Why Libertarianism Is So Dangerous...

Comrade Starkiev, you and your ilk define a "coherent philosophy and platform" as once which supports the welfare/warfare state. Not gonna happen. .

SturmLeader Conty, that does not even make sense. You want to lead? You have to give the voter something worthwhile to vote for. You have not done that yet.

In other words, what he said. You want libertarians to come up with a platform that perpetuates everything they stand against; the warfare/welfare state. I don't believe you understand the libertarian platform in any way shape or form. One must understand freedom for that.

You are a liar, TASB, in your second sentence: I said nothing of the sort.

Either you folks come up with a platform and policy or all you will do is continue to natter ineffectively on message boards.
Jake, what is significant about Libertarian Principles in the process is having a voice, in stating what needs to be said, and otherwise wouldn't be said. That alone should give you pause. I know it's asking a lot, you are too driven by agenda to notice the casualties of out of balance policies, but one can only hope. :)

Intense, of course you should have a voice. But your agenda driven arguments ignore the real facts: (1) you don't have a consistent philosophy and platform and (2) the voters think the Dems and the Pubs do.

That is your hurdle to vault.

My philosophy and platform is consistent, it's based and rooted in Conscience. I do not subscribe to the all or nothing philosophy of any group. No construct is of more value than It's purpose, choosing between the two, in a conflict, is not a hard choice, when you have your bearings, Jake. I am not Libertarian, Jake. That is not to say that I don't value at least some of their platform. Again it is about Voice, which translates to knowledge, and a better informed decision. Take a break from trying to drown out so much, and you might benefit from it.

I can see that you are beginning to benefit from it, as you are being forced to focus and comment. Good for you.
SturmLeader Conty, that does not even make sense. You want to lead? You have to give the voter something worthwhile to vote for. You have not done that yet.

We understand that the concept of freedom doesn't make sense to you. The servile can never understand it. In your view "something worthwhile to vote for" means the rights of your fellow Americans. That's what is being auctioned off in every American election.

bripat, you are a bootlicker, one of the worst here.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Fakey, a word of advice: Simply repeating insults that have been directed at you doesn't make you look smart or witty. It only makes it obvious that you don't understand the meaning of the words you use.

That aside, you have to come up with a program Americans will vote for. The libertarians have not done that or have done it but not communicated it well.

Is that your "consistent philosophy," Fakey - whatever program Americans will vote for? You could probably get them to vote to abolish the Bill of Rights tomorrow. Apparently you would support them in such an endeavor. And you have the never to call me a "bootlicker?"
Link to follow:


As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.

We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.

How does one ban "forece and fraud ... from human relationships"?

Consequently, we defend each person's right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power.

In the following pages we have set forth our basic principles and enumerated various policy stands derived from those principles.

These specific policies are not our goal, however. Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free in our lifetime, and it is to this end that we take these stands.

IMO the Libertarian Platform is little different than that of Utopian Socialists in terms of practicality; Human Nature cannot be changed by platitudes.

Platform | Libertarian Party
SturmLeader Conty, that does not even make sense. You want to lead? You have to give the voter something worthwhile to vote for. You have not done that yet.

In other words, what he said. You want libertarians to come up with a platform that perpetuates everything they stand against; the warfare/welfare state. I don't believe you understand the libertarian platform in any way shape or form. One must understand freedom for that.

You are a liar, TASB, in your second sentence: I said nothing of the sort.

Either you folks come up with a platform and policy or all you will do is continue to natter ineffectively on message boards.

Here ya go, Fakey:

Platform | Libertarian Party
We understand that the concept of freedom doesn't make sense to you. The servile can never understand it. In your view "something worthwhile to vote for" means the rights of your fellow Americans. That's what is being auctioned off in every American election.

bripat, you are a bootlicker, one of the worst here.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Fakey, a word of advice: Simply repeating insults that have been directed at you doesn't make you look smart or witty. It only makes it obvious that you don't understand the meaning of the words you use.

That aside, you have to come up with a program Americans will vote for. The libertarians have not done that or have done it but not communicated it well.

