Why only a "progressive" income tax?

A flat tax is a simple idea for simple people. The only reason idiots favor it is for one of two reasons

1) They are rich and stand to benefit greatly

2) They are a simple minded person and only endorse things they can easily understand. (See this thread as proof). These are the same people who hated Obamacare because it was "too much to read".

Yes because we all know that laws with millions of words are easier to implement and cost the government less to do so just like the most complicated doodads and gadgets are the best and least expensive way to do simple things as well

No one ever implied that, but simpler doesn't equal better which is a major selling point of you flat tax morons.
What could possibly be an improvement over simplifying the tax code and then having one rate which everyone pays?....
"Fairness"? Please.
I cannot fathom anything more "fair" than everyone having at least some skin in the game.
15% ( for example) of $20k is $3,000.....15% of $100,000 per year is $15k.....Meaning the person earning 5 times as much pays 5 times as much....What part of that is so difficult to understand?
A flat tax is a simple idea for simple people. The only reason idiots favor it is for one of two reasons

1) They are rich and stand to benefit greatly

2) They are a simple minded person and only endorse things they can easily understand. (See this thread as proof). These are the same people who hated Obamacare because it was "too much to read".

Yes because we all know that laws with millions of words are easier to implement and cost the government less to do so just like the most complicated doodads and gadgets are the best and least expensive way to do simple things as well

No one ever implied that, but simpler doesn't equal better which is a major selling point of you flat tax morons.

The major selling point is that it is fair.

But it's not though.
Please explain in your own words what is not 'fair' about a flat tax rate?
A flat tax is a simple idea for simple people. The only reason idiots favor it is for one of two reasons

1) They are rich and stand to benefit greatly

2) They are a simple minded person and only endorse things they can easily understand. (See this thread as proof). These are the same people who hated Obamacare because it was "too much to read".

Yes because we all know that laws with millions of words are easier to implement and cost the government less to do so just like the most complicated doodads and gadgets are the best and least expensive way to do simple things as well

No one ever implied that, but simpler doesn't equal better which is a major selling point of you flat tax morons.

The major selling point is that it is fair.

Even though a dollar is worth a dollar, Dollars earned don't hold the same value all along the earning scale.

Look at it like this, imagine you're homeless and someone gives you a dollar. What is the first thing you do with that dollar? Buy food, maybe medicine, shelter or clothing. The basic life essentials. This is where mostly anyone would put their very first dollars towards. It's why you don't see homeless people saying "Will work for yachts". Those are items purchased with dollars further down the need scale. The first dollars anyone earns will be spent on basic life necessities.

This is why a progressive system that taxes these first dollars less and more heavily as the dollar has less value to basic life needs makes sense and doesn't put the poorest among us at a disadvantage. Is it perfect? No, but it's better than a mindless flat tax system that isn't fair to anyone but the richest among us.
The nation generates a finite amount of wealth every year. Who gets it determines who gets richer, who gets poorer, who stays the same.

"Who gets it" should be determined very simply: If someone voluntarily gives you something, you should get it. If someone pays me money to sweep his floor, I should get the money I earn. Very, very simple. We don't really need to have a big debate about who gets what.
Your very first sentence reveals your agenda and ideology.

No need to read any further to know you are an anti-government / taxes are theft / hurray for me and fuck everybody else kind of person.

A typical Republican asshole.

As worthless as the drivel you vomit on our screens.

I don't see how it's asshole-ish to think that one's neighbor ought to be able to keep his property rather than have it confiscated by the state. Actually, the ones who wish to take what belongs to others seem to be the assholes.
Your very first sentence reveals your agenda and ideology.

No need to read any further to know you are an anti-government / taxes are theft / hurray for me and fuck everybody else kind of person.

A typical Republican asshole.

As worthless as the drivel you vomit on our screens.

I don't see how it's asshole-ish to think that one's neighbor ought to be able to keep his property rather than have it confiscated by the state. Actually, the ones who wish to take what belongs to others seem to be the assholes.

Why do you hate the founding fathers?
The nation generates a finite amount of wealth every year. Who gets it determines who gets richer, who gets poorer, who stays the same.

"Who gets it" should be determined very simply: If someone voluntarily gives you something, you should get it. If someone pays me money to sweep his floor, I should get the money I earn. Very, very simple. We don't really need to have a big debate about who gets what.

