Why Perry-Huckabee will be GOP ticket in 2016.


May 23, 2014
A.) Jeb Bush is toast. Bush fatigue and Iraq mess will block his nomination. (Hillary won't get Dem nomination either.)
B.) Field is so large that it will become a regional race. Walker will win GOP primary/caucuses in mid-western Rust Belt states (blue states in general election) with exception of Pennsylvania which Santorum will carry. But it will not put him over the top.
C.) Rubio will finish 2nd in several states.
D.) Huckabee will win several Bible Belt states.
E.) Trump will do stronger than many people think.
F.) BUT...because of his strong stand on states rights and border security Rick Perry will GOP primaries/caucuses in border states of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. He will also win western states Colorado, Wyoming,Dakota's,Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and the kicker...California. Remember GOP primaries are "winner-take-all" and California Republicans with their huge numbers will put Perry over the top. Immigration is a HUGE issue for a large % of California Republicans.
If Perry got the nomination, Huckabee would add nothing the the ticket. Rubio is a frontrunner for VP.
This year the accepted belief that the race will be over after Super Tuesday will not apply to GOP. Too many candidates and the race will be a marathon...not a sprint. Perry/Huckabee alliance of western and southwestern delegates of Perry coupled with southern delegates of Huckabee will be the deciding factor.
If Perry got the nomination, Huckabee would add nothing the the ticket. Rubio is a frontrunner for VP.

Rubio is running for the top spot knowing that if he doesn't get it he will almost certainly be chosen for the second spot. Enhancing the odds of Rubio being the VP pick is the fact that the Republican Convention is first, and the Republican ticket will need an Hispanic to counter the likely pick of Julian Castro on the Democratic side. The Republican ticket cannot take the chance of having two white males on the ticket if Castro is going to be on the ticket. There is one problem with this scenario though, and that is if Jeb is the nominee, then adding Rubio to the ticket gives them two from Florida. What is scary is if they had both Jeb and Rubio on the ticket and still lose Florida.
Rubio needs to be on the republican ticket to boast the Hispanic vote from 27% to at last 40%. This is the only way to win.
Truth is................according to the GOP experts, the only candidate that can lock the nomination not forcing an open convention is, Ted Cruz. Why? Don't ask me. Has something to do with Texas and a couple of other states that are blue. Go figure.

The candidate most likely, and almost certainly to beat Hillary, is Marco Rubio.

The candidate most likely to lose of the top 5, but most likely to get the nod at an open convention is Jebster.

If it is an open convention and the conservative candidates hold sway at that convention with their delegates, the most likely to come out will be Scott Walker, and he will take Rubio as his VP as part of the deal. The reason supposedly, Walker would win the nomination is; he is the one candidate that both conservatives and establishment would accept, and they don't want to appear divided at the convention and drag it out.

In this scenario, they believe this cements Wisconsin and Florida. It is also projected that if Cruz wins out right, he will take either Walker, or governor Haley as his running mate. Walker for Wisconsin, and Haley for obvious reasons if Hilly is the dem nominee. It is also stated as a possibility if he hangs in there, he could take Carson because winning out right, he can choose whomever he desires.
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A.) Jeb Bush is toast. Bush fatigue and Iraq mess will block his nomination. (Hillary won't get Dem nomination either.)
B.) Field is so large that it will become a regional race. Walker will win GOP primary/caucuses in mid-western Rust Belt states (blue states in general election) with exception of Pennsylvania which Santorum will carry. But it will not put him over the top.
C.) Rubio will finish 2nd in several states.
D.) Huckabee will win several Bible Belt states.
E.) Trump will do stronger than many people think.
F.) BUT...because of his strong stand on states rights and border security Rick Perry will GOP primaries/caucuses in border states of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. He will also win western states Colorado, Wyoming,Dakota's,Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and the kicker...California. Remember GOP primaries are "winner-take-all" and California Republicans with their huge numbers will put Perry over the top. Immigration is a HUGE issue for a large % of California Republicans.

Two questions:

First, If someone offered you a bet where you get $25 if the ticket is either Perry-Huckabee or is Huckabee-Perry and if not, you paid them $25, would you take it?

Second, same question but instead about your prediction that Hillary will not be the Democratic nominee?
A.) Jeb Bush is toast. Bush fatigue and Iraq mess will block his nomination. (Hillary won't get Dem nomination either.)
B.) Field is so large that it will become a regional race. Walker will win GOP primary/caucuses in mid-western Rust Belt states (blue states in general election) with exception of Pennsylvania which Santorum will carry. But it will not put him over the top.
C.) Rubio will finish 2nd in several states.
D.) Huckabee will win several Bible Belt states.
E.) Trump will do stronger than many people think.
F.) BUT...because of his strong stand on states rights and border security Rick Perry will GOP primaries/caucuses in border states of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. He will also win western states Colorado, Wyoming,Dakota's,Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and the kicker...California. Remember GOP primaries are "winner-take-all" and California Republicans with their huge numbers will put Perry over the top. Immigration is a HUGE issue for a large % of California Republicans.

