Why Muslim Migrants Always = Terrorism

can you cite one time in history in which large numbers of Muslims have willingly assimilated into a non-Muslim culture?

Just one?
Canada ...... :cool:
They attacked the capital building there and killed some folks.

and a white Christian attacked the federal building in Oklahoma.

and a white Christian shot up a church in Charleston

and a white Christian murdered dr. till

and white Christians beat to death matthew shepard

and white Christians dragged james byrd to death behind a truck

and i'm pretty sure that native americans didn't think much of white Christians.

just saying.
can you cite one time in history in which large numbers of Muslims have willingly assimilated into a non-Muslim culture?

Just one?

Read more: Articles: Why Muslim Migrants Always = Terrorism

The United States.

you mean like Dearborn......? you call that 'assimilation'.....?

No, I mean like New York City.

is the recent Muslim demand (and institution) of Muslim holidays in the NY public schools what you would call 'assimilation'......?

i think not....the Muslim population in NY is growing but not large enough to justify this...maybe
Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, etc. should consider flying planes into a couple of New York skyscrapers; then they’ll get their holidays off, too.....

Muslims expect us to conform to them......not the other way around....

Muslim Holidays in New York Public Schools: Why Not?

Kids in NY have Jewish holidays off from school, too. Does that mean that Jews haven't "assimilated" either?
can you cite one time in history in which large numbers of Muslims have willingly assimilated into a non-Muslim culture?

Just one?
Canada ...... :cool:
They attacked the capital building there and killed some folks.

and a white Christian attacked the federal building in Oklahoma.

just saying.
another liberal idiot.....he didn't bomb the Feds in the name of Jesus Christ....
can you cite one time in history in which large numbers of Muslims have willingly assimilated into a non-Muslim culture?

Just one?

Read more: Articles: Why Muslim Migrants Always = Terrorism
Out of the many things which make America exceptional, we assimilate peoples from all around the world better than anyone else.

We are the world's mutts, and it has made us the greatest country on Earth.

you're an idiot.......do you think France and Germany (two great Western cultures much like us) assimilated them....? what exactly makes you think we could....?
Because like I said. We are exceptional.

And France and Germany ARE assimilating Muslims. In spite of the Paris attacks, France has said they will still welcome refugees.

Now that's what real balls are like. That's what real compassion is.

You should get some of both, instead of cowering in your hidey hole looking for excuses to be a chickenshit.
can you cite one time in history in which large numbers of Muslims have willingly assimilated into a non-Muslim culture?

Just one?

Read more: Articles: Why Muslim Migrants Always = Terrorism

The United States.

‘Allahu Akbar’: Shock Video Shows Muslims Allegedly ‘Stoning’ Christian Protesters in…Michigan

"In a video posted by Gateway Pundit early this morning, protesters were depicted as being battered by a constant hail of thrown debris, including water bottles and possibly even stones. Skip to nine minutes into the following video to see the “stoning” portion where large, grey projectiles that look very much like rocks are tossed into the air at the demonstrators as the crowd screams “Allahu Akbar” and closes in:

Let me repeat: Christians were allegedly stoned and forced into retreat by an angry mob of Arabs in Dearborn, Michigan. Whether you find the protesters themselves distasteful, it would be alarming indeed to think this reaction was warranted. We can only hope that no one was hurt, and that the people allegedly throwing the items will be brought to justice. However, given the inability of the cameramen to capture the faces of their assailants, we have our doubts.


Regular readers of The Blaze might recognize one of the police officers identified in the video. At about the 11-minute mark, it appears Deputy Chief Mike Jaafer steps in to talk to the Christian protesters:

If Jaafer looks familiar, that’s because he was one of the stars of the now-cancelled TLC show “All American Muslim.”"
‘Allahu Akbar’: Shock Video Shows Muslims Allegedly ‘Stoning’ Christian Protesters in…Michigan

Pretty assimilated all right.

You are aware that the people they were "stoning" were professional Christian provocateurs seeking to start a fight, right?

They went to a Muslim fair, chanted and yelled insults and obscenities, and waved around a dead pig head on a stick to "ward off" the "Satanic" Muslims. If that's who you want to throw your lot in with, so be it.
During the Iranian revolution and the hostage crisis, we took in a lot of Iranian refugees. Republicans like myself in those days had much bigger balls than the lot who call themselves Republicans these days.

It's embarrassing to see how cowardly the party is these days. Shameful.
can you cite one time in history in which large numbers of Muslims have willingly assimilated into a non-Muslim culture?

Just one?

Read more: Articles: Why Muslim Migrants Always = Terrorism

The United States.

