Why Kennedy?


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
R.F. Kennedy has received a lot of attention lately in his attempt to run for the presidency on the Democratic ticket. Oddly enough, he is receiving most of his attention by way of Republicans, and of course by Fox. The things he advocates are nowhere near the things Democrats have made clear that they want. In fact, the majority of his major donors are folks who usually donate to republican candidates. It's like he is pandering to right wingers from the Democratic ticket. Kennedy has exactly zero chance of winning the Democratic nomination, and it's easy to just scratch your head, and ask why. Seems like a lot of money and effort for nothing, until you consider the actual goal.

Given the extreme nature of recent Republican actions, efforts to ban abortions, rewriting school books to say slavery was benefit to the slaves, limiting access to vote, etc. it's expected a sizable amount of regularly Republican voters just won't be able to vote republican. Will they have to vote for Biden?

----NOPE---- that's where Kennedy comes in.

After Kennedy crashes and burns in the Democratic primary, he will run as an independent. Recent publicity already has right wingers saying they might vote for him if he wasn't on the Democratic ticket. Kennedy is nothing more than a spoiler to give disenchanted right wingers an easy choice other than Democratic.

Biden is aging exponentially. By the time the primaries start Biden will be unelectable by a majority of democrats.
RFK Jr has name recognition and is trusted by democrat voters.

...time will tell...
R.F. Kennedy has received a lot of attention lately in his attempt to run for the presidency on the Democratic ticket. Oddly enough, he is receiving most of his attention by way of Republicans, and of course by Fox. The things he advocates are nowhere near the things Democrats have made clear that they want. In fact, the majority of his major donors are folks who usually donate to republican candidates. It's like he is pandering to right wingers from the Democratic ticket. Kennedy has exactly zero chance of winning the Democratic nomination, and it's easy to just scratch your head, and ask why. Seems like a lot of money and effort for nothing, until you consider the actual goal.

Given the extreme nature of recent Republican actions, efforts to ban abortions, rewriting school books to say slavery was benefit to the slaves, limiting access to vote, etc. it's expected a sizable amount of regularly Republican voters just won't be able to vote republican. Will they have to vote for Biden?

----NOPE---- that's where Kennedy comes in.

After Kennedy crashes and burns in the Democratic primary, he will run as an independent. Recent publicity already has right wingers saying they might vote for him if he wasn't on the Democratic ticket. Kennedy is nothing more than a spoiler to give disenchanted right wingers an easy choice other than Democratic.

RFK Jr will give Biden a run... I bet after today his numbers will rise and sleepy corrupt crooked Joe will take a big hit....
R.F. Kennedy has received a lot of attention lately in his attempt to run for the presidency on the Democratic ticket. Oddly enough, he is receiving most of his attention by way of Republicans, and of course by Fox. The things he advocates are nowhere near the things Democrats have made clear that they want. In fact, the majority of his major donors are folks who usually donate to republican candidates. It's like he is pandering to right wingers from the Democratic ticket. Kennedy has exactly zero chance of winning the Democratic nomination, and it's easy to just scratch your head, and ask why. Seems like a lot of money and effort for nothing, until you consider the actual goal.

Given the extreme nature of recent Republican actions, efforts to ban abortions, rewriting school books to say slavery was benefit to the slaves, limiting access to vote, etc. it's expected a sizable amount of regularly Republican voters just won't be able to vote republican. Will they have to vote for Biden?

----NOPE---- that's where Kennedy comes in.

After Kennedy crashes and burns in the Democratic primary, he will run as an independent. Recent publicity already has right wingers saying they might vote for him if he wasn't on the Democratic ticket. Kennedy is nothing more than a spoiler to give disenchanted right wingers an easy choice other than Democratic.

