why not just sit on your butt and pray?

Why is it always the religious illiterates who have to take loudmouthed stands like this?

Prayer doesn't change God, guano, it changes me.

That's just it. People don't realize prayer is supposed to change us.

They want to change God and God knows what is best for us and God doesn't change though He can answer our prayers.

If your god already knows why all the groveling to him in the first place?

"The most ridiculous concept ever perpetrated by H. Sapiens is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of his creations, that he can be persuaded by their prayers, and becomes petulant if he does not receive this flattery. Yet this ridiculous notion, without one real shred of evidence to bolster it, has gone on to found one of the oldest, largest and least productive industries in history."
..........Robert A. Heinlein
that's obviously the answer to anything

One of the least intelligent religious customs is that of prayer. It is customary for religious congregations to pray in a loud voice or for the priest or preacher to pray in a loud voice, usually asking their god for favors.

If the christian god were an all intelligent god, he would know what people wanted and what was good for them before they themselves developed the idea of asking for something.

As a general rule, people pray for things they expect to "chisel" out of the deity, that is, they pray for something for nothing. One group prays for rain, another group who feels that rain will injure their crops about to be harvested, will pray for a dry spell. Each man often wants something that will be at the expense of others.

I often pray for the ability to keep poor fools like you in the proper perspective where you belong, marginalized and meaningless. I pray for your kind as well, may God have mercy on you and forgive you your arrogance.
that's obviously the answer to anything

One of the least intelligent religious customs is that of prayer. It is customary for religious congregations to pray in a loud voice or for the priest or preacher to pray in a loud voice, usually asking their god for favors.

If the christian god were an all intelligent god, he would know what people wanted and what was good for them before they themselves developed the idea of asking for something.

As a general rule, people pray for things they expect to "chisel" out of the deity, that is, they pray for something for nothing. One group prays for rain, another group who feels that rain will injure their crops about to be harvested, will pray for a dry spell. Each man often wants something that will be at the expense of others.

I often pray for the ability to keep poor fools like you in the proper perspective where you belong, marginalized and meaningless. I pray for your kind as well, may God have mercy on you and forgive you your arrogance.

Ah, the angry, self-hating fundie using his gawds as a weapon.

How, um... stereotypical.
One of the least intelligent religious customs is that of prayer. It is customary for religious congregations to pray in a loud voice or for the priest or preacher to pray in a loud voice, usually asking their god for favors.

If the christian god were an all intelligent god, he would know what people wanted and what was good for them before they themselves developed the idea of asking for something.

As a general rule, people pray for things they expect to "chisel" out of the deity, that is, they pray for something for nothing. One group prays for rain, another group who feels that rain will injure their crops about to be harvested, will pray for a dry spell. Each man often wants something that will be at the expense of others.

I often pray for the ability to keep poor fools like you in the proper perspective where you belong, marginalized and meaningless. I pray for your kind as well, may God have mercy on you and forgive you your arrogance.

Ah, the angry, self-hating fundie using his gawds as a weapon.

How, um... stereotypical.

I think I have a stalker! :eek:
I often pray for the ability to keep poor fools like you in the proper perspective where you belong, marginalized and meaningless. I pray for your kind as well, may God have mercy on you and forgive you your arrogance.

Ah, the angry, self-hating fundie using his gawds as a weapon.

How, um... stereotypical.

I think I have a stalker! :eek:

You're just too befuddled to offer a coherent comment.
One of the least intelligent religious customs is that of prayer. It is customary for religious congregations to pray in a loud voice or for the priest or preacher to pray in a loud voice, usually asking their god for favors.

If the christian god were an all intelligent god, he would know what people wanted and what was good for them before they themselves developed the idea of asking for something.

As a general rule, people pray for things they expect to "chisel" out of the deity, that is, they pray for something for nothing. One group prays for rain, another group who feels that rain will injure their crops about to be harvested, will pray for a dry spell. Each man often wants something that will be at the expense of others.

