Zone1 Why Protestants annoy me (and other Catholics)

Knock it of.

yeh, knock off all that Truth-seeking, you Idiot (is what you likely mean).

You don't even have a curiosity about what your purported Church has been going through and continues to go through...

I don't think such apathy is worthy of a professed Christian...

smacks of protestantism.. They (most) don't know Church history (or they "know" a twisted or lying version of it) and don't want to know it.

your choice.
Jesus never said to attend church on Sunday, so celebrating the day of Christ's resurrection was made optional.


"The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath" (and Jesus said other things about the Day of Rest)

And nowhere did Jesus ever toss out anything in the Old Testament, at least if He did, such was not mentioned in the New T (not that we should be sola scriptura---)

which doesn't mean we have to continue such things as animal sacrifice. Jesus's Sacrifice ended all that.. but it doesn't SAY so in the NT Bible

That is what we need a CHURCH for (one reason anyhow)... to guide us on all this..

too bad you don't really love the Catholic Church.. the real one. I guess fake is good enough for you?

just like a fake president

fake news

fake everything these days
yeh, knock off all that Truth-seeking
I don't see you as seeking the truth. I see you as continually trying to pick fights with me, always trying to make it about your own issues with Pre-Vatican and Post-Vatican dogma. Why some people don't practice the all Sacraments date back to the Reformation and to non-Catholic denominations. This has nothing to do with your personal dismay with the Vatican.
The bible ? It’s like reading a fiction novel.
that';s because you were never taught by the right people.. Have u been Protestant all your life?

I'm pretty sure you are not Catholic, maybe never were?

I have not only learned a lot about the Ancient Church (the real one, the only one)

but I have been in the Real Presence of Christ that abides therein (used to?), which is beyond words.. I could use a few words but it would not be adequate ...

and soon his Presence may be withdrawn from us... we're in the age of AntiChrist

"Even now there are many anti-Christs in the world" said one of the 12 or maybe it was St Paul.. (but there will be an individual who is THE anti-Christ... probably already in the world)

If there were many antiChrists back then... what to say about this day and age in which, I believe Marian apparitions have said: this is the worst time in history, sin-wise...

that's the million dollar question. I go to Sedevacantist Masses when I can which is not often for a plethora of reasons (long drive is only one...)

But I guess maybe it's a test from God? It's easy to believe in Jesus when you can be with Him all the time as it was in the old days... but can one be faithful when one does not live nearby a Church? It is not easy and yet... Jesus is lovable and awesome whether we are in His actual Presence or not.. By the way, I believe you are Catholic .. so did any priest ever tell u about the Real Presence?

In my life, none did until some years ago... it was one of the few dedicated no priests I've ever met.. a few of them are sincere and very helpful :)
I actually belong to no organized church.

I have only been in one Catholic Church which was the St Louis Cathedral on Jackson Square in New Orleans. I was impressed with the service. The priest came down hard on the people who ran strip clubs on Bourbon Street and in the French Quarter. In most Protestant churches I have attended it seems the minister tries to avoid mentioning the sins of his congregation as it might influence contributions.

I wasn’t raised to attend church. My mother was religious but my dad felt the rural community in Ohio he had moved to from Pittsburgh didn’t welcome outsiders. He stated. “You have to able able to spit on your father’s grave before you can fit in around here.” He was basically agnostic but had attended Catholic schools and Catholic Churches until he got divorced and was booted out Of the Catholic Church. My mother would read to me from the Bible but she didn’t have a drivers license and my father refused to go to the local church. She did however manage to get me enrolled in a summer program in a local Presbyterian church.

I find my personal belief makes it easy for me to pray to Jesus many times through the day. I feel he has helped me out by providing a crutch to aid me when life took a bad turn. I spend a lot of my prayers simply expressing my joy to live in this beautiful world and universe he created.

Yes, I have heard of the “real presence” but have not formed any real opinion on if the “body and blood“ of Jesus is actually present in the the Holy Eucharist.
I actually belong to no organized church.

I have only been in one Catholic Church which was the St Louis Cathedral on Jackson Square in New Orleans. I was impressed with the service. The priest came down hard on the people who ran strip clubs on Bourbon Street and in the French Quarter. In most Protestant churches I have attended it seems the minister tries to avoid mentioning the sins of his congregation as it might influence contributions.

I wasn’t raised to attend church. My mother was religious but my dad felt the rural community in Ohio he had moved to from Pittsburgh didn’t welcome outsiders. He stated. “You have to able able to spit on your father’s grave before you can fit in around here.” He was basically agnostic but had attended Catholic schools and Catholic Churches until he got divorced and was booted out Of the Catholic Church. My mother would read to me from the Bible but she didn’t have a drivers license and my father refused to go to the local church. She did however manage to get me enrolled in a summer program in a local Presbyterian church.

I find my personal belief makes it easy for me to pray to Jesus many times through the day. I feel he has helped me out by providing a crutch to aid me when life took a bad turn. I spend a lot of my prayers simply expressing my joy to live in this beautiful world and universe he created.

