Why people voted for Tump.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Why did people vote for Donald Trump? The answer might surprise you. Trump was not elected in 2016 because he was a white spremacist that kept slaves or a homophobe that grew up going to father-son gay bashing picnics. This is what woke leftism and legacy media is feeding to useful idiots, but that has nothing to do with Trump's ascension to the White House. Trump won in 2016 because he supplied a mass repudiation to Washington politics. The gangsterism of Washington and its axis of evil with Fisa Courts, Russian collusion conspiracies, Stasi-like media, and the security state since the last corrupted, government-adjusted election proves that beyond all doubt.

Trump entered the race as the people's wild card and he won. As soon as he took office Washington's defeated embedded power structure didn't even try to hide its intentions which were to use all means neccessary to remove him. And that is what they did with a "fixed election". Now the FBI and the DOJ are donning their new uniforms as enforcers of the thought police. Washington's improved third-world-machinery is raging against him to prevent him from running again.

They want to charge him with war crimes against the elitism that is destroying the nation. Show us the man and we will show you the crime! They want to put him in prison for fomenting doubt among the people about the motives and goals of crooked professional politics that infests DC. It's all right there. It's right before the eyes of the people. What the people see will determine if there will even be a presidential election for 2024. If the people see what is facing them then Trump will prevail. If not, then the US is done as a free democracy.
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“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.” - Donald Trump, stable genius.
Rapist Donald is a total loser. He's a disgrace.

Trump's highest approval rating was 49 percent. That's the lowest high point since such measures have been taken.

You have to go all the way back to Hoover to find a president who lost the Senate, the House, and the Presidency.

Trump lost the popular vote. TWICE.

The list of incumbents who have lost re-election is very short, and Trump's on it.

He hired the biggest crowd of crooks since Harding. He overflowed the swamp with indictments, convictions, scandals, and embarrassments.

If it was up to this idiot, we'd all be injecting ourselves with bleach.

His approval rating for his presidency was an average of 41 percent.

And ever since he lost re-election, he's attempted a coup, whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies.

He convinced the rubes to give money for a non-existent election defense fund and then distributed the monies to his friends and himself.

Trump is the biggest sore loser baby. Ever.

And then there is all his personal baggage which has come to light. Paying off mistresses. Stealing from cancer kids. Stealing from the elderly at his fake university. Tax fraud. Insurance fraud. Election fraud.

Seriously. Why would anyone in their right mind want anything more to do with this total disaster?

You'd have to be one of the most submissive cucks in the history of mankind to idolize this loser.
When Trump won, the political establishment went berserk and mobilized any and all weapons to defeat him. It's been going on for nearly 8 years now all you have to do is look at what has happened in this country since 2016 with an objective view.
The very worst weapon which brought down Donald Trump was Donald Trump.

He is an abnormally stupid person and the whole world got to see it. He has a vocabulary of 50 words, and the emotional stability of a third grader.

He should have stuck with his game show.

Bleev me. That I can tell you...
Sorry but he didn't win in 2016. Hillary snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by ignoring heartland, mid America, and gave it to him.
There are no people as stupid and willfully blind as Trump's supporters.


Meet Donald Trump's campaign manager, convict Paul Manafort:


Paul Manafort sentenced to a total of 7.5 years in prison for conspiracy and fraud, and charged with mortgage fraud in N.Y.

Trump pardon unwinds some Manafort forfeitures

Meet Donald Trump's campaign advisor, convict George Papadopoulous:


George Papadopoulos: Ex-Trump adviser goes to prison

Meet Donald Trump's National Security Adviser, Q-tard Michael Flynn:


Trump pardons Flynn despite guilty plea in Russia probe

Meet Donald Trump aide, Russian colluder convict Rick Gates:


Rick Gates, Ex-Trump Aide and Key Witness for Mueller, Is Sentenced to 45 Days in Jail

Meet Donald Trump fund-raiser Elliott Broidy:


Elliott Broidy Pleads Guilty in Foreign Lobbying Case

Meet Donald Trump's campaign ally, George Nader:


George Nader Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison | Law & Crime

A Lebanese American businessman and former Trump campaign ally-turned-witness in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation was sentenced to a decade behind bars on Friday for child sex-trafficking and child pornography offenses.

