Why not move to Cuba or France if you want socialism?

Yup, the times when women could not vote, tribal Native Americans were not citizens, African Americans and Hispanics were encouraged at the point of the knife and the rasp of the rope to not vote, workers could not protect their rights, and until 1865, states' rights mean the right to own human beings.

Remember how we rsn surpluses for years on end and even paid off the entire national debt once a long time ago when government was limited and there was no federal income tax.
Yup, the times when women could not vote, tribal Native Americans were not citizens, African Americans and Hispanics were encouraged at the point of the knife and the rasp of the rope to not vote, workers could not protect their rights, and until 1865, states' rights mean the right to own human beings.

Remember how we rsn surpluses for years on end and even paid off the entire national debt once a long time ago when government was limited and there was no federal income tax.

You are complaining about problems that have nothing to do with what I said. Aren't you the guy who keeps spouting off about the infallible constitution and founding fathers? Strange you would now slander their construction.
I am the guy who is correcting silly libertarians pontifications. "Slander" means verbal defamation, "libel" is written defamation. You are the one who is miscasting the founders' creations. You wish to go back to the bad ways, while we are recasting the Founders' visions in good ways. Get on board, or get left.
I am the guy who is correcting silly libertarians pontifications. "Slander" means verbal defamation, "libel" is written defamation. You are the one who is miscasting the founders' creations. You wish to go back to the bad ways, while we are recasting the Founders' visions in good ways. Get on board, or get left.

You're talking but you're not saying anything
Yup, the times when women could not vote, tribal Native Americans were not citizens, African Americans and Hispanics were encouraged at the point of the knife and the rasp of the rope to not vote, workers could not protect their rights, and until 1865, states' rights mean the right to own human beings.

Remember how we rsn surpluses for years on end and even paid off the entire national debt once a long time ago when government was limited and there was no federal income tax.

We never had as much national debt as we did under the founding fathers. During the Revolution, they did not pull the plug once we ran out of money
Why move? Everything's is free here, to be paid for by future generations.

Than maybe if the government offered a free relocation program with every free cell phone we could that care of that problem. Would be cheaper in the long run.
Fidel Castro put it rather well when he said, "We often hear about the failure of socialism. What about the failure of capitalism in Latin America and Africa?'

The closest approximation of democratic socialism can be found in Scandinavia. The Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland have lower unemployment rates than the United States:


They have less public debt as a percentage of gross domestic product:


Most of the countries that retain AAA ratings with Standard & Poor's and Moody's have Social Democratic economies.

As the U.S. Leaves, Who's Left Among Countries with Both Moody's, S&P AAA Ratings? | H...

You've got to be kidding me.

The United States of America were responsible for the greatest period of growth and innovation the world has ever seen; all during a period of predominantly pure capitalism.

We often hear about the failure of socialism because it is a failure. And Fidel Castro is the least qualified to make that remark. It's laughable that you'd even quote him. If he knows how to execute socialism properly, why is Cuba a complete wasteland?

I do not care for the Cuban dictatorship, but I do not think it is any worse than a number of dictatorships the United States supported during the Cold War. In Cuba there is universal health care and free public education all the way to the doctorate level. The standard of living in Cuba compares favorably with the standard of living elsewhere in Latin America, and that is the relevant comparison.

The relevant comparison with the United States is the countries of Scandinavia. As I pointed in many respects those countries out perform the United States.
Fidel Castro put it rather well when he said, "We often hear about the failure of socialism. What about the failure of capitalism in Latin America and Africa?'

The closest approximation of democratic socialism can be found in Scandinavia. The Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland have lower unemployment rates than the United States:


They have less public debt as a percentage of gross domestic product:


Most of the countries that retain AAA ratings with Standard & Poor's and Moody's have Social Democratic economies.

As the U.S. Leaves, Who's Left Among Countries with Both Moody's, S&P AAA Ratings? | H...

You've got to be kidding me.

The United States of America were responsible for the greatest period of growth and innovation the world has ever seen; all during a period of predominantly pure capitalism.

We often hear about the failure of socialism because it is a failure. And Fidel Castro is the least qualified to make that remark. It's laughable that you'd even quote him. If he knows how to execute socialism properly, why is Cuba a complete wasteland?

I do not care for the Cuban dictatorship, but I do not think it is any worse than a number of dictatorships the United States supported during the Cold War. In Cuba there is universal health care and free public education all the way to the doctorate level. The standard of living in Cuba compares favorably with the standard of living elsewhere in Latin America, and that is the relevant comparison.

The relevant comparison with the United States is the countries of Scandinavia. As I pointed in many respects those countries out perform the United States.

Really, so tell me Vern, why are cubans willing to risk their lives in the Florida straits by leaving the island on anything that floats?

Gaze upon the horrible face of universal healthcare and socialism......

Looks like a lot of Americans moving to Cuba and France

All those who received a free public school education, everyone on Social Security, those who claim aid to dependent children, veterans,

Who is going to be left?

Who is going to pay the bills? That wasn't a flip smartass question, who do you think is going to endup with enormous gov't interest payments and debts?

