Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged.

And this....from Drudge...

"9 Teens Arrested After Assault In Downtown Baltimore Caught On Tape"
9 Teens Arrested After Assault In Downtown Baltimore Caught On Tape

A pack of black hyenas attack a single white man....
I attribute this to Liberals convincing blacks that they are 'victims' of something...

And, being convinced that one is a victim makes the propensity to engage in criminality more acceptable.
Oh PC. I don't understand why you delude yourself with this rightwing bullshit. There is such a thing as objective sources of information without political bias. You should try it.

Lemme guess... is it CNN or MSNBC?
Nope, not those.

Oh, I know... Huffington Post.

Why don't you name them?
Vox, Business Insider, International Business Times, and PolitiFact are all good. If you really want to go raw data, you could look at reports from the GAO or the CBO.

Uhm huh... How come than, that you keep repeating the bullshit from CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost?
Oh PC. I don't understand why you delude yourself with this rightwing bullshit. There is such a thing as objective sources of information without political bias. You should try it.

Lemme guess... is it CNN or MSNBC?
Nope, not those.

Oh, I know... Huffington Post.

Why don't you name them?
Vox, Business Insider, International Business Times, and PolitiFact are all good. If you really want to go raw data, you could look at reports from the GAO or the CBO.

Uhm huh... How come than, that you keep repeating the bullshit from CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost?
Um well I don't. You're just making shit up as you go along.
Lemme guess... is it CNN or MSNBC?
Nope, not those.

Oh, I know... Huffington Post.

Why don't you name them?
Vox, Business Insider, International Business Times, and PolitiFact are all good. If you really want to go raw data, you could look at reports from the GAO or the CBO.

Uhm huh... How come than, that you keep repeating the bullshit from CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost?
Um well I don't. You're just making shit up as you go along.

Oh really?

According to board search, you haven't mentioned or linked any of those sources in past 300 posts. You linked the Guardian once and Yahoo two times, none of them are your preferable news sources listed above. However, you were seen defending CNN... just saying.

CNN: 80% of Americans Saw Trump Speech As 'Positive'

Oh Billy, I don't need to make up shit about leftists, you're doing it pretty good on your own.
Nope, not those.

Oh, I know... Huffington Post.

Why don't you name them?
Vox, Business Insider, International Business Times, and PolitiFact are all good. If you really want to go raw data, you could look at reports from the GAO or the CBO.

Uhm huh... How come than, that you keep repeating the bullshit from CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost?
Um well I don't. You're just making shit up as you go along.

Oh really?

According to board search, you haven't mentioned or linked any of those sources in past 300 posts. You linked the Guardian once and Yahoo two times, none of them are your preferable news sources listed above. However, you were seen defending CNN... just saying.

CNN: 80% of Americans Saw Trump Speech As 'Positive'

Oh Billy, I don't need to make up shit about leftists, you're doing it pretty good on your own.
lol you idiot. I love how you're all "gotcha!". It cracks me up. Of course you hardly come close. I have linked Yahoo articles that were themselves links to other sources. That's how Yahoo works you doofus. Of course why would it matter if I did link those sources on this forum? Does that somehow mean I don't read them? Also, from what I remember, all I said about CNN was that it wasn't fake news which it isn't. I think the National Review is partisan crap but I don't consider it "fake news". Both sources don't make shit up like Breitbart or InfoWars does.
Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.

Apparently, you think muslims are going to take over the country. You guys support those who are denying women's rights.

It's actually the left talking about bringing back segregation. We're more divided than ever, thanks to the left's rhetoric. Real progress, libturd.

No one wants to take away anyone's right to vote but you guys love pulling these crazy accusations out of your asses.

Gay marriage is settled. Shame that the ones in muslim countries being beheaded and thrown on rooftops don't have liberals fighting for them. I guess liberals aren't allowed in muslim countries, or at least not allowed to speak up for people.

Social Security is going broke. The libs promised it would be voluntary and never more than a tiny percent of income. It was supposed to be in a special fund, safe from the slimy hands of politicians. It was supposed to be for citizen's. Instead, the politicians "borrowed" over a trillion that they'll never pay back, it's mandatory and they take more and more of our income to fund the sinking ship. All promises broken and the program getting run into the ground. And libs call it progress.

Child labor? Seriously? You guys support commie countries that do make children work. More progress from the hypocrites, eh?
Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.

Apparently, you think muslims are going to take over the country. You guys support those who are denying women's rights.

It's actually the left talking about bringing back segregation. We're more divided than ever, thanks to the left's rhetoric. Real progress, libturd.

No one wants to take away anyone's right to vote but you guys love pulling these crazy accusations out of your asses.

Gay marriage is settled. Shame that the ones in muslim countries being beheaded and thrown on rooftops don't have liberals fighting for them. I guess liberals aren't allowed in muslim countries, or at least not allowed to speak up for people.