I often pray for the ability to keep poor fools like you in the proper perspective where you belong, marginalized and meaningless. I pray for your kind as well, may God have mercy on you and forgive you your arrogance.

Ah, the angry, self-hating fundie using his gawds as a weapon.

How, um... stereotypical.

you're just jealous, 'cuz you're stuck with using the courts....."Somebody stop them!.....I heard them say gawd and it buuurns!".......
I often pray for the ability to keep poor fools like you in the proper perspective where you belong, marginalized and meaningless. I pray for your kind as well, may God have mercy on you and forgive you your arrogance.

Ah, the angry, self-hating fundie using his gawds as a weapon.

How, um... stereotypical.

you're just jealous, 'cuz you're stuck with using the courts....."Somebody stop them!.....I heard them say gawd and it buuurns!".......

You're continually befuddled. It's the religious fundies / ID'iots who have attempted to use the courts to force Christianity into the public school systems.

Read the kitzmiller vs. Dover decision. It was yet another humiliating loss for the fundies / ID'iots.
I often pray for the ability to keep poor fools like you in the proper perspective where you belong, marginalized and meaningless. I pray for your kind as well, may God have mercy on you and forgive you your arrogance.

Ah, the angry, self-hating fundie using his gawds as a weapon.

How, um... stereotypical.

you're just jealous, 'cuz you're stuck with using the courts....."Somebody stop them!.....I heard them say gawd and it buuurns!".......

Newby, "may God have mercy on you". Is that to say Newby knows who God is going to punish and he is hoping/asking that God does not punish that person, at least not too harshly. Words of one who still has much to learn of God.
Ah, the angry, self-hating fundie using his gawds as a weapon.

How, um... stereotypical.

you're just jealous, 'cuz you're stuck with using the courts....."Somebody stop them!.....I heard them say gawd and it buuurns!".......

You're continually befuddled. It's the religious fundies / ID'iots who have attempted to use the courts to force Christianity into the public school systems.

Read the kitzmiller vs. Dover decision. It was yet another humiliating loss for the fundies / ID'iots.

No one wants to force anything on you, let alone Christianity. Your sense of self importance is obviously way over blown.
Ah, the angry, self-hating fundie using his gawds as a weapon.

How, um... stereotypical.

you're just jealous, 'cuz you're stuck with using the courts....."Somebody stop them!.....I heard them say gawd and it buuurns!".......

Newby, "may God have mercy on you". Is that to say Newby knows who God is going to punish and he is hoping/asking that God does not punish that person, at least not too harshly. Words of one who still has much to learn of God.

How very mutually condescending of you. :lol: We all have much to learn of God.
Ah, the angry, self-hating fundie using his gawds as a weapon.

How, um... stereotypical.

you're just jealous, 'cuz you're stuck with using the courts....."Somebody stop them!.....I heard them say gawd and it buuurns!".......

You're continually befuddled. It's the religious fundies / ID'iots who have attempted to use the courts to force Christianity into the public school systems.

Read the kitzmiller vs. Dover decision. It was yet another humiliating loss for the fundies / ID'iots.

you realize, of course, that Kitzmiller was the plaintiff in that case, seeking to block the school board of Dover from permitting the mere mention of intelligent design....

Eleven parents of students in Dover, York County, Pennsylvania, near the city of York, sued the Dover Area School District over the school board requirement that a statement presenting intelligent design as "an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin's view" was to be read aloud in ninth-grade science classes when evolution was taught

that does a fair amount of damage to your argument....
If you accept Christ and do nothing to show for it, then you have taken the Lord's name in vain.
Vain- Not yielding the desired outcome; fruitless: a vain attempt. 2. Lacking substance or worth.

