why not just sit on your butt and pray?

Pearls before swine, child. Your synapses are on a permanent cease fire.

Why do you think that Christian fundies have repeatedly been blocked from forcing their religion into public schools? The reason has connections to the US Constitution.

The ID'iots are Christian fundies who market their re-titled, re-named religious dogma under different titles.

/shrugs......does that change the fact that I have again proved you wrong?.....it isn't the "fundies" who use the courts to impose their beliefs on others......

You actually proved the goals of Christian fundies - to impose their dogma on the public school system.

The Dover case (and it is just one of many), amply proved that ID is nothing but a theological attempt to put christianity into the public schools. The goals of the Disco'tute and others like them are to reform society and government into a more theocratic arrangement, intolerant of non-Christians or Christians who do not agree with them, and imposing their concept of "morality" upon the population.

NOVA | Intelligent Design on Trial

U.S. District Court Judge John E. Jones III ultimately decided for the plaintiffs, writing in his decision that intelligent design "cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents." As part of his decision, Judge Jones ordered the Dover school board to pay legal fees and damages, which were eventually set at $1 million.

YAWN; more anti-religious babble weakly disguised as intelligent debate. screaming at the top of your lungs at every instance of a majority's desires to practice their fait; or express it, EVEN IN apublic setting. only reveals your own intolerance

it is freedom of religion; not freedom from religion
Pearls before swine, child. Your synapses are on a permanent cease fire.

Why do you think that Christian fundies have repeatedly been blocked from forcing their religion into public schools? The reason has connections to the US Constitution.

The ID'iots are Christian fundies who market their re-titled, re-named religious dogma under different titles.

/shrugs......does that change the fact that I have again proved you wrong?.....it isn't the "fundies" who use the courts to impose their beliefs on others......

anti-religious zealots ARE fundies. they have their own dogma, which they defend rabidly.
they are as extreme in the way the see everything as some kind slight or offense against them as Muslim fanatics are.

How idiotic that these idiots see every instance of Christians celebrating their faith as an attempt to "shove religion down" their throats?

Where is anyone stopping you from celebrating your faith?
/shrugs......does that change the fact that I have again proved you wrong?.....it isn't the "fundies" who use the courts to impose their beliefs on others......

You actually proved the goals of Christian fundies - to impose their dogma on the public school system.

The Dover case (and it is just one of many), amply proved that ID is nothing but a theological attempt to put christianity into the public schools. The goals of the Disco'tute and others like them are to reform society and government into a more theocratic arrangement, intolerant of non-Christians or Christians who do not agree with them, and imposing their concept of "morality" upon the population.

NOVA | Intelligent Design on Trial

U.S. District Court Judge John E. Jones III ultimately decided for the plaintiffs, writing in his decision that intelligent design "cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents." As part of his decision, Judge Jones ordered the Dover school board to pay legal fees and damages, which were eventually set at $1 million.

YAWN; more anti-religious babble weakly disguised as intelligent debate. screaming at the top of your lungs at every instance of a majority's desires to practice their fait; or express it, EVEN IN apublic setting. only reveals your own intolerance

it is freedom of religion; not freedom from religion

I noticed you were unable to actually address a single point.

Where are you prevented from expressing your religious belief in public?
Pearls before swine, child. Your synapses are on a permanent cease fire.

Why do you think that Christian fundies have repeatedly been blocked from forcing their religion into public schools? The reason has connections to the US Constitution.

The ID'iots are Christian fundies who market their re-titled, re-named religious dogma under different titles.

/shrugs......does that change the fact that I have again proved you wrong?.....it isn't the "fundies" who use the courts to impose their beliefs on others......

You actually proved the goals of Christian fundies - to impose their dogma on the public school system.

The Dover case (and it is just one of many), amply proved that ID is nothing but a theological attempt to put christianity into the public schools. The goals of the Disco'tute and others like them are to reform society and government into a more theocratic arrangement, intolerant of non-Christians or Christians who do not agree with them, and imposing their concept of "morality" upon the population.

NOVA | Intelligent Design on Trial

U.S. District Court Judge John E. Jones III ultimately decided for the plaintiffs, writing in his decision that intelligent design "cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents." As part of his decision, Judge Jones ordered the Dover school board to pay legal fees and damages, which were eventually set at $1 million.

