Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Poll shows Trump, Republicans have not gained Latino support
June 25, 2019

The poll found that 56 percent of Latinos who voted for Republicans in the past agree that it is hard to support Republican candidates right now.

The same day Republicans launched their "Latinos for Trump" initiative in Florida to try to chip away at Democrats' support from Latinos, a poll from a major Latino advocacy group held a warning for the GOP.

The poll commissioned by UnidosUS, the nation's largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization, formerly known as National Council of La Raza, found that 56 percent of Latinos who voted for Republicans in the past agree that it is hard to support Republican candidates right now. Of all those polled, 37 percent said they had voted for a Republican in the past.

“The poll shows that support for the GOP is eroding,” Clarissa Martínez-de-Castro, UnidosUS deputy vice president for policy and advocacy, said in a press release.

“While the president claims Latino support is growing, that is not based in reality. In fact, he has brought down the overall likability of the entire party," she said later in a conference call to discuss the poll results.

A poll of Latinos in four states conducted by Telemundo and Maxon-Dixon Strategies Inc. found similar dislike for Trump among registered Latino voters.

In California, 66 percent said they would not vote to re-elect him; in Texas, it was 69 percent, and in New York City, 73 percent. The number was even lower in Florida, at 56 percent. The poll of 400 people in each state has a plus or minus 5 percent margin of error.

Poll shows Trump, Republicans have not gained Latino support
Good news for the GOP
Are Hispanics shifting their allegiances to President Trump?
A recent Harvard/Harris poll recorded a 10-point spike in Hispanic support for Mr. Trump. It hasn’t received much attention from the mainstream media, which is heavily invested in its portrait of the president as an unrepentant — and unpopular — “nativist.”
Legal Hispanics, the only ones who should be voting, are tired of illegal aliens stealing their jobs and depressing their salaries. Legal Hispanics, like all Americans, are also sick of their tax money going to support people who don't even belong here. Therefore, legal Hispanics have a lot to lose by electing Democrats.
Legal Hispanics, the only ones who should be voting, are tired of illegal aliens stealing their jobs and depressing their salaries. Legal Hispanics, like all Americans, are also sick of their tax money going to support people who don't even belong here. Therefore, legal Hispanics have a lot to lose by electing Democrats.

Like Blacks, the higher iQ Hispanics know full well that illegal wetbacks are their greatest threat...The question is; will they vote employing emotion or intelligence?
They do not back Donald nobly the Cubans who seem to press GOP buttons because Florida is a swing statw

Poll: One third of Florida Hispanics back Donald Trump’s reelection
Those are the Cubans I referred to. The rest hate him. Like most normal people do

Cubans are not “normal”? Wow. That is a broad brush stroke against people of color. Imagine if someone said “only a few (fill in color or ethnicity) are normal because they vote Republican”. The racist cards would be flying all over the place. The Left is full of shit.
They do not back Donald nobly the Cubans who seem to press GOP buttons because Florida is a swing statw

Poll: One third of Florida Hispanics back Donald Trump’s reelection
Those are the Cubans I referred to. The rest hate him. Like most normal people do

Cubans are not “normal”? Wow. That is a broad brush stroke against people of color. Imagine if someone said “only a few (fill in color or ethnicity) are normal because they vote Republican”. The racist cards would be flying all over the place. The Left is full of shit.
Are the majority of Latinos in this country Cuban? And 1/3 of a group is not actually support.

But then again when an o/p is a
Misleading trumpkin, we can expect the other trumpkins to swear die them.
They do not back Donald nobly the Cubans who seem to press GOP buttons because Florida is a swing statw

Poll: One third of Florida Hispanics back Donald Trump’s reelection
Those are the Cubans I referred to. The rest hate him. Like most normal people do

Cubans are not “normal”? Wow. That is a broad brush stroke against people of color. Imagine if someone said “only a few (fill in color or ethnicity) are normal because they vote Republican”. The racist cards would be flying all over the place. The Left is full of shit.
Are the majority of Latinos in this country Cuban? And 1/3 of a group is not actually support.

But then again when an o/p is a
Misleading trumpkin, we can expect the other trumpkins to swear die them.
Nope but a majority of all naturalized Latins support Trump.

Obviously your Jewish #fakelawyer Bolshevik butt does not. That's OK, people like that outnumber those like you by a shit-ton in the USA.
3-1 ratio? Pwahhahah! :funnyface:
Like Blacks, the higher iQ Hispanics know full well that illegal wetbacks are their greatest threat...The question is; will they vote employing emotion or intelligence?

That goes for all colors. Idiots vote Democrats, and thinking people who understand the Constitution and the greatness of America vote Republican
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom

NEW UPDATE: Anna Paulina: Latino Support for Trump Growing in the United States | Cosmic Matters TV
Anna Paulina: Latino Support for Trump Growing in the United States
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom

Trump’s Secret to Victory in 2020: Hispanic Voters
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom

What is the excuse going to be when he loses the Latina vote?
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom

From the same website: Hispanics still thriving with the economic growth of Trump era

"While Democrat candidates remain oblivious and out of touch, Americans – especially in Texas – are taking note of the positive impact that President Trump and Republicans’ pro-growth, pro-business policies are having on American families and businesses."



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