Why most Americans DGAF about Jan 6

You can sit back in the middle all you want riding your high horse up the high road but plenty of people are fed up and the election rigging was the last straw. Jan 6 wouldn't have happened had we had a free election, free and honest press and leftist thugs weren't given Carte Blanche to wreck lives.

So you can back to elementary school and sniff glue, eat paste and fuck yourself
We did have a free election. The attempt to rig came from the riot at the capital trying to overturn the results. All based off of a premeditated lie that a guy who never admits defeat decided to run with as an excuse.

So yeah I’m happy to ride my high horse and simply support what is right. Something that we all should aspire to do.
We did have a free election. The attempt to rig came from the riot at the capital trying to overturn the results. All based off of a premeditated lie that a guy who never admits defeat decided to run with as an excuse.

So yeah I’m happy to ride my high horse and simply support what is right. Something that we all should aspire to do.
They remain absolutely manipulated and full of rage.

I don't think it's subsided at all.
I can at least say I am not a party to it.
It was wrong when the Republicans took the nation through it with Clinton... and it has been wrong the 6 years the Democrats have constantly been doing it.

It just makes America look ridiculous.
They remain absolutely manipulated and full of rage.

I don't think it's subsided at all.
My mom called her brother today to chat and she asked the question if he has been watching any of the Jan 6 stuff and he said he isn't watching, its nothing but a show, and then jumped right into the programmed response about the summer riots... WTF?!

How do these people know its just a show if they don't watch it? How do they know it is fake news if they don't know what's being talked about and where the source. I love my uncle but he's like another brainwashed puppet like so many on this board who keep their fingers in their ears and think they know whats going on.
My mom called her brother today to chat and she asked the question if he has been watching any of the Jan 6 stuff and he said he isn't watching, its nothing but a show, and then jumped right into the programmed response about the summer riots... WTF?!

How do these people know its just a show if they don't watch it? How do they know it is fake news if they don't know what's being talked about and where the source. I love my uncle but he's like another brainwashed puppet like so many on this board who keep their fingers in their ears and think they know whats going on.
They have all the talking points down, including the specific deflections, because that's all they consume.

When a client starts going into the chant, er, talking points, I just let them blow out the lines and then get back to business.

I don't know how to communicate with these people. The absolute rage makes it even more difficult.
They have all the talking points down, including the specific deflections, because that's all they consume.

When a client starts going into the chant, er, talking points, I just let them blow out the lines and then get back to business.

I don't know how to communicate with these people. The absolute rage makes it even more difficult.
Yeah, I just let the talk in real life... not worth going down that rabbit hole. It amazes me that they don't have the self awareness to realize how foolish they sound
Yeah, I just let the talk in real life... not worth going down that rabbit hole. It amazes me that they don't have the self awareness to realize how foolish they sound
Now that's an interesting point.

Every once in a while I'll see an interview with them where they'll say something like, "that's just my opinion", kind of defensively. I can't help but wonder if there is some doubt in there.
My mom called her brother today to chat and she asked the question if he has been watching any of the Jan 6 stuff and he said he isn't watching, its nothing but a show, and then jumped right into the programmed response about the summer riots... WTF?!

How do these people know its just a show if they don't watch it? How do they know it is fake news if they don't know what's being talked about and where the source. I love my uncle but he's like another brainwashed puppet like so many on this board who keep their fingers in their ears and think they know whats going on.
No programmed response to it, some of us don't have the attention span of a retarded goldfish and clearly remember you leftist on the news calling those riots "The Summer of Love"

So supporting what's right? Ok chucklehead you've exposed yourself as nothing more than clownshoes
They have all the talking points down, including the specific deflections, because that's all they consume.

When a client starts going into the chant, er, talking points, I just let them blow out the lines and then get back to business.

I don't know how to communicate with these people. The absolute rage makes it even more difficult.
Absolutely rage? Like "You're a Cis White Male your opinion doesn't matter" we see where you communists want to take things and over my dead body will you do it
That is the narritive the guilty right is desperately trying to sell. It's not accurate, but I see you gotta try.
Yep. Trump attempted an actual coup and all the tards can reply with now is, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but the Floyd riots!'
No programmed response to it, some of us don't have the attention span of a retarded goldfish and clearly remember you leftist on the news calling those riots "The Summer of Love"

So supporting what's right? Ok chucklehead you've exposed yourself as nothing more than clownshoes
Summer riots have nothing to do with 1/6z it’s a point the finger and blame something else tactic. It’s a way to distract from the subject
Summer riots have nothing to do with 1/6z it’s a point the finger and blame something else tactic. It’s a way to distract from the subject
Has plenty do with it but since you're retarded I'll explain one more time.