How does mentioning other theories exist impose dogma?
/shrugs......does that change the fact that I have again proved you wrong?.....it isn't the "fundies" who use the courts to impose their beliefs on others......

anti-religious zealots ARE fundies. they have their own dogma, which they defend rabidly.
they are as extreme in the way the see everything as some kind slight or offense against them as Muslim fanatics are.

How idiotic that these idiots see every instance of Christians celebrating their faith as an attempt to "shove religion down" their throats?

Where is anyone stopping you from celebrating your faith?

yes; there are more attempts to stop people from practicing their faith; than there are examples of religin being "shoved down" people's throats.

in one recent example a teacher said students could not pray or thank God for graduating or passing their final exams
that's obviously the answer to anything

Prayer isn't necessarily an answer as much as it is a communication. Sometimes a prayer is a request for an answer or a plea for direction. Sometimes prayers are in the form of "thank you" or praise during worship. Prayer often times brings with it a calming effect, comfort, and hope to the person praying especially if he or she is going through a difficult time.

Many years ago (a couple of years after I turned to Christ) I began to question whether or not Christ was hearing or answering my prayers. I voiced my concern to my sister who, at the time, was sort of my Christian mentor. She bought me a prayer journal. It was basically divided like a calendar in book form. I would simply write down what I prayed for on a particular day then put my prayers in God's hands. Several months later I started to re-read what I had written and was amazed by how many of my prayers had been answered.

Sometimes the answer to prayers isn't immediately apparent and sometimes the answer isn't exactly what you expect it to be but it's always plain to see the wisdom in the answer.
/shrugs......does that change the fact that I have again proved you wrong?.....it isn't the "fundies" who use the courts to impose their beliefs on others......

You actually proved the goals of Christian fundies - to impose their dogma on the public school system.

The Dover case (and it is just one of many), amply proved that ID is nothing but a theological attempt to put christianity into the public schools. The goals of the Disco'tute and others like them are to reform society and government into a more theocratic arrangement, intolerant of non-Christians or Christians who do not agree with them, and imposing their concept of "morality" upon the population.

NOVA | Intelligent Design on Trial

U.S. District Court Judge John E. Jones III ultimately decided for the plaintiffs, writing in his decision that intelligent design "cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents." As part of his decision, Judge Jones ordered the Dover school board to pay legal fees and damages, which were eventually set at $1 million.

How does mentioning other theories exist impose dogma?

Look at the judge's decision just above your comment.
You actually proved the goals of Christian fundies - to impose their dogma on the public school system.

The Dover case (and it is just one of many), amply proved that ID is nothing but a theological attempt to put christianity into the public schools. The goals of the Disco'tute and others like them are to reform society and government into a more theocratic arrangement, intolerant of non-Christians or Christians who do not agree with them, and imposing their concept of "morality" upon the population.

NOVA | Intelligent Design on Trial

U.S. District Court Judge John E. Jones III ultimately decided for the plaintiffs, writing in his decision that intelligent design "cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents." As part of his decision, Judge Jones ordered the Dover school board to pay legal fees and damages, which were eventually set at $1 million.

YAWN; more anti-religious babble weakly disguised as intelligent debate. screaming at the top of your lungs at every instance of a majority's desires to practice their fait; or express it, EVEN IN apublic setting. only reveals your own intolerance

it is freedom of religion; not freedom from religion

I noticed you were unable to actually address a single point.

Where are you prevented from expressing your religious belief in public?

yawn. you arent making any points. you have one case; an it is irrelevant to the larger issue of animosity toward religion by people like you
YAWN; more anti-religious babble weakly disguised as intelligent debate. screaming at the top of your lungs at every instance of a majority's desires to practice their fait; or express it, EVEN IN apublic setting. only reveals your own intolerance

it is freedom of religion; not freedom from religion

I noticed you were unable to actually address a single point.

Where are you prevented from expressing your religious belief in public?

yawn. you arent making any points. you have one case; an it is irrelevant to the larger issue of animosity toward religion by people like you

And again, you backpeddle when required to support your specious claims. Not surprising.