Then public education automatically ends because we give a basic education kids no matter what their families can afford.

Will that make America a better place?

And then Medicaid goes because we give people basic healthcare regardless of their ability to pay. When that's gone will America be a better place?
Your very first sentence reveals your agenda and ideology.

No need to read any further to know you are an anti-government / taxes are theft / hurray for me and fuck everybody else kind of person.

A typical Republican asshole.

As worthless as the drivel you vomit on our screens.

I don't see how it's asshole-ish to think that one's neighbor ought to be able to keep his property rather than have it confiscated by the state. Actually, the ones who wish to take what belongs to others seem to be the assholes.

It's government that decides whether you have property in the first place. It's government that protects your right to property.
Then public education automatically ends because we give a basic education kids no matter what their families can afford.

Will that make America a better place?

And then Medicaid goes because we give people basic healthcare regardless of their ability to pay. When that's gone will America be a better place?

Yes, America is made a better place whenever people don't confiscate and redistribute other people's property. When people have their property forcibly taken from them it makes them worse off.
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It's government that decides whether you have property in the first place. It's government that protects your right to property.

Agreed. The job of government is to protect the person and property of the people. Protecting property rights is noble. Taking other people's property, not so much.
A flat tax is a simple idea for simple people. The only reason idiots favor it is for one of two reasons

1) They are rich and stand to benefit greatly

2) They are a simple minded person and only endorse things they can easily understand. (See this thread as proof). These are the same people who hated Obamacare because it was "too much to read".

Yes because we all know that laws with millions of words are easier to implement and cost the government less to do so just like the most complicated doodads and gadgets are the best and least expensive way to do simple things as well

No one ever implied that, but simpler doesn't equal better which is a major selling point of you flat tax morons.

The major selling point is that it is fair.

But it's not though.

Of course it is it's the very definition of fair
A flat tax is a simple idea for simple people. The only reason idiots favor it is for one of two reasons

1) They are rich and stand to benefit greatly

2) They are a simple minded person and only endorse things they can easily understand. (See this thread as proof). These are the same people who hated Obamacare because it was "too much to read".

Yes because we all know that laws with millions of words are easier to implement and cost the government less to do so just like the most complicated doodads and gadgets are the best and least expensive way to do simple things as well

No one ever implied that, but simpler doesn't equal better which is a major selling point of you flat tax morons.

The major selling point is that it is fair.

But it's not though.

Of course it is it's the very definition of fair

I just outlined why it's not fair.
A flat tax is a simple idea for simple people. The only reason idiots favor it is for one of two reasons

1) They are rich and stand to benefit greatly

2) They are a simple minded person and only endorse things they can easily understand. (See this thread as proof). These are the same people who hated Obamacare because it was "too much to read".

Yes because we all know that laws with millions of words are easier to implement and cost the government less to do so just like the most complicated doodads and gadgets are the best and least expensive way to do simple things as well

No one ever implied that, but simpler doesn't equal better which is a major selling point of you flat tax morons.

The major selling point is that it is fair.

Even though a dollar is worth a dollar, Dollars earned don't hold the same value all along the earning scale.

Look at it like this, imagine you're homeless and someone gives you a dollar. What is the first thing you do with that dollar? Buy food, maybe medicine, shelter or clothing. The basic life essentials. This is where mostly anyone would put their very first dollars towards. It's why you don't see homeless people saying "Will work for yachts". Those are items purchased with dollars further down the need scale. The first dollars anyone earns will be spent on basic life necessities.

This is why a progressive system that taxes these first dollars less and more heavily as the dollar has less value to basic life needs makes sense and doesn't put the poorest among us at a disadvantage. Is it perfect? No, but it's better than a mindless flat tax system that isn't fair to anyone but the richest among us.

Ok then why don't you answer the question in the OP

Why not make say the sales tax progressive as well after all that 3rd flat screen isn't worth as much to you as the first right? Why not make property taxes progressive and charge more for square footage you don't really need that is therefore worth less to you?

An earned dollar or any dollar of any type of income is nothing but a commodity like any other if we are going to have an income tax then we should tax income all income not some income not some dollars more than others

We do not do that for any other taxes levied on anything else

It's not the government's job to decide what people need
Yes because we all know that laws with millions of words are easier to implement and cost the government less to do so just like the most complicated doodads and gadgets are the best and least expensive way to do simple things as well

No one ever implied that, but simpler doesn't equal better which is a major selling point of you flat tax morons.

