Why Libertarianism Is So Dangerous...

Voluntary taxation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Note the part about: The theory is a part of Objectivist politics and many libertarian ideologies.

Some examples were provided in the link I gave you. Rand has many more. Your cut and paste from websters was for the verb not the noun. Try again.

Example [edit]

Here is an example of how a voluntary taxation system could function.
A state would distribute tax forms that could be filled out by recipients. The forms would describe options which the recipients could designate preferences as to how the recipient would like his or her money spent. For example, there could be a section for military spending, or separate sections for defense in general and specific conflicts in particular. There would also be sections to be for elected officials (who would still be necessary to carry out the wishes of the people) and also sections for charities.
The form would be divided into more and more sections so that people could specify their decisions. The entire form would be under the category of general. Then there could be a section for education and then even further for elementary school education. People could choose which sections they wanted and contribute to those sections. For example they could contribute different amounts to each section of education or to the section of education in general, allowing their elected officials to decide the best way to allocate the money.


Class dismissed.

Do you not understand the difference between state and federal government?
Are they safe in their income and possessions if caught getting paid under the table? Or through bartering even? Or not report their income?

You have lost this argument, sir.

Good day.

Do you really think you have to report a coupon as income? Do you really think your child has to report his allowance for cutting the grass? Do you really think you have to pay your wife for sex? ROFL you really are over the top. The easiest solution to compulsory taxation of income is to shelter your income. Sheltering income is a time honored tradition.
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Are they safe in their income and possessions if caught getting paid under the table? Or through bartering even? Or not report their income?

You have lost this argument, sir.

Good day.

Do you really think you have to report a coupon as income? Do you really think your child has to report his allowance for cutting the grass? Do you really think you have to pay your wife for sex? ROFL you really are over the top. The easiest solution to compulsory taxation of income is to shelter your income. Sheltering income is a time honored tradition.

This has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You've lost. Quit now.
Because it chooses the market over conservative values where they differ.

Of course shrewd Republicans know how to game this.

For instance

The market wants open borders so that labor and raw material and Capital can flow more easily.

The market doesn't want things. It isn't a person. It doesn't have wants, desires or needs. Whenever someone says "the markets wants this or that" everything that follows is guaranteed to be bullshit.

But conservatives, on the other hand, want closed orders to protect culture and tradition.

So the GOP quietly passes open border policies in order to give their corporate donors ultra-cheap labor. Then they pay talk radio to agitate their moronic voters over all the illegals.


Republican politicians who vote for amnesty bills are pandering to Hispanics. Any other claims are pure caca.

Oh, forgot to mention that Ronald Reagan passed the largest amnesty bill in this country's history. You think Glenn Beck ever talks about that? Of course not. His audience is none the wiser. Listen, you can't fault Glenn Beck; he Is the God of morons who don't know history.

Yes, Reagan did sign an amnesty bill, and he would have been the first one to tell you that it was a mistake. So that isn't helping your case.
Are they safe in their income and possessions if caught getting paid under the table? Or through bartering even? Or not report their income?

You have lost this argument, sir.

Good day.

Do you really think you have to report a coupon as income? Do you really think your child has to report his allowance for cutting the grass? Do you really think you have to pay your wife for sex? ROFL you really are over the top. The easiest solution to compulsory taxation of income is to shelter your income. Sheltering income is a time honored tradition.

This has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You've lost. Quit now.

What argument? My point was that there are possible solutions to compulsory taxation. Your point apparently, is that only through worshiping doom and gloom can we come to the realization that there is no godly chance in hell of ever improving any form of government. ROFL That's not libertarianism that's defeatism. And oh btw you've still not answered the question of whether you understand the difference between state taxes and federal. I'm starting to think you are really a liberal pretending to be a libertarian just to make them look bad. Libertarians are generally for local and state government services through some form of taxation.
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Are they safe in their income and possessions if caught getting paid under the table? Or through bartering even? Or not report their income?

You have lost this argument, sir.

