Why Not Women Priests?

The Catholic Church has some strange priorities. Personally, I find it painful. I have a close woman friend who is a Catholic and has felt like she wanted to be a priest her whole life. She'd be a great one too.

Making a woman a priest is as sinful as abusing a child, the Roman Catholic Church declared yesterday.
url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1295012/Vatican-labels-ordination-women-grave-crime-par-sex-abuse.html?ito=feeds-newsxml]Vatican labels ordination of women a 'grave crime' on par with sex abuse | Mail Online[/url]
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Its about power.

Remember when christianity took hold it was up against the pagans...who worshiped the goddess. They were also trying to get away from the power of the idea that mary magdlinine was the wife of jesus. They needed to foster the idea that she was a tainted woman.

Its all about consolidating power and striping it from others that may challenge them for that power. Having a woman in a position of higher clergy would be to close to the goddess and the leadership of mary.

my 2 cents worth.
"We demand an end to misogyny in the Catholic Church.

We demand that the Vatican adopt reforms to transform church laws and practices to reflect transparency, accountability, justice and equality for all.
Roman Catholic Womenpriests believe that the document from the Vatican is intended to specifically scare off male priests who choose to walk in solidarity with us for justice for women in our church. Priests like Roy Bourgeois, Maryknoll priest of 38 years, founder of the School of the Americas Watch and 2010 nominee for the Nobel Prize for Peace. Bourgeois participated in the ordination of Janice Sevre-Duszynska in Lexington, Kentucky, on Aug. 9, 2008.

We are welcomed with open arms and hearts by the people at the grassroots of the church. Yet, our brother priests- the Vatican’s all-male hierarchy- in May 2008, declared that we and the person ordaining us would be self-excommunicating ourselves. The Vatican has also said that anyone who attends ordinations would be excommunicated. That threat has not deterred the faithful who come in droves to Roman Catholic women’s ordinations all over the United States. Roman Catholic Womenpriests numbers have erupted from seven to over 100 in the last eight years since the first ordination in 2002 on the Danube in Europe. The Vatican continues to respond to women’s ordinations with condemnation of everyone who supports the movement for women priests within the Catholic Church. However, Womenpriests are being supported widely by the hundreds of Catholics attending every public ordination.

Instead of excommunications and condemnations, the Vatican would do well to correct the damaging behaviors of patriarchy, the abuse of spiritual power. We suggest that the Vatican begin true renewal of itself by ending clergy abuses of power of all kinds towards nuns, women priests, and lay women in the Church who have been oppressed and exploited for millennia. As with those who have survived the sexual abuse of clergy, these women are likewise victims of the abuse of clerical power.

RCWP has asked the member states of the United Nations to support us in our quest for and for women within the Roman Catholic Church and for justice for victims of Catholic clergy sexual abuse. It is unjust and discriminatory that the males at the Vatican continue to deny us employment and decision-making within the Roman Catholic Church. This behavior is a violation of international law, our human rights, the example of Jesus and the integrity of conscience."
Roman Catholic Womenpriests :: Welcome!
You don't get it dillo. The Vatican says ordaining women is as "grave" an offense as child sex abuse by priests.
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"The Vatican's decision to list women's ordination in the same category as pedophiles and rapists is appalling, offensive, and a wake-up call for all Catholics around the world. This new canonical declaration which names women's ordination as a serious crime against the Roman Catholic Church is medieval at best. The idea that a woman seeking to spread the message of God somehow "defiles" the Eucharist reveals an antiquated, backwards Church that still views women as "unclean" and unholy.

It is clear this recent decision was made out of fear of our growing numbers. The Vatican is using this attempt to extinguish the widespread call for women's equality in the church. In a statement published on May 29, 2008 in L'Observatorio Romano, the Vatican's official newspaper, all women who "attempt ordination" and the bishops who ordain them are automatically excommunicated, known as latae sententiae. Adding delicta gravioria as a scare tactic to already "excommunicated" women and the priests who support us is ridiculous and does not make a bit of difference. Excommunication will not work, and neither will this. In the face of one closed door after another, Catholic women will continue to make a way when there is none. We will continue to speak out. And women will continue to prophetically answer their call to priestly ordination with or without the Vatican's approval.

Furthermore, we are extremely disheartened that the Vatican did not appropriately use this opportunity to meaningfully address the handling of sexual predators in its ranks. While some strides were made in this revision the 2001 sexual abuse policy, it does not go far enough. We are calling on our members to take action: express their concern and call for real accountability by demanding that the hierarchy release the names of all accused Catholic leaders; reach out to survivors and take steps to make sure children are protected now; and, discontinue all financial contributions that benefit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Guest Voices: Women's Ordination Conference: Vatican's 'scare tactics' appalling - On Faith at washingtonpost.com
Its about power.

Remember when christianity took hold it was up against the pagans...who worshiped the goddess. They were also trying to get away from the power of the idea that mary magdlinine was the wife of jesus. They needed to foster the idea that she was a tainted woman.

Its all about consolidating power and striping it from others that may challenge them for that power. Having a woman in a position of higher clergy would be to close to the goddess and the leadership of mary.

my 2 cents worth.

I hate to be a killjoy to another "basha Christian" fest, but Jesus wasn't married. ;)
Can anyone explain to me why a document condemning sex abuse of minors by clergy should also include the admonition that an attempt to ordain a woman as priest is a "grave offense" on a par with such abuse?

What's wrong with women?

The Associated Press: Vatican defends revised abuse rules

Maybe you should ask the question, What is wrong with the Catholic church?

Answer: A lot.


Answer: They attempt to justify themselves by the law just as you do.
Brainwashed asswipes


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Why don't you wimmen start your own religion/church and ordain yourselves instead of complaining about existing religions?
Why don't you wimmen start your own religion/church and ordain yourselves instead of complaining about existing religions?

Because one must attempt to find faults with Christianity in attempt to quench their own guilt. If you can deamonize those around you then you look like a saint.

I can tell you I ain't no saint. I am just a sinner saved by grace, and anything good in me comes from my father in heaven.
Why don't you wimmen start your own religion/church and ordain yourselves instead of complaining about existing religions?

Because one must attempt to find faults with Christianity in attempt to quench their own guilt. If you can deamonize those around you then you look like a saint.

I can tell you I ain't no saint. I am just a sinner saved by grace, and anything good in me comes from my father in heaven.

This is a truly excellent indepth essay. A bit long but worth the read:

"Every church within the Catholic Faith in the United States deserves to have a powerful figurehead. This person should have a divine spirit and deep connection to God. This person should emulate all that Jesus Christ spiritually personified and have the answers to the parishes' hard questions regarding the Catholic Faith. This person should be someone dedicated to God with a love for preaching about all that God is. Clearly, it is not what physical attributes this person has on the outside of their body; it is the idea that they share a likeness in spirit, heart, and soul to Jesus Christ. In the Roman Catholic Church, the person preaching on the altar is always male. Today, church after church is being closed because there are not enough men answering the call from God to become ordained priests, so church doors are locked and empty all across the United States. It is my opinion that a woman's physical features are not reason enough to stand in the way of female ordination into the Catholic Church. Women deserve the same rights that men have in answering a call from God and being granted the privilege to administer the holy sacraments to a parish."

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"For more than two decades, polls have shown that large majorities of American Catholics favor allowing women to be ordained as priests, despite the lack of support for it among church leaders. The latest poll of American Catholics by The New York Times and CBS News, released in May, showed that 59 percent favored ordaining women, while 33 percent were opposed."

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