Meet Donald Trump's fixer, convict Michael Cohen:


Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Eight Counts, Including Criminal Tax Evasion And Campaign Finance Violations

Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels and the $130,000 payment to buy her silence

National Enquirer owner admits to 'catch and kill' payment to ex-Playmate

Meet Donald Trump's advisor, convict Tom Barrack:


Trump ally Tom Barrack jailed on charges of acting as an agent of a foreign government

Meet Donald Trump's confidant, convict Roger Stone:


Roger Stone sentenced to over 3 years in prison

Trump Pardons Roger Stone, Paul Manafort And Charles Kushner

Roger likes to participate in gay parades and get licked by trannies:


This may be why Trump hired Stone:


Meet Donald Trump's Chief of Staff, convict Steven Bannon:


Steve Bannon found guilty on both contempt of Congress charges

Bannon charged with fraud, money laundering, conspiracy in ‘We Build the Wall’

Trump pardons ex-strategist Steve Bannon, dozens of others

Meet Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani:


Court Suspends Giuliani’s Law License, Citing Trump Election Lies

Meet Lev Parnas, Giuliani's Ukrainian fixer:


Giuliani’s former Ukraine fixer gets 20 months in prison

Former Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas convicted in campaign finance case, including illegal donation to Trump PAC

How My Work For Trump and Giuliani Sought to Make Ukraine Defenseless

The ‘big rip-off’: how Trump exploited his fans with ‘election defense’ fund

President Trump’s staggering record of uncharged criminal misconduct

Trump Organization found guilty on all counts of criminal tax fraud

Not to be confused with:

Trump Foundation Will Dissolve, Accused of ‘Shocking Pattern of Illegality’

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'

Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected

China Contributing $500 Million to Trump-Linked Project in Indonesia

Report: Jared Kushner’s $2 Billion Saudi Check Appears Even More Comically Corrupt Than Previously Thought

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Trump was ordered to pay $2 million, or $250,000, a piece to eight different charities. Those charities are Army Emergency Relief, the Children’s Aid Society, Citymeals-on-Wheels, Give an Hour, Martha’s Table, the United Negro College Fund, the United Way of National Capital Area, and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

Mick Mulvaney just said the swampiest thing ever
"If you were a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn't talk to you. If you were a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you." - Mick Mulvaney

Six White House officials reprimanded for violating the Hatch Act

First sentencing in Mueller probe: Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan gets 30 days in prison, $20,000 in fines

President Trump Urged Rex Tillerson to Help Drop DOJ Charges for Giuliani Client

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

HUD spent $31,000 in 2017 on new dining room set for Carson's office

The 7 trips Steven Mnuchin took on government planes for $811,800

Acosta to Resign as Labor Secretary Over Jeffrey Epstein Plea Deal

Trump's top health official traded tobacco stock while leading anti-smoking efforts

Rex Tillerson Gets Fired the Day After He Criticized Russia

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Interior Secretary Zinke resigns amid investigations

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

VA nominee Ronny Jackson dished out opioids, wrecked vehicle while drunk, colleagues say

Trump agriculture nominee Sam Clovis confirms he has no hard-science credentials, withdraws over ties to Russia probe

She inflated her resume and peddled a fake Time cover. Trump appointed her to the State Department.

Lobbyist Sam Patten Pleads Guilty to Steering Foreign Funds to Trump Inaugural

Ryan Zinke Broke Ethics Rules While Leading Trump’s Interior Dept., Watchdog Finds


Sidney Powell: Trump ex-lawyer pleads guilty in Georgia election case

Trump co-defendant Scott Hall pleads guilty in Georgia election case

Jenna Ellis, Former Trump Lawyer, Pleads Guilty in Georgia Election Case

Ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows granted immunity, tells special counsel he warned Trump about 2020 claims

Just imagine what this mug shot will look like to our future schoolchildren when they open their history books:

Last edited by a moderator:
Much of what you say in the first paragraph is true.

However, upon assuming power, Crooked Donald proved to be the epitome of corruption, stupidity, and incompetence.

He widened and deepened TH3 SWAMP.
Progs are slowly starting to attack each other. Verbal attacks increasing in a huge way, protesting, and into the riot/insurrection stage. The Prog Party is a collection of groups that have many hating each other. And some who would be killed by other groups supporting the groups that would do it. That is the reality of insanity. No crappy names you can call Republican voters equals that. We Republican voters know now in 2023 the fraud candidates for President that we did not know 20 years earlier at a high percentage. Sadly, it is not 100% as people are slow to learn or vote for their own selfishness as most of the Progs do.
There are no people as stupid and willfully blind as Trump's supporters.


Meet Donald Trump's campaign manager, convict Paul Manafort:


Paul Manafort sentenced to a total of 7.5 years in prison for conspiracy and fraud, and charged with mortgage fraud in N.Y.

