Why Obama really should not be re-elected


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
I never take this stuff personal
BHO has no plan
He added 4-500 billion to the baseline budget in 2009 and has allowed it to rise 6% each year there after
He has no plan to that I am aware of that any-one has taken seriously in regards to that issue

His Tax policy is, well he has none. Lowering the payroll tax was not the worst of ideas but my god that's it? lets just go back to Clinton's rate in the middle of this mess?

Jobs? zero and the numbers prove that

We have so many ways to create wealth and jobs through the oil and gas alone. Without those states who are still drilling and refining his job record would be worse than it is. Those sectors have created in reality all 200,000 jobs since 2009 (that is sad)

The attacks on the embassies and the killing of American's at those Embassies has proved that not only is he out of touch, but he will also lie about an attack on 9-11-2012 that according to him had nothing to do with the attack on 9-11 2002

It just happened?

These are not personal attacks. I dis agree with our president and his policies all most 100% of the time.
But Policies?

He has none

He is GWB on steroids
take away the steroids and re-do the health care plan one step at a time and I would vote for him
The 2007 budget was it
it worked
GWB tax policy (I am a sales tax supporter, VAT if you will) is fine except for the amount corporations pay (to hi, BTW corporations pay 0 in tax)

The past 4 years BHO has done nothing but put a health care plan in place that he lied to the American people to get and add 1.5 to 2 trillion dollars to the amount of wealth we borrow to pay our bills

That is it.

Why would any-one re elect this person?
Most of his supporter are either ideologs, ignorant, or morons - or a combination of two or more.
I never take this stuff personal
BHO has no plan
He added 4-500 billion to the baseline budget in 2009 and has allowed it to rise 6% each year there after
He has no plan to that I am aware of that any-one has taken seriously in regards to that issue

His Tax policy is, well he has none. Lowering the payroll tax was not the worst of ideas but my god that's it? lets just go back to Clinton's rate in the middle of this mess?

Jobs? zero and the numbers prove that

We have so many ways to create wealth and jobs through the oil and gas alone. Without those states who are still drilling and refining his job record would be worse than it is. Those sectors have created in reality all 200,000 jobs since 2009 (that is sad)

The attacks on the embassies and the killing of American's at those Embassies has proved that not only is he out of touch, but he will also lie about an attack on 9-11-2012 that according to him had nothing to do with the attack on 9-11 2002

It just happened?

These are not personal attacks. I dis agree with our president and his policies all most 100% of the time.
But Policies?

He has none

He is GWB on steroids
take away the steroids and re-do the health care plan one step at a time and I would vote for him
The 2007 budget was it
it worked
GWB tax policy (I am a sales tax supporter, VAT if you will) is fine except for the amount corporations pay (to hi, BTW corporations pay 0 in tax)

The past 4 years BHO has done nothing but put a health care plan in place that he lied to the American people to get and add 1.5 to 2 trillion dollars to the amount of wealth we borrow to pay our bills

That is it.

Why would any-one re elect this person?

You must offer those who wish to remove a given president from office a viable alternative – which the GOP has failed to do.

Blind partisans on the right, such as the OP, are indeed oblivious to this fact.
Most of his supporter are either ideologs, ignorant, or morons - or a combination of two or more.

It makes no sense. There comes a point in which there has to be 3-5% of those who support him are going to stand back and say WTF?
Romney was right about the 47%

No matter there voting Obama
It's pitiful how NaziCons just conjure this shit up without any "credible" facts to back it up.
QUOTE=JRK;6078977 -I never take this stuff personal
BHO has no plan
He does have a plan. He's submitted it to Congress. Without even reading it the House republicans voted against it, their agenda being tio make Obama seem to be a failure.
He added 4-500 billion to the baseline budget in 2009 and has allowed it to rise 6% each year there after
He's increased spending less than Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 43, and W. Only Clinton raised it less.
He has no plan to that I am aware of that any-one has taken seriously in regards to that issue He submits plans, the do-nothing republicans block the plans. Do you know that there were over 300 filibusters in the Senate?
His Tax policy is, well he has none. Lowering the payroll tax was not the worst of ideas but my god that's it? lets just go back to Clinton's rate in the middle of this mess?His plan is to raise taxes on those that can afford to pay it, just like republican President Eisenhower did.