Is that your "consistent philosophy," Fakey - whatever program Americans will vote for? You could probably get them to vote to abolish the Bill of Rights tomorrow. Apparently you would support them in such an endeavor. And you have the never to call me a "bootlicker?"

You are the bootlicker of the board, kid. Your issue is not what political beliefs I have but to come up with a party and focused communication of policies that people will vote for.

You have not done so, as a group, and if most liberts are as you, then you will fail.
But that does not vault the hurdle: only when and if libertarians develops a consistent and coherent philosophy and platform will it become significant in the American narrative.

Comrade Starkiev, you and your ilk define a "coherent philosophy and platform" as once which supports the welfare/warfare state. Not gonna happen. .

SturmLeader Conty, that does not even make sense. You want to lead? You have to give the voter something worthwhile to vote for. You have not done that yet.

Comrade Starkiev, why isn't Capitalism and Individual Liberty enough?

Why do you want government to distribute wealth? Why don't you get off your fat ass and learn a marketable skill??!!?!?!?!?!?!?

In other words, what he said. You want libertarians to come up with a platform that perpetuates everything they stand against; the warfare/welfare state. I don't believe you understand the libertarian platform in any way shape or form. One must understand freedom for that.

You are a liar, TASB, in your second sentence: I said nothing of the sort.

Either you folks come up with a platform and policy or all you will do is continue to natter ineffectively on message boards.

Here ya go, Fakey:

Platform | Libertarian Party

That's a start. What were the %s of voters who selected it last time?
You are a liar, TASB, in your second sentence: I said nothing of the sort.

Either you folks come up with a platform and policy or all you will do is continue to natter ineffectively on message boards.

Here ya go, Fakey:

Platform | Libertarian Party

That's a start. What were the %s of voters who selected it last time?

Where was the same level of coverage of the condidates that the two-headed beast received? You seem to be under the impression that the majority of voters vote based on a well informed decision they came through under rigorous study of the issues. That's simply naive and stupid.
Comrade Starkiev, you and your ilk define a "coherent philosophy and platform" as once which supports the welfare/warfare state. Not gonna happen. .

SturmLeader Conty, that does not even make sense. You want to lead? You have to give the voter something worthwhile to vote for. You have not done that yet.

Comrade Starkiev, why isn't Capitalism and Individual Liberty enough?

Why do you want government to distribute wealth? Why don't you get off your fat ass and learn a marketable skill??!!?!?!?!?!?!?.

If you are the average libert, no wonder your party goes no where.

(1) Your coloring makes no connection to anything worthwhile.

(2) All governments distribute wealth through tax codes and programs.

(3) I have made at least 500 times financially what you have in life, SturmLeader Contumacious.

(4) You need to stop being a parasite on the body politic.

That's a start. What were the %s of voters who selected it last time?

Where was the same level of coverage of the condidates that the two-headed beast received? You seem to be under the impression that the majority of voters vote based on a well informed decision they came through under rigorous study of the issues. That's simply naive and stupid.

Then you are being "naive and stupid." You have to be in it to win it.

Get cracking, stop lacking.
bripat, you are a bootlicker, one of the worst here.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Fakey, a word of advice: Simply repeating insults that have been directed at you doesn't make you look smart or witty. It only makes it obvious that you don't understand the meaning of the words you use.

That aside, you have to come up with a program Americans will vote for. The libertarians have not done that or have done it but not communicated it well.

Is that your "consistent philosophy," Fakey - whatever program Americans will vote for? You could probably get them to vote to abolish the Bill of Rights tomorrow. Apparently you would support them in such an endeavor. And you have the never to call me a "bootlicker?"

You are the bootlicker of the board, kid.


You kill me, Fakey!

Please quote anything I have ever posted that indicates I'm a bootlicker. You have accused me of being both an anarchist and a communist. How are either of those things consistent with being a "bootlicker?"

Your issue is not what political beliefs I have but to come up with a party and focused communication of policies that people will vote for.

You have not done so, as a group, and if most liberts are as you, then you will fail.

