Why Liberals Are More Likely to Be Unhappy People

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Some other interesting facts from numerous behavioral/demographic studies are that:

* Liberals have a much higher divorce rate than conservatives.
* Liberals have a much higher rate of living in sin (shacking up) than conservatives.
* Liberals have a much higher rate of alcohol and drug abuse than conservatives.
* Liberals have a much higher rate of viewing pornography and porn addiction than conservatives.


Oh, gosh. Google it, if by some odd chance you have not noticed this among the people you know. I have never known a church-attending couple who lived together before they got married, but I've known dozens and dozens of secular couples who've done this and/or who still shack up and don't plan on getting married, as just one example. Similarly, of the people I've known who've used and abused alcohol, the vast majority have been secular folks. Anyway, here's one source:

No, Republicans Aren’t Hypocrites on Family Values

And you can easily Google the fact that religious couples have a much lower divorce rate, and a much higher marriage rate, than do secular couples.

Reagan was divorced.
W. was a drunk and heavily suspected of using drugs.
Donald has been divorced what, 3 times.
Newt 3 times

Just off the top of my head.
All career politicians are the same no matter the side they pick...
BTW - trumps behavior was before he became a politician.
Slick Willy’s was/is ten times worse while he was in office.
Oh come on, becaoming President hasn’t changed Trump at all. If anything it has made his head even bigger, power will do that. Yeah Slock willie was bad. How about Obama? How does he rank in the family values arena?
I’ve never said anything bad about Obama’s family, but I do think Obama is a racist shit stain. That is hate filled
Happiness is a choice, it does not just come to you. That's why most Dims never find it. It is because they are so far out of tune with reality.

For many conservatives, it is the choice to serve a loving God and be embraced by a loving family as they give their lives to serve both. Happiness just comes along as a byproduct because that is how we were wired.

For many liberals, however, happiness comes to you instead. And guess what, it usually never does. It is not something you can find on your own. For them, there is no God and the traditional family just is no longer applicable to them anymore. There is no self service, they just want to be served. They demand everything as an entitlement and are narcissistic and gradually become more mentally ill by the day as a result. They would rather vote for someone to force them to give more of their money and time to the poor than just rolling up their sleeves and doing it for themselves. Which is what we see. Those who give their money and time to the poor are predominantly those who are serious about their faith and conservative. For the Dim, it's all about me, me me,. all the while arrogant that they are really the only ones who care about the poor cuz they vote for people who lie about wanting to do it for them through force of the law.

If JFK today gave the speech, "Ask what you can do for your country and not what your country can do for you", he would be thrown out of the party.
What makes you all think that Conservatives are the only ones that follow religion and Liberals don’t? I know plenty off church going members in my community that are liberal. In fact the majority of people at the parish closest to my house are liberal. Churches actually function more similar to a progressive/democratic political model than a conservative republican model. Centered around giving and helping the community and its poor over personal enrichment. My point is God and Religion is not just for one side of the political aisle.

Oh, gosh. Google it, if by some odd chance you have not noticed this among the people you know. I have never known a church-attending couple who lived together before they got married, but I've known dozens and dozens of secular couples who've done this and/or who still shack up and don't plan on getting married, as just one example. Similarly, of the people I've known who've used and abused alcohol, the vast majority have been secular folks. Anyway, here's one source:

No, Republicans Aren’t Hypocrites on Family Values

And you can easily Google the fact that religious couples have a much lower divorce rate, and a much higher marriage rate, than do secular couples.

Reagan was divorced.
W. was a drunk and heavily suspected of using drugs.
Donald has been divorced what, 3 times.
Newt 3 times

Just off the top of my head.
All career politicians are the same no matter the side they pick...
BTW - trumps behavior was before he became a politician.
Slick Willy’s was/is ten times worse while he was in office.
Oh come on, becaoming President hasn’t changed Trump at all. If anything it has made his head even bigger, power will do that. Yeah Slock willie was bad. How about Obama? How does he rank in the family values arena?
I’ve never said anything bad about Obama’s family, but I do think Obama is a racist shit stain. That is hate filled
Thanks for sharing... I’m more interested in having a mature conversation today. You should take your childish banter to the flame zone where it belongs.
Oh, gosh. Google it, if by some odd chance you have not noticed this among the people you know. I have never known a church-attending couple who lived together before they got married, but I've known dozens and dozens of secular couples who've done this and/or who still shack up and don't plan on getting married, as just one example. Similarly, of the people I've known who've used and abused alcohol, the vast majority have been secular folks. Anyway, here's one source:

No, Republicans Aren’t Hypocrites on Family Values

And you can easily Google the fact that religious couples have a much lower divorce rate, and a much higher marriage rate, than do secular couples.