Jobs? zero and the numbers prove thatNumbers you had to have pulled out of your butt. Come to Ohio and try that line.

We have so many ways to create wealth and jobs through the oil and gas alone. Without those states who are still drilling and refining his job record would be worse than it is. Those sectors have created in reality all 200,000 jobs since 2009 (that is sad)They've created a massive oil spill that seriously hurt Gulf Coast tourism and they've created hundreds of earthquakes. The Washington Monument will take over a million dollars to repair and will be closed throughout 2013.

The attacks on the embassies and the killing of American's at those Embassies has proved that not only is he out of touch, but he will also lie about an attack on 9-11-2012 that according to him had nothing to do with the attack on 9-11 2002

It just happened?
Maybe he didn't want a bunch of dickwad "patriots" grabbing their guns and carrying out "retaliations" against American muslims. Maybe he thought it best to let the dust settle.
These are not personal attacks. I dis agree with our president and his policies all most 100% of the time.
But Policies?

He has none
If he has none, how can you disagree with them 100% of the time?
He is GWB on steroids
take away the steroids and re-do the health care plan one step at a time and I would vote for himI got a month's rent that says you wouldn't.
The 2007 budget was it
it workedYeah, it sent us into an economic freefall within a year. Perfect plan, that one.
GWB tax policy (I am a sales tax supporter, VAT if you will) is fine except for the amount corporations pay (to hi, BTW corporations pay 0 in tax)So the poor should go hungry to support the country, but the ones who benefit most from the lobbyists' efforts and who could easily pay thousands and never miss it should get off scot free?

The past 4 years BHO has done nothing but put a health care plan in place that he lied to the American people to get and add 1.5 to 2 trillion dollars to the amount of wealth we borrow to pay our billsHow much do you think our bills are going to be if Romney wins and agrees to go to war in Iran? He already promised to unecessarily increase military spending.

That is it.

Why would any-one re elect this person?[/QUOTE]

Because no one on the right can produce a valid argument against him.
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I never take this stuff personal
BHO has no plan
He added 4-500 billion to the baseline budget in 2009 and has allowed it to rise 6% each year there after
He has no plan to that I am aware of that any-one has taken seriously in regards to that issue

His Tax policy is, well he has none. Lowering the payroll tax was not the worst of ideas but my god that's it? lets just go back to Clinton's rate in the middle of this mess?

Jobs? zero and the numbers prove that

We have so many ways to create wealth and jobs through the oil and gas alone. Without those states who are still drilling and refining his job record would be worse than it is. Those sectors have created in reality all 200,000 jobs since 2009 (that is sad)

The attacks on the embassies and the killing of American's at those Embassies has proved that not only is he out of touch, but he will also lie about an attack on 9-11-2012 that according to him had nothing to do with the attack on 9-11 2002

It just happened?

These are not personal attacks. I dis agree with our president and his policies all most 100% of the time.
But Policies?

He has none

He is GWB on steroids
take away the steroids and re-do the health care plan one step at a time and I would vote for him
The 2007 budget was it
it worked
GWB tax policy (I am a sales tax supporter, VAT if you will) is fine except for the amount corporations pay (to hi, BTW corporations pay 0 in tax)

The past 4 years BHO has done nothing but put a health care plan in place that he lied to the American people to get and add 1.5 to 2 trillion dollars to the amount of wealth we borrow to pay our bills

That is it.

Why would any-one re elect this person?

You must offer those who wish to remove a given president from office a viable alternative – which the GOP has failed to do.

Blind partisans on the right, such as the OP, are indeed oblivious to this fact.

You could not have proved me right more than with your response
There is not one partisan statement in my op
It is 100% the truth

The Big Lie is that the federal health care law — the “Affordable Care Act” to Democrats, “Obamacare” to Republicans — cuts $716 billion from those on Medicare. More pointedly, it “robs” $716 billion from Medicare to pay for “Obamacare.
Commentary: Ignore the $700 billion Big Lie about Medicare | www.palmbeachpost.com

What else is partisan?
His budget got voted down close to 100% every time he sends it up on the hill
Senate rejects Obama budget in 99-0 vote - The Hill's Floor Action

You want to try and dispute this?
The cuts are:

Ending the massive subsidy (kickback) to insurance compnies

Cracking down on medicare and medicaid fraud

Setting spending caps on providers.