‘Allahu Akbar’: Shock Video Shows Muslims Allegedly ‘Stoning’ Christian Protesters in…Michigan

"In a video posted by Gateway Pundit early this morning, protesters were depicted as being battered by a constant hail of thrown debris, including water bottles and possibly even stones. Skip to nine minutes into the following video to see the “stoning” portion where large, grey projectiles that look very much like rocks are tossed into the air at the demonstrators as the crowd screams “Allahu Akbar” and closes in:

Let me repeat: Christians were allegedly stoned and forced into retreat by an angry mob of Arabs in Dearborn, Michigan. Whether you find the protesters themselves distasteful, it would be alarming indeed to think this reaction was warranted. We can only hope that no one was hurt, and that the people allegedly throwing the items will be brought to justice. However, given the inability of the cameramen to capture the faces of their assailants, we have our doubts.


Regular readers of The Blaze might recognize one of the police officers identified in the video. At about the 11-minute mark, it appears Deputy Chief Mike Jaafer steps in to talk to the Christian protesters:

If Jaafer looks familiar, that’s because he was one of the stars of the now-cancelled TLC show “All American Muslim.”"
‘Allahu Akbar’: Shock Video Shows Muslims Allegedly ‘Stoning’ Christian Protesters in…Michigan

Pretty assimilated all right.

You are aware that the people they were "stoning" were professional Christian provocateurs seeking to start a fight, right?

They went to a Muslim fair, chanted and yelled insults and obscenities, and waved around a dead pig head on a stick to "ward off" the "Satanic" Muslims. If that's who you want to throw your lot in with, so be it.
So you think the practice of the first amendment constitutes stoning? Because you kind of just excused them..
Was the Charlie Hebdo excusable, too?
can you cite one time in history in which large numbers of Muslims have willingly assimilated into a non-Muslim culture?

Just one?

Read more: Articles: Why Muslim Migrants Always = Terrorism

The United States.

‘Allahu Akbar’: Shock Video Shows Muslims Allegedly ‘Stoning’ Christian Protesters in…Michigan

"In a video posted by Gateway Pundit early this morning, protesters were depicted as being battered by a constant hail of thrown debris, including water bottles and possibly even stones. Skip to nine minutes into the following video to see the “stoning” portion where large, grey projectiles that look very much like rocks are tossed into the air at the demonstrators as the crowd screams “Allahu Akbar” and closes in:

Let me repeat: Christians were allegedly stoned and forced into retreat by an angry mob of Arabs in Dearborn, Michigan. Whether you find the protesters themselves distasteful, it would be alarming indeed to think this reaction was warranted. We can only hope that no one was hurt, and that the people allegedly throwing the items will be brought to justice. However, given the inability of the cameramen to capture the faces of their assailants, we have our doubts.


Regular readers of The Blaze might recognize one of the police officers identified in the video. At about the 11-minute mark, it appears Deputy Chief Mike Jaafer steps in to talk to the Christian protesters:

If Jaafer looks familiar, that’s because he was one of the stars of the now-cancelled TLC show “All American Muslim.”"
‘Allahu Akbar’: Shock Video Shows Muslims Allegedly ‘Stoning’ Christian Protesters in…Michigan

Pretty assimilated all right.

You are aware that the people they were "stoning" were professional Christian provocateurs seeking to start a fight, right?

They went to a Muslim fair, chanted and yelled insults and obscenities, and waved around a dead pig head on a stick to "ward off" the "Satanic" Muslims. If that's who you want to throw your lot in with, so be it.
So you think the practice of the first amendment constitutes stoning? Because you kind of just excused them..
Was the Charlie Hebdo excusable, too?

I didn't "excuse" anything, I provided context.

Walk into a biker bar, and shout "Fuck all you faggots", and see how well your "free speech" works out for you.
During the Iranian hostage crisis, we took in a lot of Iranian refugees. Reagan Republicans like myself had much bigger balls than the lot who call themselves Republicans these days.
So you think its fair to compare IS to the IHC?
can you cite one time in history in which large numbers of Muslims have willingly assimilated into a non-Muslim culture?

Just one?

Read more: Articles: Why Muslim Migrants Always = Terrorism

The United States.

‘Allahu Akbar’: Shock Video Shows Muslims Allegedly ‘Stoning’ Christian Protesters in…Michigan

"In a video posted by Gateway Pundit early this morning, protesters were depicted as being battered by a constant hail of thrown debris, including water bottles and possibly even stones. Skip to nine minutes into the following video to see the “stoning” portion where large, grey projectiles that look very much like rocks are tossed into the air at the demonstrators as the crowd screams “Allahu Akbar” and closes in:

Let me repeat: Christians were allegedly stoned and forced into retreat by an angry mob of Arabs in Dearborn, Michigan. Whether you find the protesters themselves distasteful, it would be alarming indeed to think this reaction was warranted. We can only hope that no one was hurt, and that the people allegedly throwing the items will be brought to justice. However, given the inability of the cameramen to capture the faces of their assailants, we have our doubts.