Reagan was divorced.
W. was a drunk and heavily suspected of using drugs.
Donald has been divorced what, 3 times.
Newt 3 times

Just off the top of my head.
All career politicians are the same no matter the side they pick...
BTW - trumps behavior was before he became a politician.
Slick Willy’s was/is ten times worse while he was in office.
Oh come on, becaoming President hasn’t changed Trump at all. If anything it has made his head even bigger, power will do that. Yeah Slock willie was bad. How about Obama? How does he rank in the family values arena?
I’ve never said anything bad about Obama’s family, but I do think Obama is a racist shit stain. That is hate filled
Thanks for sharing... I’m more interested in having a mature conversation today. You should take your childish banter to the flame zone where it belongs.
The truth hurts... obviously
Those who don't have God in their lives, are usually empty unhappy folks. Many, especially in the US, have replaced worshipping God with worshipping the evil of Hollywood, Music Industry, and other entertainment entities. They just don't understand the kind of evil that controls those entities.

The biggest players in those industries are maniac perverts. They worship the devil. I know many just laugh that off, but it is the reality. Folks should do some research and see how insidious Hollywood and the Music Industry really are. Vary dark stuff.
Happiness is a choice, it does not just come to you. That's why most Dims never find it. It is because they are so far out of tune with reality.

For many conservatives, it is the choice to serve a loving God and be embraced by a loving family as they give their lives to serve both. Happiness just comes along as a byproduct because that is how we were wired.

For many liberals, however, happiness comes to you instead. And guess what, it usually never does. It is not something you can find on your own. For them, there is no God and the traditional family just is no longer applicable to them anymore. There is no self service, they just want to be served. They demand everything as an entitlement and are narcissistic and gradually become more mentally ill by the day as a result. They would rather vote for someone to force them to give more of their money and time to the poor than just rolling up their sleeves and doing it for themselves. Which is what we see. Those who give their money and time to the poor are predominantly those who are serious about their faith and conservative. For the Dim, it's all about me, me me,. all the while arrogant that they are really the only ones who care about the poor cuz they vote for people who lie about wanting to do it for them through force of the law.

If JFK today gave the speech, "Ask what you can do for your country and not what your country can do for you", he would be thrown out of the party.
What makes you all think that Conservatives are the only ones that follow religion and Liberals don’t? I know plenty off church going members in my community that are liberal. In fact the majority of people at the parish closest to my house are liberal. Churches actually function more similar to a progressive/democratic political model than a conservative republican model. Centered around giving and helping the community and its poor over personal enrichment. My point is God and Religion is not just for one side of the political aisle.
Well, that is obvious. God does not pick “sides”
You do realize the problem is progressives want to force their shit on everyone else you know, socialism. Most people cannot function in socialism because it’s a cesspool of hate...

Before reading the article, I would guess it's because they can't or won't do anything for themselves - always counting on others to take the lead.

Scholars on both the left and right have studied this question extensively, and have reached a consensus that it is conservatives who possess the happiness edge. Many data sets show this. For example, the Pew Research Center in 2006 reported that conservative Republicans were 68 percent more likely than liberal Democrats to say they were “very happy” about their lives. This pattern has persisted for decades. The question isn’t whether this is true, but why.

If you want to find out, go to Why Liberals Are More Likely to Be Unhappy People | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
I’ll admit on the liberal site I visit those people are all responsible for themselves. I agree with them that it’d be nice to have socialized medicine but they could have went to college and got employer provided healthcare like I did.