This has saved over 700 billion. It did not cost over 700 billion.

Please stop with the lame propaganda.
QUOTE=JRK;6078977 -I never take this stuff personal
BHO has no plan
He does have a plan. He's submitted it to Congress. Without even reading it the House republicans voted against it, their agenda being tio make Obama seem to be a failure.
He added 4-500 billion to the baseline budget in 2009 and has allowed it to rise 6% each year there after
He's increased spending less than Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 43, and W. Only Clinton raised it less.
He has no plan to that I am aware of that any-one has taken seriously in regards to that issue He submits plans, the do-nothing republicans block the plans. Do you know that there were over 300 filibusters in the Senate?
His Tax policy is, well he has none. Lowering the payroll tax was not the worst of ideas but my god that's it? lets just go back to Clinton's rate in the middle of this mess?His plan is to raise taxes on those that can afford to pay it, just like republican President Eisenhower did.

Jobs? zero and the numbers prove thatNumbers you had to have pulled out of your butt. Come to Ohio and try that line.

We have so many ways to create wealth and jobs through the oil and gas alone. Without those states who are still drilling and refining his job record would be worse than it is. Those sectors have created in reality all 200,000 jobs since 2009 (that is sad)They've created a massive oil spill that seriously hurt Gulf Coast tourism and they've created hundreds of earthquakes. The Washington Monument will take over a million dollars to repair and will be closed throughout 2013.

The attacks on the embassies and the killing of American's at those Embassies has proved that not only is he out of touch, but he will also lie about an attack on 9-11-2012 that according to him had nothing to do with the attack on 9-11 2002

It just happened?
Maybe he didn't want a bunch of dickwad "patriots" grabbing their guns and carrying out "retaliations" against American muslims. Maybe he thought it best to let the dust settle.
These are not personal attacks. I dis agree with our president and his policies all most 100% of the time.
But Policies?

He has none
If he has none, how can you disagree with them 100% of the time?
He is GWB on steroids
take away the steroids and re-do the health care plan one step at a time and I would vote for himI got a month's rent that says you wouldn't.
The 2007 budget was it
it workedYeah, it sent us into an economic freefall within a year. Perfect plan, that one.
GWB tax policy (I am a sales tax supporter, VAT if you will) is fine except for the amount corporations pay (to hi, BTW corporations pay 0 in tax)So the poor should go hungry to support the country, but the ones who benefit most from the lobbyists' efforts and who could easily pay thousands and never miss it should get off scot free?

The past 4 years BHO has done nothing but put a health care plan in place that he lied to the American people to get and add 1.5 to 2 trillion dollars to the amount of wealth we borrow to pay our billsHow much do you think our bills are going to be if Romney wins and agrees to go to war in Iran? He already promised to unecessarily increase military spending.

That is it.

Why would any-one re elect this person?

Because no one on the right can produce a valid argument against him.[/QUOTE]

Obama has raised the budget less than who?
That is because his 50% of tarp, GWB got (actually Obama only spent about 200-250 billion of the last 50% of tarp HE got, GWB did not spend one penny of the last 350 billion)
His stimulus for 2009, GWB got credit for it, on his budget
His Omnibus bill, GWB got credit for it, on his budget
He added those monies on the 2009 budget. It is a terrible thing as well as un ethical
BHO added more to our baseline budget than any-one in history and you know it

The 2007 Budget had nothing to do with stupid and greedy people loaning stupid and greedy people money

What does let the dust settle with those events have do to lying?