Just like any country, we all pay the bills and we all benefit

We survive much better in a society as a whole than we do as a bunch of individuals

You really think we're all paying the bills? There's a sizeable number of people who aren't paying anything. Not sure we're all benefiting equally either. And BTW, we're not paying ALL the bills, there's a trillion dollar plus deficit that we're running up every year, and we're north of 16 trillion in debt. Which is what I was getting at, who's going to pay that off? You do realize that sooner or later the interest rate on that debt is going to go up, right? May not be for awhile, maybe a decade or more. And in the meantime we're spending more money that we don't have and increasing that debt and the resulting interest expense. Somebody is going to have to pay the piper; you and me, we might be dead and gone by then, but eventually that reality will arrive. And the longer it goes, the worse it will be when the shit hits the fan.
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Who is going to pay the bills? That wasn't a flip smartass question, who do you think is going to endup with enormous gov't interest payments and debts?

Just like any country, we all pay the bills and we all benefit

We survive much better in a society as a whole than we do as a bunch of individuals

You really think we're all paying the bills? There's a sizeable number of people who aren't paying anything. Not sure we're all benefiting equally either. And BTW, we're not paying ALL the bills, there's a trillion dollar plus deficit that we're running up every year, and we're north of 16 trillion in debt. Which is what I was getting at, who's going to pay that off? You do realize that sooner or later the interest rate on that debt is going to go up, right? May not be for awhile, maybe a decade or more. And in the meantime we're spending more money that we don't have and increasing that debt and the resulting interest expense. Somebody is going to have to pay the piper; you and me, we might be dead and gone by then, but eventually that reality will arrive. And the longer it goes, the worse it will be when the shit hits the fan.

That is the way things are with any collective endevour. Some people pay more than others, some receive more than others. But, for the most part, everyone does better than they would as individuals. Schools are like that, police and fire protection are like that....insurance companies live off of that

We have debt because Americans are lazy and selfish. The voters want low taxes and many benefits....politicians are too timid to tell them no.
Just like any country, we all pay the bills and we all benefit

We survive much better in a society as a whole than we do as a bunch of individuals

You really think we're all paying the bills? There's a sizeable number of people who aren't paying anything. Not sure we're all benefiting equally either. And BTW, we're not paying ALL the bills, there's a trillion dollar plus deficit that we're running up every year, and we're north of 16 trillion in debt. Which is what I was getting at, who's going to pay that off? You do realize that sooner or later the interest rate on that debt is going to go up, right? May not be for awhile, maybe a decade or more. And in the meantime we're spending more money that we don't have and increasing that debt and the resulting interest expense. Somebody is going to have to pay the piper; you and me, we might be dead and gone by then, but eventually that reality will arrive. And the longer it goes, the worse it will be when the shit hits the fan.

That is the way things are with any collective endevour. Some people pay more than others, some receive more than others. But, for the most part, everyone does better than they would as individuals. Schools are like that, police and fire protection are like that....insurance companies live off of that

We have debt because Americans are lazy and selfish. The voters want low taxes and many benefits....politicians are too timid to tell them no.

Thank you, finally a logical post from you. Which is exactly why socialism won't work here. Americans are too "greedy" to work for the collective good.
I am not OKTEXAS but if I may.... you see... because it sounds perect, the last O of Mao catches up with the first O of Obama it joints beautifully! Lovely semantics there !:D

that would make sense if Obama was a communist, which he is not. To think that he is makes that person sound pretty stupid, doesnt it?

Obama wants to redistribute wealth, regardless of who made it, who earned it and who deserves it. That is just another way to say: To all, according to their needs.

Which is paraphrased from Karl Marx's book, "Das Kapital".

Which is communism. And anyone who subscribes to that is a communist.

Linclon was a communist?

In 1862, in order to support the Civil War effort, Congress enacted the nation's first income tax law. It was a forerunner of our modern income tax in that it was based on the principles of graduated, or progressive, taxation and of withholding income at the source. During the Civil War, a person earning from $600 to $10,000 per year paid tax at the rate of 3%. Those with incomes of more than $10,000 paid taxes at a higher rate. Additional sales and excise taxes were added, and an “inheritance” tax also made its debut.

Read more: History of the Income Tax in the United States — Infoplease.com History of the Income Tax in the United States — Infoplease.com
You've got to be kidding me.

The United States of America were responsible for the greatest period of growth and innovation the world has ever seen; all during a period of predominantly pure capitalism.

We often hear about the failure of socialism because it is a failure. And Fidel Castro is the least qualified to make that remark. It's laughable that you'd even quote him. If he knows how to execute socialism properly, why is Cuba a complete wasteland?

I do not care for the Cuban dictatorship, but I do not think it is any worse than a number of dictatorships the United States supported during the Cold War. In Cuba there is universal health care and free public education all the way to the doctorate level. The standard of living in Cuba compares favorably with the standard of living elsewhere in Latin America, and that is the relevant comparison.

The relevant comparison with the United States is the countries of Scandinavia. As I pointed in many respects those countries out perform the United States.

Really, so tell me Vern, why are cubans willing to risk their lives in the Florida straits by leaving the island on anything that floats?

Some Cubans, not the majority. And, what do you know about those who do?

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