I still agree with them that nationalized healthcare for all would be good but I agree with cons if they don’t like their station in life they need to do something about it. And way too many of them don’t vote. That alone proves my liberal friends are bad citizens. I can’t help bad citizens. They hav to help themselves.

The minimum is vote. Don’t vote don’t complain and it’s a fact 80% of the poor dont
Those who don't have God in their lives, are usually empty unhappy folks. Many, especially in the US, have replaced worshipping God with worshipping the evil of Hollywood, Music Industry, and other entertainment entities. They just don't understand the kind of evil that controls those entities.

The biggest players in those industries are maniac perverts. They worship the devil. I know many just laugh that off, but it is the reality. Folks should do some research and see how insidious Hollywood and the Music Industry really are. Vary dark stuff.
Satan was in charge of the music in heaven before he rebelled. Therefore, music and entertainment are his domain. There is good music and bad music. Many people don't know the difference.
Let’s be honest. The most unhappy win elections. Liberals are unhappy because cons are in charge
Those who don't have God in their lives, are usually empty unhappy folks. Many, especially in the US, have replaced worshipping God with worshipping the evil of Hollywood, Music Industry, and other entertainment entities. They just don't understand the kind of evil that controls those entities.

The biggest players in those industries are maniac perverts. They worship the devil. I know many just laugh that off, but it is the reality. Folks should do some research and see how insidious Hollywood and the Music Industry really are. Vary dark stuff.
Satan was in charge of the music in heaven before he rebelled. Therefore, music and entertainment are his domain. There is good music and bad music. Many people don't know the difference.

The hierarchy in Hollywood and the music industry is made up of demented perverts. For example, just look at most of the music pop stars Disney and the music industry has produced. Most have gone mad. They were sexualized and abused at very young ages. It's no surprise they ended up becoming deranged and suicidal.

Hollywood and the music industry have a long history of maniac perverts. Go back and see what Shirley Temple experienced. She was thrown into a block box cage as punishment for 'misbehavior.' She was tormented by the perverts. Folks just need to understand the evil that exists in Hollywood and other entertainment entities. They shouldn't worship that evil. They need to find God instead.
Those who don't have God in their lives, are usually empty unhappy folks. Many, especially in the US, have replaced worshipping God with worshipping the evil of Hollywood, Music Industry, and other entertainment entities. They just don't understand the kind of evil that controls those entities.

The biggest players in those industries are maniac perverts. They worship the devil. I know many just laugh that off, but it is the reality. Folks should do some research and see how insidious Hollywood and the Music Industry really are. Vary dark stuff.
Satan was in charge of the music in heaven before he rebelled. Therefore, music and entertainment are his domain. There is good music and bad music. Many people don't know the difference.

The hierarchy in Hollywood and the music industry is made up of demented perverts. For example, just look at most of the music pop stars Disney and the music industry has produced. Most have gone mad. They were sexualized and abused at very young ages. It's no surprise they ended up becoming deranged and suicidal.

Hollywood and the music industry have a long history of maniac perverts. Go back and see what Shirley Temple experienced. She was thrown into a block box cage as punishment for 'misbehavior.' She was tormented by the perverts. Folks just need to understand the evil that exists in Hollywood and other entertainment entities. They shouldn't worship that evil. They need to find God instead.
Or at places like Fox News where women were forced to have sex with roger ailed and bill Oreilly
Those who don't have God in their lives, are usually empty unhappy folks. Many, especially in the US, have replaced worshipping God with worshipping the evil of Hollywood, Music Industry, and other entertainment entities. They just don't understand the kind of evil that controls those entities.

The biggest players in those industries are maniac perverts. They worship the devil. I know many just laugh that off, but it is the reality. Folks should do some research and see how insidious Hollywood and the Music Industry really are. Vary dark stuff.
Satan was in charge of the music in heaven before he rebelled. Therefore, music and entertainment are his domain. There is good music and bad music. Many people don't know the difference.

The hierarchy in Hollywood and the music industry is made up of demented perverts. For example, just look at most of the music pop stars Disney and the music industry has produced. Most have gone mad. They were sexualized and abused at very young ages. It's no surprise they ended up becoming deranged and suicidal.