Two questions:

First, If someone offered you a bet where you get $25 if the ticket is either Perry-Huckabee or is Huckabee-Perry and if not, you paid them $25, would you take it?

Second, same question but instead about your prediction that Hillary will not be the Democratic nominee?
Yes and yes.
Both Huckabee and Perry are willing to back down and compromise their principles when confronted by the left.

A person who's deepest convictions are sold for likability to the masses is not Presidential material.
Perry / Huckabee? :lol:

Conservatives must be aiming to lose three in a row.
Huckabee called for civil disobedience, his son tortures and kills dogs and he sells cinnamon rolls as a cure for diabetes. Yea, America wants him real bad.

Caucus history Past years results Iowa Caucuses
OK. Let's look at Iowa's past as a shit stirrer in U.S. politics.
In 1976 the presumptive favorite Byrch Bayh was bested by unknown Jimmy Carter. Reagan was bested by George W. Bush. 1988 favorite Dukakis finished 3rd.
Huckabee called for civil disobedience, his son tortures and kills dogs and he sells cinnamon rolls as a cure for diabetes. Yea, America wants him real bad.
As a backlash to your lunatic political beliefs...yes. The backlash cometh radical Democrats.

Caucus history Past years results Iowa Caucuses
OK. Let's look at Iowa's past as a shit stirrer in U.S. politics.
In 1976 the presumptive favorite Byrch Bayh was bested by unknown Jimmy Carter. Reagan was bested by George W. Bush. 1988 favorite Dukakis finished 3rd.
Huckabee called for civil disobedience, his son tortures and kills dogs and he sells cinnamon rolls as a cure for diabetes. Yea, America wants him real bad.
As a backlash to your lunatic political beliefs...yes. The backlash cometh radical Democrats.
My post was cut off. Remember Dean in 2004 and Hillary in 2008?
A.) Jeb Bush is toast. Bush fatigue and Iraq mess will block his nomination. (Hillary won't get Dem nomination either.)
B.) Field is so large that it will become a regional race. Walker will win GOP primary/caucuses in mid-western Rust Belt states (blue states in general election) with exception of Pennsylvania which Santorum will carry. But it will not put him over the top.
C.) Rubio will finish 2nd in several states.
D.) Huckabee will win several Bible Belt states.
E.) Trump will do stronger than many people think.
F.) BUT...because of his strong stand on states rights and border security Rick Perry will GOP primaries/caucuses in border states of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. He will also win western states Colorado, Wyoming,Dakota's,Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and the kicker...California. Remember GOP primaries are "winner-take-all" and California Republicans with their huge numbers will put Perry over the top. Immigration is a HUGE issue for a large % of California Republicans.

Two questions:

First, If someone offered you a bet where you get $25 if the ticket is either Perry-Huckabee or is Huckabee-Perry and if not, you paid them $25, would you take it?

Second, same question but instead about your prediction that Hillary will not be the Democratic nominee?
Yes and yes.

Really. Interesting. Let's see. I'm now offering you both those bets. Want to take them?
A.) Jeb Bush is toast. Bush fatigue and Iraq mess will block his nomination. (Hillary won't get Dem nomination either.)
B.) Field is so large that it will become a regional race. Walker will win GOP primary/caucuses in mid-western Rust Belt states (blue states in general election) with exception of Pennsylvania which Santorum will carry. But it will not put him over the top.
C.) Rubio will finish 2nd in several states.
D.) Huckabee will win several Bible Belt states.
E.) Trump will do stronger than many people think.
F.) BUT...because of his strong stand on states rights and border security Rick Perry will GOP primaries/caucuses in border states of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. He will also win western states Colorado, Wyoming,Dakota's,Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and the kicker...California. Remember GOP primaries are "winner-take-all" and California Republicans with their huge numbers will put Perry over the top. Immigration is a HUGE issue for a large % of California Republicans.

Sorry. Neither of them will be on the ticket.
It will be Kasich/Rubio That will get them the latino vote and Florida and Ohio. Election over.


Ohio is way more important. You can't be President and not win Ohio. Plus Kasich is WAY out of Walkers league. Walker is a pebble.

Walker is the only one who has kicked the shit out of the Democrats.

Kasich kicked the shit out of Strickland who is a Obama backer and Obama campaigned for him in Columbus Ohio and Kasich STILL won. Then even after Ohioans voted to stop Kasich assult on the Unions, Kasich rebounded and won over 60% of the vote in the last election CRUSHING the democrats. Ohio is the show me state. Ohio is a true 50/50 state. You win in Ohio you can win the Presidency. Period. Walker would be kicked out of Ohio and would lose and would never even think about running here. I know I live in the capital.

Walkers stance on the union disqualify him for President. Kasich actually worked WITH them and they respected him for that. A true leader.

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