuses me of lying if I am wrong, lolol.
Yes, but the vote was 7-2 in favor, so the decision wasn't narrow
Answer my question. Do Hillary and Obama have a racist constituency?
Why should I? Do you have a riding lawn mower or a push lawn mower? Answer MY question.
You can't honestly answer it because you know as well as I do that there are racists that support Hillary and Obama.
So what?
I didn't BLAME Trump for having racist constituents. I BLAMED Trump for not denouncing them promptly and unequivocally, instead farting around and playing dumb when David Duke announced their support.
Of course the White Nationalists love his immigration stance, and all the nasty shit he has said about MeObxicans, and how he wants to completely stop Muslim immigration to this country. Trump supposedly has concerns for safety reasons. I guess you'd have to be in Trump's head to be sure. Maybe it's a bit of both. But the point is,
I didn't BLAME Trump for having racist constituents. I BLAME him for playing around and encouraging them by keeping his mouth shut and sometimes by making what sound like really racist statements like "Why do we have to have all these people (Africans) coming here from shithole countries?"
Of course the Klan loves a guy who says stuff like that.
Obama didn't denounce Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan. In fact, Obama embraced and used Sharpton to inflame racist rhetoric against the police. Shameful, piece of shit President.
When you want to discuss Trump again, I'll check back in.
Come back when you actually can discuss instead of trying to spread a false narrative.
He was held responsible for lying under oath. The blow job part, you liberals celebrated that part. Even though he used a young woman as a cum catcher.

Trump is not held accountable for his frequent fibs
Neither was Obama, even when you found out he thinks you're stupid. You still defended him.
The Great Obama had no scandals in eight years

Crooked Donnie has been under investigation since before he was elected
Loomed it up, 46 scandals. To bad the media you listened to, didn't tell you that.
how many convictions?
How many convictions has Trump had, but you constantly bitch about him.
The rule of law should be the issue.
You claim it was a narrow ruling. How many Supreme Court justices ruled in favor of the baker and how many against?

It was narrow in the sense that it applied to a narrow range of cases, in fact to that one specific case as there was explicit misbehavior by the government that showed a strong bias against the baker and his religion, as I recall.

Had to put the weasel words in there so that no one accuses me of lying if I am wrong, lolol.
Yes, but the vote was 7-2 in favor, so the decision wasn't narrow
Why should I? Do you have a riding lawn mower or a push lawn mower? Answer MY question.
You can't honestly answer it because you know as well as I do that there are racists that support Hillary and Obama.
So what?
I didn't BLAME Trump for having racist constituents. I BLAMED Trump for not denouncing them promptly and unequivocally, instead farting around and playing dumb when David Duke announced their support.
Of course the White Nationalists love his immigration stance, and all the nasty shit he has said about MeObxicans, and how he wants to completely stop Muslim immigration to this country. Trump supposedly has concerns for safety reasons. I guess you'd have to be in Trump's head to be sure. Maybe it's a bit of both. But the point is,
I didn't BLAME Trump for having racist constituents. I BLAME him for playing around and encouraging them by keeping his mouth shut and sometimes by making what sound like really racist statements like "Why do we have to have all these people (Africans) coming here from shithole countries?"
Of course the Klan loves a guy who says stuff like that.
Obama didn't denounce Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan. In fact, Obama embraced and used Sharpton to inflame racist rhetoric against the police. Shameful, piece of shit President.
When you want to discuss Trump again, I'll check back in.
Come back when you actually can discuss instead of trying to spread a false narrative.

you make good points BS------but I, too, was kinda put off by Trump's "FUMFERING" over David
Duke. He could have consulted his people as to just what David Duke is and then commented. IMO---Trump has a malignant case of hoof in mouth
disease-----but Obama has no real excuse. ( I voted for Obama------and then Trump) IMO the
real smell was HILLARY
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


I see Strolling has finally figured out that Trump is a Liberal Democrat.
The rule of law should be the issue.
You claim it was a narrow ruling. How many Supreme Court justices ruled in favor of the baker and how many against?

It was narrow in the sense that it applied to a narrow range of cases, in fact to that one specific case as there was explicit misbehavior by the government that showed a strong bias against the baker and his religion, as I recall.