Good day.

Do you really think you have to report a coupon as income? Do you really think your child has to report his allowance for cutting the grass? Do you really think you have to pay your wife for sex? ROFL you really are over the top. The easiest solution to compulsory taxation of income is to shelter your income. Sheltering income is a time honored tradition.

How are yo going to barter to pay your mortgage or get the groceries? Barter simply isn't an option in a modern economy.
Tax noun: 1a : a charge usually of money imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes.


What the hell is wrong with you? Are you completely incapable of independent thought?
Tell us when anyone un-volunteered to pay a modernly applied tax and got away with it.

Please reference and link to all relevant and applicable legal points, authorities and citations.


Over half the country pays no federal income tax. All legal like. How? They stop working, reduce the amount they are working...

That's tax avoidance....I can avoid paying fuel taxes by walking or riding a bicycle...Nothing illegal about that.....That still doesn't count insofar as un-volunteering to pay an applicable tax.

..and / or stop reporting income and / or arrange to be paid under the table...
That's tax evasion...Being liable for the tax, but taking measures to refuse paying it....Though un-volunteering to pay the tax, it's also clearly illegal.

There is no law against you joining a commune where folks work for each other and exchange no greenbacks.
So far....But that's not germane to the point.

Another example is where folks work for a discount. They get more product for zero bucks no income to report but they get the product. Similar to coupling. Working for benefits is an interesting way to legally get out of paying income tax.


So far, you've failed to point to any instance where anyone can legally go about un-volunteering to pay any tax.

Got anything else?
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Do you really think you have to report a coupon as income? Do you really think your child has to report his allowance for cutting the grass? Do you really think you have to pay your wife for sex? ROFL you really are over the top. The easiest solution to compulsory taxation of income is to shelter your income. Sheltering income is a time honored tradition.

This has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You've lost. Quit now.

What argument? My point was that there are possible solutions to compulsory taxation. Your point apparently, is that only through worshiping doom and gloom can we come to the realization that there is no godly chance in hell of ever improving any form of government. ROFL That's not libertarianism that's defeatism. And oh btw you've still not answered the question of whether you understand the difference between state taxes and federal. I'm starting to think you are really a liberal pretending to be a libertarian just to make them look bad. Libertarians are generally for local and state government services through some form of taxation.

You seem awfully comfortable speaking for libertarians, given your complaints about others allegedly doing so.
tax - definition of tax by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

tax (tks)
1. A contribution for the support of a government required of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government.
2. A fee or dues levied on the members of an organization to meet its expenses.
3. A burdensome or excessive demand; a strain.
tr.v. taxed, tax·ing, tax·es
1. To place a tax on (income, property, or goods).
2. To exact a tax from.
3. Law To assess (court costs, for example).
4. To make difficult or excessive demands upon: a boss who taxed everyone's patience.
5. To make a charge against; accuse: He was taxed with failure to appear on the day appointed.

If the tax is voluntary in that you agreed to it without being imposed upon with the use of force and violence it is no longer a fucking tax, its a contract. You fucking simpleton.
Just because you can shop for a definition that has a term in it for one of the many definitions that does not mean that ALL TAXES FOR ALL TIME MUST BE REQUIRED YOU IDIOT. You know NOTHING OF LIBERTARIAN THOUGHT. You are a BLIND simpleton who merely wishes to scream that the sky is falling and there's no solution because you read a definition of the word tax and that definition say taxes must be required. Read up about voluntary tax systems and then come back to the class when you have a clue.

When the screaming starts, RKMBrown, you have announced you have lost this discussion, which is a shame, because you had been schooling TASB quite convincingly.
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When you all can get on board and offer a comprehensive and compelling program, guys, let the rest of us know.

tax - definition of tax by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

tax (tks)
1. A contribution for the support of a government required of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government.
2. A fee or dues levied on the members of an organization to meet its expenses.
3. A burdensome or excessive demand; a strain.
tr.v. taxed, tax·ing, tax·es
1. To place a tax on (income, property, or goods).
2. To exact a tax from.
3. Law To assess (court costs, for example).
4. To make difficult or excessive demands upon: a boss who taxed everyone's patience.
5. To make a charge against; accuse: He was taxed with failure to appear on the day appointed.