Regular readers of The Blaze might recognize one of the police officers identified in the video. At about the 11-minute mark, it appears Deputy Chief Mike Jaafer steps in to talk to the Christian protesters:

If Jaafer looks familiar, that’s because he was one of the stars of the now-cancelled TLC show “All American Muslim.”"
‘Allahu Akbar’: Shock Video Shows Muslims Allegedly ‘Stoning’ Christian Protesters in…Michigan

Pretty assimilated all right.

You are aware that the people they were "stoning" were professional Christian provocateurs seeking to start a fight, right?

They went to a Muslim fair, chanted and yelled insults and obscenities, and waved around a dead pig head on a stick to "ward off" the "Satanic" Muslims. If that's who you want to throw your lot in with, so be it.
So you think the practice of the first amendment constitutes stoning? Because you kind of just excused them..
Was the Charlie Hebdo excusable, too?

I didn't "excuse" anything, I provided context.

Walk into a biker bar, and shout "Fuck all you faggots", and see how well your "free speech" works out for you.
No, you pulled a John Kerry
can you cite one time in history in which large numbers of Muslims have willingly assimilated into a non-Muslim culture?

Just one?


Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.

IRANIANS! During the Reagan era, when Republicans had balls.

So there you go. A successful Muslim assimilation into a non-Muslim culture.


can you cite one time in history in which large numbers of Muslims have willingly assimilated into a non-Muslim culture?

Just one?

Read more: Articles: Why Muslim Migrants Always = Terrorism

The United States.

you mean like Dearborn......? you call that 'assimilation'.....?

No, I mean like New York City.

is the recent Muslim demand (and institution) of Muslim holidays in the NY public schools what you would call 'assimilation'......?

i think not....the Muslim population in NY is growing but not large enough to justify this...maybe
Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, etc. should consider flying planes into a couple of New York skyscrapers; then they’ll get their holidays off, too.....

Muslims expect us to conform to them......not the other way around....

Muslim Holidays in New York Public Schools: Why Not?

Kids in NY have Jewish holidays off from school, too. Does that mean that Jews haven't "assimilated" either?

Muslims form only 10% of the student body in New York City’s public schools. By contrast, when Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur won recognition in 1960, Jewish students made up 33% of school enrollment. Not only that, but a staggering 45% of the teachers were Jewish!

In other words, there was a really, really strong case for the Jews.....not for the Muslims or the others.....but Muslims are very pushy.....this is a form of their jihad...
can you cite one time in history in which large numbers of Muslims have willingly assimilated into a non-Muslim culture?

Just one?

Read more: Articles: Why Muslim Migrants Always = Terrorism

The United States.

‘Allahu Akbar’: Shock Video Shows Muslims Allegedly ‘Stoning’ Christian Protesters in…Michigan

"In a video posted by Gateway Pundit early this morning, protesters were depicted as being battered by a constant hail of thrown debris, including water bottles and possibly even stones. Skip to nine minutes into the following video to see the “stoning” portion where large, grey projectiles that look very much like rocks are tossed into the air at the demonstrators as the crowd screams “Allahu Akbar” and closes in:

Let me repeat: Christians were allegedly stoned and forced into retreat by an angry mob of Arabs in Dearborn, Michigan. Whether you find the protesters themselves distasteful, it would be alarming indeed to think this reaction was warranted. We can only hope that no one was hurt, and that the people allegedly throwing the items will be brought to justice. However, given the inability of the cameramen to capture the faces of their assailants, we have our doubts.


Regular readers of The Blaze might recognize one of the police officers identified in the video. At about the 11-minute mark, it appears Deputy Chief Mike Jaafer steps in to talk to the Christian protesters:

If Jaafer looks familiar, that’s because he was one of the stars of the now-cancelled TLC show “All American Muslim.”"
‘Allahu Akbar’: Shock Video Shows Muslims Allegedly ‘Stoning’ Christian Protesters in…Michigan

Pretty assimilated all right.

You are aware that the people they were "stoning" were professional Christian provocateurs seeking to start a fight, right?

They went to a Muslim fair, chanted and yelled insults and obscenities, and waved around a dead pig head on a stick to "ward off" the "Satanic" Muslims. If that's who you want to throw your lot in with, so be it.

So? What do you call KKK rallies? If you wanna have your pride day you're gonna get protestors. What about the God Hates Fags people? These don't deteriorate into melees and attempted murder.