Hollywood and the music industry have a long history of maniac perverts. Go back and see what Shirley Temple experienced. She was thrown into a block box cage as punishment for 'misbehavior.' She was tormented by the perverts. Folks just need to understand the evil that exists in Hollywood and other entertainment entities. They shouldn't worship that evil. They need to find God instead.
Or at places like Fox News where women were forced to have sex with roger ailed and bill Oreilly

It's part of the entertainment business. Folks just need to become better-informed about the evil perverts that have run Hollywood, the Music Industry, and other entertainment entities for many years. They should go and research what happened to Shirley Temple. The perverts tormented the poor girl.

Before reading the article, I would guess it's because they can't or won't do anything for themselves - always counting on others to take the lead.

Scholars on both the left and right have studied this question extensively, and have reached a consensus that it is conservatives who possess the happiness edge. Many data sets show this. For example, the Pew Research Center in 2006 reported that conservative Republicans were 68 percent more likely than liberal Democrats to say they were “very happy” about their lives. This pattern has persisted for decades. The question isn’t whether this is true, but why.

If you want to find out, go to Why Liberals Are More Likely to Be Unhappy People | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Well, ignorance is bliss.
Those who don't have God in their lives, are usually empty unhappy folks. Many, especially in the US, have replaced worshipping God with worshipping the evil of Hollywood, Music Industry, and other entertainment entities. They just don't understand the kind of evil that controls those entities.

The biggest players in those industries are maniac perverts. They worship the devil. I know many just laugh that off, but it is the reality. Folks should do some research and see how insidious Hollywood and the Music Industry really are. Vary dark stuff.
Satan was in charge of the music in heaven before he rebelled. Therefore, music and entertainment are his domain. There is good music and bad music. Many people don't know the difference.

The hierarchy in Hollywood and the music industry is made up of demented perverts. For example, just look at most of the music pop stars Disney and the music industry has produced. Most have gone mad. They were sexualized and abused at very young ages. It's no surprise they ended up becoming deranged and suicidal.

Hollywood and the music industry have a long history of maniac perverts. Go back and see what Shirley Temple experienced. She was thrown into a block box cage as punishment for 'misbehavior.' She was tormented by the perverts. Folks just need to understand the evil that exists in Hollywood and other entertainment entities. They shouldn't worship that evil. They need to find God instead.
Or at places like Fox News where women were forced to have sex with roger ailed and bill Oreilly

It's part of the entertainment business. Folks just need to become better-informed about the evil perverts that have run Hollywood, the Music Industry, and other entertainment entities for many years. They should go and research what happened to Shirley Temple. The perverts tormented the poor girl.
And Judy Garland.

Before reading the article, I would guess it's because they can't or won't do anything for themselves - always counting on others to take the lead.

Scholars on both the left and right have studied this question extensively, and have reached a consensus that it is conservatives who possess the happiness edge. Many data sets show this. For example, the Pew Research Center in 2006 reported that conservative Republicans were 68 percent more likely than liberal Democrats to say they were “very happy” about their lives. This pattern has persisted for decades. The question isn’t whether this is true, but why.

If you want to find out, go to Why Liberals Are More Likely to Be Unhappy People | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
I’ll admit on the liberal site I visit those people are all responsible for themselves. I agree with them that it’d be nice to have socialized medicine but they could have went to college and got employer provided healthcare like I did.

I still agree with them that nationalized healthcare for all would be good but I agree with cons if they don’t like their station in life they need to do something about it. And way too many of them don’t vote. That alone proves my liberal friends are bad citizens. I can’t help bad citizens. They hav to help themselves.

The minimum is vote. Don’t vote don’t complain and it’s a fact 80% of the poor dont

Yet HRC got 3 million more votes than Mr. Trump….

You’re right about the 45% who didn’t vote; no excuse.
Happiness is a choice, it does not just come to you. That's why most Dims never find it. It is because they are so far out of tune with reality.

For many conservatives, it is the choice to serve a loving God and be embraced by a loving family as they give their lives to serve both. Happiness just comes along as a byproduct because that is how we were wired.

