Why no solid data on homicides by illegals?

Our Jails may be better than living on dirty South American streets. 3 meals, they fit in the bed, medical, pillow, blankets, sheets, clothes, commisary, TV, Library, parks, weights, training, counseling........who knows what they get? To avoid cruel and unusual......is costly. $30K? $50K in CA? $75K for older or those who must be segregated?

It is maddening.
Our Jails may be better than living on dirty South American streets. 3 meals, they fit in the bed, medical, pillow, blankets, sheets, clothes, commisary, TV, Library, parks, weights, training, counseling........who knows what they get? To avoid cruel and unusual......is costly. $30K? $50K in CA? $75K for older or those who must be segregated?

It is maddening.

Correct, but it's the Republicans fault we have the highest percentage of our population locked up behind bars than any other industrialized nation in the world. Just ask any Democrat and they will tell you.
Illegals make up just 3% of
The population but account for 12% of murders, 20% of kidnappings and 16% of drug tradficking.

If your sister, mother, aunt, girlfriend, wife go missing, statistics show that illegal immigrants are disproportionately involved in human trafficking, I.e kidnappimg American Women and putting them in brothels.

“Thanks Obama!”

Good Article:

Elusive crime wave data shows frightening toll of illegal immigrant criminals

The explosive figures show illegal immigrants are three times as likely to be convicted of murder as members of the general population and account for far more crimes than their 3.5-percent share of the U.S. population would suggest. Critics say it is no accident that local, state and federal governments go to great lengths to keep the data under wraps.

Justice Statistics and several state and county correctional departments. Statistics show the estimated 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. account for 13.6 percent of all offenders sentenced for crimes committed in the U.S. Twelve percent of murder sentences, 20 percent of kidnapping sentences and 16 percent of drug trafficking sentences are meted out to illegal immigrants.
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Get rid of all the illegals who disproportionately impact crime statistics and you reduce crime and increase prosperity for minority American Citizens.

There literally is no advantage to
Allowing Illegal Immigration in any country.

Our Jails may be better than living on dirty South American streets. 3 meals, they fit in the bed, medical, pillow, blankets, sheets, clothes, commisary, TV, Library, parks, weights, training, counseling........who knows what they get? To avoid cruel and unusual......is costly. $30K? $50K in CA? $75K for older or those who must be segregated?

It is maddening.

Correct, but it's the Republicans fault we have the highest percentage of our population locked up behind bars than any other industrialized nation in the world. Just ask any Democrat and they will tell you.
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

It’s there. Look in your community first. Go to your sheriffs report and start there. You should start seeing a bunch of wet backs with names like John Smith and such in there for indecent exposure or child molestation. It’s there. John Lott on the show you used used prision data from Arizona.

That would still be guessing. I'm beginning to wonder if they don't include legal status at all in the police report, court records or charges.

Trust me, this cover-up bullshit is all by design....probably ordered by King Onegro and all his filth.
Southern Mexifornia news agencies refuse to report any criminal as an illegal even though half of all wetbacks here are illegal and our local news is Wetbacks Gone Wild every single night...almost no white people make the news here...I don’t think white people break the law in Mexifornia anymore...you’d think you’re watching news from Mexico.

After the Medoza interview Laura had some guy on who has been studying this for decades. Even he had to admit that it's impossible to get those stats.

The one with John Lott? He used data from Arizona DOC He did admit that it could be off by as much as 10%, but pointed out that it doesn’t really change the numbers much. Let me try and find the thing.
Our Jails may be better than living on dirty South American streets. 3 meals, they fit in the bed, medical, pillow, blankets, sheets, clothes, commisary, TV, Library, parks, weights, training, counseling........who knows what they get? To avoid cruel and unusual......is costly. $30K? $50K in CA? $75K for older or those who must be segregated?

It is maddening.

If you knew you could illegally enter a wealthy nation, and that half the population would support you....even if you are a hardened criminal, and that if you committed a crime there, a free ride back home (deportation) would be your likely worst punishment....but even if you were incarcerated, you would enjoy a lifestyle more lavish and luxurious than any hope you could ever have had in your best conditions back how.....what would you do?

The amount of rabid stupidity, bleeding heart follies and just plain bad decisions on the part of our leaders is the cancer that will do us in.
A lot of the crap is simply astronomically wrong.

But then, We The People are sitting back, passively allowing it.....so I guess we get what we deserve.
If you're deeply bothered by what's going on in America today.....

Fear not.....it WILL come to an end. The cancer facing America is terminal. Unfortunately, it's Rule of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional protections & freedoms that the cancer are destroying first.
it's probably not on the protocol list of mandatory description of the murderer such as race, gender, height, etc ....maybe there is no box for country from?
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

Ray, great question---------->

Like her or hate her, Ann Coulter had the same problem when writing her book, "Adios America." She could not get statistics on the question you asked, along with many others from a Google search, or any other free search she did either.