If Muslims can't take me pissing on their Qur'an right in front of them (not that I"m that crayz or suicidal) they should stay in a Muslim country.
The United States.

you mean like Dearborn......? you call that 'assimilation'.....?

No, I mean like New York City.

is the recent Muslim demand (and institution) of Muslim holidays in the NY public schools what you would call 'assimilation'......?

i think not....the Muslim population in NY is growing but not large enough to justify this...maybe
Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, etc. should consider flying planes into a couple of New York skyscrapers; then they’ll get their holidays off, too.....

Muslims expect us to conform to them......not the other way around....

Muslim Holidays in New York Public Schools: Why Not?

Kids in NY have Jewish holidays off from school, too. Does that mean that Jews haven't "assimilated" either?

Muslims form only 10% of the student body in New York City’s public schools. By contrast, when Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur won recognition in 1960, Jewish students made up 33% of school enrollment. Not only that, but a staggering 45% of the teachers were Jewish!

In other words, there was a really, really strong case for the Jews.....not for the Muslims or the others.....but Muslims are very pushy.....this is a form of their jihad...


2 more days off from school is "a form of jihad"?

I don't even know how to respond to that.
you mean like Dearborn......? you call that 'assimilation'.....?

No, I mean like New York City.

is the recent Muslim demand (and institution) of Muslim holidays in the NY public schools what you would call 'assimilation'......?

i think not....the Muslim population in NY is growing but not large enough to justify this...maybe
Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, etc. should consider flying planes into a couple of New York skyscrapers; then they’ll get their holidays off, too.....

Muslims expect us to conform to them......not the other way around....

Muslim Holidays in New York Public Schools: Why Not?

Kids in NY have Jewish holidays off from school, too. Does that mean that Jews haven't "assimilated" either?

Muslims form only 10% of the student body in New York City’s public schools. By contrast, when Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur won recognition in 1960, Jewish students made up 33% of school enrollment. Not only that, but a staggering 45% of the teachers were Jewish!

In other words, there was a really, really strong case for the Jews.....not for the Muslims or the others.....but Muslims are very pushy.....this is a form of their jihad...


2 more days off from school is "a form of jihad"?

I don't even know how to respond to that.

you simply don't get it.......why should they get those two days off when the other small minorities don't......? like i said....they are loud and demanding and they also knocked off the trade towers....
No, I mean like New York City.

is the recent Muslim demand (and institution) of Muslim holidays in the NY public schools what you would call 'assimilation'......?

i think not....the Muslim population in NY is growing but not large enough to justify this...maybe
Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, etc. should consider flying planes into a couple of New York skyscrapers; then they’ll get their holidays off, too.....

Muslims expect us to conform to them......not the other way around....

Muslim Holidays in New York Public Schools: Why Not?

Kids in NY have Jewish holidays off from school, too. Does that mean that Jews haven't "assimilated" either?

Muslims form only 10% of the student body in New York City’s public schools. By contrast, when Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur won recognition in 1960, Jewish students made up 33% of school enrollment. Not only that, but a staggering 45% of the teachers were Jewish!

In other words, there was a really, really strong case for the Jews.....not for the Muslims or the others.....but Muslims are very pushy.....this is a form of their jihad...


2 more days off from school is "a form of jihad"?

I don't even know how to respond to that.

you simply don't get it.......why should they get those two days off when the other small minorities don't......? like i said....they are loud and demanding and they also knocked off the trade towers....

Muslims make up the third largest religious group within school-age children (10%) - compared to less than 1% each for Sikhs, Jainists, and all the other tiny religions you mentioned before.

How does having those days off as holidays hurt anyone at all?
you mean like Dearborn......? you call that 'assimilation'.....?

No, I mean like New York City.

is the recent Muslim demand (and institution) of Muslim holidays in the NY public schools what you would call 'assimilation'......?

i think not....the Muslim population in NY is growing but not large enough to justify this...maybe
Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, etc. should consider flying planes into a couple of New York skyscrapers; then they’ll get their holidays off, too.....

Muslims expect us to conform to them......not the other way around....

Muslim Holidays in New York Public Schools: Why Not?

Kids in NY have Jewish holidays off from school, too. Does that mean that Jews haven't "assimilated" either?

Muslims form only 10% of the student body in New York City’s public schools. By contrast, when Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur won recognition in 1960, Jewish students made up 33% of school enrollment. Not only that, but a staggering 45% of the teachers were Jewish!

In other words, there was a really, really strong case for the Jews.....not for the Muslims or the others.....but Muslims are very pushy.....this is a form of their jihad...


2 more days off from school is "a form of jihad"?

I don't even know how to respond to that.

Add 97 more laughing faces and you'll have an appropriate response.

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