In spite of your rage directed at science and those who don't accept your goals of bringing religious dogma into public schools, it's clear your anger is actually a result of frustration with a lack of credible support for your beliefs in magic and supernaturalism. Creationist can offer no explanations of how life developed on the planet (other than magic). They have found no physical evidence for any of their gawds. Very simply, creationism is nothing more than a window dressing for fundamentalist christianity.

You do understand that we are a nation of laws, right? Have you read the constitution and multiple legal rulings rejecting the introduction of "creationism", ie: Christianity in a burqa, into the public schools?

How about ten court cases vs. one?

Ten Major Court Cases about Evolution and Creationism | NCSE
You actually proved the goals of Christian fundies - to impose their dogma on the public school system.

The Dover case (and it is just one of many), amply proved that ID is nothing but a theological attempt to put christianity into the public schools. The goals of the Disco'tute and others like them are to reform society and government into a more theocratic arrangement, intolerant of non-Christians or Christians who do not agree with them, and imposing their concept of "morality" upon the population.

NOVA | Intelligent Design on Trial

U.S. District Court Judge John E. Jones III ultimately decided for the plaintiffs, writing in his decision that intelligent design "cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents." As part of his decision, Judge Jones ordered the Dover school board to pay legal fees and damages, which were eventually set at $1 million.

How does mentioning other theories exist impose dogma?

Look at the judge's decision just above your comment.

So you don't know.
How does mentioning other theories exist impose dogma?

Look at the judge's decision just above your comment.

So you don't know.

So you didn't read the judge's ruling.

To spell it out for you, creationism is not a scientific theory. It's an appeal to religion.

You being in denial and refusing to read the relevant details of the ruling is no excuse for maintaining ignorance.

There is no requirement for "belief" in science. Scientists do not "believe" in evolution so much as accept it as the inevitable and inescapable conclusion which is drawn from the evidence. Evolution is not a religion. Religion, as admitted by its adherents, does not change- it is an unchanging and inerrant guide. Evolution makes no such claim. It is certainly not unchanging (no scientific subject is immune to change) and makes no claims to being inerrant (as our methods and technology improve, so our theories more closely represent reality). Evolution remains to be the inference of the available evidence, whether you choose to accept it or not. Evolution is in no danger of being "overturned" by creationism.

Ten Major Court Cases about Evolution and Creationism | NCSE
So somehow acknowledging other theories, forces dogma onto people because there might be a religious element to other theories? I know what the judge wrote and what you're saying. But it's complete nonsense.

I could point to theories Muslims might believe, am i suddenly supporting Islamic dogma?

In school we discussed how the ancient greeks and the norse believed the world was created. Are you seriously suggestion we should stop reading anything that mentions the greek and norse gods and more specifically their creation myths, because it promotes dogma? Are you seriously suggesting that evolution can't stand on it's own merits and we need to ban every alternative theory from existence or people might start believing Ice Giants roamed the world?

You people are so freaking insecure with your beliefs and so intolerant of others. Grow the heck up.
So somehow acknowledging other theories, forces dogma onto people because there might be a religious element to other theories? I know what the judge wrote and what you're saying. But it's complete nonsense.

I could point to theories Muslims might believe, am i suddenly supporting Islamic dogma?

In school we discussed how the ancient greeks and the norse believed the world was created. Are you seriously suggestion we should stop reading anything that mentions the greek and norse gods and more specifically their creation myths, because it promotes dogma? Are you seriously suggesting that evolution can't stand on it's own merits and we need to ban every alternative theory from existence or people might start believing Ice Giants roamed the world?

You people are so freaking insecure with your beliefs and so intolerant of others. Grow the heck up.

What you continue to sidestep is the obvious understanding and continued determination by public testimony before the courts is that “creation science” isn't a science at all. When reviewing the backgrounds of the most vocal proponents of “creation science”, they inevitably have connections with one or more of the Christian ministries hawking their wares.

It’s actually laughable how the Christian creationist purveyors have revised and re-branded Christian fundamentalism as “creationism”, “intelligent design” and even “intelligent design creationism”. It seems that each time the Christian fundamentalists are given the Bum’s Rush out of court in another failed attempt to introduce fundamentalist Christianity into the public school system, they slap a new name on their fundamentalist beliefs.