She ended up having to pay to some sort of government site to get the statistics, and those entered into her book she claims cost thousands of dollars to acquire, since each search cost money.

Now her suppositions extrapolated from the numerical facts, people can agree or disagree with. But going back on youtube to watch her pressers and interviews, in virtually every one of them she offers to the host to show her facts and figures are wrong. Nobody did, they just attacked the messenger. Therefore, all I can glean from that is her facts and charts are accurate, and that they need to call her names to deflect from those facts to make the case.
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

Ray, great question---------->

Like her or hate her, Ann Coulter had the same problem when writing her book, "Adios America." She could not get statistics on the question you asked, along with many others from a Google search, or any other free search she did either.

She ended up having to pay to some sort of government site to get the statistics, and those entered into her book she claims cost thousands of dollars to acquire, since each search cost money.

Now her suppositions extrapolated from the numerical facts, people can agree or disagree with. But going back on youtube to watch her pressers and interviews, in virtually every one of them she offers to the host to show her facts and figures are wrong. Nobody did, they just attacked the messenger. Therefore, all I can glean from that is her facts and charts are accurate, and that they need to call her names to deflect from those facts to make the case.

The lack of statistics benefit both sides. One can make a claim of having such statistics while the other can claim it isn't possible. However because there is no data, you can't prove the accuser is wrong either.

Unless what I suspect is wrong, it seems that such data would be easy to get UNLESS it's omitted in the criminal charge and penalty.
it's probably not on the protocol list of mandatory description of the murderer such as race, gender, height, etc ....maybe there is no box for country from?

That's what I'm thinking. It may be somewhere in the lengthy report, but who has time to look at every single murder case in the United States? It should be right on the file label in the file cabinet and even have it's own separate folder.
Our Jails may be better than living on dirty South American streets. 3 meals, they fit in the bed, medical, pillow, blankets, sheets, clothes, commisary, TV, Library, parks, weights, training, counseling........who knows what they get? To avoid cruel and unusual......is costly. $30K? $50K in CA? $75K for older or those who must be segregated?

It is maddening.

If you knew you could illegally enter a wealthy nation, and that half the population would support you....even if you are a hardened criminal, and that if you committed a crime there, a free ride back home (deportation) would be your likely worst punishment....but even if you were incarcerated, you would enjoy a lifestyle more lavish and luxurious than any hope you could ever have had in your best conditions back how.....what would you do?

The amount of rabid stupidity, bleeding heart follies and just plain bad decisions on the part of our leaders is the cancer that will do us in.
A lot of the crap is simply astronomically wrong.

But then, We The People are sitting back, passively allowing it.....so I guess we get what we deserve.

That's correct unless you can get that prison term before committing a crime.

If it were up to me, anybody caught here illegally should face a five year minimum prison sentence. We wouldn't need a wall, no debates, no spending. Just a simple law that would put the fear of God in anybody wanting to come or stay here illegally.
Watching the Laura Ingraham show this evening, she was interviewing Mary Ann Mendoza who's son was killed in the line of duty as a police officer by an illegal.

Mendoza made a claim that I found fascinating. Her claim was that more people in the US are murdered every year by illegals than those who died in 911. Curious about her claim, I searched it out.

I found very little to support her statement. Even Politafact and Fox admitted that no such data is available. Okay, my question is why?

With our technology and communications today, one would think that such information would be readily available. In fact I was expecting to see hundreds of hits after I entered the key words in the search field.

I'm not much of a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that information so easy to compile would be available to us, especially given Trump's stand on immigration and the debates before us.

Maybe what Trump should do to gain support for his immigration policies is to create a way to collect this data. If he could and it proves Ms Mendoza's claim correct that more Americans are murdered by illegals every year than 911, would liberals still oppose his immigration efforts?

It’s there. Look in your community first. Go to your sheriffs report and start there. You should start seeing a bunch of wet backs with names like John Smith and such in there for indecent exposure or child molestation. It’s there. John Lott on the show you used used prision data from Arizona.

That would still be guessing. I'm beginning to wonder if they don't include legal status at all in the police report, court records or charges.

Trust me, this cover-up bullshit is all by design....probably ordered by King Onegro and all his filth.
Southern Mexifornia news agencies refuse to report any criminal as an illegal even though half of all wetbacks here are illegal and our local news is Wetbacks Gone Wild every single night...almost no white people make the news here...I don’t think white people break the law in Mexifornia anymore...you’d think you’re watching news from Mexico.

After the Medoza interview Laura had some guy on who has been studying this for decades. Even he had to admit that it's impossible to get those stats.

The one with John Lott? He used data from Arizona DOC He did admit that it could be off by as much as 10%, but pointed out that it doesn’t really change the numbers much. Let me try and find the thing.

Arizona is a state highly populated by illegals. I would like to see data for the entire country.

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