Trump pardon unwinds some Manafort forfeitures

Meet Donald Trump's campaign advisor, convict George Papadopoulous:


George Papadopoulos: Ex-Trump adviser goes to prison

Meet Donald Trump's National Security Adviser, Q-tard Michael Flynn:


Trump pardons Flynn despite guilty plea in Russia probe

Meet Donald Trump aide, Russian colluder convict Rick Gates:


Rick Gates, Ex-Trump Aide and Key Witness for Mueller, Is Sentenced to 45 Days in Jail

Meet Donald Trump fund-raiser Elliott Broidy:


Elliott Broidy Pleads Guilty in Foreign Lobbying Case

Meet Donald Trump's campaign ally, George Nader:


George Nader Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison | Law & Crime

A Lebanese American businessman and former Trump campaign ally-turned-witness in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation was sentenced to a decade behind bars on Friday for child sex-trafficking and child pornography offenses.

Meet Donald Trump's fixer, convict Michael Cohen:


Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Eight Counts, Including Criminal Tax Evasion And Campaign Finance Violations

Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels and the $130,000 payment to buy her silence

National Enquirer owner admits to 'catch and kill' payment to ex-Playmate

Meet Donald Trump's advisor, convict Tom Barrack:


Trump ally Tom Barrack jailed on charges of acting as an agent of a foreign government

Meet Donald Trump's confidant, convict Roger Stone:


Roger Stone sentenced to over 3 years in prison

Trump Pardons Roger Stone, Paul Manafort And Charles Kushner

Roger likes to participate in gay parades and get licked by trannies:


This may be why Trump hired Stone:


Meet Donald Trump's Chief of Staff, convict Steven Bannon:


Steve Bannon found guilty on both contempt of Congress charges

Bannon charged with fraud, money laundering, conspiracy in ‘We Build the Wall’

Trump pardons ex-strategist Steve Bannon, dozens of others

Meet Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani:


Court Suspends Giuliani’s Law License, Citing Trump Election Lies

Meet Lev Parnas, Giuliani's Ukrainian fixer:


Giuliani’s former Ukraine fixer gets 20 months in prison

Former Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas convicted in campaign finance case, including illegal donation to Trump PAC

How My Work For Trump and Giuliani Sought to Make Ukraine Defenseless

The ‘big rip-off’: how Trump exploited his fans with ‘election defense’ fund

President Trump’s staggering record of uncharged criminal misconduct

Trump Organization found guilty on all counts of criminal tax fraud

Not to be confused with:

Trump Foundation Will Dissolve, Accused of ‘Shocking Pattern of Illegality’

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'

Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected

China Contributing $500 Million to Trump-Linked Project in Indonesia

Report: Jared Kushner’s $2 Billion Saudi Check Appears Even More Comically Corrupt Than Previously Thought

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Trump was ordered to pay $2 million, or $250,000, a piece to eight different charities. Those charities are Army Emergency Relief, the Children’s Aid Society, Citymeals-on-Wheels, Give an Hour, Martha’s Table, the United Negro College Fund, the United Way of National Capital Area, and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

Mick Mulvaney just said the swampiest thing ever
"If you were a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn't talk to you. If you were a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you." - Mick Mulvaney

Six White House officials reprimanded for violating the Hatch Act

First sentencing in Mueller probe: Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan gets 30 days in prison, $20,000 in fines

President Trump Urged Rex Tillerson to Help Drop DOJ Charges for Giuliani Client

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

HUD spent $31,000 in 2017 on new dining room set for Carson's office

The 7 trips Steven Mnuchin took on government planes for $811,800

Acosta to Resign as Labor Secretary Over Jeffrey Epstein Plea Deal

Trump's top health official traded tobacco stock while leading anti-smoking efforts

Rex Tillerson Gets Fired the Day After He Criticized Russia

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Interior Secretary Zinke resigns amid investigations

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

VA nominee Ronny Jackson dished out opioids, wrecked vehicle while drunk, colleagues say

Trump agriculture nominee Sam Clovis confirms he has no hard-science credentials, withdraws over ties to Russia probe

She inflated her resume and peddled a fake Time cover. Trump appointed her to the State Department.

Lobbyist Sam Patten Pleads Guilty to Steering Foreign Funds to Trump Inaugural

Ryan Zinke Broke Ethics Rules While Leading Trump’s Interior Dept., Watchdog Finds


Sidney Powell: Trump ex-lawyer pleads guilty in Georgia election case

Trump co-defendant Scott Hall pleads guilty in Georgia election case

Jenna Ellis, Former Trump Lawyer, Pleads Guilty in Georgia Election Case

Ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows granted immunity, tells special counsel he warned Trump about 2020 claims

Just imagine what this mug shot will look like to our future schoolchildren when they open their history books:

You could put ninety percent of the people in Washington in jail tomorrow if you had the money and the power to do so. So nothing here does anything other than prove my point.
The very worst weapon which brought down Donald Trump was Donald Trump.

He is an abnormally stupid person and the whole world got to see it. He has a vocabulary of 50 words, and the emotional stability of a third grader.