For many liberals, however, happiness comes to you instead. And guess what, it usually never does. It is not something you can find on your own. For them, there is no God and the traditional family just is no longer applicable to them anymore. There is no self service, they just want to be served. They demand everything as an entitlement and are narcissistic and gradually become more mentally ill by the day as a result. They would rather vote for someone to force them to give more of their money and time to the poor than just rolling up their sleeves and doing it for themselves. Which is what we see. Those who give their money and time to the poor are predominantly those who are serious about their faith and conservative. For the Dim, it's all about me, me me,. all the while arrogant that they are really the only ones who care about the poor cuz they vote for people who lie about wanting to do it for them through force of the law.

If JFK today gave the speech, "Ask what you can do for your country and not what your country can do for you", he would be thrown out of the party.

Gee, when Harvey slammed into Texas and flooded Houston, God should have realized those were Conservatives and stopped that.
When God let Katrina hit Louisiana and Mississippi (red states), what was that about?
The minimum is vote. Don’t vote don’t complain and it’s a fact 80% of the poor dont

Would you expect otherwise? When you condition people to be lazy, don't think it only applies to working for money. It applies to everything in their lives. Why do you think those people complain about Voter ID? Because it would take a minimum effort to get an ID.
Happiness is a choice, it does not just come to you. That's why most Dims never find it. It is because they are so far out of tune with reality.

For many conservatives, it is the choice to serve a loving God and be embraced by a loving family as they give their lives to serve both. Happiness just comes along as a byproduct because that is how we were wired.

For many liberals, however, happiness comes to you instead. And guess what, it usually never does. It is not something you can find on your own. For them, there is no God and the traditional family just is no longer applicable to them anymore. There is no self service, they just want to be served. They demand everything as an entitlement and are narcissistic and gradually become more mentally ill by the day as a result. They would rather vote for someone to force them to give more of their money and time to the poor than just rolling up their sleeves and doing it for themselves. Which is what we see. Those who give their money and time to the poor are predominantly those who are serious about their faith and conservative. For the Dim, it's all about me, me me,. all the while arrogant that they are really the only ones who care about the poor cuz they vote for people who lie about wanting to do it for them through force of the law.

If JFK today gave the speech, "Ask what you can do for your country and not what your country can do for you", he would be thrown out of the party.
What makes you all think that Conservatives are the only ones that follow religion and Liberals don’t? I know plenty off church going members in my community that are liberal. In fact the majority of people at the parish closest to my house are liberal. Churches actually function more similar to a progressive/democratic political model than a conservative republican model. Centered around giving and helping the community and its poor over personal enrichment. My point is God and Religion is not just for one side of the political aisle.

Few liberals help people on their own. Liberals consider helping their fellow man as petitioning the government to give them money while taking that money from people who have it.

A true Christian of any religion should not be a liberal at all. Killing babies is a huge no-no in God's eyes, and going to church only makes you a hypocrite if you are a liberal. Same goes with gay relationships.
Only if you can prove it was Christianity that caused them to commit those murders.
What’s the point? What’s your end game?

No end game. The terrorists who commit mass murders do so in the name of their religion. You don't see white Christians doing that. There may be white murderers who practiced Christianity, but religion wasn't the reason they killed a bunch of people. Apples and oranges.
Again I’ll ask, what’s your point? Let’s say I agreed with that. Now what?

Now what is that I proved to you that you are comparing apples and oranges. You tried to make the comparison of Islamic terrorists to white American murderers using religion. I just challenged you on the religion part when you said this:

And when I provide a list of Christians and white guys who have committed mass shooting are you going to support the same conclusions?

Islamic terrorists do kill because of religion. White Christians (or any other religion) do not kill for religious reasons unless it's a kook that thinks he's Jesus Christ or something.
I will address your question, I’m not dodging. I’d just like to know the point of your statement. You are pointing to the Islamic religion as a cause and root element for terrorism, so what do you want to do about it?

My only point was that you were wrong in your comparison. That's all.
For your information, more unarmed whites get killed by cops every year than unarmed blacks. But because you are a media puppet, you are brainwashed into believing this only happens to black suspects.