The insecurity is yours. You have an insensate need and some perverse sense of entitlement to force your dogma into the public schools via “creationism” even though it’s been ruled as unconstitutional. The courts have issued rulings tediously and frequently identifying the dishonest and illegal efforts of Christian creationist ministries.

You always have the option of rounding up your Christian militias and storming the doors of the public schools – bibles in hand.

By "you people", I'm guessing that was your attempt to denigrate anyone who respects the constitution, the law, and is not an adherent to your brand of fundamentalism.

How typical of cults to separate those of the cult and those on the outside who are a threat to the cult's goals.
Pearls before swine, child. Your synapses are on a permanent cease fire.

Why do you think that Christian fundies have repeatedly been blocked from forcing their religion into public schools? The reason has connections to the US Constitution.

The ID'iots are Christian fundies who market their re-titled, re-named religious dogma under different titles.

/shrugs......does that change the fact that I have again proved you wrong?.....it isn't the "fundies" who use the courts to impose their beliefs on others......

You actually proved the goals of Christian fundies - to impose their dogma on the public school system.

and yet, it was you that forced your dogma on the public school system by court action, when the public school system made a choice, out of the entire curriculum, to spend less than a minute reading a statement which mentioned some had a different opinion than you.....
/shrugs......does that change the fact that I have again proved you wrong?.....it isn't the "fundies" who use the courts to impose their beliefs on others......

You actually proved the goals of Christian fundies - to impose their dogma on the public school system.

and yet, it was you that forced your dogma on the public school system by court action, when the public school system made a choice, out of the entire curriculum, to spend less than a minute reading a statement which mentioned some had a different opinion than you.....

Your comment is ridiculous.

Firstly, it was not me who ruled it was unconstitutional to present religious dogma in the public schools. It was the courts. You know, the courts which are a part of government charged with upholding the law.

Secondly, you continue to insist that your religious dogma is required some special dispensation from the law. What a cross to bear - that religious fundamentalists are required to follow the law.
To spell it out for you, creationism is not a scientific theory.

neither is abiogenesis.....can teachers read a statement in ninth grade classrooms indicating some people believe it to be true or is that prohibited also......

More of what you struggle with as you don't even understand the terms you're describing.

Just to prevent you from derailing your own argument, creationism is not a scientific theory. Creationism is Christian dogma as an attempt to smuggle a contrived, amateurish attempt at a credible argument under a veneer science.

As a legitimate scientific theory, creationism is a fraud and the courts have issued that ruling repeatedly. Your insistence that Christianity be allowed in the public schools under the ridiculous title of "creationism" is phony, contrived and dishonest. Your heroes at the various Christian creationist ministries don’t see it as important whether they present facts or not. If they choose to further opinions and press a religious agenda, that’s their choosing. However, don’t make the mistake that the opinions of religious fundamentalists are not fostered under the umbrella of a bias and a bigotry firmly in place. The prejudices and preconceptions have earned “creation science” only ridicule and condemnation from the relevant science community. That is probably the greatest indictment against your creation ministries and the foul odor they have cast upon the science disciplines.
To spell it out for you, creationism is not a scientific theory.

neither is abiogenesis.....can teachers read a statement in ninth grade classrooms indicating some people believe it to be true or is that prohibited also......

More of what you struggle with as you don't even understand the terms you're describing.

Just to prevent you from derailing your own argument, creationism is not a scientific theory.

note: I didn't say it was....I said abiogenesis wasn't.....
It was the courts. You know, the courts which are a part of government charged with upholding the law.

and yet, earlier you were pretending it was the religious fundies who used the courts to enforce their beliefs on schools......and here we are, seeing that its you after all.....
neither is abiogenesis.....can teachers read a statement in ninth grade classrooms indicating some people believe it to be true or is that prohibited also......

More of what you struggle with as you don't even understand the terms you're describing.

Just to prevent you from derailing your own argument, creationism is not a scientific theory.

note: I didn't say it was....I said abiogenesis wasn't.....

Abiogenesis is a theory that can be held to the strictures of the scientific method.

How is the scientific method applied against supernaturalism?

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