He should have stuck with his game show.

Bleev me. That I can tell you...
He destroyed your Democrat fantasy world in 2016. You and your Trump hater cult have been consumed by him ever since! It is both laughable and tragic.
Why did people vote for Donald Trump? The answer might surprise you. Trump was not elected in 2016 because he was a white spremacist that kept slaves or a homophobe that grew up going to father-son gay bashing picnics. This is what woke leftism and legacy media is feeding to useful idiots, but that has nothing to do with Trump's ascension to the White House. Trump won in 2016 because he supplied a mass repudiation to Washington politics. The gangsterism of Washington and its axis of evil with Fisa Courts, Russian collusion conspiracies, Stasi-like media, and the security state since the last corrupted, government-adjusted election proves that beyond all doubt.

Trump entered the race as the people's wild card and he won. As soon as he took office Washington's defeated embedded power structure didn't even try to hide its intentions which were to use all means neccessary to remove him. And that is what they did with a "fixed election". Now the FBI and the DOJ are donning their new uniforms as enforcers of the thought police. Washington's improved third-world-machinery is raging against him to prevent him from running again.

They want to charge him with war crimes against the elitism that is destroying the nation. Show us the man and we will show you the crime! They want to put him in prison for fomenting doubt among the people about the motives and goals of crooked professional politics that infests DC. It's all right there. It's right before the eyes of the people. What the people see will determine if there will even be a presidential election for 2024. If the people see what is facing them then Trump will prevail. If not, then the US is done as a free democracy.
Trump won because nobody thought there were that many crazies willing to elect someone so unqualified to be president. Complacency is no longer a problem when it comes to opposition to that fat orange spoiled idiot.
Rapist Donald is a total loser. He's a disgrace.

Trump's highest approval rating was 49 percent. That's the lowest high point since such measures have been taken.

You have to go all the way back to Hoover to find a president who lost the Senate, the House, and the Presidency.

Trump lost the popular vote. TWICE.

The list of incumbents who have lost re-election is very short, and Trump's on it.

He hired the biggest crowd of crooks since Harding. He overflowed the swamp with indictments, convictions, scandals, and embarrassments.

If it was up to this idiot, we'd all be injecting ourselves with bleach.

His approval rating for his presidency was an average of 41 percent.

And ever since he lost re-election, he's attempted a coup, whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies.

He convinced the rubes to give money for a non-existent election defense fund and then distributed the monies to his friends and himself.

Trump is the biggest sore loser baby. Ever.

And then there is all his personal baggage which has come to light. Paying off mistresses. Stealing from cancer kids. Stealing from the elderly at his fake university. Tax fraud. Insurance fraud. Election fraud.

Seriously. Why would anyone in their right mind want anything more to do with this total disaster?

You'd have to be one of the most submissive cucks in the history of mankind to idolize this loser.
Wow, you thought 49% was low.

Let's see ... Cankles or Potato head

It appears the GOP is unable to find anyone better than a thrice-married serial adulterer who steals from cancer kids and the elderly and who completely bungled the pandemic. A man who doesn't know Colorado is not on the Mexican border, and who believes George Washington seized the airports. A man who suggested we should inject ourselves with bleach. A man who had the most corrupt administration in history and attempted a coup when he lost.

The GOP can't find anyone better in the whoooooooooooooole party!

Why did people vote for Donald Trump? The answer might surprise you. Trump was not elected in 2016 because he was a white spremacist that kept slaves or a homophobe that grew up going to father-son gay bashing picnics. This is what woke leftism and legacy media is feeding to useful idiots, but that has nothing to do with Trump's ascension to the White House. Trump won in 2016 because he supplied a mass repudiation to Washington politics. The gangsterism of Washington and its axis of evil with Fisa Courts, Russian collusion conspiracies, Stasi-like media, and the security state since the last corrupted, government-adjusted election proves that beyond all doubt.

Trump entered the race as the people's wild card and he won. As soon as he took office Washington's defeated embedded power structure didn't even try to hide its intentions which were to use all means neccessary to remove him. And that is what they did with a "fixed election". Now the FBI and the DOJ are donning their new uniforms as enforcers of the thought police. Washington's improved third-world-machinery is raging against him to prevent him from running again.

They want to charge him with war crimes against the elitism that is destroying the nation. Show us the man and we will show you the crime! They want to put him in prison for fomenting doubt among the people about the motives and goals of crooked professional politics that infests DC. It's all right there. It's right before the eyes of the people. What the people see will determine if there will even be a presidential election for 2024. If the people see what is facing them then Trump will prevail. If not, then the US is done as a free democracy.
Could be his lack of character appeals to people with little character.

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