Nevertheless, we have no power. I can not convict someone, but I can pray that the Holy Spirit do so.
Some Christians are adept at intercession. Some pray without ceasing. Some never stop working.
Some manage to do all of the above. Bless their hearts for that.
However, if you never leave your bedroom, but pray for those in need, it will be counted to you as righteousness by your Father, and worthy of answering.

James 5:16 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
effectual=expecting results < (faith)
fervent=white hot
righteous man=confessed his sins before prayer, and has accepted the gift of Christ taking our place on the cross.
availeth much=gets results.

Being somewhat lazy, I prefer prayer on other's behalf, but try not to miss an opportunity to show the love of Christ toward someone in need.
Yet, on your butt prayer is effective on it's own merits. I could type till my fingers fall off trying to convince Hollie that she has a Father that loves her above all things. Or I could just ask God to touch her heart in His time, and know He will. I choose the path of less resistance. ;) The path more effective.

So, as far as just sitting and praying, Christ is sitting right now, next to our Father, interceding on our behalf. It is also a good thing. :)
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you're just jealous, 'cuz you're stuck with using the courts....."Somebody stop them!.....I heard them say gawd and it buuurns!".......

You're continually befuddled. It's the religious fundies / ID'iots who have attempted to use the courts to force Christianity into the public school systems.

Read the kitzmiller vs. Dover decision. It was yet another humiliating loss for the fundies / ID'iots.[/QUOTE]

you realize, of course, that Kitzmiller was the plaintiff in that case, seeking to block the school board of Dover from permitting the mere mention of intelligent design....
That's a bit of a stretch to suggest "the mere mention". The context was introducing Christianity under the guise of creationism.

Here's an extensive detailing of the case.

Kitzmiller v. Dover: Decision of the Court

From the article, here's something interesting

[This is the decision of the court in the Kitzmiller et al. v Dover Area School District et al. case. Judge John E. Jones III, who was nominated by President George W. Bush, made a very strong ruling against intelligent design. He ruled that it is creationism and is not science. He also ruled that members of Dover's school board lied under oath to hide their religious motivations. This archive also hosts transcripts of the trial. See the Dover index page.]

This was yet another humiliating defeat for Christian fundamentalists who have attempted to force religion into the public school system falsely labeled as 'creationism". Not surprisingly, the courts have repeatedly thrown out creationism as nothing more than Christian apologetics with a different title.

Eleven parents of students in Dover, York County, Pennsylvania, near the city of York, sued the Dover Area School District over the school board requirement that a statement presenting intelligent design as "an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin's view" was to be read aloud in ninth-grade science classes when evolution was taught

that does a fair amount of damage to your argument....

Not at all. As already noted, Christianity, under the guise of whatever false label, has met an unambiguous bootheel from the courts at every turn.

Your argument is no argument at all.
you're just jealous, 'cuz you're stuck with using the courts....."Somebody stop them!.....I heard them say gawd and it buuurns!".......

Newby, "may God have mercy on you". Is that to say Newby knows who God is going to punish and he is hoping/asking that God does not punish that person, at least not too harshly. Words of one who still has much to learn of God.

How very mutually condescending of you. :lol: We all have much to learn of God.

It is beneath me to argue about who is more condescending. ;) Yes, we do.
you're just jealous, 'cuz you're stuck with using the courts....."Somebody stop them!.....I heard them say gawd and it buuurns!".......

You're continually befuddled. It's the religious fundies / ID'iots who have attempted to use the courts to force Christianity into the public school systems.

Read the kitzmiller vs. Dover decision. It was yet another humiliating loss for the fundies / ID'iots.

you realize, of course, that Kitzmiller was the plaintiff in that case, seeking to block the school board of Dover from permitting the mere mention of intelligent design....
That's a bit of a stretch to suggest "the mere mention".

really?....what the Dover school board required was this....
a statement presenting intelligent design as "an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin's view" was to be read aloud in ninth-grade science classes when evolution was taught

one reading of a simple statement and the atheists freaked out and filed another fucking lawsuit.....
you're just jealous, 'cuz you're stuck with using the courts....."Somebody stop them!.....I heard them say gawd and it buuurns!".......