The major selling point is that it is fair.

But it's not though.

Of course it is it's the very definition of fair

I just outlined why it's not fair.

And I disagree
Then public education automatically ends because we give a basic education kids no matter what their families can afford.

Will that make America a better place?

And then Medicaid goes because we give people basic healthcare regardless of their ability to pay. When that's gone will America be a better place?

Yes, America is made a better place whenever the state doesn't confiscate and redistribute people's property. When people have their property forcibly taken from them it makes them worse off.

Government isn't free. Democratic government always produces 'winners' and 'losers', as will any form of government.
A flat tax is a simple idea for simple people. The only reason idiots favor it is for one of two reasons

1) They are rich and stand to benefit greatly

2) They are a simple minded person and only endorse things they can easily understand. (See this thread as proof). These are the same people who hated Obamacare because it was "too much to read".

Yes because we all know that laws with millions of words are easier to implement and cost the government less to do so just like the most complicated doodads and gadgets are the best and least expensive way to do simple things as well

No one ever implied that, but simpler doesn't equal better which is a major selling point of you flat tax morons.

The major selling point is that it is fair.

Even though a dollar is worth a dollar, Dollars earned don't hold the same value all along the earning scale.

Look at it like this, imagine you're homeless and someone gives you a dollar. What is the first thing you do with that dollar? Buy food, maybe medicine, shelter or clothing. The basic life essentials. This is where mostly anyone would put their very first dollars towards. It's why you don't see homeless people saying "Will work for yachts". Those are items purchased with dollars further down the need scale. The first dollars anyone earns will be spent on basic life necessities.

This is why a progressive system that taxes these first dollars less and more heavily as the dollar has less value to basic life needs makes sense and doesn't put the poorest among us at a disadvantage. Is it perfect? No, but it's better than a mindless flat tax system that isn't fair to anyone but the richest among us.

Ok then why don't you answer the question in the OP

Why not make say the sales tax progressive as well after all that 3rd flat screen isn't worth as much to you as the first right? Why not make property taxes progressive and charge more for square footage you don't really need that is therefore worth less to you?

An earned dollar or any dollar of any type of income is nothing but a commodity like any other if we are going to have an income tax then we should tax income all income not some income not some dollars more than others

We do not do that for any other taxes levied on anything else

It's not the government's job to decide what people need

Why make one person pay 1000 dollars a year for federal government while some other pays 100,000 for the same government?

What makes that fair?
Government isn't free. Democratic government always produces 'winners' and 'losers', as will any form of government.

Nobody should take the property of his fellow man in order to give it away as charity/education. We should strive to protect the person and property of our neighbors, not act like criminals and "redistribute" property.
Why make one person pay 1000 dollars a year for federal government while some other pays 100,000 for the same government?

What makes that fair?

What specific services do you mean by "federal government" that need to be paid for by the users of this government?
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No one ever implied that, but simpler doesn't equal better which is a major selling point of you flat tax morons.

The major selling point is that it is fair.

But it's not though.

Of course it is it's the very definition of fair

I just outlined why it's not fair.

And I disagree

With what exactly? That's really your only response?
A debate is where logic and facts determine the direction of the discussion. All the silly right wing claims have nothing to do with either of those things. I have no desire or need to rebut the crazy ramblings of a RWNJ. The large majority of your crap has been has been proven wrong long ago, and I just come here to laugh at the idiots that continue to spout it..
Blah blah blah.
Which of ther "crap" has been proven wrong....Examples please. Facts only.
Laughter. From a useful idiot.

The entire Benghazi issue and all it's offshoots like the E-mail crap has become nothing more than the right's refusal to accept that they lost that battle long ago.
Denial is not a defense.
The fact is Hillary Clinton has been exposed for having done a lot of very bad things and you people can't handle it.

Not exposed. She has been accused. Nothing new there. The right has been falsely accusing her of stuff for a long time. They can never make it stick though.
Yes. Exposed. Deal with it.

Odd that every one of the previous investigations found differently, and any current investigation has yet to present anything of the sort as being proven.

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