Had to put the weasel words in there so that no one accuses me of lying if I am wrong, lolol.
Yes, but the vote was 7-2 in favor, so the decision wasn't narrow
Answer my question. Do Hillary and Obama have a racist constituency?
Why should I? Do you have a riding lawn mower or a push lawn mower? Answer MY question.
You can't honestly answer it because you know as well as I do that there are racists that support Hillary and Obama.
So what?
I didn't BLAME Trump for having racist constituents. I BLAMED Trump for not denouncing them promptly and unequivocally, instead farting around and playing dumb when David Duke announced their support.
Of course the White Nationalists love his immigration stance, and all the nasty shit he has said about MeObxicans, and how he wants to completely stop Muslim immigration to this country. Trump supposedly has concerns for safety reasons. I guess you'd have to be in Trump's head to be sure. Maybe it's a bit of both. But the point is,
I didn't BLAME Trump for having racist constituents. I BLAME him for playing around and encouraging them by keeping his mouth shut and sometimes by making what sound like really racist statements like "Why do we have to have all these people (Africans) coming here from shithole countries?"
Of course the Klan loves a guy who says stuff like that.
Obama didn't denounce Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan. In fact, Obama embraced and used Sharpton to inflame racist rhetoric against the police. Shameful, piece of shit President.
When you want to discuss Trump again, I'll check back in.

But, but, but Hillary! But, but, but, Obama! It's all they've got. It's isn't just here either, it's all over the country. And when they do try to defend him, they will twist and turn all of his lies into pretzels and tell us what her really meant instead of what her really said. I.E. as someone did earlier in this thread regarding what he said about the crowd size at his inauguration.
The rule of law should be the issue.
You claim it was a narrow ruling. How many Supreme Court justices ruled in favor of the baker and how many against?

It was narrow in the sense that it applied to a narrow range of cases, in fact to that one specific case as there was explicit misbehavior by the government that showed a strong bias against the baker and his religion, as I recall.

Had to put the weasel words in there so that no one accuses me of lying if I am wrong, lolol.
Yes, but the vote was 7-2 in favor, so the decision wasn't narrow
Why should I? Do you have a riding lawn mower or a push lawn mower? Answer MY question.
You can't honestly answer it because you know as well as I do that there are racists that support Hillary and Obama.
So what?
I didn't BLAME Trump for having racist constituents. I BLAMED Trump for not denouncing them promptly and unequivocally, instead farting around and playing dumb when David Duke announced their support.
Of course the White Nationalists love his immigration stance, and all the nasty shit he has said about MeObxicans, and how he wants to completely stop Muslim immigration to this country. Trump supposedly has concerns for safety reasons. I guess you'd have to be in Trump's head to be sure. Maybe it's a bit of both. But the point is,
I didn't BLAME Trump for having racist constituents. I BLAME him for playing around and encouraging them by keeping his mouth shut and sometimes by making what sound like really racist statements like "Why do we have to have all these people (Africans) coming here from shithole countries?"
Of course the Klan loves a guy who says stuff like that.
Obama didn't denounce Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan. In fact, Obama embraced and used Sharpton to inflame racist rhetoric against the police. Shameful, piece of shit President.
When you want to discuss Trump again, I'll check back in.

But, but, but Hillary! But, but, but, Obama! It's all they've got. It's isn't just here either, it's all over the country. And when they do try to defend him, they will twist and turn all of his lies into pretzels and tell us what her really meant instead of what her really said. I.E. as someone did earlier in this thread regarding what he said about the crowd size at his inauguration.
Hillary and Obungo are all we need to reveal the hypocrisy of the left. People in Chicago are shooting each other at an alarming rate, a city totally run by democrats, and all democrats can muster is "Trump is a liar, harrumph, harrumph". Sad.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


I went to your link and all I got was this

View attachment 204708

So your link had nothing there, so you are a liar now too?

Of course not, but if you had people following everything you said 24/7 and taking every inaccuracy and every mistake as a lie they would have you down as a constant liar too.

Grow the fuck up, dude.

All you have to do is google what's in the title. It comes up as the first link.

Opinion | Trump's lying seems to be getting worse. Psychology suggests why.
Trump is the "never told a lie" George Washington of modern America. ... :cool:
Please tell me all of your comments here are snark and you're really not that damn stupid.
Trump is the "never told a lie" George Washington of modern America. ... :cool:
I've never seen him break character, though. Must be getting paid.
You might be right, but they couldn't pay me enough to come here and say all of the cringe worthy crap he does. I have too much respect for myself.

That's why I asked him if what he says all of the time is snark because surely no one can be that blind or brainwashed......or, can they?
Trump is the "never told a lie" George Washington of modern America. ... :cool:
How much does Putin pay for your unwavering support?
How did Putin get you to vote for Trump?

These stupid fks don't even know why they hate Trump, other than what their friend said about him, or their friends over at CNN told the. I have never witnessed a society that was so pathetically fkn stupid it makes the rest of us want to puke. As they go around thinking they just know everything on both sides, and as if Trump told them himself ., Uuuugh Trump haters are socities biggest losers. lol
It isn't about hate; the right wing merely understands that concept better than most.

Oh no they hate Trump and those who support him. If it was no hate we wouldn't see groups who do hate him attacking old ladies, beating up those who wear his hat or t shirt . NO the LEFT HATES and they prove it daily.

and the right wing never shows up on the news?

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