You're continually befuddled. It's the religious fundies / ID'iots who have attempted to use the courts to force Christianity into the public school systems.

Read the kitzmiller vs. Dover decision. It was yet another humiliating loss for the fundies / ID'iots.

That's a bit of a stretch to suggest "the mere mention".

really?....what the Dover school board required was this....
a statement presenting intelligent design as "an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin's view" was to be read aloud in ninth-grade science classes when evolution was taught

one reading of a simple statement and the atheists freaked out and filed another fucking lawsuit.....

Pearls before swine, child. Your synapses are on a permanent cease fire.

Why do you think that Christian fundies have repeatedly been blocked from forcing their religion into public schools? The reason has connections to the US Constitution.

The ID'iots are Christian fundies who market their re-titled, re-named religious dogma under different titles.
You're continually befuddled. It's the religious fundies / ID'iots who have attempted to use the courts to force Christianity into the public school systems.

Read the kitzmiller vs. Dover decision. It was yet another humiliating loss for the fundies / ID'iots.

That's a bit of a stretch to suggest "the mere mention".

really?....what the Dover school board required was this....
a statement presenting intelligent design as "an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin's view" was to be read aloud in ninth-grade science classes when evolution was taught

one reading of a simple statement and the atheists freaked out and filed another fucking lawsuit.....

Pearls before swine, child. Your synapses are on a permanent cease fire.

Why do you think that Christian fundies have repeatedly been blocked from forcing their religion into public schools? The reason has connections to the US Constitution.

The ID'iots are Christian fundies who market their re-titled, re-named religious dogma under different titles.

/shrugs......does that change the fact that I have again proved you wrong?.....it isn't the "fundies" who use the courts to impose their beliefs on others......
really?....what the Dover school board required was this....

one reading of a simple statement and the atheists freaked out and filed another fucking lawsuit.....

Pearls before swine, child. Your synapses are on a permanent cease fire.

Why do you think that Christian fundies have repeatedly been blocked from forcing their religion into public schools? The reason has connections to the US Constitution.

The ID'iots are Christian fundies who market their re-titled, re-named religious dogma under different titles.

/shrugs......does that change the fact that I have again proved you wrong?.....it isn't the "fundies" who use the courts to impose their beliefs on others......

anti-religious zealots ARE fundies. they have their own dogma, which they defend rabidly.
they are as extreme in the way the see everything as some kind slight or offense against them as Muslim fanatics are.

How idiotic that these idiots see every instance of Christians celebrating their faith as an attempt to "shove religion down" their throats?
really?....what the Dover school board required was this....

one reading of a simple statement and the atheists freaked out and filed another fucking lawsuit.....

Pearls before swine, child. Your synapses are on a permanent cease fire.

Why do you think that Christian fundies have repeatedly been blocked from forcing their religion into public schools? The reason has connections to the US Constitution.

The ID'iots are Christian fundies who market their re-titled, re-named religious dogma under different titles.

/shrugs......does that change the fact that I have again proved you wrong?.....it isn't the "fundies" who use the courts to impose their beliefs on others......

You actually proved the goals of Christian fundies - to impose their dogma on the public school system.

The Dover case (and it is just one of many), amply proved that ID is nothing but a theological attempt to put christianity into the public schools. The goals of the Disco'tute and others like them are to reform society and government into a more theocratic arrangement, intolerant of non-Christians or Christians who do not agree with them, and imposing their concept of "morality" upon the population.

NOVA | Intelligent Design on Trial

U.S. District Court Judge John E. Jones III ultimately decided for the plaintiffs, writing in his decision that intelligent design "cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents." As part of his decision, Judge Jones ordered the Dover school board to pay legal fees and damages, which were eventually set at $1 million.

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