If the tax is voluntary in that you agreed to it without being imposed upon with the use of force and violence it is no longer a fucking tax, its a contract. You fucking simpleton.
Just because you can shop for a definition that has a term in it for one of the many definitions that does not mean that ALL TAXES FOR ALL TIME MUST BE REQUIRED YOU IDIOT. You know NOTHING OF LIBERTARIAN THOUGHT. You are a BLIND simpleton who merely wishes to scream that the sky is falling and there's no solution because you read a definition of the word tax and that definition say taxes must be required. Read up about voluntary tax systems and then come back to the class when you have a clue.

When the screaming starts, RKMBrown, you have announced you have lost this discussion, which is a shame, because you had been schooling TASB quite convincingly.



Why Libertarianism Is So Dangerous..

I don't think it is dangerous but unfortunately I don't think that is what has been cropping up in our national politics of late.

It appears to me that Republican party leaders and crony capitalists have co-opted the ideology to justify lower taxes for the rich and less aid for the poor. What I don't see them doing is trying to rid the law-books of all the crony-capitalistic regulations that are really there just to reduce competition, add barriers to entry into certain markets, limit liability for big corporations and provide corporate welfare.

If they wanted to be taking seriously then they should clean up the worst regulations that hamper small business start-ups and create more opportunities for the poor and if that works then they might be justified in rolling back some of the safety nets.
Just because you can shop for a definition that has a term in it for one of the many definitions that does not mean that ALL TAXES FOR ALL TIME MUST BE REQUIRED YOU IDIOT. You know NOTHING OF LIBERTARIAN THOUGHT. You are a BLIND simpleton who merely wishes to scream that the sky is falling and there's no solution because you read a definition of the word tax and that definition say taxes must be required. Read up about voluntary tax systems and then come back to the class when you have a clue.

When the screaming starts, RKMBrown, you have announced you have lost this discussion, which is a shame, because you had been schooling TASB quite convincingly.

"That's some funny shit right there. I don't care who you are"
I didn't see the word theft in any of those definitions of tax... or did I miss it?

Here's the definition of theft:

theft legal definition of theft. theft synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

theft n. the generic term for all crimes in which a person intentionally and fraudulently takes personal property of another without permission or consent and with the intent to convert it to the taker's use (including potential sale).

Explain how taxation doesn't fit the definition.
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I didn't see the word theft in any of those definitions of tax... or did I miss it?

Here's the definition of theft:

theft legal definition of theft. theft synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

theft n. the generic term for all crimes in which a person intentionally and fraudulently takes personal property of another without permission or consent and with the intent to convert it to the taker's use (including potential sale).

Explain how taxation doesn't qualify.
The government is not a person.
You consent by not renouncing your citizenship and moving away freely.
If you could identify an individual 'taker' (which you can't) such as an IRS agent they don't get your money for their personal use.

It is so different that they even have a different word for it.
I didn't see the word theft in any of those definitions of tax... or did I miss it?

Here's the definition of theft:

theft legal definition of theft. theft synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

theft n. the generic term for all crimes in which a person intentionally and fraudulently takes personal property of another without permission or consent and with the intent to convert it to the taker's use (including potential sale).

Explain how taxation doesn't qualify.
The government is not a person.

So it's not theft because the government does it? You're serious?

You consent by not renouncing your citizenship and moving away freely.

Horseshit. That doesn't conform to any moral, ethical or legal definition of "consent."

If you could identify an individual 'taker' (which you can't) such as an IRS agent they don't get your money for their personal use.

It is so different that they even have a different word for it.

So corporations can't ever be guilty of theft because no single individual is involved? How about the Mafia?

If only you could understand how pathetic and desperate you sound.

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