Social Security is going broke. The libs promised it would be voluntary and never more than a tiny percent of income. It was supposed to be in a special fund, safe from the slimy hands of politicians. It was supposed to be for citizen's. Instead, the politicians "borrowed" over a trillion that they'll never pay back, it's mandatory and they take more and more of our income to fund the sinking ship. All promises broken and the program getting run into the ground. And libs call it progress.

Child labor? Seriously? You guys support commie countries that do make children work. More progress from the hypocrites, eh?

WTF? I made no mention of Muslims.
Yet another reason this sadistic, disgusting, and twisted ideology must be expunged PoliticalChic. Not only do they continue to torment the most helpless among society, but they do so while denying science, biology, etc. (as they always do).

Feminists to CDC on Drinking While Pregnant: Screw You

And this....from Drudge...

"9 Teens Arrested After Assault In Downtown Baltimore Caught On Tape"
9 Teens Arrested After Assault In Downtown Baltimore Caught On Tape

A pack of black hyenas attack a single white man....
I attribute this to Liberals convincing blacks that they are 'victims' of something...

And, being convinced that one is a victim makes the propensity to engage in criminality more acceptable.
Oh PC. I don't understand why you delude yourself with this rightwing bullshit. There is such a thing as objective sources of information without political bias. You should try it.

There's a video in the link that proves what I posted,you moron.
Oh, I know... Huffington Post.

Why don't you name them?
Vox, Business Insider, International Business Times, and PolitiFact are all good. If you really want to go raw data, you could look at reports from the GAO or the CBO.

Uhm huh... How come than, that you keep repeating the bullshit from CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost?
Um well I don't. You're just making shit up as you go along.

Oh really?

According to board search, you haven't mentioned or linked any of those sources in past 300 posts. You linked the Guardian once and Yahoo two times, none of them are your preferable news sources listed above. However, you were seen defending CNN... just saying.

CNN: 80% of Americans Saw Trump Speech As 'Positive'

Oh Billy, I don't need to make up shit about leftists, you're doing it pretty good on your own.
lol you idiot. I love how you're all "gotcha!". It cracks me up. Of course you hardly come close. I have linked Yahoo articles that were themselves links to other sources. That's how Yahoo works you doofus. Of course why would it matter if I did link those sources on this forum? Does that somehow mean I don't read them? Also, from what I remember, all I said about CNN was that it wasn't fake news which it isn't. I think the National Review is partisan crap but I don't consider it "fake news". Both sources don't make shit up like Breitbart or InfoWars does.

Interesting you said that, because you think only you know how Yahoo works, so let's check those Yahoo links and see their sources you used for your arguments, shall we?

In your thread Obama ranked 12th best president by major survey of presidential scholars you provided Yahoo link to the original story Barack Obama Ranked 12th Best U.S. President Ever in Major Survey of Historians, and guess what... the only links they provided are from TIME and C-SPAN.

In your thread So now that that we know Russia has blatantly violated a treaty, you provided Yahoo link to the original story Russia secretly deployed nuclear cruise missiles that violate a treaty with the US, and no surprise there, the original story comes from New York Times.

In your thread Trump is already creating such a shitstorm..., the Yahoo link you provided
Protesters Rally at JFK Airport was originated from TIME.

There are more examples, but you got the picture.

For a guy who says that his f
avorite sources are Vox, Business Insider, International Business Times, and PolitiFact, you presented nothing that back that claim in last couple of months of your shitposting here. That confirms something we already knew, that you are just another leftist shill. That's all, Billy.
Liberalism is so far ahead of conservatism on winning battles that the Right would have to roll the country back to 1900 just to break even.
We have the blueprint for prosperity. We know exactly what works and what doesn't. But it's a matter of having the backbone to tell the parasites we will not allow them to mooch off of society any longer...

"New data in a report from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) paint a clear picture: States with the best policies are being rewarded with an influx of residents, and states with unattractive policies are losing residents."


Why People Are Leaving Blue States in Droves
We have the blueprint for prosperity. We know exactly what works and what doesn't. But it's a matter of having the backbone to tell the parasites we will not allow them to mooch off of society any longer...

"New data in a report from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) paint a clear picture: States with the best policies are being rewarded with an influx of residents, and states with unattractive policies are losing residents."

View attachment 116112

Why People Are Leaving Blue States in Droves

What's worse, is that Liberals fleeing the states that they have infected, bring the infection to their new homes: Virginia is a case in point.

It's like the 7th century savages who flee the Middle East, and attempt to bring sharia with them to America.

1. "Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

2. But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation."
Roger Scruton, "The West and the Rest"

Weird, huh?
Vox, Business Insider, International Business Times, and PolitiFact are all good. If you really want to go raw data, you could look at reports from the GAO or the CBO.

Uhm huh... How come than, that you keep repeating the bullshit from CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost?
Um well I don't. You're just making shit up as you go along.

Oh really?

According to board search, you haven't mentioned or linked any of those sources in past 300 posts. You linked the Guardian once and Yahoo two times, none of them are your preferable news sources listed above. However, you were seen defending CNN... just saying.

