Why no solid data on homicides by illegals?

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?
would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?


Edit: I spent a few minutes on Google. No charts, few stats summarized. Correct you are. Not any "clean" data. I did find ~20 Americans per day (7500/year) killed in vehicle accidents with Illegals driving the other car.
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Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

This is sort of like that 11 million figure, the “total” number of illegals in the U.S....We all know that figure is far greater than that. Someone has decided the public is better off not having the real information. Hmmm?
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

This is sort of like that 11 million figure, the “total” number of illegals in the U.S....We all know that figure is far greater than that. Someone has decided the public is better off not having the real information. Hmmm?

That many in California if not more
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

This is sort of like that 11 million figure, the “total” number of illegals in the U.S....We all know that figure is far greater than that. Someone has decided the public is better off not having the real information. Hmmm?

That many in California if not more

Exactly...I guarantee it.
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

A murder is a murder. You can tell, there's a dead body, usually. Sometimes there isn't, and maybe it doesn't get classified as a murder because people don't know it's a murder.

But knowing who committed the crime isn't so easy.


62.5% of murders are solved in the US.

Report reveals 92 percent of foreign nationals in federal prisons are illegal immigrants

"The 2017 report, from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security, found that more than one in five individuals imprisoned were not born in the United States."

Okay, so one in five. But then being an illegal immigrant is against the law, so you'd kind of expect there to be quite a few serving sentences for this crime.

Also it was only Federal Prisons, not state prisons which don't give such data.
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

A murder is a murder. You can tell, there's a dead body, usually. Sometimes there isn't, and maybe it doesn't get classified as a murder because people don't know it's a murder.

But knowing who committed the crime isn't so easy.


62.5% of murders are solved in the US.

Report reveals 92 percent of foreign nationals in federal prisons are illegal immigrants

"The 2017 report, from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security, found that more than one in five individuals imprisoned were not born in the United States."

Okay, so one in five. But then being an illegal immigrant is against the law, so you'd kind of expect there to be quite a few serving sentences for this crime.

Also it was only Federal Prisons, not state prisons which don't give such data.
I believe we need more info. State prisons and county jails need to be included.
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

This is sort of like that 11 million figure, the “total” number of illegals in the U.S....We all know that figure is far greater than that. Someone has decided the public is better off not having the real information. Hmmm?

Estimating how many illegals are here is a guess. But when an illegal is arrested, charged and convicted of something like murder, it's a record. And I can't imagine why compiling these records would be so difficult to do unless it's intentional for some reason.
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

It’s there. Look in your community first. Go to your sheriffs report and start there. You should start seeing a bunch of wet backs with names like John Smith and such in there for indecent exposure or child molestation. It’s there. John Lott on the show you used used prision data from Arizona.
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

It’s there. Look in your community first. Go to your sheriffs report and start there. You should start seeing a bunch of wet backs with names like John Smith and such in there for indecent exposure or child molestation. It’s there. John Lott on the show you used used prision data from Arizona.

That would still be guessing. I'm beginning to wonder if they don't include legal status at all in the police report, court records or charges.
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

It’s there. Look in your community first. Go to your sheriffs report and start there. You should start seeing a bunch of wet backs with names like John Smith and such in there for indecent exposure or child molestation. It’s there. John Lott on the show you used used prision data from Arizona.

That would still be guessing. I'm beginning to wonder if they don't include legal status at all in the police report, court records or charges.

Trust me, this cover-up bullshit is all by design....probably ordered by King Onegro and all his filth.
Southern Mexifornia news agencies refuse to report any criminal as an illegal even though half of all wetbacks here are illegal and our local news is Wetbacks Gone Wild every single night...almost no white people make the news here...I don’t think white people break the law in Mexifornia anymore...you’d think you’re watching news from Mexico.
Regardless...we have an illegal problem.

That Colts player that got killed is a glaring example of the problem. Previously deported, no DL, driving drunk and two people die because of it.
There is data but it’s ridiculed and suppressed.

Illegals in Arizona for instance are 145% more likely to commit violent Felonies than the average American Citizem.
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?
Because career politicians need illegal aliens votes...
Regardless...we have an illegal problem.

That Colts player that got killed is a glaring example of the problem. Previously deported, no DL, driving drunk and two people die because of it.

Yes, but the only time we hear of stories like that is when it's somebody well known. I would like to see the yearly data on how many people in this country are killed by illegals every year. For example if I didn't see the interview with Mrs Mendoza, I would have never known about her sons death.
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?
Because career politicians need illegal aliens votes...

Yep, you are on to seething. I think it' done deliberately. In a murder case, that information should be transcending. Instead it's apparent that it's something pretty hard to find.
Regardless...we have an illegal problem.

That Colts player that got killed is a glaring example of the problem. Previously deported, no DL, driving drunk and two people die because of it.

Yes, but the only time we hear of stories like that is when it's somebody well known. I would like to see the yearly data on how many people in this country are killed by illegals every year. For example if I didn't see the interview with Mrs Mendoza, I would have never known about her sons death.

I saw the Feds slapped a charge on him, reentry after deportation. Carries another 10 years.
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

It’s there. Look in your community first. Go to your sheriffs report and start there. You should start seeing a bunch of wet backs with names like John Smith and such in there for indecent exposure or child molestation. It’s there. John Lott on the show you used used prision data from Arizona.

That would still be guessing. I'm beginning to wonder if they don't include legal status at all in the police report, court records or charges.

Trust me, this cover-up bullshit is all by design....probably ordered by King Onegro and all his filth.
Southern Mexifornia news agencies refuse to report any criminal as an illegal even though half of all wetbacks here are illegal and our local news is Wetbacks Gone Wild every single night...almost no white people make the news here...I don’t think white people break the law in Mexifornia anymore...you’d think you’re watching news from Mexico.

After the Medoza interview Laura had some guy on who has been studying this for decades. Even he had to admit that it's impossible to get those stats.
Regardless...we have an illegal problem.

That Colts player that got killed is a glaring example of the problem. Previously deported, no DL, driving drunk and two people die because of it.

Yes, but the only time we hear of stories like that is when it's somebody well known. I would like to see the yearly data on how many people in this country are killed by illegals every year. For example if I didn't see the interview with Mrs Mendoza, I would have never known about her sons death.

I saw the Feds slapped a charge on him, reentry after deportation. Carries another 10 years.

I think that anybody here illegally committing a crime gets double the penalty of an American.
Regardless...we have an illegal problem.

That Colts player that got killed is a glaring example of the problem. Previously deported, no DL, driving drunk and two people die because of it.

Yes, but the only time we hear of stories like that is when it's somebody well known. I would like to see the yearly data on how many people in this country are killed by illegals every year. For example if I didn't see the interview with Mrs Mendoza, I would have never known about her sons death.

I saw the Feds slapped a charge on him, reentry after deportation. Carries another 10 years.

I think that anybody here illegally committing a crime gets double the penalty of an American.

Sound thinking...they are already criminals

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