1) BLM and Antifa rioted for 2 years
2) Antifa attacks federal courthouse for 90 days
3) BLM Antifa take 6 city blocks set up CHAZ/CHOP
4) Inauguration Day 2017- BLM and Dems riot in DC
5) Kamala Harris and other dems bailed out agitators
6) Election was rigged Biden was installed like a toilet

Then we have Jan 6 which all you faggots called the worst attack on democracy since the Civil War conveniently leaving out everything mentioned above. You all seem to think you can unequally dispense "justice" in this nation cause you're side is "punching nazis".

You assholes have done nothing for 7 years except say " paradox of intolerance" "White men bad" "Orange man bad" "intersectionality" blah blah blah and you wonder why people are fed up

Go fuck yourselves

The pendulum will swing back it always does and you bitches will be under boot and ill be laughing my ass off
Has plenty do with it but since you're retarded I'll explain one more time.

1) BLM and Antifa rioted for 2 years
2) Antifa attacks federal courthouse for 90 days
3) BLM Antifa take 6 city blocks set up CHAZ/CHOP
4) Inauguration Day 2017- BLM and Dems riot in DC
5) Kamala Harris and other dems bailed out agitators
6) Election was rigged Biden was installed like a toilet

Then we have Jan 6 which all you faggots called the worst attack on democracy since the Civil War conveniently leaving out everything mentioned above. You all seem to think you can unequally dispense "justice" in this nation cause you're side is "punching nazis".

You assholes have done nothing for 7 years except say " paradox of intolerance" "White men bad" "Orange man bad" "intersectionality" blah blah blah and you wonder why people are fed up

Go fuck yourselves

The pendulum will swing back it always does and you bitches will be under boot and ill be laughing my ass off
1. Anybody rioting should be arrested
2. Anybody attacking a courthouse should be arrested
3. That was an insurrection
4. Anybody rioting should be arrested
5. I’d have to see what specific cases you’re talking about to comment
6. You’re brainwashed. The election was not stolen

Yes and then we have 1/6… a riot at our nations capital to try and change the results of a presidential election… led by a lame duck president who just got voted out of power. Your 6 points above have nothing to do with it. No reason to mention them in the same discussion unless you are trying distract or excuse. That’s what people of weak character do
1. Anybody rioting should be arrested
2. Anybody attacking a courthouse should be arrested
3. That was an insurrection
4. Anybody rioting should be arrested
5. I’d have to see what specific cases you’re talking about to comment
6. You’re brainwashed. The election was not stolen

Yes and then we have 1/6… a riot at our nations capital to try and change the results of a presidential election… led by a lame duck president who just got voted out of power. Your 6 points above have nothing to do with it. No reason to mention them in the same discussion unless you are trying distract or excuse. That’s what people of weak character do
5) Reminder: Kamala Harris Helped Bail Out Criminals Burning Down American Cities

6) Bullshit, I watched election night as GA was 100% voted in for Trump then a pipe burst and magically it goes to Biden, I watched more votes counted in PA than ballots sent out and back, I watched them block windows in MI as they pulled more bullshit and all you shitlibs believe the lies of the MSM

Again you fail to grasp what cause and effect is. All those things listed led up to what occurred Jan 6. Deny it all you want cause you're a fucking retard like most shitlibs
And we watched repeated attempts by Aunt Teefah types to burn the Portland police union building down, and no one seemed to give a fuck.

But but but Jan 6th..................................................
5) Reminder: Kamala Harris Helped Bail Out Criminals Burning Down American Cities

6) Bullshit, I watched election night as GA was 100% voted in for Trump then a pipe burst and magically it goes to Biden, I watched more votes counted in PA than ballots sent out and back, I watched them block windows in MI as they pulled more bullshit and all you shitlibs believe the lies of the MSM

Again you fail to grasp what cause and effect is. All those things listed led up to what occurred Jan 6. Deny it all you want cause you're a fucking retard like most shitlibs
5) Reminder: Kamala Harris Helped Bail Out Criminals Burning Down American Cities

6) Bullshit, I watched election night as GA was 100% voted in for Trump then a pipe burst and magically it goes to Biden, I watched more votes counted in PA than ballots sent out and back, I watched them block windows in MI as they pulled more bullshit and all you shitlibs believe the lies of the MSM

Again you fail to grasp what cause and effect is. All those things listed led up to what occurred Jan 6. Deny it all you want cause you're a fucking retard like most shitlibs
It’s funny how you just read and believe whatever you see in the headlines as long as it supports your hateful agenda. Do you ever take it a layer deeper? So Kamala raised money for a group that helps poor non violent offenders make bail. She supports the racial justice movement and supports protesting but not violence and destruction. Yet you paint it as her bailing out criminals who were burning cities down. Can you show one person arrested for arson that she bailed out or are you caught in a lie?

You were fed a load of crap if you thought all the votes were counted on election night. For weeks before the election it was said that it would likely take multiple days to count the votes. It was also said that Biden would have a great number of mail ins giving him later bumps…. Nothing that happened was a surprise if you were paying attention. You obviously weren’t

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