Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged.

Liberalism is so far ahead of conservatism on winning battles that the Right would have to roll the country back to 1900 just to break even.

Where does liberalism stand on the modern American Surveillance State?

Or.....to put it another way.....

Smert Komitet Gossudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti!!!!
You guys are aware that: Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. Quote Wikiipedia.
So you are telling me you are against equality and liberty?
You guys are aware that: Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. Quote Wikiipedia.
So you are telling me you are against equality and liberty?

Sorry....you need more than that to understand the colloquial use of 'Liberalism.'

Liberalism, classical liberalism, what would be called conservatism today, has been co-opted by the communist John Dewey who persuaded the Socialists to use the name.

"How Socialist John Dewey Switched Labels
by Jim Peron

  1. Pity the poor liberal. And I mean the real liberal. Not the modern watered-down socialist who calls himself a liberal but a real, honest, classical liberal. There is so much confusion over the term and real liberals have allowed fake liberals to get away with this subtle destruction of the language.
  2. The classical liberals proposed laissez faire and this led to prosperity. The economics of 19th century liberalism brought about a major increase in the standard of living of all people. Thus real liberalism produced the effects which socialists dreamed their system would provide.
    1. Many socialists wanted prosperity and thought socialism would lead to such results faster than classical liberalism. But at the same time many socialists saw their ideology as a means of grabbing power for themselves and it was the power, not the promised prosperity, which attracted them.
  3. [Socialists] knew that liberalism had a good reputation with the working classes — the very audience which they were targeting. The idea was to adopt the name liberal to describe socialism. Socialism, as socialism, was harder to sell. But by taking a name they did not deserve they felt they could make political gains on the backs of classical liberalism. And they did.
  4. In the United States, where liberalism most clearly reversed its meaning, in common parlance, it was the socialist John Dewey who openly promoted the idea of stealing the liberal label. Dewey, in his book Individualism Old and New argued that liberal individualism had in fact disappeared and been replaced by state capitalism and that collectivism already existed in America.
    1. But he noted the collectivism of that day was a “collectivism of profit” and not a “collectivism of planning”. He said the only way liberalism could return to its true meaning was to adopt socialism as the means by which liberal goals would be achieved. As he put it central economic planning was “the sole method of social action by which liberalism can realize its professed aims.”
  5. Peter Witonski, in his essay The Historical Roots of American Planning said: “Dewey was the first to argue that the world ‘liberal’—which once stood for liberal, free-market capitalism—could better serve the needs of social democracy in America than the world ‘socialism’.
    1. The liberalism of Adam Smith was out-of-date Dewey argued.” In his book Liberalism and Social Action, Dewey suggested that the goals of a free society could best be obtained “only by a reversal of the means to which early liberalism was committed.” But the means of liberalism were fundamentally connected to the basic premises of liberalism. A reversal of means, while keeping similar goals in mind, also changed the premises of liberalism. The “new wisdom” of Keynes with the “reversal of means” of Dewey really meant stealing the name of liberalism and applying it to another very different species. The famed economist Joseph Schumpeter noted that “the enemies of private enterprise have thought it wise to appropriate its label.”
  6. Today a great deal of confusion reigns because socialists decided to deceptively call their own ideology liberal. And, to a very large degree, the academics who wrote the recent texts on liberalism were socialists. Hence they were quite willing to pretend that socialism was a modern form of classical liberalism.
  7. [Classical] liberal describes individuals supporting free markets, private property, profit management and limited governments. o-called “liberals” support socialism, state ownership, bureaucratic management and statism."


Democracy & free markets vs socialism

Right wing Hollywood - Rotten Tomatoes Forum
Chic makes a good case that liberalism is more concerned about people, and conservatives more about money and status.
You guys are aware that: Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. Quote Wikiipedia.
So you are telling me you are against equality and liberty?

Sorry....you need more than that to understand the colloquial use of 'Liberalism.'

Liberalism, classical liberalism, what would be called conservatism today, has been co-opted by the communist John Dewey who persuaded the Socialists to use the name.

You could be right, better would be to call them false liberals or false socialist.

All dogma hold a weak point in their lidership. The application of the them and us syndrom.
You guys are aware that: Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. Quote Wikiipedia.
So you are telling me you are against equality and liberty?

modern liberalism has nothing to do with liberty. Modern liberalism is pure statism.
Chic makes a good case that liberalism is more concerned about people, and conservatives more about money and status.
liberals don't give a shit about people. They don't give a crap about Americans having a good paying job, obviously. Why else would they want to import millions of Mexicans willing to work for nothing?
Chic makes a good case that liberalism is more concerned about people, and conservatives more about money and status.

That's why you reside in a refrigerator box????
Chic makes a good case that liberalism is more concerned about people, and conservatives more about money and status.
liberals don't give a shit about people. They don't give a crap about Americans having a good paying job, obviously. Why else would they want to import millions of Mexicans willing to work for nothing?
Immigration is allowed by both parties, the Democrats for future voters and the conservatives for cheap labor. There also may be a recognition by many, that in the past one of their ancestors did the immigrant bit, and worked for nothing.
Why else would they want to import millions of Mexicans willing to work for nothing?

The "they" in this case being business people who are by and large conservatives of the money grubber variety.

Sometimes I think, 'he can't be this stupid.'
Then you pen something so out of touch with reality, that I have to reconsider:Yes, you can be this stupid.

"How Did the Democrats Become Favorites of the Rich?"
Why else would they want to import millions of Mexicans willing to work for nothing?

The "they" in this case being business people who are by and large conservatives of the money grubber variety.

Sometimes I think, 'he can't be this stupid.'
Then you pen something so out of touch with reality, that I have to reconsider:Yes, you can be this stupid.

"How Did the Democrats Become Favorites of the Rich?"
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.
The left does not value liberty . It values equality.

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