Why Planned Parenthood Can’t Donate Tissue Harvested From Babies


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well, let see them defending this. sick

Why Planned Parenthood Can’t Donate Tissue Harvested From Babies

July 29, 2015 By Katie Geary

If you haven’t watched the damning videos of Planned Parenthood officials discussing fetal tissue donation (or, in plain language, exchanging aborted babies’ body parts for money), you should watch them now before you read further.

The first alarming question is whether Planned Parenthood illegally sells aborted fetuses’ organs and tissue. This is what Planned Parenthood and its defenders have repeatedly focused on, insisting that they are compliant with all laws.

But it is what precedes that “fetal tissue donation” that needs attention. Specifically, does Planned Parenthood regularly flout the federal ban on partial-birth abortion using loopholes? How do they get away with this? Do their patients—the women who apparently choose to donate the “fetal tissue”—know what’s going on in explicit terms?

Federal law prohibits partial-birth abortion, a gruesome procedure in which an unborn baby is intentionally turned to the breech position to ensure that delivery of the body happens before delivery of the head. Once the baby’s head is stuck in the birth canal, the abortionist punctures the skull, evacuates the contents, and the baby is dead.

There’s a good reason this practice is banned—it’s barbaric. Many Americans may not know that the term “partial-birth abortion” is not a medical one but a legal one. And, according to Planned Parenthood doctor Deborah Nucatola, some abortion providers don’t consider it with any seriousness. In her own words, “It’s not a medical term, it doesn’t exist in reality.” What

Why It’s Good to Give Babies a Heart Attack
It’s clear Nucatola thinks the law is irrelevant—or, as she says, up for “interpretation.” She explains how abortion providers get around the law by injecting a fatal quantity of digoxin, a cardiotoxic drug, into the baby’s heart before dismembering or delivering it. In Nucatola’s words, using the slang for digoxin, they “dig.” (Here’s the full footage of Nucatola and the transcript.)

Abortion providers get around the law by injecting a fatal quantity of digoxin into the baby’s heart before dismembering or delivering it.
She explains: “Providers who use digoxin use it for one of two reasons. There’s a group of people who just use it so they have no risk of violating the Federal Abortion Ban. Because if you induce a demise before the procedure, nobody’s going to say you did a ‘live’—whatever the federal government calls it. Partial-birth abortion.” The second reason providers use it is “because they actually think it makes the tissue softer and it makes it safer and easier to do the procedure.” She counts herself in the second group.

So, if you “dig,” you’re guaranteed a dead baby and a successful abortion without having to worry about the law. Moreover, you’ll find that a baby that has already died from a heart attack is apparently “softer” and easier to pull apart with metal instruments.

I wonder how candid Nucatola is with her patients about this process.

You Can’t Be Humane If You’re Extracting Baby Parts
Maybe digoxin seems humane to some—at least when compared to the primitive method of tearing a live baby apart in the womb. But unfortunately, that’s not the case when the abortions lead to Planned Parenthood’s “fetal tissue donation.”

ALL of it here:

Why Planned Parenthood Can t Donate Tissue From Babies
lets see, it's because of the federal policies maybe. and you are shallow and petty enough to call it a Conspiracy. two trolls in pod
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IHC4 hours ago
PP needs to stop misleading everyone - they are not 'hustling' tissue - they hustle body parts of a live baby.
Thank you for this article/analysis - and the hard truth!
Yes - PP is literally RIPPING live little persons/babies apart to collect the body parts in demand for sale. That is beyond barbaric and evil!
Also - every tax-paying American citizen contributing to this genocide with their tax dollars in the sum of 500+ million dollars per year via their representative in DC who additionally 'legalize' this barbaric genocide.
Planned Parenthood - an oxymoron because they are anything but true planned parenthood - is on the same level as ISIS - barbaric, savage and evil individuals - including those who advocate, work, support or in any other way contribute to this legal genocide brought to the US courtesy of 9 black robed individuals calling themselves 'judges' who used their position to institute this genocide and enforced by the political apparatus in DC.
As those who have no morals or heart as well as non-empathy are able to sleep is beyond me although then again they don't mind legalizing ISIS why not this savage deed causing 55+ million of little persons/babies being murdered.
Think about the upcoming and protested 'death panels' contained in the obamacare law - do you think they think twice ridding this country of elderly persons who may cost a bit more in health care? Hardly!!
Why Planned Parenthood Can t Donate Tissue From Babies
Let's see, we have conservatives – as usual – presuming guilt and seeking punitive measures absent due process and any evidence of 'wrongdoing,' where Planned Parenthood has done nothing illegal or contrary to accepted and established medical research:

"Scientists have conducted fetal tissue research since the 1930s, and use the organs — from miscarriages and abortions — to seek treatment and cures for Alzheimer's, Down syndrome and other debilitating diseases. The National Institutes of Health spent $76 million on human fetal tissue research last year.

In the late 1980s, an NIH panel studying fetal tissue transplants for studying Parkinson's diseases said the research was acceptable, saying such experiments were promising and did not influence women's decisions to have abortions. It recommended guidelines aimed at preventing commercial sales of fetal tissue and separating the decisions about having an abortion and donating the organs."

Planned Parenthood seeks fed study of fetal tissue research News OK

Consequently, the right's unwarranted attack of Planned Parenthood is yet another example of republicans pandering to the base, a political smear campaign devoid of merit, having only the result of jeopardizing the health and well-being of women who receive care from Planned Parenthood.

This is yet another example of the reprehensible right.
the Democrat party supports PP. a vote for them is a vote to kill babies and sell their body parts. it's on you who votes

500 million of YOUR tax dollars goes to support this. maybe this will make sick enough to act on it

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