The media loves to start trouble, riots and see deaths. They don't get those results by reporting on police shooting white suspects. They create this illusion that this only happens between white police officers and black suspects.

Now as to the Bland case: I looked it up and the police didn't kill her. She committed suicide in the jail cell. She was arrested for refusing orders of a police officer and fighting with him during the arrest. In spite of that, the officer was fired and charged with perjury.
For your information, more unarmed whites get killed by cops every year than unarmed blacks. But because you are a media puppet, you are brainwashed into believing this only happens to black suspects.

The media loves to start trouble, riots and see deaths. They don't get those results by reporting on police shooting white suspects. They create this illusion that this only happens between white police officers and black suspects.

Now as to the Bland case: I looked it up and the police didn't kill her. She committed suicide in the jail cell. She was arrested for refusing orders of a police officer and fighting with him during the arrest. In spite of that, the officer was fired and charged with perjury.

The next time you look in the mirror, behold the reason some black NFL players wanted to call attention to injustice that happens to other blacks.

Injustices do not happen to other blacks. They just don't understand our laws and think they don't have to respect or obey authority. Any injustice by a police officer that does take place are already met by law.

When there is no authority, you live in an uncivilized society. We are not like that. We have laws and we live in a civilized society; it's just that some reject civilization.

All black shooting victims by police is such an easily solved problem it's ridiculous.

If a black sees warning lights behind him, it does not mean ignore them, it does not mean drive faster, it does not mean try to get away. It means pull your vehicle over.

If a police officer yells FREEZE, it does not mean run away, it does not mean turn towards the officer, it does not mean put your hands inside your pockets or remove them from your pockets. It means stop immediately and don't move a muscle.

If an officer tells you to keep your hands on the steering wheel until he finds out what's going on, it does not mean dig underweight some papers next to you for your cell phone, it does not mean go in your coat pocket to find your drivers license, it does not mean bend over and reach for your Pespsi under your car seat. It means keep your hands on the steering wheel.

Every justified police shooting (white or black) had one thing in common, and that is the subject didn't listen to the orders of the police officer. For intelligent people, the solution is simple, just listen to all orders of a police officer. If you're a big dumb jock that doesn't know how to read a newspaper, or doesn't know our laws, the solution is to disrespect our flag and our police, and of course, nothing gets accomplished.

Or put another way, after you've mowed down a judge, a congress woman or 4 blacks in SC, or at a waffle house....just put down your gun and you get 3 hots and a cot. Use your cell phone in your back yard and get shot 11 times....

Black man fatally shot in backyard after officers mistake cell phone for 'tool bar,' police say

Getting back to the topic though...I agree that CK should NOT be doing this at games. People attend the games for other reasons and he gets paid to play the sport. As a professional athlete, he has a megaphone at his disposal--the QB has a larger megaphone than most--and can adequately make his point when not in uniform. Time and place. But as for the question, "Do blacks have anything to be upset about?", only a moron would say no. Hence here you are, saying "no".

Of course I say no, and do you know why? Because hundreds of thousands of blacks interact with police every year without getting into any trouble.

In your story a guy that busted out a car window was followed by a police helicopter to the back of his home. When ground officers arrived, he ran to the back of the house. When the police told him to freeze, he went after them with "something" in his hand. IN DEFENSE, he was shot and killed.

It's exactly as I posted earlier. He was shot because he refused to obey the orders of police officers. If he just would have surrendered and not give them a hard time, he would be alive today. The cause of the problem is not his color, the cause of his problem was his bad upbringing, disrespect for the law, and being a criminal in the first place.

In defense of what...him using his cell phone?

Meanwhile, Jared Loughner shoots a federal judge and a member of Congress and is still alive.

Your logic doesn't add up.

Every situation is different. If a cop can't see what's in your hand when you run to them, what else are they supposed to think? This isn't an old western movie. One slip up could mean your life or the life of a coworker. You can't wait until you can positively identify the object in the suspects hand before you defend yourself. It happens all too quick and you can't wait until you see the flash of the suspects gun before you react.

It's very simple: obey all orders of a police officer, and you'll never end up dead.
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