Why pride month?

Because when the media and the democrats support BLM and "mostly peaceful" riots and the animus of burning down cities over 500 times, but then condemn the same hate and animus on January 6th. Democrats have lost the meaning of the word "democracy".
Please. Why this concerted focus on less than 5% of the populace? I'm proud I'm straight. Who needs a fucking month to support your mommy and daddy where hetro ? So what, 95% of us don't care about perverts and weirdos. Just stop this.
Do you realize how many other special interests have months, weeks or days commemorating them?
Like what?

We have Memorial DAY,, We have Veteran's DAY that the media hardly acknowledges so that many americans don't know what the hell these days represent..indeed the media and schools turn young americans against their own country.
Please. Why this concerted focus on less than 5% of the populace? I'm proud I'm straight. Who needs a fucking month to support your mommy and daddy where hetro ? So what, 95% of us don't care about perverts and weirdos. Just stop this.

Because faggotry is a new religion.
What special interests have a month?
Native American Heritage Month
Military Family Month
Month of the Military Child
National Distracted Driving Month
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Jewish Heritage Month
Muslim Heritage Month
Irish American Heritage Month

If they're fucking proud of what they do then so be it, just stop trying to drag the rest of us into it.

But this is what leftoids do, they destroy the culture.
Native American Heritage Month
Military Family Month
Month of the Military Child
National Distracted Driving Month
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Jewish Heritage Month
Muslim Heritage Month
Irish American Heritage Month


I don't see those on Calendars.....

Why pride month?​

Because it represents victimhood, the core MO of all progressive thinking because you had to have victimization first before you can celebrate pride in what it is you are celebrating, combined with defiance of authority, which is the rationalization of corruption of moral thinking.
I try to be nice, I don't demand a 11 month straight pride we fought slavery, we fought facism, we made you . Your straight parents MADE YOU. What have gays done done lately? Get out of my face with this shit.
Gays are NOT being persecuted, no gas chambers no Pink triangles. Instead, what do we get? January 6th and Trump and Co, persecutions, like the Salem witch trials. I am seeing how hysterical and oblivious to history the democrats are. Salem witchcraft trials? Mmm, Macarthyism?
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Why pride month?
To countervail the ignorance, bigotry, and hate directed at homosexuals over the centuries.

To reaffirm the fact that there is no ‘shame’ in being gay or transgender.

And to allow gay and transgender Americans to express themselves as individuals.
To countervail the ignorance, bigotry, and hate directed at homosexuals over the centuries.

To reaffirm the fact that there is no ‘shame’ in being gay or transgender.

And to allow gay and transgender Americans to express themselves as individuals.


There was a time in our history when people were against racial integregation and were against busing and wanted to keep white kids in white schools and black kids in black schools and God forbid if a parent of a white kid ever found out their white kid was playing with a black kid.

Seems many against LGBT are stuck in the past and are afraid of a world they no longer understand.

I once saw Mississippi Burning and it's the same old discrimination, different era, different minority group.
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