Why most Americans DGAF about Jan 6

I never paid above $3 for gas under Trump. Gas is at record highs now under Biden. Inflation is through the roof. The border is not secure. Businesses are still short of help. COVID is still running rampant. CRIME is way out of control (#DefundThePolice IsAnEPICfail) China and Russia laugh at Biden.

NO, I don’t give a fuck about Jan 6th. Those people had about as much chance of over throwing the government as I do proving Aliens exist on Mars. With that said, They weren‘t even trying to overthrow the government. Stupid shit for sure, but largely insignificant compared to the many riots and murders in the summer of 2020 by Leftists.

Jan 6th is deflection from the EPIC FAIL that Biden and Kamala are. We’ll see what Americans think in November.
It’s funny how you just read and believe whatever you see in the headlines as long as it supports your hateful agenda. Do you ever take it a layer deeper? So Kamala raised money for a group that helps poor non violent offenders make bail. She supports the racial justice movement and supports protesting but not violence and destruction. Yet you paint it as her bailing out criminals who were burning cities down. Can you show one person arrested for arson that she bailed out or are you caught in a lie?

You were fed a load of crap if you thought all the votes were counted on election night. For weeks before the election it was said that it would likely take multiple days to count the votes. It was also said that Biden would have a great number of mail ins giving him later bumps…. Nothing that happened was a surprise if you were paying attention. You obviously weren’t
So what Kamala bailed out violent BLM rioters who Burned, Looted and Murdered

That's what you're going with?

Oh I was paying attention you're too poor to do that aren't ya?

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