If we were drilling oil or extracting tars sands on the Continental US we would not be drilling oil 5000 feet below the surface of the gulf?
there is capped oil wells in Florida and there are NO jobs in Florida either
Simply there was an oil spill because that's where Obama makes them drill for oil

I dis agree with mandating private companies must supply medicines just because Obama thinks they should
I dis agree with paying the retirement, Insurance and payroll to private failed companies with 0 collateral with tax payers dollars (see UAW)
I dis agree with the US govt mandating that we must buy anything (see Obama-care)
I dis agree that a person paying income tax is an evil person and that the reason we are so far in debt is because people who make 250,000 a year or more are not paying there fair share
I dis agree with any regulation that constrains a private enterprise from succeeding.
I dis agree with lying (I am sorry, but it has become a policy of BHO to lie to get what he wants because he knows the main stream media will ignore it)
see Obama-care
see the events at the embassies
see no raising taxes

you want me to go on?
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The cuts are:

Ending the massive subsidy (kickback) to insurance compnies

Cracking down on medicare and medicaid fraud

Setting spending caps on providers.

This has saved over 700 billion. It did not cost over 700 billion.

Please stop with the lame propaganda.

Your stating an event that has never taken place and as I asses it no-one has jumped up and stated there cutting one red cent from medicare
When that event takes place and there is billions taken from medicare and those monies go to Obama care, I will be wrong

let me add
Why did it take a trillion dollar addition to what we spend to stop fraud in medicare?

Stating I have my doubts that adding trillions in cost to the american tax payer will somehow stop people who use medicare or stop fraud seems to me to be some what Propoganda
The $716 billion Medicare lie has been debunked over and over and over, but NaziCons just can't let it go.

Ryan Touts Medicare Program He Wants To End At Florida Rally

How can be debunked when the event has never took place dude?
can you answer that?
Your telling me that there was not a use of 700 billion dollars in savings from medicare to pay for Obamacare?
PolitiFact Florida | Romney says Obama 'cuts' $716B from Medicare to pay for Obamacare
even these left wing kooks claim it is 1/2 true

Look he claims the savings pays for it
well by golly cut it in the budget first, that is not happening
While we are talking about propoganda
Ryan has never stated that he was ending anything
making it private with govt oversight and regulations is not ending anything
Okay, now I get it. You're a paid shill. No one else would be stupid enough to keep spewing lies after they're debunked. Negs forthcoming.
Okay, now I get it. You're a paid shill. No one else would be stupid enough to keep spewing lies after they're debunked. Negs forthcoming.

Yea I get paid to install a natural gas plant (no thanks to Obama, this industry is doing it on its on)
There has been NO SAVINGS
when it happens, you can make your claim
Until then there has been 0, NATA, NONE, NO cuts in medicare cost

I ask you the same question I ask all Libs
why did we need Obama-care to eliminate any of the events that has been claimed as the claimed 700 billion dollar savings?
this has nothing to do with Obama-care and its ability to eliminate these events .

If we could save 700 billion in Medicare we would have already done it. If not then I ask what does Obama care do that cannot be done prior to Obama-care??

Again the budget for medicare will not be changed for 2013 except a 6% increase
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Libs have nothing left to debate ir should I say to support the re-election of Obama

AS with Grand-ma, they make it personal

The debate is dead
The $716 billion Medicare lie has been debunked over and over and over, but NaziCons just can't let it go.

Ryan Touts Medicare Program He Wants To End At Florida Rally

How can be debunked when the event has never took place dude?
can you answer that?
Your telling me that there was not a use of 700 billion dollars in savings from medicare to pay for Obamacare?
PolitiFact Florida | Romney says Obama 'cuts' $716B from Medicare to pay for Obamacare
even these left wing kooks claim it is 1/2 true

Look he claims the savings pays for it
well by golly cut it in the budget first, that is not happening

Your assertion that your arguments are unassailable is undermined by the fact that they're assailble, as the arguments given against them shows. Not to mention a few of your so-called "facts" are themselves pretty subjective and more spin than fact.

Basically, you're a holier-than-thou hack and deserve to be treated as such.

Good day to you, sir.
The $716 billion Medicare lie has been debunked over and over and over, but NaziCons just can't let it go.

Ryan Touts Medicare Program He Wants To End At Florida Rally

Seems you would get tired of lying all the time, Maobama admitted himself that he took money from medicare to keep Maobamacare deficit neutral, and traditional medicare is a choice in Ryans plan. So you just keep it up, it destroys the credibility you never had.

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