CNN: 80% of Americans Saw Trump Speech As 'Positive'

Oh Billy, I don't need to make up shit about leftists, you're doing it pretty good on your own.
lol you idiot. I love how you're all "gotcha!". It cracks me up. Of course you hardly come close. I have linked Yahoo articles that were themselves links to other sources. That's how Yahoo works you doofus. Of course why would it matter if I did link those sources on this forum? Does that somehow mean I don't read them? Also, from what I remember, all I said about CNN was that it wasn't fake news which it isn't. I think the National Review is partisan crap but I don't consider it "fake news". Both sources don't make shit up like Breitbart or InfoWars does.

Interesting you said that, because you think only you know how Yahoo works, so let's check those Yahoo links and see their sources you used for your arguments, shall we?

In your thread Obama ranked 12th best president by major survey of presidential scholars you provided Yahoo link to the original story Barack Obama Ranked 12th Best U.S. President Ever in Major Survey of Historians, and guess what... the only links they provided are from TIME and C-SPAN.

In your thread So now that that we know Russia has blatantly violated a treaty, you provided Yahoo link to the original story Russia secretly deployed nuclear cruise missiles that violate a treaty with the US, and no surprise there, the original story comes from New York Times.

In your thread Trump is already creating such a shitstorm..., the Yahoo link you provided
Protesters Rally at JFK Airport was originated from TIME.

There are more examples, but you got the picture.

For a guy who says that his f
avorite sources are Vox, Business Insider, International Business Times, and PolitiFact, you presented nothing that back that claim in last couple of months of your shitposting here. That confirms something we already knew, that you are just another leftist shill. That's all, Billy.
lol oh yes Lordy I'm such a fraud! You crack me up.
Uhm huh... How come than, that you keep repeating the bullshit from CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost?
Um well I don't. You're just making shit up as you go along.

Oh really?

According to board search, you haven't mentioned or linked any of those sources in past 300 posts. You linked the Guardian once and Yahoo two times, none of them are your preferable news sources listed above. However, you were seen defending CNN... just saying.

CNN: 80% of Americans Saw Trump Speech As 'Positive'

Oh Billy, I don't need to make up shit about leftists, you're doing it pretty good on your own.
lol you idiot. I love how you're all "gotcha!". It cracks me up. Of course you hardly come close. I have linked Yahoo articles that were themselves links to other sources. That's how Yahoo works you doofus. Of course why would it matter if I did link those sources on this forum? Does that somehow mean I don't read them? Also, from what I remember, all I said about CNN was that it wasn't fake news which it isn't. I think the National Review is partisan crap but I don't consider it "fake news". Both sources don't make shit up like Breitbart or InfoWars does.

Interesting you said that, because you think only you know how Yahoo works, so let's check those Yahoo links and see their sources you used for your arguments, shall we?

In your thread Obama ranked 12th best president by major survey of presidential scholars you provided Yahoo link to the original story Barack Obama Ranked 12th Best U.S. President Ever in Major Survey of Historians, and guess what... the only links they provided are from TIME and C-SPAN.

In your thread So now that that we know Russia has blatantly violated a treaty, you provided Yahoo link to the original story Russia secretly deployed nuclear cruise missiles that violate a treaty with the US, and no surprise there, the original story comes from New York Times.

In your thread Trump is already creating such a shitstorm..., the Yahoo link you provided
Protesters Rally at JFK Airport was originated from TIME.

There are more examples, but you got the picture.

For a guy who says that his f
avorite sources are Vox, Business Insider, International Business Times, and PolitiFact, you presented nothing that back that claim in last couple of months of your shitposting here. That confirms something we already knew, that you are just another leftist shill. That's all, Billy.
lol oh yes Lordy I'm such a fraud! You crack me up.

Of course you are, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.
I totally agree with you PC, when you understand liberal equality, it always ends in misery. Bread lines in the old Soviet Union where Doctors and Bread makers were paid the same, so soon, Doctors had to have a gun put to their heads so they would work, yet even bread makers started walking away. There WEREN'T too many people jumping over the wall to get into Mother Russia, but plenty of Russians were leaving for Capitalism and the west. Venezuela which has more oil than Saudi Arabia and a gold mine to make all the citizens there very wealthy, are being held up by corrupt politicians and drug cartels, so the people there starve. Yes, liberalism is all about equality, where everyone is equally poor, and equally miserable, that is liberalism in a nutshell.

(only ones who have the money are the liberal elites who steal the money from their citizens).

The Great Depression wasn't caused by liberalism.
The Great Depression was caused by liberalism but that liberal was an establishment type Republican called Herbert Hoover. During the years of Calvin Coolidge who had the government do its job, by getting the fuck out of the way of the US citizens, we had the ROARING 20s. Everyone was able to use their God given abilities to the best of each persons abilities, and the economy , well was ROARING. But along came progressive Herbert, had to raise taxes on the people because they were having too much fun. The economy tanked, and people jumped out of buildings when the stock market collapsed. Then the real progressive FDR came in and fucked the US for the next 12 years, which is why Congress and Senate passed the 22nd amendment.

Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

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