Yes, I have heard of the “real presence” but have not formed any real opinion on if the “body and blood“ of Jesus is actually present in the the Holy Eucharist.

thanks for the background info

I made a thread about Biggest Stories of the Century and forgot the biggest story of all... You'd maybe say it is only the biggest for me, but no, it is the biggest period... the story of how the Vatican was taken over by anti-Christs in 1958. A residue of Catholicity remains because.. well, probably only bc Jesus promised not to abandon us... but for the most part, the Vatican is FAR from Catholic, far from Christian of any kind..

and there is speculation that Pius XII was murdered so those *^&$#@ could take over the Church... God knows what the truth is on that...

but it really is BIGGEST story of the century... The world will grow so much worse and so much faster now that the Church is.. scattered and divided... worse than what Luther did...
are u saying I'm crazy?

Please... Jesus made me sane. Surely you believe He is capable of such... should have seen me before He got hold of me... that was crazy!
No I I didn’t call you crazy.

It was DAGOSA who made the comment, “Most people I know who professed to be religion “experts” are crackpots.” in post #292.
thanks for the background info

I made a thread about Biggest Stories of the Century and forgot the biggest story of all... You'd maybe say it is only the biggest for me, but no, it is the biggest period... the story of how the Vatican was taken over by anti-Christs in 1958. A residue of Catholicity remains because.. well, probably only bc Jesus promised not to abandon us... but for the most part, the Vatican is FAR from Catholic, far from Christian of any kind..

and there is speculation that Pius XII was murdered so those *^&$#@ could take over the Church... God knows what the truth is on that...

but it really is BIGGEST story of the century... The world will grow so much worse and so much faster now that the Church is.. scattered and divided... worse than what Luther did...
I have to agree that things are downhill at a rate I never thought possible.
The bible ? It’s like reading a fiction novel.
Many years ago most people had few books and those who did usually had a Bible. People were familiar with the stories in the Bible and people would often mention Bible stories to back up a point they were trying to make. Most listeners were familiar with the story that was mentioned and also the moral of the story. It didn’t really matter if the story was historical or just fiction.

My son in law used to say the Bible was a lot like Aesop’s Fables.
Many years ago most people had few books and those who did usually had a Bible. People were familiar with the stories in the Bible and people would often mention Bible stories to back up a point they were trying to make. Most listeners were familiar with the story that was mentioned and also the moral of the story. It didn’t really matter if the story was historical or just fiction.

My son in law used to say the Bible was a lot like Aesop’s Fables.
except that it is history... much of what's in the Bible is also attested to in other, non-Jewish, non-Christian historical documents
except that it is history... much of what's in the Bible is also attested to in other, non-Jewish, non-Christian historical documents
True, and that fact surprises historians.
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my Faith is very real to me and to other Catholics... it's not just a philosophy
Faith should be real to people who believe in Christ be they Catholic or Protestant.
Many years ago most people had few books and those who did usually had a Bible. People were familiar with the stories in the Bible and people would often mention Bible stories to back up a point they were trying to make. Most listeners were familiar with the story that was mentioned and also the moral of the story. It didn’t really matter if the story was historical or just fiction.

My son in law used to say the Bible was a lot like Aesop’s Fables.
Yup. the Bible(s) were written by the few who could read or write. Everyone else was at the mercy of their version of the god(s). The literacy rate was less then one percent. What ever they decided was the “ story” became history.
that';s because you were never taught by the right people.. Have u been Protestant all your life?

I'm pretty sure you are not Catholic, maybe never were?

I have not only learned a lot about the Ancient Church (the real one, the only one)

but I have been in the Real Presence of Christ that abides therein (used to?), which is beyond words.. I could use a few words but it would not be adequate ...

and soon his Presence may be withdrawn from us... we're in the age of AntiChrist

"Even now there are many anti-Christs in the world" said one of the 12 or maybe it was St Paul.. (but there will be an individual who is THE anti-Christ... probably already in the world)

If there were many antiChrists back then... what to say about this day and age in which, I believe Marian apparitions have said: this is the worst time in history, sin-wise...

You’re entitled to believe whatever you want. There is no written “proof“ that you are wrong ( or right)
The Catholic Church and the papal states was founded in 590 A.D., by Pope Gregory I . Peter never went near Rome. Christianity itself is a Jewish sect; it's first beginnings was in synagogues, and where they were forced out of synagogues they set up their own services and social networks, mainly in Syria and Greece.

As for 'Catholicism', they produced many fine scholars, like Thomas of Aquina, Augustine, etc., but those mostly rose in spite of the Vatican and assorted Popes. It became a secular business when its offices were gradually taken over by bankers and the sons of wealthy nobles seeking wealth and lands in an increasingly wealth Vatican bureaucracy owning many lands in many countries, and thus fell to the usual corruption and decadence that collapses aristocracies throughout history, secular or religious. This doesn't detract from the achievements of its rank and file and it monasteries and their contributions to agriculture, science, charities, and defensive wars against pagans and bandits and the Muslim imperialists, for which Catholics deserve a lot of kudos despite the weird devotion to their corrupt Papal bureaucracy and Vatican secularism.

All Christian sects are 'catholic'; universalism is implicit in monotheism by default. See Galatians 3:26-29.

Galatians 3:26-29 NKJV​

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

I continue to be amazed at Christians who don't know their own theology.
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They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is

Seems to me Catholics should be dismissing the Catholic church too

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