Skeered ain't ya?? :abgg2q.jpg:
R.F. Kennedy has received a lot of attention lately in his attempt to run for the presidency on the Democratic ticket. Oddly enough, he is receiving most of his attention by way of Republicans, and of course by Fox. The things he advocates are nowhere near the things Democrats have made clear that they want. In fact, the majority of his major donors are folks who usually donate to republican candidates. It's like he is pandering to right wingers from the Democratic ticket. Kennedy has exactly zero chance of winning the Democratic nomination, and it's easy to just scratch your head, and ask why. Seems like a lot of money and effort for nothing, until you consider the actual goal.

Given the extreme nature of recent Republican actions, efforts to ban abortions, rewriting school books to say slavery was benefit to the slaves, limiting access to vote, etc. it's expected a sizable amount of regularly Republican voters just won't be able to vote republican. Will they have to vote for Biden?

----NOPE---- that's where Kennedy comes in.

After Kennedy crashes and burns in the Democratic primary, he will run as an independent. Recent publicity already has right wingers saying they might vote for him if he wasn't on the Democratic ticket. Kennedy is nothing more than a spoiler to give disenchanted right wingers an easy choice other than Democratic.

LOL Did you not see Jordan laughing his ass off at today's hearing as Dem, after Dem, after Dem denounced RFK Jr. as a racist antisemite scumbag?
Biden is aging exponentially. By the time the primaries start Biden will be unelectable by a majority of democrats.
RFK Jr has name recognition and is trusted by democrat voters.

...time will tell...
RFK is trusted by MAGAs. Democrats think he is nuts.
Why do lefties fear so-called right wing media outlets like Fox when they have every freaking network and newspaper in their back pocket? The truth is that Biden is an easy defeat for republicans while RFK isn't. You can tell how much media propaganda is swallowed by the ignorant left when they think that a 1st Amendment right to protest hiring someone to kill an unborn baby is extreme as is protecting kids from sexual groomers. You almost gotta laugh that lefties still think that having a photo I.D. to vote really limits access. RFK ain't a republican invention, he is a fair and balanced alternate to the insanity the democrat party has turned into. Whether hard core commies left wingers and racists and and baby killers in the democrat party will accept the alternate to the Biden criminal enterprise is anybody's guess at this point.
R.F. Kennedy has received a lot of attention lately in his attempt to run for the presidency on the Democratic ticket. Oddly enough, he is receiving most of his attention by way of Republicans, and of course by Fox. The things he advocates are nowhere near the things Democrats have made clear that they want. In fact, the majority of his major donors are folks who usually donate to republican candidates. It's like he is pandering to right wingers from the Democratic ticket. Kennedy has exactly zero chance of winning the Democratic nomination, and it's easy to just scratch your head, and ask why. Seems like a lot of money and effort for nothing, until you consider the actual goal.

Given the extreme nature of recent Republican actions, efforts to ban abortions, rewriting school books to say slavery was benefit to the slaves, limiting access to vote, etc. it's expected a sizable amount of regularly Republican voters just won't be able to vote republican. Will they have to vote for Biden?

----NOPE---- that's where Kennedy comes in.

After Kennedy crashes and burns in the Democratic primary, he will run as an independent. Recent publicity already has right wingers saying they might vote for him if he wasn't on the Democratic ticket. Kennedy is nothing more than a spoiler to give disenchanted right wingers an easy choice other than Democratic.

The Democrats will retain the White House regardless.

But no one who believes in democracy describes a candidate as a spoiler; that presumes that one party or one candidate somehow has a right to a given office.

Shame on you.
Why do lefties fear so-called right wing media outlets like Fox when they have every freaking network and newspaper in their back pocket? The truth is that Biden is an easy defeat for republicans while RFK isn't. You can tell how much media propaganda is swallowed by the ignorant left when they think that a 1st Amendment right to protest hiring someone to kill an unborn baby is extreme as is protecting kids from sexual groomers. You almost gotta laugh that lefties still think that having a photo I.D. to vote really limits access. RFK ain't a republican invention, he is a fair and balanced alternate to the insanity the democrat party has turned into. Whether hard core commies left wingers and racists and and baby killers in the democrat party will accept the alternate to the Biden criminal enterprise is anybody's guess at this point.
Lefties don't.

Liberals do.

Learn the difference.

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