Wrong, Fakey. That's what a bootlicker does. The purpose of the libertarian Party is to educate voters as to the advantages of liberty and get them to vote for it. It's definitely not, as you believe, to pander to whatever the mob wants simply so they can gain power. We already have two parties that are quite skilled in that department.
it can not be won, because it is a rigged game. I dont care if the americans ever wake up and see what is happeneing. With history as any lesson, they will not anyway and we'll go the same route as all empires in history. I dropped out already from participation. representative government is a myth.

You enjoy the welfare/warfare state and probably believe democracy secures a free state too. it's all lost cause in my book.
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BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Fakey, a word of advice: Simply repeating insults that have been directed at you doesn't make you look smart or witty. It only makes it obvious that you don't understand the meaning of the words you use.

Is that your "consistent philosophy," Fakey - whatever program Americans will vote for? You could probably get them to vote to abolish the Bill of Rights tomorrow. Apparently you would support them in such an endeavor. And you have the never to call me a "bootlicker?"

You are the bootlicker of the board, kid.


You kill me, Fakey!

Please quote anything I have ever posted that indicates I'm a bootlicker. You have accused me of being both an anarchist and a communist. How are either of those things consistent with being a "bootlicker?"

Your issue is not what political beliefs I have but to come up with a party and focused communication of policies that people will vote for.

You have not done so, as a group, and if most liberts are as you, then you will fail.

Wrong, Fakey. That's what a bootlicker does. The purpose of the libertarian Party is to educate voters as to the advantages of liberty and get them to vote for it. It's definitely not, as you believe, to pander to whatever the mob wants simply so they can gain power. We already have two parties that are quite skilled in that department.

:lol: You bootlicker, you. You are a "social welfare" and educational group then, not a political action group. You are the libert equivalent of the losing TPM.

You silly fool.
You are a liar, TASB, in your second sentence: I said nothing of the sort.

Either you folks come up with a platform and policy or all you will do is continue to natter ineffectively on message boards.

Here ya go, Fakey:

Platform | Libertarian Party

That's a start. What were the %s of voters who selected it last time?

So you think a "consistent philosophy" is one where you adjust your principles to conform with what's popular?

Is that really what you believe?

That's a start. What were the %s of voters who selected it last time?

So you think a "consistent philosophy" is one where you adjust your principles to conform with what's popular? Is that really what you believe?

That actually is your opinion, not mine. You need a consistent philosophy and platform.

Your party has not communicated such to the electorate.
That's a start. What were the %s of voters who selected it last time?

So you think a "consistent philosophy" is one where you adjust your principles to conform with what's popular? Is that really what you believe?

That actually is your opinion, not mine. You need a consistent philosophy and platform.

Your party has not communicated such to the electorate.

Which is it, Fakey? Do you need a consistent philosophy or one the voters will approve? Do you maintain the two things are the same?
So you think a "consistent philosophy" is one where you adjust your principles to conform with what's popular? Is that really what you believe?

That actually is your opinion, not mine. You need a consistent philosophy and platform.

Your party has not communicated such to the electorate.

Which is it, Fakey? Do you need a consistent philosophy or one the voters will approve? Do you maintain the two things are the same?

False dilemma, and it is yours, bootlicker. If you can't put a consistent philosophy to the voters that they approve, then you will continue to be a loser.

You are a Henry Clay type of guy, who said something to the effect that "I would rather be right than President." You will never be successful and right unless you change.
That actually is your opinion, not mine. You need a consistent philosophy and platform.

Your party has not communicated such to the electorate.

Which is it, Fakey? Do you need a consistent philosophy or one the voters will approve? Do you maintain the two things are the same?

False dilemma, and it is yours, bootlicker. If you can't put a consistent philosophy to the voters that they approve, then you will continue to be a loser.

So a "consistent philosophy" is whatever the voters approve. Thanks for admitting that you're a moron, Fakey.

You are a Henry Clay type of guy, who said something to the effect that "I would rather be right than President." You will never be successful and right unless you change.

It appears you prefer to be wrong. Thanks for admitting it.

You make this too easy, Fakey.

BTW, thanks for comparing me to Henry Clay. I take that as the highest compliment. Furthermore, Henry Clay is precisely the opposite of a bootlicker. The later is one who would rather be President than to be right.
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